Walk alone

Volume 3 Chapter 651: The power of the sky is not clear!

Luo Li ran away, but after bypassing several meteorites, the other party could not see him. He immediately used the undercurrent invisible kill, turned into a shadow, and returned quietly.

Just now, Luo Li saw the voice-transmitted conversation between the Bei Mang Sect Jindan real people through his divine eyes, which aroused his interest. What exactly made these Bei Mang Sect monks so nervous, so Luo Li followed them secretly. And go!

The five golden elixir masters of the Bei Mang Sect rose up in the air and flew forward in three or five circles among the meteorites. They were also very careful and checked the situation behind them from time to time.

But Luo Li fell far behind, relying on the super long-range vision of the divine eye to follow behind, and used the undercurrent to kill invisible. In this green void, the power of this method is infinite, and it is combined with the sky and the earth, and it is impossible to detect it. The five Beimang Sect Jindan Daoists had no idea that Luo Li was following them.

About a hundred miles away from this meteorite group, they gradually seemed to be leaving the meteorite group. There were fewer and fewer meteorites, and there was a void in front of them. The five golden elixir masters suddenly flashed and disappeared.

Luo Li was stunned, where are you? Suddenly he knew in his heart that this was the secret method of the Hidden God Sect to hide this place.

Luo Li quietly passed by, and as expected, where the five Jindan Daoists disappeared, there was a layer of barrier covering the entire land with a radius of hundreds of miles.

This barrier has a wonderful protective effect. As long as you break through it, the opponent will notice it immediately!

But Luo Li was not afraid. He looked into the barrier and took a fierce step forward. He used the Four-Nine Escape Technique, but he only escaped a hundred feet away. The fierce Luo Li jumped lightly and entered the barrier. He saw that this place was also A group of meteorites was just hidden by the Hidden God Sect's spell.

In this group of meteorites, Luo Li flew forward quietly. On one side of this group of meteorites, in addition to the five Beimang Sect Jindan Daoists, there were also eleven Jindan Daoists, and they faced each other!

This is a Jindan Zhenren, and he should belong to three sects. Among them, the four people in the center can tell at a glance that they are monks of the Tibetan God Sect. The other three people are dressed in robes, as illusory as smoke. They are the Jindan masters of the Yandang Sect. The bodies of the last four seem to be emitting endless light. They are the Jindan masters of the Jiuyao Sect!

The Yandang Sect is good at controlling smoke and clouds. It is the best incense refining and fragrant sect in the world. The poem in the sect is: "The red dust and white smoke are boundless, and there is a wonderful way to stir up the soul with fragrance."

Luo Li didn't have a good impression of this sect. It was because of this sect that Fan Wujie was given to Fan Wujie by a witch from the Dark Demon Sect in the name of Bai Xue, the most beautiful woman of Yandang Sect, which led to Fan Wujie's tragic defeat in Liangzhou.

Later, the Yandang Sect explained in every possible way that Bai Xue, the real Yandang Sect's number one beauty, had been harmed and impersonated by someone else. After sending countless apology gifts, the Hunyuan Sect let the matter go. Although Luo Li had no good impression of Fan Wujie, Fan Wujie was also a disciple of the Hunyuan Sect and he knew him well. Being deceived by an outsider in this way, Luo Li hated the Yandang Sect in his heart.

Jiuyao Gate is also called Jiuyao Gate, and the poem title in the gate is: Heaven and earth are mystical laws of heaven and earth, and the glory of nine days shines on our gate. The sect is famous for practicing light arts, and is known as the Nine Light Techniques, which illuminate the heaven and earth!

The sixteen people gathered here, and Master Duye of the Beimang Sect shouted: "Fellow Taoists, last time we just discovered the void aura, but unfortunately it attracted two major heretics, and almost everyone died here.

This time, there should be no problem. There are only 10,000 meteorites here. If you look for a while, you can find the void aura.

But the baby is great, but after we get it, let’s see how we distribute it? "

A Jindan Master from Jiuyao Sect said: "In my opinion, Master Shilu, there is only one void aura, which is only enough for one person to comprehend. There are sixteen of us, and you fight for it. In the end, the harmony is hurt, and maybe it will be... To make it easier for others, why don’t we collect this spiritual light and sell it to a destined person? At least 300 million spiritual stones can be sold, and then everyone can share it. It’s much better than getting nothing at all!”

Master Yi Jindan of the Hidden God Sect said: "It can be divided, but how to divide the spiritual stones is reasonable. We should talk about it carefully..."

Duye Zhenren shouted: "Of course everyone has a share, and it will be distributed fairly!"

Master Jindan of the Hidden God Sect said: "No, your Beimang sect has the largest number of people. Without us, the Hidden God Sect, to lock this area, the void spiritual light has escaped, so we have to take the big head!"

Master Shilu of Jiuyao Sect shouted: "If we, Jiuyao Sect, had not discovered that void aura, then it would be your share, and we will share more!"

Yandang Sect said: "Without us sending out the incense and attracting this void spiritual light here and not leaving, everything would be in vain. We need to share more!"

They started arguing here, Luo Li frowned, Void Spiritual Light? This is a great opportunity!

Legend has it that a spiritual light is often born in the void. It is said that this is after Pangu opened the sky and transformed into all things. When it dissipates, it leaves a tear in the end. When the tear falls, it emits light, which is this void spiritual light!

This spiritual light only floats outside the Zhongtian world and never returns to the world transformed by the ancient god Pangu. Therefore, sometimes monks will find traces of void spiritual light in the Qingming void of the Zhongtian main world. It comes and goes. It's very mysterious to keep wandering around.

If a monk could get this glimmer of spiritual light and refine it, he would immediately gain wisdom, increase his lifespan, gain mysteries, and understand the way of heaven!

This is the favorite treasure of True Master Transformation God. With this treasure, True Master Transformation God can understand the way of heaven and increase the three-point chance of being promoted to the realm of returning to the void. Therefore, it is extremely valuable. Three hundred million spirit stones are no problem at all!

Luo Li's heart suddenly moved. He stayed away from the quarreling Jindan masters and quietly flew forward to the covered meteorite group.

After this, it turns out that no spiritual thoughts or consciousness can be emitted here, only the five senses are still there. This is the vision of heaven and earth caused by the void aura here.

This barrier is hundreds of miles long, and there are about 10,000 meteorites in it. The spiritual light is hidden in these meteorites.

Luo Li made a slight move, and all the heroes in his Forest of Living Beings flew out. Eighty Void Spirit Golden Core Masters also flew out. Everyone turned into a net and began to move forward.

All the clones and the Void Spirit Golden Core Master did not say a word, and they all carefully explored. Although the divine consciousness was completely ineffective here, there were many people and many hands. In less than thirty breaths, a Void Spirit Golden Core Master discovered something abnormal.

Luo Li flew here immediately and immediately saw a spiritual light, only an inch long, floating on a meteorite, like a small insect, crawling slowly there.

This was the Void Spirit Light. Luo Li was immediately overjoyed. He took back some of the Void Spirit Golden Core Real Persons, leaving thirty-six Void Golden Core Real Persons, plus ten heroes, to guard him. Then Luo Li took out a Jade bottle, prepare to collect this void spiritual light.

Legend has it that this void aura can only be collected in a jade bottle. Luo Li quietly went over, used the jade bottle to cover the void aura, and then began to collect it!

Who knew that this void aura trembled, as if there was an invisible wave expanding outwards. Under this wave, Luo Li was shocked, his whole body could not move, he was in a state of stiffness, and his soul was psychedelic.

The Thirty-Six Void Golden Core Real Persons who were in charge of the warning, and the ten heroes of the Forest of All Living Beings, all immediately turned into streams of light and dissipated in all directions during this shock!

This tremor caused all the magic to dissipate. Immediately, the many golden elixir masters over there who were studying the distribution of spirit stones realized that they were rushing towards here crazily, and suddenly saw Luo Li!

Master Duye of Beimang Sect shouted: "No, monk of Hunyuan Sect! What should we do!"

Master Shilu said: "Look at the jade bottle in his hand, he is collecting the spiritual light from the void! What should we do?"

The Jindan Master of the Yandang Sect said: "He seems to be in a state of soul separation, without any defense..."

As soon as he said this, these Jindan Daoists, you looked at me, I looked at you, and the fierce light burst out in their eyes!

Master Jindan of the Hidden God Sect shouted: "The treasure is here, it is ours, don't let him snatch it away, let's do it together, everyone has a share! Whoever doesn't take action will be punished by heaven and earth, let's kill him!"

Immediately, the sixteen golden elixir masters all expounded the law together. In an instant, light, haze, magic weapons, corpse poison, and divine swords blasted towards Luo Li!

Luo Li was in the soul-leaving state, feeling nothing about it and motionless. When the attack hit Luo Li, the robe on Luo Li immediately activated, automatically protecting him, and raised the Xuan Zhi Xuan Zhong Xuan Shield!

With this shield, all those attacks will immediately fail!

Master Jindan of the Hidden God Sect shouted: "Quick, everyone, work harder. This is a magic weapon that automatically protects the master. Without the support of spiritual energy, it can be broken quickly. If he wakes up and sends out a signal, we will all die here!"

Jindan Zhenren of the Yandang Sect said: "Use all your unique moves. Either he dies or we die!"

The sixteen golden elixir masters immediately used their special move. The Xuanzhi Youxuanzhong Xuanshi shield was just a magic weapon defense. It couldn't withstand it immediately and shattered immediately. However, on Luo Li's body, a ray of light suddenly rose up. This light was like the morning sun, like the dawn. The morning sun was shining with gold and glittering light. It looked insignificant, but it protected Luo Li's whole body!

The defense of the sixteen golden elixir master hit him, and then Luo Li's body flashed with golden light, nothing happened!

All of the sixteen Jindan Daoists were stunned. Why didn't they react? What kind of defense is this?

Duye Zhenren of the Beimang faction shouted: "Everyone continues to attack. I don't believe it anymore. He is standing there and doesn't fight back. We can't kill him!"

Master Jindan of the Hidden God Sect shouted: "If he doesn't fight back now, we can't kill him. If he wakes up, how can we survive! Let's fight him!"

Suddenly everyone stepped up their attacks and used all their strength!

But these attacks, hitting Luo Li's golden light, disappeared immediately without any reaction!

But the golden light is getting brighter and brighter!

The Jindan Master of the Yandang Sect shouted: "The golden light is dying and getting brighter and brighter. Come on, everyone, let's work hard together!"

Hope is right in front of them, these people work harder, use all their body techniques, and attack with all their might!

Finally, the golden light was so bright that it could no longer shine. Then it didn't break, but exploded instantly, rebounded, and boom!

I saw endless light bursting out in this void!

This rebounded attack was the total amount of their attacks in the past half day, and it was surprisingly many times more powerful than before. The harder they hit, the stronger the rebound. These golden elixirs were completely defenseless one by one, and they suddenly rebounded in front of them. There was no chance to scream, everyone turned into thousands of fragments!

After the rebound, the golden light on Luo Li's body was still there, and he regained his appearance and continued to be invulnerable to all attacks and weapons!

And Luo Li didn't know anything about all this!

The Eternal Pagoda Jin Chenxi showed off his power for the first time, and without Luo Li's knowledge, the rebound killed the sixteen golden elixir masters! (To be continued. Please search Piaotian Literature, the novels will be better and updated faster!)

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