Walk alone

Volume 3 Chapter 646 The Eight Gods Temple neutralizes the Divine Court!

"What's going on? This is a provocation!"!

"Yes, yes, this is simply not taking the Evil Demon Sect seriously. Which sect is this?"

"Let me see, the man is so angry that he is in the sky, and his divine light is shining continuously. This is the Eight Gods Temple!"

"What does Yashen Guan want to do, challenge the Evil Demon Sect?"

"It is said that six hundred years ago in the Eight Gods Temple, he was promoted to a real one, but he kept it secret. It seems that he is going to make a comeback now!"

"Look, look, it seems that the Eight Gods Temple is preparing to become famous this time. I wonder how the Evil Demon Sect will react?"

The demonic energy was blocked by the stabbing team and seemed to be stagnant, as if there was some communication between the two. Then the demonic energy rolled and swept away towards the Iorikan team.

The sky is full of blue, the demonic energy is boiling, and the filth is very high. Not to mention fighting, even in this courtyard, looking at it from a distance, I feel dizzy and can't help but want to vomit. This is the magic power of the Evil Demon Sect.

Luo Li couldn't help but frown. He was paying attention to the monks of the Eight Gods Temple. The acupuncture technique of the Eight Gods Temple was something Luo Li learned from Liu Fan back then. He relied on this technique to get where he is today.

The last time he went to Chongxuan Sect, Luo Li was plotted by three disciples of the Eight Gods Temple. Although these three people were killed by Luo Li, their spells were very mysterious.

According to the master, the Eight God Temple is the remnant of the Guanshen Sect. Back then, the Guanshen Sect was one of the top sects. Later, the Guan Shen Sect became enemies with the Hunyuan Sect and was destroyed by the Hunyuan Sect. The mountain sect was destroyed. The sect fell apart and fell out of the ranks of the top sects. It split into There are dozens of small sects, and Yashen Guan is one of them.

If this Eight Gods Temple becomes stronger, it will definitely be the mortal enemy of Hunyuan Sect! So Luo Li is very concerned about the Eight Gods.

Under the invasion of the endless filthy demonic energy, in the ranks of the Eight Gods Temple, there was a roar and bursts of fairy music and divine sounds. This was the void, and the sound could not be transmitted at all. This was telepathy.

The fairy music and divine sound sounded, as if someone was singing:

"The turtle dragon opens the treasure destiny, the cloud fire Zhao Lingqing.

On the first day of the Qingming Festival, the sky is desolate and smoky.

The cold and heat are equally divided, and the yin and yang are restored to their original state.

But the harmonious and wonderful thing is the holy symbol and the praise.

Golden mud seals the sun, and the Bishui Zaming Hall.

The industry is prosperous, the virtues are high, and the emperor of heaven and earth is prosperous.

Filial piety and righteousness are extremely important, and Yi Liguang's previous style is easy.

The sky is glowing with three rays of light, and the spiritual book is five clouds in color.

Five latitudes gather in Huaxuan, and the light enters Wangyuan.

If you truly cultivate the Tao, all the immortals will worship the gods! "

This song resounded through Qingming, and after a long time, the song converged into one voice:

"The Divine Court! The Divine Court! The Divine Court! The Divine Court! The Divine Court! The Divine Court!..."

Among the crowd, True Lord Farewell stood up and shouted: "Establish the Divine Court! This is to establish the Divine Court!"

Luo Li and others didn't know what it meant to establish Shenting, so Lord Lingyu said bitterly:

"Back then, the Guan Shen Sect was one of the top sects because they owned the Divine Court, which contained the Three Pure Ones and Four Emperors, the Ten Great Celestial Masters, the Twelve Star Lords, the Twenty-eight Constellations, the Seventy-two Righteous Gods, and eighty-four thousand Grass-headed God!”

"Disciples of the Guanshen Sect, with the help of the power of the Divine Court, can invite the gods to come up and perform divine attacks, with supreme majesty. Back then, the Guanshen Sect was destroyed by our Hunyuan Sect, and the Divine Courtyard was destroyed by our sect, and became the forest of living beings of our Hunyuan Sect. Tiangong Road."

"If you want to establish Shenting, you must have three major Huixu masters and reincarnations of the Three Pure Ones. I don't know when, the Eight Gods Temple actually gave birth to the three major Huixu sects. It seems that this Eight Gods Temple will revive the power of Guanshen Sect!"

While he was speaking, in the ranks of the Eight Gods Temple, in an instant, huge dharma images rose up behind these monks. No, to be precise, they were statues of gods. These statues were hundreds of feet long, covered in golden armor, and had golden feet. Golden lotus!

Some were wearing silver-white full-body armor, with red cloaks flying behind them, and they looked majestic like gods of war.

Some are dressed in soft armor, with light bodies, wide robes, jade belts around their waists, and swords and crowns. They are very heroic.

Some statues of gods have ferocious armor and iron masks on their heads, with ferocious facial features carved on them. There are five sharp blades like fins on the periphery evenly spread out in five directions, covering their heads. At first glance, they look like some kind of strange creature. The beast's head is a sight to behold.

Some were wearing giant black armor, which seemed to be stretched out by giant muscles, with golden patterns shining on it, which was extremely eye-catching.

Some faces were covered with an ugly thunder-mouth mask, with an ashen background and a bronze pointed beak. Some wear Tiankui Lang masks, which are extremely ferocious and take away the soul!

Statues of gods rose up one after another, and a total of seventy-two god generals formed a formation to fight against the ink-blooded Evil Demon Sect.

This battle formation looked very familiar to Luo Li. It was surprisingly the Sentient Forest battle formation set up by Senior Sister Ruotong. Sure enough, the Heavenly Palace in the Sentient Forest came from the Divine Court of Guanshen Sect.

The battle formation is strict, and endless brilliance falls on these seventy-two divine generals. In this brilliance, they are all very powerful and upright, destroying evil and demons, and resisting evil spirits.

The various attacks of the Evil Demon Sect had no corrosive effect on the battle formation of the divine generals. In the moment of the fight, the Evil Demon Sect monks died in battle, and the Evil Demon Sect suffered a disastrous defeat!

True Lord Farewell shouted: "Disciples of the Hunyuan Sect, listen to the order and prepare to assemble the Dao Demon Formation immediately!"

Lord Lingyu on the side said: "Uncle Farewell, did the Eight Gods Temple do anything to our Hunyuan Sect? We are taking action now. The master is unknown and has no morals. I am afraid that other people will come..."

Zhenjun Farewell sneered and said: "Lingyu, you must not have the intention to harm others, and you must have the intention to guard against others. How do you know that the Eight Gods Temple will not destroy the Evil Demon Sect and attack our Hunyuan Sect in turn? He is their mortal enemy!”

Before he finished speaking, there was a roar in the void and a wave of air erupted. This was the wave of spiritual energy released by True Lord Yuanying. The True Lord Yuanying led by the Evil Demon Sect died in battle.

They, like the Ten Thousand Beasts Sect, did not pay any attention to this matter. They were just led by the Nascent Soul Lord and followed by the Twenty-seven Golden Core Lords.

True Lord Yuanying died in the battle, and the remaining thirteen True Lord Jindan of the Evil Demon Sect immediately fled in all directions, but the Eight Gods Temple shouted:

"Divine weapon, divine weapon, divine weapon..."

They actually chased and killed them, and instantly, in the battle formation, rays of divine light shot out, killing the escaping Jindan Masters of the Evil Demon Sect one by one!

True Lord Taiwei, the Nascent Soul Lord led by the Galaxy Star Sword Sect, suddenly stood up and was about to stop the massacre. He shouted: "It's a bit too much!"

The Galaxy Star Sword Sect and the Hui Mo Sect have some friendships with each other compared to other sects. Unlike other sects, they hate the Hui Mo Sect monks and are overjoyed to see the Hui Mo Sect monks die.

True Lord Taiwei had just stood up, and Lord Fengyi of Shendu Sect who was standing aside said: "Taowei, Taiwei, they are fighting between the two sects, what do you care about the Galaxy Star Sword Sect? What little friendship you have with the Evil Demon Sect, Don't be kidding, it's not worth your life for them.

Zhenjun Zhuiyue next to Zhenjun Feng Yi said: "Yes, yes, let them fight, let's continue to watch the fun!"

Even a fool can see that the Divine Escape Sect supports the Eight Gods Guan. At this time, the Five Poison Sect’s True Master Xixin, who was in charge of this action, said slowly: "The Eight Gods Guan, it seems that a God Transformation True Master has arrived!"

As soon as True Lord Taiwei said this, he slowly sat down. He was the only leader of the Galaxy Star Sword Sect, True Lord Nascent Soul, and he just wanted to take care of it, but he was full of ambition but not enough power!

In addition, the True Master of the Five Poison Sect, by speaking like this, has already pointed out that he also secretly supports the Eight Gods View.

At this moment, the three Jindan Daoists of the Evil Demon Sect, who did not run away during the chaos, turned around and rushed towards the aerial courtyard.

As a result, all the Jindan Zhenren of the Evil Demon Sect who fled in all directions were killed in the battle. Only the three of them escaped into this courtyard and entered this place.

The two people in front entered the courtyard, and the third person had just entered the place where time and space transitioned. A golden light shot over him. His smile that he thought he had escaped from death immediately solidified, and then his whole person turned into ashes in the golden light and evaporated directly. !

The other two people fled into the courtyard, and the Yagami viewing formation behind them pressed towards the courtyard, looking like they were going to kill everyone.

One of the two Jindan Masters of the Evil Demon Sect who entered this place panicked and shouted: "Help, help, they are attacking the Eight Gods Temple. Everyone sees that they are also coming, please save us!"

Everyone looked at True Lord Taiwei, but True Lord Taiwei looked at the Eight Gods Observation Formation outside. He wanted to stand up, but had to sit down. He was not alone, and there were more than ten disciples of the younger generation.

No one responded, and there was great terror between life and death. The Jindan master panicked, yelled, made endless promises, and even cried bitterly. But even so, no one thought highly of him, and no one paid attention to him!

The other Jin Dan Zhenren was silent and did not say a word.

Luo Li looked over and was stunned for a moment. He rubbed his eyes vigorously. Under his divine eyes, although his appearance had completely changed, Luo Li still recognized him. Finally, he was sure that Jin Dan was an acquaintance. , it was Yue Tianfeng, an outer disciple of the Hunyuan Sect.

This son is the son of the leader of Xingzhou Wuzhen Sect, Lei Zhen Taoist, and can be regarded as the proud son of heaven. Who would have thought that he met Fan Wujie and became Fan Wujie's younger brother.

In the outer sect, he and Fan Wujie made things difficult for Luo Li every time. They were lectured by Luo Li time and time again. Later, they lost their traces and disappeared. Unexpectedly, they met here today and turned out to be the Jindan Zhen of the Evil Demon Sect.

Luo Li shouted at him: "Yue Tianfeng!"

Yue Tianfeng hesitated and said: "You have recognized the wrong person. Yue Tianfeng has been dead long ago. I am Guizhen!"

Luo Li was about to talk again, but was suddenly interrupted by Zhenjun Farewell, who said:

"The Evil Demon Sect has been defeated, but the Eight Gods Temple is still chattering and killing everyone, which is inconsistent with the morality of cultivating immortals!

We are all here, how can we be bullied by other disciples like this, so we, the Hunyuan Sect, officially declare to protect these two disciples of the Evil Demon Sect!

Then he shouted: "Formation, Hunyuan Dao Demon Formation!"

After giving the order, the disciples of the Hunyuan Sect immediately began to form a formation, and the five major Dharma signs were born here!

Then the five major Dharma signs merged into one and turned into a huge demon god. Standing here, it was the fifth transformation of Demon Xuanyin, Taichu Demonic Annihilation Snake King!

The Jindan Master of the Hui Mo Sect, who was crying bitterly, was pulled up by the Jin Dan Master who called himself Guizhen. The two of them hid behind the Hunyuan Sect Demon God and stayed away from each other.

Countless monks around him whispered:

"Hunyuan Sect has taken action!"

"Normally, the Eight Gods Temple is the remnant of the Guanshen Sect. The original secrets of the Sect have been taken away by the Hunyuan Sect. How can we let it go?"

"Yes, yes, it's really exciting now!"

"Look, this Eight Gods Temple is obviously going to return to the rhythm of visiting people, so it uses the Evil Demon Sect to establish its power, and the Hunyuan Sect joins this matter under the slogan of saving the Evil Demon Sect's disciples. It's going to be a good show!"

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