Walk alone

Volume Three, Chapter 647: The Void Spiritual Cultivation Lighthouse!

The huge Taichu Demonic Sky Snake King and the seventy-two statues of gods on the opposite side were facing each other from a distance. As their auras erupted, the sky courtyard built by the Hidden God Sect began to feel uncertain and was about to be broken.

The Taichu Demonic Sky Snake King is a huge demon god, like a giant snake, coiled there, with the snake's head biting the snake's tail, like a ring. In the blur, two snake heads appear vaguely in the void from time to time. If you look closely, you can see that there are nine snake heads, dancing in the wind. But if you look more carefully, you can see that there is only one head of the terrifying Taichu Heavenly Serpent!

In the Hunyuan Sect's channel, True Lord Farewell said slowly: "Everyone, prepare for all disciples who have practiced the Glazed Sea Great Desolate Heaven-Devouring Killing to control the Dharma.

Thanks to Luo Li, he achieved the 79th kill of the Glazed Sea. Now, I, the Taichu Demonic Annihilation Snake King of the Hunyuan Sect, have the magical power of Ba Snake Tun Xiang. As long as we fight, we will rush over and swallow them in one bite. "

The voice of True Lord Lingyu rang out: "Uncle Farewell, the other party has the True Master of Transformation God, I'm afraid Ba Shetonxiang won't be able to refine them all!"

True Lord Farewell said: "It doesn't matter, after swallowing it, everyone is always ready to break down the Dharma and reassemble it.

If they can break through the Ba Snake Tun Xiang, we will immediately decompose the Dharma, remove the damage, and then reassemble. I think even if they can break through, there will only be a few people left, and the Seventy-Two Divine Formation will no longer be able to be organized! "

True Lord Lingyu said: "Disciple, obey!

The other disciples also responded together: "Yes, disciple, I obey!"

The Hunyuan Sect was focused on preparing for war and preparing a strike. Who knew that the seventy-two divine generals of the Eight Gods Temple would dissipate one by one, their aura disappear, and they would return to normal, turning into a group of monks, facing each other from a distance, without any desire to fight.

True Lord Farewell sighed and said: "There is no need to prepare, this battle is impossible!"

Sure enough, an old man stood opposite, with high cheekbones and small eyes. He said slowly: "I, the Eight Gods, looked at this void and repaired the lighthouse of heaven. My ancestors were humiliated by the Evil Demon Sect, so I had to fight to wash away the shame of my ancestors!

What do you, the Hunyuan Sect, want to do by blocking the gate of the Void Courtyard and not allowing me, the Eight Gods Temple, to enter? "

This person is the true god-incarnation of the Eight Gods Temple. When he opened his mouth, he put all the blame on the Hui Mo Sect. Now he asked about the Hunyuan Sect, as if the Hunyuan Sect was deliberately looking for trouble.

The True Master of the Five Poison Sect, Xixin Zhenzhen, said: "Everyone is here to repair the lighthouse, so don't fight and kill. Every time you kill someone, the remaining people will have to do one more job. Be kind. peace brings money!"

He didn't say that when the Eight God Temple massacred the monks of the Evil Demon Sect.

When he said this, everyone immediately knew that the Five Poison Sect was helping the Eight Gods Guan. No wonder the Eight Gods Guan was so rampant and dared to attack the Evil Demon Sect. It seemed that many sects had formed alliances with this sect.

True Lord Farewell shouted: "God has the virtue of good life. Since you disciples of the Eight Gods Temple have already won a great victory, why bother to kill them all? We, the Hunyuan Sect, have the purpose of coming together and watching each other, so we prevent you and others from massacring the monks."

Since you are no longer fighting, I, the Hunyuan Sect, will not be your enemy! "

After saying that, True Lord Farewell gave the order: "Disband the Demon God!"

Immediately the demon's appearance disappeared and twenty-five people stood in the main hall.

Chang Qingzi said: "Okay, okay. We saw a big show today. However, our task now is to repair the lighthouse. What grudges do you have? Let's talk about it after repairing the lighthouse. Fellow Taoist Bai Yu, since you have destroyed the Evil Demon Sect, It’s up to you to do the work of the Evil Demon Sect!”

Ioriguan Baiyu Zhenzun said: "No problem!"

The Eight God Temple monks entered the main hall, and there were seventy or eighty people gathered together, making it very lively.

The two Evil Demon Sect monks saw that the Eight Gods Temple was no longer paying attention to them, so they quietly left here and returned to the earth.

Luo Li frowned. Although he didn't admit that Guizhen, it was definitely Yue Tianfeng. Forget it, everyone has his own destiny, so let everything go as it comes.

Here everyone began to have a meeting.

The True Master Eclipse Heart said: "Since everyone is here, okay, I will start giving orders now!"

After saying that, a void image appeared in this hall, and countless golden light spots were seen suspended in the air.

Those golden light spots, each representing a lighthouse, are spread all over the void, there are a hundred thousand of them!

It is divided into ten areas according to the airspace, named by A, B, B, and D. If you look closely, there is a place in the middle of the Xin area. There should be a lot of golden light, but it has all dimmed.

Eclipse Heart True Master said: "Tiandao Lighthouse is repaired every sixty years. Since the last repair, a total of thirty-nine lighthouses have been damaged and twelve lighthouses have been destroyed.

According to the previous rules, our Five Poison Sect, Taishang Induction Sect, and Xinjian Zen Sect will host this conference this time, so the twelve damaged lighthouses will be maintained by our three sects, and the other thirty-nine damaged lighthouses will be maintained by It’s up to you to take responsibility! "

The so-called lighthouse of heaven is actually the gathering point of the law of heaven. It must be condensed with the law of heaven. Therefore, it cannot be taken out from the storage magic weapon or the dimensional cave at high altitude. It can only be built on the earth and introduce the law of heaven. The magic circle then slowly rises and is sent high into the sky. This requires a huge amount of manpower and material strength to do, which is extremely difficult. !

Chang Qingzi took over and said: "Now I am announcing the repair list of thirty-nine damaged lighthouses. Each door is responsible for the maintenance of three lighthouses, and each side door is responsible for one. The Evil Demon Sect is absent due to the accident, so Ioriguan will take over.

No. A 3276, A 4531, B 6859, the three damaged lighthouses are the responsibility of the Shen Dun Sect, C 3261, D 28634, D 523 No. 7, Ding 9635, the lighthouses were damaged everywhere, and the Eight God Temple is responsible...···"

Chang Qingzi began to assign tasks, and everyone listened attentively, and soon arrived at Hunyuan Sect:

"Xin 1357, Xin 6765, Xin 6767, maintained by Hunyuan Sect..."

Chang Qingzi and others deliberately separated the Eight Gods Temple and the Hunyuan Sect far away to avoid problems between them. However, the Hunyuan Sect was therefore assigned to the large hole between the Gengxin District and there were seventeen lighthouses there that had problems. .

In addition to the Hunyuan Sect, the three beacons of the Ten Thousand Beasts Incarnation Sect are also there, as are the Jiuyao Sect, Ziguang Sect, Beimang Sect, Zangshen Sect, Yandang Sect, Chongyunling and other eleven side sects. .

After the Chang Qingzi arrangement was completed, Zen Master Qingyuan said:

"Okay, that's it for this operation! I will activate the lighthouse system. Everyone can find the corresponding lighthouse by following the light of the lighthouse. But everyone, please note that I can only activate the lighthouse for three months. If after three months, You haven't completed the repairs yet, so you have to look for the lighthouse in the endless darkness!

This time the repair of the lighthouse was completed by us. I hope everyone will give up their grudges, support each other, help each other, look forward, and wait until the task is completed before discussing grudges!

Everyone has completed their tasks, and when you see the lighthouse glowing and connecting to the network, the repair is completed and you can return to your sect!

If the sect cannot complete it, please return to the sect and replace it with others to maintain it. Don’t forget that maintaining the lighthouse is the responsibility of all the monks in the world of God. The success or failure is related to the ranking of your sect!

Okay, no more talking, let’s take action! "

After speaking, he raised his hand, and the lighthouse above his head suddenly glowed, emitting ten rays of light from it, respectively, to the ten major areas.

Then when we arrive at each major area, we start to separate the light. By flying along the light, everyone can find the lighthouses that need to be repaired by themselves.

Chang Qingzi glanced at the monk next to him. He was the Nascent Soul Lord from the Hidden God Sect. As soon as Zhenjun stretched out his hand, the Void Courtyard began to dissipate, and all the monks began to prepare. The Hunyuan Sect once again assembled the Dao Demon Formation, this time turning into the thirteenth transformation of Dao Zhenyang, Chasing the Wind and the Sun, Kuafu Dao Zun.

In the end, the courtyard completely dissipated, and all the monks went their separate ways and began to go to their destinations. From here to their respective repair places, it was at least a million miles away.

Zhui Feng Zhu Sun Kua Fu Dao Zun is the fastest among the demon gods of the Hunyuan Sect. He jumped up and disappeared in an instant.

Chasing the wind like lightning and the sun like light, it only took Dao Zun Kuafu less than three days to find the Xin 1357 lighthouse. Half of the lighthouse was shattered by unknown reasons, leaving only Half of it was still floating in the air, making sparkling sounds from time to time.

After arriving, the Hunyuan Sect was immediately disbanded, and Zhenjun Farewell said: "We are going to rest for six hours along the way. After six hours, we will start repairing the lighthouse!"

After he gave the order, Immediately Lord Nie Jing of Datong Mountain took out an object. The void shook and turned into a giant turtle, floating in the air.

This giant turtle is a hundred feet in size and is suspended in the air. The turtle's back forms a world of its own. It is a small manor. This is Bai Yujing, the mature turtle. Everyone enters the manor and begins to rest. .

Some began to swallow pills to replenish and refine their qi, some put down their beds and took a nap, and some flew away from this place and wandered and played in the void.

In the blink of an eye, six hours later, Zhenjun Farewell shouted: "Everyone, gather together and assemble the Dao Demon Formation!"

But this time, it wasn't just a matter of just one Dao Demon formation. It took a total of eleven combinations to get Dao Zhenyang's third transformation, Red Emperor Chongli Fire God Zhurong Dao Zun!

True Lord Farewell controlled the Taoist Lord, flew towards the lighthouse, and issued an order: "Everything that is refined into Ten Thousand Hell Flames, the first hell is the creation spirit hellfire, the second hell is the true hellfire of the holy world, and the third hell is the pure hellfire of destroying the world, The disciples of the fourth hell, the holy light hellfire, the fifth hell, the dark demon hellfire, and other first twelve hells control the main body of the Taoist. The other disciples hide their consciousness, obey the orders, and provide the Taoist with true energy! "

Then Zhenjun Farewell began to repair the lighthouse. In fact, this lighthouse was easy to repair. He just had to desperately inject the flame energy into it. With the injection of flame energy, the restrictions placed when refining the lighthouse would automatically take effect. The lighthouse slowly recover.

Other sects inject fire spirit stones into the lighthouse to allow the lighthouse to recover automatically. The disciples of the Hunyuan Sect have everything else but no spirit stones. The first of the eight qi is countless true qi. They used the power of the God of Fire from Taoist Zhu Rong to refining the lighthouse!

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