Walk alone

Volume 3, Chapter 645: Cleanse the filth and preserve the righteous spirit!

As Master Farewell issued an order, five disciples including the Hunyuan Sect immediately gathered together. Luo Li approached True Master Lingyu, and Master Lingyu issued the order.

In addition to him, senior brothers Wuren, Qingtang, and Baiguo also approached Lingyu Zhenjun, and each stretched out their fingers to express the five Hunyuan techniques they were good at.

True Lord Lingyu nodded and said: "I am the Golden Buddha; Luoli, the Tongtian Peak; Wuren, the Glazed Sea; Qingtang, the Ten Thousand Hell Flames; Ginkgo, the Forest of Living Beings!"

Everyone nodded together and said, "Understood!"

Not just them, everyone was forming a team like this, with five people in a team, quickly divided into twenty-five teams.

"I depart, the controller of the first team. The team formation is completed. The internal frequency of the first team is 437.78, and the internal frequency of the first team is 437.78!"

"I, Bing Ling, am the controller of the second team. The formation of the team is complete. The internal frequency of the second team is 438.78, and the internal frequency of the second team is 438.78!"

At this time, Lord Lingyu said: "Group, set up the formation!"

Qingtang shouted: "The five elements transform into fire and become real."

Then Luo Li shouted: "The sky and the earth are infinite and the earth is Kunlun."

Then Lingyu Zhenjun shouted: "Qianlong, please don't use Jinzhenjing."

Then Wuren shouted: "The vast ocean of water."

Finally, Ging Guo shouted: "Throughout the ages, trees have grown into forests."

As the five people cast the spell, five rays of light rose up on the five people in an instant, including metal, wood, water, fire, and earth, and the five elements were all present. In an instant, the five rays of light merged into one, and the five people disappeared. It was a change!

There is no longer Luo Li and the other five people here, but only a ball of light, and then the light changes and turns into a mighty Dharma form!

That Dharma-like form is a terrifying demon god with as many as twelve long arms, either stretched out, or forming seals, or holding demon blades, or holding demon spears, surrounding the body, and its expression is a ferocious and angry look. , wearing a skull crown on the huge head, showing three shadows under the golden light of the flames.

Those are three eyes. Because of their divine light, compared to the golden light of the flames, they look like three black holes. But there is a kind of substantial ripple emanating from it, permeating between heaven and earth. This is the fourth transformed army of Demon Xuanyin, King Tuliming!

In addition to them, four various Taoist demon gods appeared around them, each of them showing strange phenomena and different from each other!

In the main control channel, voices immediately sounded:

"The first team, Taoist Master Dao Zhenyang's ninth transformation, the Earth Mother True Spirit Yuanyan!"

"Second Team: Demon Xuanyin's Fourth Transformation Army, King Taliming!"

"The third team, the fifth transformation of Demon Xuanyin, Taichu Demon Annihilation Sky Snake King!"

Immediately, the Five Great Dao Demon Gods were born here.

True Monarch Farewell thought for a moment and said: "With the third team as the main team, we will regroup and transform into the sixth form of Demon Xuanyin, the Holy Mother Heavenly Lord Peacock King Ming!"

Following his order, the five Dharma signs immediately began to combine again. In an instant, the five Dharma signs dissipated and a demon god was born.

This demon is the Dharma of King Peacock Ming. On her body, the five elements and five colors of true light bloom, like a colorful screen opening. The five elements and five colors of divine light can sweep all things. This method is one of the top five fastest among the seventeen true yangs and eighteen demons and mysterious yins of the Hunyuan Sect. It is suitable for controlling the sky and traveling thousands of miles in an instant.

As soon as the dharma form of King Peacock Ming moved, it immediately rose into the sky, straight into the sky. In the blink of an eye, it broke through the nine layers of heaven and earth atmosphere, and rushed into the blue sky of the void.

Luo Li flew up and saw that the ground under his feet was getting smaller and smaller, like a projectile, and the surrounding space was getting darker and darker. He made the last leap and flew into the Qingming. There was no air here anymore and it was extremely cold everywhere. This was the Nine Heavens. Outside, there is a green void.

Under the control of True Monarch Farewell, the dharma image of King Peacock Ming emitted five-color light, and no longer flew towards Qingming, but towards the east. This flight lasted four or five hours, and it was unknown how many thousands of miles it flew. .

Finally, in the void, a ball of light appeared in front of him, like a lighthouse, emitting endless light and guiding the monks in the direction. This was when Luo Li understood why this was called the Heavenly Dao Lighthouse System.

Peacock King Faxiang flew toward the lighthouse. After flying for a full hour, he saw a huge metal ball, a hundred feet in size, floating in the void. The ball was engraved with countless runes. Those runes emit endless light, this is the so-called lighthouse.

Thousands of feet below the sphere, there was a courtyard floating in the void. It was ten miles in size, with doors, buildings, walls, and houses!

True Lord Farewell said: "Hidden God Sect, even though it is a side sect, the art of hiding all things in the void is really famous in the world. You can build a resting courtyard in this void, yes, yes!"

The courtyard was apparently built by the side gate Zangshen Sect, which was one of the eight hundred side gates. The poem titled Tianzangdi in the gate was hidden and nowhere to be found. The illusion really depends on people's hearts! This sect is best at hiding and escaping, and is known as hiding all things.

The Peacock King's Faxiang flew here, and the courtyard door opened automatically. The Peacock King's Faxiang entered the courtyard, and the space suddenly changed, turning into a bluestone hall, which was a thousand feet in size, no different from the ground.

There are already many monks here, and they are absolutely safe here. In an instant, the dharma image of King Peacock Ming disappeared, and twenty-five people from the Hunyuan Sect appeared.

Among the crowd, three people walked out and came to greet Hunyuan Zong. One of them was a monk. He was tall, with a golden color and a majestic appearance.

The other person was a middle-aged man with a sallow complexion, sunken eye sockets, a trace of black air between his eyebrows, and a strong fishy odor coming from his body. There is also an old man, wearing a Taoist crown and a Taoist robe, with a face like a crown jade, eyes like bright stars, and a slender figure.

True Lord Farewell and five other True Lords of Yuanying came forward and said, "I have met Zen Master Qingyuan, Senior Yanxin, and Senior Changqingzi!"

The monk smiled and said: "I didn't expect that Brother Farewell would lead the team here. Well, the Hunyuan Sect is also here, and the only thing missing is the Ten Thousand Beasts Transformation Sect and the Evil Demon Sect!"

They walked to the side, where there were many Nascent Soul Lords. They went over to study how to maintain the operation of the Heavenly Dao Lighthouse this time.

Luo Li looked at them and said, "Who are these?"

Senior Brother Wuren said: "That monk is amazing. He is the Qingyuan Sword of the Heart Zen Sword Sect. This monk's sword skills are superb and his mind Zen is unpredictable. He is the True Master of Transformation God. The one with the sallow complexion is The True Master of Erosion Heart of the Five Poison Sect, that Changqingzi is the True Master of Supreme Influence Sect’s Transformation God.

It seems that this time, the three of them are in charge. Our Hunyuan Sect is here to fight.

Luo Li said: "Counting us this time, there are nine major sects in total, including the Ten Thousand Beasts Incarnation Sect. Although this sect has settled its grievances with my Hunyuan Sect, I don't think they will really let it go, right?"

Brother Wuren nodded and said: "In the last battle in Changzhou, although the Zhuanzhou lineage re-communicated with the Wanshou Sect afterwards and claimed to have settled their grievances, how is it possible, especially you, Luo Li, this matter is closely related to you , you have to be careful about them when they come.

In addition to these visits, in addition to the Ten Thousand Beasts Incarnation Sect, the Divine Escape Sect and the Five Poison Sect are not on good terms with our Hunyuan Sect. The Taishang Inspiring Sect, the Nine Nether Ghost Sect, and the Heart Zen Sword Sect are our allies. The relationship between the Evil Demon Sect and the Galaxy Star Sword Sect is average. "

During the chat with Brother Wuren, some monks who were here came over. Some of them were good friends with the Hunyuan Sect disciples, and they immediately chatted together!

The two people walked towards Luo Li from a distance. Luo Li took one look and immediately shouted: "Senior Ghost Eyes, Senior Ghost Hands are so good these days!"

The ones here are none other than Master Ghost Eyes and Master Ghost Hands!

Master Guiyan looked at Luo Li and said, "I haven't seen you for ten years. I never thought that you, Luo Li, would also be promoted to Master Jindan! You were only a small Qi refining disciple back then, but your level has improved too quickly!"

Luo Li said: "Luck, luck!"

They were chatting together, and just then a group of spiritual beasts flew from the distance!

Some of those spiritual beasts are Kunpeng, some are golden eagles, some are flying dragons, and each one is fierce and ruthless.

Ghost Eye said: "The Beast Incarnation Sect has arrived!"

Following his words, those spirit beasts flew into the hall, and suddenly transformed into each other, turning around and transforming into monks standing proudly here.

Luo Li looked quietly and saw that there were thirty-six Jindan immortals led by one Yuanying True Monarch. Only one Yuanying True Monarch came. It seemed that the Ten Thousand Beasts Incarnation Sect did not pay much attention to this matter and sent some people to deal with it. Done.

In addition to the Ten Thousand Beasts Incarnation Sect, several groups of monks arrived one after another, but they either relied on the power of flying boats or flew with swords. There were no more than fifteen or sixteen at most, and only six or seven at least. They were all side sect monks.

A total of twenty-two side sects participated in this operation. There are already more than ten people here, and people continue to come here one after another.

Soon we arrived at another side door, but this side door was different from the other side doors. This time, nearly a hundred monks participated in the action. The monks formed a flying team, with drums and music in front of them, and dancers dancing gracefully. Then there was a guard of honor, holding high their heads. The banners and flags are very majestic.

The sound of drums and music is a kind of spiritual sound transmission. In the Qingming, there is no air and the sound is blocked!

One must know that to be able to participate in this event, one must be a real person from Jindan. The team actually had a hundred people, which showed that this side sect had a lot of background. Luo Li looked over and couldn't help but pay special attention.

At this moment, behind the team at the side door, there seemed to be a fishy wind coming, and there was a vague feeling of stench. Looking over, in the western Qingming, a demonic aura rolled, and this demonic aura was extremely bloody. Smell, in fact, there is no smell at all in Qingming.

This is what the opponent's skills are called. When you see them, you will feel dirty and unlucky. No need to look, they are monks from the Evil Demon Sect!

The Evil Demon Sect is one of the thirty demons in the world. The poem in the sect's name is: Practice the rot to condense the dirt and soak it in the pure, purify the dirt and remove the turbidity to preserve the righteous spirit.

This demon sect monk is the best at defiling powerful enemies. No matter what magic weapons, magic swords, witchcraft and sorcery you have, their magic skills will corrode all the filth. If you fight with them, you will win. The elimination of the contaminated filthy demonic energy will also make you win. People were in agony, and many monks would hide whenever they could when facing them, which was the most disgusting thing.

Seeing this group of monks from the Evil Demon Sect approaching, Master Guiyan shook his head and said, "These guys are here, Luo Li, remember to stay away from them, these guys are the most annoying."

According to the normal rules of the world of immortality, the side door must give way when encountering a team coming to the door, so the courtyard door slowly opened, waiting for the last one from the Evil Demon Sect to arrive.

But to everyone's surprise, the honor guard team at the side gate not only did not give way, but blocked in front of the Evil Demon Sect and became even more showy!

Ghost Eye immediately said: "Hey, what is this?"

Luo Li also noticed something was wrong. This was simply a provocation!

All the monks present looked there!

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