Walk alone

Volume 3 Chapter 644: Old friends meet again!

The Zhongtian Lord World is a vast world with a perfect heavenly system. Many divination demons cannot easily invade the Zhongtian Lord World.

However, there is no real perfection in all things in the world. Sometimes in the world of the Lord of Heaven, there will be natural disasters such as earth-shaking, volcanic eruptions, and other natural disasters. At that time, the vitality of the heaven and the earth will violently shake, which will cause loopholes in the system of heaven and earth, giving rise to the demons in the outer world. Opportunity to invade the world of God.

The demons from the outer realm feed on the spiritual energy of heaven and earth, and monks are their favorite delicacies. After the last Luo Haoca, at the suggestion of the Kunlun Sect, many people came to build a defense system of the Heavenly Dao Lighthouse outside the Zhongtian Lord World. By blocking the aura of the Zhongtian Lord World, even if there is a vitality shock in the Zhongtian Lord World, the outside demons and outsiders will not be able to detect the changes here, so as to avoid the invasion of the demons.

After the establishment of this Heavenly Dao Lighthouse defense system, for twelve thousand years, there have been no incidents of outside demons and outsiders invading the Central Heavenly Lord World, and the world has been protected.

But this Heavenly Dao Lighthouse defense system is outside the Qingming void, where solar wind and cosmic currents come from time to time. The Heavenly Dao Lighthouse defense system is always under impact, and sometimes it is damaged, which requires monks to repair it in the sky. This is the Tiandao Lighthouse defense system.

This work is shared by 108 visits and 800 sects. It is a routine task for each sect.

This time, the Hunyuan Sect's Tiandao Lighthouse defense system maintenance task was completed by the five Nascent Soul Lords including Lord Lingyu. They would all bring their disciples to the past for training, so Lord Tiger Chan would let Luo Li follow Ling Yu. Lord Jade, let’s go to the void together.

Luo Li followed True Lord Lingyu to a main hall, where there were already some Hunyuan Sect monks, one of whom was Senior Brother Wuren.

After not seeing each other for many years, he also advanced to the Golden Core realm. He was extremely happy to see Luo Li and immediately came over and said:

"Luo Li, Luo Li! When did you come back?"

Luo Li hasn't seen Senior Brother Wuren since he returned to Hunyuan Sect for a year. After asking about it, he found out that he went out to travel after forming the golden elixir, but he didn't expect to meet him here.

Luo Li was also very happy and said: "That's great, Senior Brother Wuren, by the way, I also prepared a gift for you!"

After saying that, Luo Li took out the gifts he had prepared for Brother Wuren during his travels. They were all special mortal products, not worth even a single spiritual stone without any spiritual energy.

But these gifts are very exquisitely made, including silver bronze mirrors and embroidered straw sandals. When you hold them in your hands, Senior Brother Wuren especially likes them and is very happy!

Suddenly, a middle-aged man walked up from the side, with a dark and thin face, and a sinister look on his face. He said: "Wu Ren, you are already a real Jin Dan. Don't be so childish and like these delicate toys. These foreign objects are of no benefit to your cultivation." It makes you lose your mind by playing with things and affects your cultivation!"

Senior Brother Wuren raised his head and glanced at the man, and sneered: "It's not your turn to take care of my affairs in Qingtang!"

On the side of the middle-aged man, a beautiful young woman, Jin Dan Zhenren, said: "Wu Ren, Senior Brother Qingtang taught you, why don't you listen to Senior Brother?"

Wu Ren looked at him and said, "Senior brother? Bai Guo, don't say it so nicely. You have left me, Tian Qing Peak, and are no longer my senior brothers!"

When Luo Li entered Tianqing Peak and met Senior Brother Wuren for the first time, he knew that Senior Brother Wuren had two other senior brothers, but the other two left Tianqing Peak. Wuren was very worried about this and was once raped by Hu Chan. Educated.

It seems that these two people, one Qingtang and the other Baiguo, are Wuren's two senior brothers!

Just then, True Lord Lingyu returned, glanced at them, and said, "You guys are still brooding over the past. The past is past! Don't mention it again!"

The three of them immediately saluted and said, "Yes, Master, disciple, I obey!"

True Lord Lingyu was here to educate them. Luo Li had a headache when he heard this and walked over quietly!

In addition to True Lord Lingyu, the monks here also have another True Lord. This person Luo Li knows is True Lord Kong Ren. He was one of them during the last battle in the Chongxuan Sect.

Luo Li immediately went over to greet him. True Lord Kong Ren saw Luo Li and praised: "Luo Li, I haven't seen you for a year. Your cultivation has improved greatly. You are already at the second level of the Golden Core. Not bad, not bad!"

Luo Li said: "Thank you, uncle, for the compliment!"

The two chatted for a while, and then two Nascent Soul Lords came here. Luo Li looked over and was stunned. He knew these two people.

One is Master Ning Jing Tian Bing Ling, and the other is Master Nie Jing of Datong Mountain. When Luo Li started, they both went to choose disciples. At that time, they were all Master Jindan, and now they are all Master Nascent Soul.

Luo Li couldn't help but said: "Uncle Kong Ren, I remember fourteen years ago, two seniors, Bing Ling and Nie Jing, were both Jindan masters, right?"

True Lord Kong Ren laughed and said, "When did you become an old man?"

In recent years, our Hunyuan Sect has been like a blowout, with Jindan Zhenren and Yuanying Zhenjun emerging one after another. "

Luo Li said: "Didn't you say that my master said that our Hunyuan Sect only has forty-eight true kings?"

True Lord Kong Ren nodded and said: "That's true. But ten years ago, our Hunyuan Sect only had thirty-four Yuanying True Lords. In the past ten years, there have been a total of fourteen more people, and with this development, in another ten years , our Hunyuan Sect can at least add twenty True Lords!"

Luo Li nodded and said: "It seems that I am lucky!"!

True Lord Kong Ren shook his head and said: "It's hard to say, this Jindan True Lord and Yuanying True Lord have skyrocketed, and it's not just our Hunyuan Sect family!

In the past ten years, many sects and monks have been promoted everywhere. According to the analysis of Wuyan Sect, it is the spiritual energy of heaven and earth that is slowly improving, making it very easy for monks to improve their realm.

Some people also say that this is before the great calamity, before the catastrophe, the heaven and the earth repeat themselves and shine again! "

Hearing this, Luo Li was speechless.

True Lord Nie Jing, like Lord Bingling, brought four disciples with him. One of the disciples saw Luo Li walking over quickly and shouted:

"Luo Li, Luo Li, do you still recognize me?"

Luo Li looked at it, smiled immediately, and said, "Tielan Mountain! Hahaha, long time no see!"

That person was none other than Tie Lanshan. He had fought with Luo Li at the outer sect of Hunyuan Sect. The two of them entered together and worshiped Lord Nie Jingzhen. Unexpectedly, he was now at the Golden Core realm!

Tie Lanshan faced one side, and a woman following True Lord Bing Ling shouted:

"Youlan, Youlan, come on, Luo Li is here!"

A female monk slowly walked toward Luo Li. She was wearing a colorful and brilliant dress. The material was thin and light, like a red dress all over her body. It was extremely dazzling. A colorful belt as wide as the palm of a hand was fastened to her waist, which made the girl's waist even more slender. Wearing colorful clothes and belts, long hair and long skirts, although we have never seen her, her eye-catching back makes people suddenly feel her gorgeous temperament.

Tie Lanshan winked at Luo Li and said, "Do you still remember her, Shui Youlan!"

How could Luo Li not remember that when he was practicing Thunderbolt Light Escape, he once met her and she was molested by him? However, this girl had a Houtu Immortal Body. In the past, Luo Li had no regard for these monks with Immortal Body. He didn't care, but a year ago, after experiencing the transformation event of Mo Yanlan, who was a transcendent immortal body, Luo Li couldn't help but pay attention to these monks with immortal bodies!

Luo Li said from a distance: "Junior sister Youlan, you are fine!"

Shui Youlan couldn't help but think of what happened back then, and looked at Luo Li hatefully, but Luo Li didn't care!

Tie Lanshan saw that there was a grudge between the two of them, so he immediately interrupted and said: "It's so fast. It's been twenty-two years since I started. We, brothers and sisters, get together and divide more!"

Luo Li continued: "Yes, yes, when I came back this time, I didn't even find Lu Zhou, Lu Qing, and Feng Zixu!"

Tie Lanshan laughed and said, "They are all on their sect mission! By the way, Luo Li, do you still remember Li Changqing?"

Luo Li nodded and said: "Remember, those who joined us are Ye Dang, Shen Lixiao, Zuo Daozi, and Li Changqing. There are four of them in total!"

These four people were completely the result of Luo Li's luck in bombing the South China Sea and entering the inner sect of the Hunyuan Sect!

Tie Lanshan sighed and said: "Li Changqing was promoted to the Great Perfection Realm of Foundation Establishment three years ago. He was eager to pass the level, but in the end he became obsessed and has already returned to dust!"

Returning to dust is death!

As soon as he said this, Luo Li and Shui Youlan both exclaimed!

Tie Lanshan continued: "Junior Brother Zuo Daozi, who has been practicing hard for twenty years, has only been able to build the sixth level of foundation. He has withdrawn from the inner sect of Hunyuan Sect and joined the peripheral organization of Hunyuan Sect. In this life, he is still in the realm of foundation building. He can only That’s it!”

When the news came, Luo Li couldn't help but shake his head, and a feeling of sadness suddenly arose in his heart.

Tie Lanshan said: "So, don't worry about the little things in the past. We started at the same time, and we have a good friendship. The road to immortality is rugged. A hundred years from now, ten years from now, I don't know if we can still chat like this!"

As soon as he said this, it was indeed true. Shui Youlan looked at Luo Li. The hatred in her eyes gradually dissipated. The road to immortality was rugged. After many years, many of the same disciples would be left in the future!

At this time, the last True Lord Nascent Soul arrived. Luo Li did not recognize this person and asked casually:

"Lanshan, who is he?"

Tie Lanshan replied: "This is Shen Bieliang, Zhenjun Bielie! The old man from Zhezangya! It seems that this time, he will lead the team!"

The True Lord Farewell looked at the crowd and said through a message: "This time the Hunyuan Sect repairs the Heavenly Dao Lighthouse in the outer realm, I will lead the team!

Please listen to my order. This time it is not just our Hunyuan Sect, but also the Divine Escape Sect, the Beast Incarnation Sect, the Supreme Sensing Sect, the Evil Demon Sect, the Five Poison Sect, the Galaxy Star Sword Sect, the Nine Nether Ghost Sect, The Heart Zen Sword Sect and other eight great powers came to visit!

In addition to them, there are twenty-two sects including Jiuyao Sect, Ziguang Sect, Beimang Sect, Zangshen Sect, Yandang Sect, Chongyunling, and Eight Gods Temple!

These sects and some monks are eyeing our Hunyuan Sect, so this time, all the disciples, if they are aggressive and provoke you, what should you do? "

Luo Li was the first to shout: "Hit them, beat them until they surrender!"

Immediately, many monks present also shouted: "Fight! Fight! Fight!"

True Lord Farewell nodded and said: "Okay, that's good, let's set off! Five people and one ancestor will form the Dao Demon Formation and set off immediately!"

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