Walk alone

Volume Three, Chapter 643: The Void Protecting Lighthouse in the Outer Domain!

At this point, Luo Li's practice was over. He slowly looked at the hourglass in the room. There were twelve hourglasses. The remaining two are not moving, which means there are still two days left for the latent cultivation in the Patriarch Hall.

Luo Li gritted his teeth, stood up slowly, and left the Ancestral Master Hall. This training time in the Ancestral Master Hall was very precious. Don't waste the remaining two days.

Returning to Tianqing Peak and arriving under the big tree, True Lord Huchan was still sitting there.

Looking at it again, the terrifying aura has disappeared, but it still appears from time to time. It seems that Lord Huchan has begun to eliminate the disadvantages caused by the spirit slaying.

Lord Huchan looked at Luo Li and asked with concern: "How is it?"

Luo Li replied: "Master, you have fulfilled your mission! But, Master, look!"

After saying that, the red lotus of Du'e appeared in an instant, flashing around Luo Li.

Zhenjun Huchan looked at the Due Honglian and was stunned for a moment. Then he cast several spells to test them, and finally smiled and said:

"I didn't expect it to be like this, hahaha, it doesn't matter. There are no useless spells, only useless monks. As long as you study the spells with your heart, they can be used in endless ways.

Can the Golden Dawn of Eternal Pagoda be carved into the golden elixir? "

Luo Li replied: "Master, the engraving is completed and the essence has entered the elixir. But I don't know why. After the engraving, I can no longer use the Golden Dawn of the Eternal Buddha?"

Lord Huchan nodded and said: "The spell has just been carved into the magical power. Your golden elixir has not adapted yet, so it cannot be used. After a period of time, it is completely integrated, and then you can use it at will!"

Luo Li said: "Disciple understands!"

True Monarch Hu Chan continued: "Actually, the Golden Dawn of the Eternal Pagoda is not important. What is important is that you have achieved the great success of the Golden Pagoda. At this point, you have achieved the great success of the Glazed Sea, Tongtian Peak, and the Golden Pagoda. You will only cultivate the Ten Thousand Hell Flames after you have completed the Great Success of Sentient Forest. You can master the Five Dharma, turn the golden elixir into an infant, and become the True Lord of Nascent Soul!"

Luo Li shook his head and said: "Master, I am not in a hurry. I have embarked on the path of cultivating immortals. It has been less than thirty years and I am not in a hurry. Master, you had the way to become an infant at the end of your life and the way to transform into an infant at the end of your life. Disciple How can you transform into a baby so easily?"

True Monarch Hu Chan laughed and said: "Okay, okay, okay! On the road to cultivating immortality, you should walk on thin ice and make preparations step by step, but when big things come, you should move forward bravely and act willfully!"

Luo Li couldn't help but nod and listen to the master's teachings!

Then Zhenjun Huchan said again: "Luo Li, what are you planning to practice next?"

Luo Li said: "The disciple wants to cultivate in the Glazed Sea. Although the Fire Jue Dao Technique was born, the disciple had a feeling before that the disciple's Glazed Sea was perfected and the four seas and five lakes were born. Fire can be used instead of water to form a sea of ​​fire that burns the sky. Absolute magic.

Another disciple, I plan to use the second golden elixir to break the orifice and have the magical power from all over the world! "

True Monarch Huchan nodded and said: "What a sea of ​​fire burning the sky, what a world of five lakes and four seas, how many seas have you created now?"

"The disciples have cultivated the four seas! The East Sea is vast, the South Sea is turbulent, the West Sea is vast, the North Sea is mysterious, and the five lakes and seas are all around, but not a single one has been born."

"Yes, yes, the Five Lakes and Sea Areas, Jiuzhen Huangpeng, Dongting, Hongze, and Pan Yang each have their own wonderful uses. They are indeed worthy of your careful cultivation."

"Yes, I know! I have now mastered the thirty-five kills of Liulihai. I plan to practice all the remaining killing moves!"

"Actually, this is not necessary. I have only refined seventeen kills in Liulihai. This is a big ambition. Among the seventy-nine kills in Liulihai, some of them influence each other and interfere with each other. It is very difficult to refine them all. "

Luo Li said firmly: "This disciple just wants to train them all!"

"Okay, okay, okay! Then I support you!"

"But master, before I practice Liulihai, I have one more thing to do. I have obtained two more fragments of the law of heaven, and can also give birth to two heroes in the forest of living beings. I also ask master for help.

"Having many other avatars in the Forest of Living Beings can indeed speed up your cultivation of the Glazed Sea!"

"So, please master, please give me permission to give birth to two more heroes."

But Zhenjun Huchan shook his head and said: "No, I won't help you this time, and this time, I don't allow you to use the sect's self-transformation clone. This time, you must rely on your own strength to refine it. He becomes a clone of himself!

All living beings are together, I, a disciple of the Hunyuan Sect, have refined the first self-transformation clone of himself, which is Xiaocheng. This time I will teach you all the spells to build the hero's path, but you must practice it all by yourself. "

True Monarch Hu Chan said this, but Luo Li knew that the master's arrangement must have deep meaning, so Luo Li said: "Disciple understands!"

Lord Huchan said: "Okay, listen carefully..."

Master Huchan began to teach, and Luo Li began to learn.

However, Luo Li was not in a hurry to sacrifice to the Forest of Living Beings, but to re-sacrifice to the Holy Land of Five Laws.

Luo Li's original Five Dharma Holy Land was built during the foundation building period. Now that he has entered the Golden Core realm, the scope of the Five Dharma Holy Land has expanded. Moreover, the last time the Ancestral Hall corrected past mistakes, the five holy lands resonated and expanded the space, so Luo Li expanded the composition again. The runes of the Five Dharmas Holy Land.

This cultivation time flies by, and in the blink of an eye, half a year later, there was a clear sound, and the expansion of the five holy places was completed, which was more than twice the size of the holy places in the foundation building period.

Luo Li smiled as he looked at the Five Dharma Holy Land where the fire was rolling and the waves were boiling.

He took out the seven gold, eight silver and nine taels of iron auxiliary buildings of the Golden Buddha that were rewarded last time, and placed them one by one into the Holy Land Golden Buddha, and the Golden Buddha suddenly began to grow in size.

Then Luo Li took out the fake stones. This time, Chongxuan Sect gave Luo Li ten billion fake stones. Luo Li began to inject them into the Five Laws Holy Land one by one to increase the volume of the Five Laws Holy Land.

The Nine Heavens Yuanyang Ruler was sent back by Zhenzun Tianya a few months ago. Luo Li deliberately left 500 million fake stones as the motivation to activate the Nine Heavens Yuanyang Ruler in the future.

After returning from the wandering this time, Luo Li used two of the three Green Wood Tokens given to Luo Li by Patriarch Wood Saint. The last one withered and dissipated automatically after returning to Hunyuan Sect. It seemed that Patriarch Wood Saint took it back.

After the Five Laws Holy Land was opened, Luo Li began to cultivate the Forest of Living Beings. With the help of the two newly obtained fragments of the Law of Heaven, Luo Li constructed two more small trees in the Forest of Living Beings. However, Luo Li was unable to cultivate the additional free clones of others. , two new heroes have been unable to be born for a long time. These two small trees are just two wooden piles that cannot be turned into real small trees.

Although no new heroes were born in the Hero Path, Luo Li's virtual spirit golden elixir real person increased countless times. During this period, Taichufang City began to be lively again, stalls began to be rented out, and Luo Li had income from heaven and earth spiritual things. Fifty-three golden elixirs were obtained in the last battle, and all of them were turned into virtual spirit elixirs by Luo Li. He had a total of eighty men under his command!

In addition, Luo Li refined the stone given to him by the golden ape Yuan Hong. If nothing happened, he would secretly go to the golden pagoda illusion and constantly visit the more than three hundred ancestors.

It was more of a visit than a past transaction. Luo Li used his chrysanthemum and pig soul meat to exchange for various good things with the ancestral spirits.

Among them are the fighting ape with the blood of the fighting saint Buddha, the colorful golden-winged peacock, the golden-backed roaring dog, the powerful iron bear, the silver-winged crane...

Luo Li got a total of thirty-one kinds of spiritual beasts, and they were all put into his own forest of living beings, and lived together with the original several kinds of spiritual beasts in the forest of living beings.

Through this, Luo Li got countless elite soldiers of all kinds, but there were only ten heroes. It was completely a situation where there were more soldiers than generals. Now Luo Li's Forest of Living Beings is extremely lively, but there is a forest that is too small, and there is a strong need to add more trees. Feel.

Luo Li waited for nothing, and practiced other secrets of Jinfutu in the golden pagoda fantasy world. He suddenly discovered that after the birth of the Fire Jue Tao Technique, it was extremely difficult to refine real gold with fire, and then practice the method of Jinfutu. In this life, gold Futu may only be able to master these thirteen methods.

Luo Li had not yet refined the Lingxi bestowaled Golden Essence and the Golden Blade Cutting Tribulation Cloud. He asked his master to help him turn these two bestowed spells into light balls and send them back to the treasure house, perhaps within the sect. There are other people who need this spiritual gift. You can't just ask for it, but you must also give something in return.

Then Luo Li began to practice the Seventy-seven Kills of the Glazed Sea. The ten heroes of the Forest of All Living Beings were assigned to one method each, and everyone practiced together.

In the blink of an eye, a year has passed since Luo Li returned to Hunyuan Sect. Finally, Jin Chenxi returned to normal and could be used at will. Suddenly, one day, True Lord Tiger Chan sent a message to Luo Li and called Luo Li under the big tree.

When they got there, Luo Li found that someone was already here, and it turned out to be Uncle Lingyu.

Uncle Lingyu is the master of Brother Wuren. He was originally a disciple of Tianqing Peak, and later joined the ranks of the ninety-nine-day monks of the Hunyuan Sect. The last time Patriarch Xizhao passed away, he was also here to see Grandmaster Xizhao off. At that time, he was still the True Lord of the Golden Core, but now it seems that he is already the True Lord of the Nascent Soul, having successfully transformed into an infant!

Luo Li immediately saluted and said, "I have met Master Uncle Lingyu! Congratulations to Master Uncle Lingyu for achieving the great path!"

True Lord Lingyu sighed and said: "Although I have been promoted to Nascent Soul, I have given up on the way of heaven. Let alone the achievement of this way, I don't know whether it is right or wrong!"

Lord Hu Chan said: "Junior brother, don't think so much, there is no right or wrong in Tao, and there is no absolute Tao. The Tao that suits you best is your own Tao!

If you don't advance to Yuanying and return to dust in the future, everything will be in vain. Then you are wrong! "

True Lord Lingyu sighed again and said, "I hope so!"

True Lord Tiger Chan looked at Luo Li and said: "Luo Li, I, a disciple of the Hunyuan Sect, have a sect mission every year. Today I will give you a sect mission, which is to go to the outer void with your Uncle Lingyu to maintain the The Lighthouse of Heaven!”

Luo Li immediately saluted and said, "Yes, disciple, I obey!"

Zhenjun Huchan suddenly sent a message: "The fifth innate spiritual treasure sect has been determined!"

Luo Li's eyes suddenly lit up, Mo Yanlan was saved!

But Zhenjun Huchan added: "However, this innate spiritual treasure is difficult to obtain. It requires step-by-step planning, the entire sect's efforts, and even a bloody battle!

Your mission this time is just a small step. This time you want to make more friends, build good relationships, establish your authority, and become famous everywhere. Go, go! "

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