Walk alone

Volume 3 Chapter 642 Due’s Red Lotus Fire Juesheng! (Fourth update, please vote for me!)

Li Li refined the Eternal Pagoda Jin Chenxi and immediately applied for further study in the Patriarch Hall. He came to the Patriarch Hall again!

There is no change at all from the last time I came here, except that the original one hundred and twenty-eight thousand six hundred and twenty-one levels have become the one hundred and twenty-eight thousand six hundred and thirty-four levels. Compared with the last time, Hunyuan The sect existed for another thirteen years, and there were thirteen more steps here.

In addition, the catalogs on the steps have also been increased, including the battle against the Dayan Zongheng Sword Sect, and the catalog of the Transcendent Fairy Sword Killing the Luo Demon Emperor!

The Ancestral Master Hall really kept pace with the times. Luo Li entered the Ancestral Master Hall and walked forward step by step. The door automatically closed behind him. Light appeared everywhere. In front of Luo Li, six passages appeared!

Refining the vitality when just starting out, building the foundation without leakage and guarding the essence, opening up the mysteries and entering the Tao, the golden elixir arises, the pure green elixir gives birth to a baby, the yin and yang gods transform into gods, and return to the original nature and the true one.

But of those six passages, five quickly dimmed, leaving only the last one! The golden elixir of Tongxuan and Taoism rises!

Luo Li followed this avenue and entered slowly. A stone room appeared in front of him. A ray of light swept over Luo Li's body several times, and then a spiritual consciousness was transmitted into Luo Li's mind:

"Disciple Luo Li is qualified to cultivate in the Patriarch Hall for twelve days. During the twelve days, please seize the opportunity yourself and don't waste the Patriarch's hard work!

If you don't want to waste time, leave the stone room immediately. The ancestral hall will be closed automatically. The remaining time can be used in the future, but it must be based on a whole day. "

Luo Li sat down slowly, and twelve hourglass illusions appeared in front of Luo Li's eyes. One of them began to leave grains of sand, representing the beginning of the day.

When he sat down, Luo Li's ears immediately murmured, and countless lights flashed before his eyes, as if he was practicing hard, as if he was wandering in a world of light, as if he was killing a powerful enemy, as if I am flying in the sky, as if I am swimming in the sea.

In a state of chaos, obviously, so!

But Luo Li did not immerse himself in it. Instead, he took off all his robes, hit his chest hard with a loud bang, and spat out a mouthful of blood!

Luo Li used all his strength with this palm, which was ten times as powerful as the last time he self-inflicted wounds, but the damage was only one-third of the last time. Although Luo Li did not activate any magic resistance, and even suppressed Jinfutu's magic defense, But the automatic defense of Jinfutu's spell is activated to protect Luo Li from harm!

Luo Li laughed miserable, so he couldn't, he was a palm, and he was a palm, slamming, exhausted his strength, and hit five palms. At this time, the ribs were completely broken and the internal organs were wounded.

Then Luo Li took out a heart of nirvana and slowly refined it, instantly entering the process of re-cultivation.

For ordinary monks, only the first heart of nirvana is effective. The second one is an ordinary healing potion. As the first heart of nirvana, you have made up for all the mistakes you made in the past, flawlessly and without regrets. If you eat the Heart of Nirvana again in the future, you want to cultivate the error, but the error is gone, so the second Heart of Nirvana is just an ordinary healing potion.

But Luo Li was different. After only three months, he started all over again because this time he deliberately kept making mistakes!

In a daze, Luo Li seemed to have returned to the past and started all over again!

But this time he didn't need to modify any spells. What he practiced was the Xiantian Taiyi Doumu Yiqi Jue, which was perfect in one step and pointed directly to the great road!

The first level of Qi refining, the second level of Qi refining, the third level of Qi refining...

Step by step, he quickly reached the Great Perfection of Qi Refining, and then he jumped directly to the realm of foundation building!

From refining Qi to building the foundation, there were no modifications. Only when the Five Methods Holy Land was refined, he rebuilt his own Holy Land Tongtian Peak according to the three major methods of returning to the void!

Originally, the Heart of Nirvana did not have this medicinal property, but the three major return to voids found a new way, and just opened up a new path outside of the medicinal properties. Luo Li was able to rebuild the holy land of Tongtian Peak!

This time the reconstruction was completed perfectly, and the Holy Land Tongtian Peak no longer had any flaws, exactly the same as Luo Li's Holy Land Glazed Sea!

Then he continued to practice, and the other three holy places were also constructed. The five holy places were all of the same size, without any difference. Suddenly Luo Li's whole body was shaken.

These five holy places were so perfect that they actually caused a strange resonance. In an instant, all five holy places expanded by one point!

Luo Li was stunned. This was something he had not expected at all. He did not expect that the five Dharma Holy Lands were the same size and could have such benefits?

Luo Li secretly thought that when he completed the training of Jinfutu, completed the training of Liulihai, and obtained the Fire Jue Dao Technique, he would have to seek the method of constructing the Five Dharma Holy Land in the Golden Core Realm, and re-expand and evolve the Five Dharma Holy Land!

Continue to move forward, build the foundation of the first heaven, the foundation of the second heaven, the foundation of the third heaven...

With a bang, Luo Li was promoted to the golden elixir realm! The first level of golden elixir!

At this critical moment, Luo Li began to practice the Golden Buddha again.

This time, according to my own understanding, I practiced again, solved the shortcomings of the Lingxi transmission method, and eliminated the miscellaneous atmosphere of the golden pagoda illusion practice!

Come back again, the sand, bones, flesh, skin, shield, treasure, robe, armor, phase, air, door, wall and palace all come back again!

At this time, the shortcomings of Lingxi's teaching appeared. Even if Luo Li came back, he would be affected by them from time to time and unconsciously change his original intention and practice the Thirteen Methods of Pagoda according to the cultivation methods of those monks. !

At this critical moment, the power of the Ancestral Master Hall will appear in Luo Li's ears. The Sanskrit sounds of the Ancestral Master Hall will make Luo Li realize his mistakes, break the influence of the Lingxi transmission method, and build his own Golden Buddha Tu Dharma!

Time passed little by little. This time, the heart of nirvana, injected with the strange power of the Zushitang, did not heal in an instant like before, but extended for a long time!

In the blink of an eye, three days later, Luo Li roared!

The brilliance of Eternal Pagoda Jin Chenxi once again appeared on him, but it was completely different from Jin Chenxi in the Martial Arts Hall. He had no flaws. He could do as he pleased, act as he pleased, and be flawless. All flaws and mistakes had disappeared!

At this point, Luoli Jinfutu is completed, the five methods of Hunyuan are completed, and the three methods are completed!

With the completion of the Golden Buddha Temple, Luo Li just felt that every pore on his body was filled with comfort and moisture. He almost opened his mouth to feel comfortable!

This kind of comfort is a feeling of control. There is no need for him to prepare for it. Careful control, automatic control of the mind, automatic deduction of the mind, some previous obstacles, unexplained subtleties, usual incomprehension, stubborn incomprehension, One after another they were solved.

In my heart, everything is clear and clear. I feel that my whole body is extremely comfortable, my true power is flowing smoothly, my limbs, bones, and pores on my toes are all under control. My mind is wandering outside the world, completely in harmony with heaven and earth, like drinking fairy dew. So happy and comfortable!

The Golden Dawn of Eternal Pagoda was completed, and the Golden Pagoda was completed. Luo Li's body's spiritual energy suddenly boiled. He took advantage of this and was promoted to the second level of Jindan!

During this promotion, Luo Li immediately used the method of breaking the golden elixir taught by his master. He used his spiritual thoughts to strike the golden elixir and opened a small aperture on the golden elixir!

Then Luo Li used his spiritual thoughts as a pen to remove the dross of the Eternal Buddha Golden Dawn, leaving only the essence. He injected this essence into the golden elixir, turned it into endless runes, and engraved it on the golden elixir!

All of this is completely born from the heart, moved by the will, and inspired by the spirit. It is not limited to the shape, but seeks its meaning. It is completely natural, as if the carving was completed while half dreaming and half awake!

The golden dawn of the Eternal Pagoda gradually turned into a faint light, dissipated from Luo Li's body, and appeared on the golden elixir. It turned from magic into supernatural power and into Luo Li's life instinct!

When it was completed, Luo Li suddenly felt a kind of enlightenment in his heart, as if he was enlightened. At this point, the golden elixir opening essence technique was completed, and Luo Li obtained the first golden elixir magical power!

Luo Li let out a sigh of relief. Three months of hard work was completed today. All the goals were achieved. The Golden Buddha was completed. Jin Chenxi turned into magical powers at the Eternal Buddha, and he was promoted to the second level of the Golden Pill!

Luo Li couldn't help laughing, but as he laughed, with a bang, the true fire in the golden elixir burst out violently in Luo Li's body!

After being suppressed for so long, the true fire broke out and turned into a golden elixir phenomenon, giving birth to Luo Li's first fire jutsu!

A purple lotus appeared on the land beside Luo Li. This was a lotus composed of flames. There were nine lotus leaves in total. These lotus leaves were composed of countless small true fires. The red lotus slowly formed, with With a strange beauty and an aura that destroys everything, the Patriarch Hall is painted with a strange deep red color.

As the lotus flower opened, countless faint blood-colored flames poured out layer by layer. Mixed in it.

This red lotus has layers of halo surrounding Luo Li's body, rippling with layers of waves. At the same time, the light flickers and changes. The flowing fireflies overflow the layers of flaming lotus and trap Luo Li in it!

Luo Li immediately knew the name of this golden elixir vision fire jutsu, Du'e Honglian!

This spell creates a flaming red lotus about one foot in size next to Luo Li!

Within this range, any attack or spell will be refined by red lotus, increasing Luo Li's endless defense!

But the red lotus blooming around Luo Li only has a range. Although it can burn everything, the distance is too short, and it is almost a defensive spell!

Everything in the world is unpredictable. True Monarch Hu Chan has always believed that Huo Jue Tao Techniques are mainly offensive, but this Du'e Honglian is completely a defensive spell.

The reason for this is that Luo Li has been practicing Golden Buddha with all his strength in the past three months. All the techniques he has practiced are defensive in nature. These three months are also the process of Luo Li's first Fire Jue Dao Technique being gestated and matured. With this, Infection, so Luo Li's first Fire Jue Tao Technique was focused on defense.

That's it, but there is no other way. If Luo Li doesn't practice the Golden Buddha in these three months, he won't be able to achieve the Golden Buddha. Then the Du'e Red Lotus is an attack spell. Luo Li will be the Jindan Master in this life, and he will never have it. The possibility of entering the Nascent Soul realm.

But this is better, now both spells are defensive spells, plus the Xuan Zhi You Xuan Zhong Xuan Shield, Luo Li is safer, harder, and has stronger defense!

In fact, spells can be divided into pure defense and offense, and they all depend on the practitioner's use!

After the birth of Du'e Red Lotus, the true fire in the golden elixir began to fall silent and continued to brew. As time passed, it would give birth to a second fire jutsu!

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