Walk alone

Volume 3 Chapter 641: The Great Success of Jinxi through Hard Training! (Third update, please vote f

Brili let out a long breath, came to the ruins of the wall, sat down here, and began to practice the golden wall of the sunset frame of the twelfth pagoda.

Sure enough, there is a strange spiritual energy here, which has an endless promotion effect on the practice of Sunset Golden Wall.

The setting sun builds up the golden wall, and there is a poem about it. The thousand-foot-high cliff is cut into green, and the setting sun melts gold over the river.

It is the practice of cultivating ninety-nine channels of external spiritual energy, which is like a city wall to protect oneself firmly. If the enemy attacks, the internal energy released externally like a city wall will be continuously weakened and finally turned into nothingness. It is a supreme defense method. !

As expected, this place far surpassed the three places given by True Monarch Hu Chan. In less than five days, Luo Li breathed a sigh of relief and completed his cultivation on the golden wall at sunset!

Luo Li stood up slowly. The old man had always been here to accompany him. Otherwise, Luo Li would not have been able to withstand the various mirror lights in this world. This is also the reason why this place cannot develop the world.

After everything was finished, Luo Li said: "Thank you, senior!"

The old man smiled and said: "You are welcome to come and play in my giant world in the future!"

Luo Li said: "Okay, okay, senior, this is my idea, please accept it!"

After saying that, Luo Li sent over 10,000 kilograms of spiritual flesh, and this old man was here to accompany him. How could he not be rewarded for being so generous?

The old man smiled naively again and said, "The young ones should like this spiritual flesh, so I'll accept it!"

It accepted Luo Li's spirit and flesh, and Luo Li activated the token, left this world, and returned to the place of transit.

So far, Luo Li has been practicing in this golden mirror illusion for twenty days and has perfected the three secret techniques. He is still short of the last eleventh pagoda Golden Light Lock True Door, which he has not yet perfected.

However, he did not rush to the two worlds of "Flying Sky Golden Pagoda" and "Jiuhao Golden Pagoda". Instead, he had a good sleep in his room in this transit world.

If a worker wants to do his job well, he must first sharpen his tools, sharpen his knife and chop wood without missing a beat. After practicing for twenty days, it is better to take a night's rest!

Just like that, Luo Li slept for a long night. When he woke up the next day, he was refreshed. Then he chose the Jiuhao Golden Pagoda and teleported to that world.

In this world, Luo Li spent an hour to find a place to practice, and then practiced there.

Sure enough, as Yuan Hong said, the Golden Light Lock True Sect is extremely difficult to practice. Even with the illusion bonus, it is extremely difficult. Luo Li estimated that it would take him at least a year to practice this method.

Ten days passed like this. Luo Li's one-month trial here ended. In a flash, he was teleported out of the golden pagoda illusion and returned to the hall where he entered the illusion.

True Lord Xiangzhou was still sitting here. When he saw Luo Li, he said, "How is it? How is the harvest?"

Luo Li said: "Something gained!"

Xiangzhou Zhenjun said: "That's good, that's good!"

Luo Li was moved in his heart and said: "Ancestor, I would like to ask, is Fan Wujie of the Zhuanzhou lineage the one you mentioned as the spirit-slayer? Is he practicing here just because he has nothing to do?"

Xiangzhou Zhenjun sighed, nodded, and said: "Yes, that's him! Although this son is extremely determined, Patriarch Xin Yuan is too supportive of him. It can be said that the Zhuanzhou lineage has all the five major illusion cultivation qualifications. It’s all his, he’s been here for almost eleven months of the year!”

Luo Li nodded and said: "Disciple understands. Thank you so much, Patriarch!"

After speaking, Luo Li left and returned to Tianqing Peak. Along the way, leaving the illusion, Luo Li had a feeling. The golden elixir true fire in his body seemed to be ignited from time to time and exploded outside his body, but the golden light locked true door had not yet opened. Refined.

Returning to Tianqing Peak, True Lord Huchan listened to what Luo Li said. He kept nodding and said: "The Forbidden City has ten thousand layers of smoke and light, and the five gates of gold and jade shine into the clear sky. The Universe Jiegu has three thousand sides, and the twelve peaks of Lu, Hai and Aoshan Mountains .

The Jinguangsuozhenmen is indeed the most difficult method to practice in Jinfutu! "

Luo Li said: "Master, I have a feeling that the golden elixir true fire is about to explode. I'm afraid I won't be able to refine this golden light lock true door!"

Lord Huchan smiled and said, "How is that possible!"

After saying that, he slowly closed his eyes, as if he was shocked, and then let out a long breath. Luo Li suddenly discovered that the true energy in Zhenjun Huchan's body was unstable, and an indescribable terrifying aura kept rising on him. rise.

True Lord Hu Chan stretched out his hand and said, "Here you go, this is the golden light locking true door's spiritual method!"

Luo Li was immediately stunned. True Monarch Hu Chan cut off the Golden Light Lock True Gate that he had cultivated, and gave this spiritual gift to Luo Li.

In the past, Zhenjun Huchan didn't show any momentum because he controlled his body perfectly and had no regrets. But now the endless terrifying aura is slowly appearing on his body, which means that he can no longer control it after killing the spirit. My own essence and body!

Luo Li couldn't help shouting: "Master!"

Master Huchan smiled and said: "It doesn't matter, practice quickly! I was planning to cut off a few more doors for you, but who knew you were so up-to-date and this is the only one you're missing, practice quickly!"

Luo Li nodded and said, "Yes!"

True Monarch Hu Chan continued: "Luo Li, after you have mastered the Golden Light Locking True Door, you still need to integrate the Thirteen Golden Pagoda defense methods into the Golden Dawn of the Eternal Pagoda!

You can go to the main peak to apply for training in the martial arts hall. With the help of the forbidden magic circle there, you can complete this training and refine the Eternal Buddha Golden Dawn.

Then you apply for cultivation in the Zushi Hall, use all the days in the Zushi Hall, and when using it, eat the Heart of Nirvana, re-modify your cultivation process, and practice the Thirteen Gold Pagoda method again by relying on your own strength. .

In this way, all the disadvantages of relying on the Lingxi method and the illusion of the golden pagoda will be completely dissipated, and your golden pagoda will be a great success!

With the help of this golden Buddha Dacheng, you can be promoted to the second level of the golden elixir. When you are promoted, use the golden elixir breaking method I taught you to carve the golden dawn of the eternal pagoda into the golden elixir and turn it into your magical power. .

Go, disciple, work hard, don’t let the three months of hard work and the many years of hard work go to waste! "

Luo Li said: "Yes, disciple understands!"

True Lord Hu Chan said again: "By the way, Luo Li, I remember that your Tongtian Peak was completed in one day in Liangzhou. That holy land, Tongtian Peak, was three points weaker than other holy places, and Tongtian Peak was broken by true energy. The enemy will cause your Tongtian Peak to be unable to exert its powerful power.

It seems that the last time you rebuilt it, you didn’t reshape the Holy Land of Tongtian Peak, right? "

Luo Li paused and said, "Master, I want to reshape it, but there is no way to reshape it!"

Master Huchan said: "You can't reshape it, which is normal. In the final analysis, you are just Master Jindan. You can only let this elixir exert its medicinal properties! This is for you. This is the heart of nirvana used by the three great masters of returning to the void. "

Luo Li looked at this method of reshaping and admired it very much. The three major return to voids used the medicinal properties of the heart of nirvana to find new ways to reshape the Holy Land. This method Luo Li could not have imagined. This is the return to void Zhenyi and Jin. The difference between Dan Zhenren!

Luo Li memorized this method firmly, and next to Hu Chan, he immediately absorbed this spiritual gift. In less than a day, he refined the Golden Light Lock True Sect!

At this point, Luo Li has completed the practice of the thirteen defensive spells of Jinfutu, sand, bone, flesh, skin, shield, treasure, robe, armor, phase, air, door, wall and palace! Thirteen secret techniques, all completed!

Luo Li took a long breath and felt the bones in his body rattling. These thirteen great laws were integrated, and they were about to merge with the one and only, turning into the Golden Dawn of the Eternal Pagoda.

Suddenly, Zhenjun Huchan beside Luo Li roared loudly, interrupting Luo Li's practice. He said:

"Luo Li, don't refine this Eternal Pagoda Golden Chenxi first. You go to the main peak to apply for training in the martial arts hall, and use the forbidden magic circle there to complete this training."

Luo Li was stunned, what did this mean? He was about to complete the training, but he was asked to go to the main peak to practice in the martial arts hall?

However, the master ordered, and Luo Li immediately obeyed, and he went to the main peak to practice martial arts.

When he got there, he applied for qualifications, and soon Luo Li came to a large hall, where endless energy was everywhere, containing the aura of the Golden Dawn of the Eternal Buddha, which could help the monks complete this practice.

Luo Li continued the unfinished training here, once again operating the thirteen defensive spells of Jinfutu, sand, bone, flesh, skin, shield, treasure, robe, armor, phase, air, door, wall, palace...

Suddenly Luo Li felt that his pores were open, and his whole body was filled with warmth, as if he had drank a cup of century-old brew. It was so wonderful that it was indescribable. The thirteen great methods instantly merged into one, turning into one method, and turned into a ray of light, like gold and sunshine, covering On yourself!

The light penetrated into Luo Li's meridians, nourishing and transforming every inch of the meridians. Then, they spread along the meridians, like water flowing into the sea, quickly spreading to every place in his body where the meridians passed. , penetrate until my entire body is completely occupied by them, bone, blood, flesh, skin...

Continuous penetration, continuous strengthening, continuous transformation, continuous infiltration...

Luo Li let out a growl, and now he has perfected his cultivation, becoming the Eternal Buddha Golden Dawn!

A ray of golden light, moved by Luo Li's thoughts, danced on Luo Li's body, completely sealing Luo Li's defense!

This is the golden morning light of the Eternal Buddha. However, when this golden light is running, it is a little shackles, a little dull, and a little slow. However, this is a supreme defense method. It has extremely terrifying defensive power, no better than the Jingshi Sect and the Vajra Rakshasa. How much weaker are the supreme defenses of the Sect, the Holy Armor Sect, and the Sun Palace!

Luo Li smiled, left here immediately, used the token, and headed to the Patriarch Hall!

After Luo Li left, the Nascent Soul Lord who was guarding this place secretly sent out a flying talisman.

In the flying talisman, there was the image of Luo Li who had completed his training and became the imperial envoy of the Eternal Pagoda Jin Chenxi. This flying talisman turned several people into the hands of Fan Wujie.

Fan Wujie looked at the Eternal Pagoda Jin Chenxi cultivated by Luo Li with a smile, shook his head and said:

"Senior Brother Luo Li, why are you so reckless? Jin Chenxi, a good Jin Chenxi, has cultivated to this level. There are at least seventeen flaws and twenty-one mistakes!

The sect competition is about to begin, and the winner will represent the Hunyuan Sect in the Chunan Heroes Association and become famous all over the world!

Senior Brother Luo Li, if you act like this, I will easily surpass you, and then I will have no fun at all! "

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