Walk alone

Volume 3 Chapter 636: The Golden Tower Illusion Trial is Difficult!

Fei Li felt the power of this real fire and couldn't help but frown, but he believed in the master! Practice!

He began to practice the Eighth Pagoda's Golden Rhinoceros Mountains and Rivers, the Tenth Pagoda's Golden Crow Light-Guiding Mirror, and the Thirteenth Pagoda's Golden Temple of the Spiritual Holy Palace!

It is still the same as before, the three-day method will be taught by Master Huchan, and then he will use the Lingxi transmission method to practice this method, and then use the spirit pool to train the body to reduce the disadvantages.

Lord Tiger Chan slowly taught:

“The golden rhinoceros of the Eighth Pagoda is placed in the mountains and rivers. There is a poem that says: The golden rhinoceros shines obliquely, and the stars move and shake the mountains and rivers.

This was created by the Five Extremes Patriarch of our Hunyuan Sect, and it is a variation and extension based on the golden jade colored glaze.

This method uses stars as the source, mountains and rivers as armor, and refining heavy armor to obtain super defense! …”

"There is a poem about the Golden Crow Light Mirror of the Tenth Pagoda: The Golden Crow will always lose its brilliance, and the moon mirror will never be clear.

This was created by Wang Yangming, the founder of Hunyuan Sect Zhongxing. The significance of this method lies in the transformation of vitality. At this time, the Golden Pagoda already has nine major pagodas, including sand, bone, meat, skin, shield, treasure, robe, armor, and phase. All of them are already available, but Patriarch Wang Yangming found that there was still three points left. This kind of blindly increasing defense was not the correct method, so he invented this method to absorb the power of the sun and exchange vitality. There is this method, and the previous nine methods, All are alive, and the power is doubled. "

"The Thirteenth Pagoda Golden Temple of the Spiritual Holy Palace! There is a poem that says: The golden wall has thousands of gates and the golden platform, Mu Qingchong's realm is secretly under the sun.

This was created by the Yinghuang Patriarch of the Hunyuan Sect, who was the fourth disciple of Wang Yangming, the Patriarch of Zhongxing. As soon as this method came out, the golden light of the Eleven Pagodas was used to lock the true door. Yuan Zong’s Golden Pagoda has reached the state of perfection!

At this point, the thirteen defensive methods of Jinfutu, the perfect system of sand, bone, flesh, skin, shield, treasure, robe, armor, phase, air, door, wall and palace, are completely completed. No matter how the later generations of monks practiced, they could not add one more method to these thirteen methods, and the fusion of the thirteen methods gave birth to the super-level magic Eternal Buddha Golden Dawn.

This is the strongest defensive spell of our Hunyuan Sect, and it is the core spell of the Four Imperial Guards in the World, and it is nothing more than that. It's just that our Hunyuan Sect doesn't seek its name. In addition, we can practice to become the Eternal Buddha Golden Dawn. In our Hunyuan Sect, we are also like phoenix horns and linmao, otherwise the world will be full of five emperors! "

Under the teachings of True Monarch Hu Chan, Luo Li relied on the Lingxi transmission method and spent half a month to successfully practice these four golden pagoda spells.

After successfully practicing the Nine-Gold Tribulation Qing Ming, Luo Li had an iron-like skeleton and a proud body, with iron bones and a golden skull, and his body's defense power skyrocketed. Refined by Jin Xinao's Qi and blood, he opened a new blood and Qi circulation system in the body, with unlimited physical strength and invincible defense!

It is made by stacking hills of gold. In the dimension, the hills of gold are not broken, and Luo Li's skin is not hurt! The golden essence is indestructible and is refined. A giant shield protects you in front of you. Your faith is immortal and this shield cannot be broken!

Made of golden jade and glaze, there seems to be an invisible robe outside the body. Any attack will be removed, broken down and disrupted by this robe!

The golden rhinoceros is made from heavy mountains and rivers. In addition to the robe, there is a pair of heavy armor. It can absorb the light of the stars and the energy of the earth at all times to protect the body!

After the Golden Crow Light-Guiding Mirror is made, these defenses are no longer dead, and begin to exchange with the spiritual energy of the outside world, in an endless cycle of life and death.

The Golden Spirit Holy Palace was built, and a palace seemed to rise from time to time outside the body. The palaces, pavilions, pavilions, mountain gates and city walls turned into endless defenses to protect Luo Li.

At this point in his practice, Luo Li felt the power of the Golden Buddha. After all the thirteen arts were refined, he was truly invulnerable and invulnerable to all kinds of magic. Coupled with the profound and profound profound shield in his robe, he became A diamond lump, a stubborn golden ball, standing there, letting them attack, but not afraid!

So far, Luo Li has perfected the nine-door golden pagoda spell. He still needs the sixth pagoda to ring the golden bell, the ninth pagoda to turn into gold, the eleventh pagoda to lock its true door with golden light, and the twelve pagodas to set the golden wall at sunset!

However, as these spells were successfully practiced one after another, Luo Li discovered that the true fire in the golden elixir was getting stronger and stronger, and he had less and less time.

Luo Li told his problem to his master, and Lord Huchan nodded and said: "It doesn't matter, I have already planned it, you still have at least one and a half months.

This month and a half is enough time to practice the remaining four methods! "

Then Lord Tiger Zen gave Luo Li a map and said: "You should go to the Golden Pagoda Fantasy Land to practice immediately. I will give you a month to follow this map to practice in several locations, and practice the remaining four methods there. You will be like a fish in water, and you will make a thousand miles in one step.”

The so-called golden pagoda illusion is the countless flying golden pagodas above the Hunyuan Sect. They are countless seniors of the Hunyuan Sect. After their death, their Five Laws Holy Land loses its owner and automatically separates. Because of the same attributes, they are attracted to each other and condensed. A strange fantasy.

Most of these illusions were left by True Monarch Yuanying. At that time, they had already given birth to their own dimensional space, just like Luo Li's Taichu Cave. After their death, most of the buildings and objects in the cave were burned, but A small part is left and gathered together to form strange cave worlds with endless characteristics.

In these cave worlds, they are full of adventures and endless dangers. Some of the sentient beings from the predecessors have not dissipated and survived, and some are extremely aggressive. You must know that the non-integrated dimensional cave worlds were originally the demons of the Hunyuan Sect. During the time of the sect, the Dimensional Cave Heaven left behind by the predecessors of the Demon Sect, the cultivation concepts at that time were completely different from those of the Hunyuan Sect now.

But there are countless adventures inside, which often happen. The monks found the news of the treasure left by their predecessors inside. It is said that not long ago, Senior Brother Ajiu got the seventh-level divine sword left by his predecessor in a cave of hell, which made countless people envious .

These illusions are very unstable, so entering these illusions is one of the sect rewards of Hunyuan Sect. Not everyone can enter at will. Luo Li has the right to enter the sea of ​​clouds for three months and the golden tower for three months. , now he enters the golden pagoda fantasy!

Arriving at the Five Laws Holy Realm Hall at the central peak of the Hunyuan Sect, Luo Li entered it, where a Nascent Soul Lord was guarding.

Luo Li had never seen this Nascent Soul True Lord before. He saluted slowly and said, "I have seen you, senior!"

The Nascent Soul Master glanced at Luo Li and said, "Are you Luo Li?"

Luo Li said: "Exactly!"

True Lord Yuanying said: "I am True Lord Xiangzhou, and He Zhou is my senior brother!"

Luo Li immediately saluted again. This was one of his own, and said, "I have met Master Xiangzhou!"

Xiangzhou Zhenjun said: "These few times I went to see Hezhou, he asked you every time, not bad, not bad, Luo Li, you are very good!"

Luo Li said: "Master Xiangzhou, I wonder how Master Hezhou is doing?"

Xiangzhou Zhenjun sighed and said: "After ten years of rest, his injuries were fully recovered last year. It has only been ten years without cultivation. If he does not advance, he will retreat. What a pity!"

Luo Li nodded and said, "As long as it's okay, it'll be okay!"

True Lord Xiangzhou looked at Luo Li and said, "Luo Li, are you going to practice there?"

Luo Li said: "Disciple, I want to go to the Golden Pagoda Fantasy Land to practice for a month!"

Luo Li has three months of cultivation qualifications, but he only wants to use it for one month. After one month, he will go to his master to continue teaching the method.

Xiangzhou Zhenjun said: "Okay, okay, okay!"

After saying that, he began to prepare the teleportation for Luo Li. He said: "Generally, monks go to the fantasy world to practice, which is three days and five days. Luo Li, you are limited to one month. It seems that during this period of time, you will be able to serve the sect." I’ve done a lot of tasks!”

Hunyuan Sect is huge, and not every monk knows about Luo Li.

In the eyes of Xiangzhou Zhenjun, a one-month trial is already very impressive. Most people only last three to five days, which shows how cherished this trial qualification is.

Luo Li said: "Luck, luck, just luck!"

After finishing the arrangement, True Lord Xiangzhou handed Luo Li a token and said:

"With this token, you can exist in the golden pagoda illusion for one month, during which you can use the escape decree three times a day to escape from the golden pagoda illusion you are exploring.

But if you use it for the fourth time in a day, you will be teleported here directly and leave the golden pagoda illusion. Your cultivation qualification will be invalid no matter how many days are left.

Among them, you must remember that everything depends on fate and cannot be forced.

There will be some combat trials in the fantasy world, allowing you to kill some phantoms, and then you will get some rewards. However, if you are not in a specific combat trial area, you must be careful when encountering phantoms.

If you encounter an unreasonable fantasy magic spirit, avoid it if you can. Don't fight. By the way, if you have prepared any gold ore, you can sometimes bribe them! "

Luo Li listened carefully and said, "Disciple understands!"

Xiangzhou Zhenjun continued: "Currently, there are 1,687 known golden pagoda illusions, of which 564 are developed, 343 are in semi-developed state, and the rest are not developed. You can only enter by chance, and it is very dangerous. You must pay attention..."

He told Luo Li various instructions for the illusion trial here. He talked for a long time. After he finished speaking, he touched Luo Li's meridians and frowned and said:

"Luo Li, how come you have refined so many spiritual gifts! You are a disciple of Tianqing Peak. What Tianqing Peak emphasizes is accumulation, endless accumulation, and you never make rash advances. You are too rash!"

Luo Li sighed and said: "It's hard to explain in words! Master, it's like this..."

After finishing speaking, Xiangzhou Zhenjun sighed and said: "Oh, there is no other way but to choose the one with the least disadvantages!

Go, go, be careful, don't be greedy for credit, just let everything happen! "

Luo Li said: "Yes, the disciple has gone!"

Xiangzhou Zhenjun seemed to be sighing and said again: "The Hunyuan Sect has been in complete chaos for a while, and one of the top ten masters in the world in the Qi refining period has emerged.

Tian Qingfeng, who was most particular about accumulation, started to advance rashly, and what was commonly known as Zhuanzhou Lineage, which was most particular about accumulation, started to take the road of accumulation, and it was also the most difficult spirit-slaying practice. It was really a mess! "

The first chapter today, there are two more chapters to come!

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