Walk alone

Volume Three, Chapter 635: Golden Sands Flesh and Skin Shield! (Fourth update, please give me a guar

After the completion of the Second Buddha's Nine Golden Tribulations of Qing Ming, Luo Li immediately felt the true fire of the golden elixir and jumped again. It seemed that he couldn't help but become stronger. It seemed that he had to hurry up.

Otherwise, if the true fire breaks out, the Golden Buddha will never be able to be completed, and he will only be in the Golden Core realm for the rest of his life, with a lifespan of a thousand years. Luo Li doesn't want to be like this.

In addition, this golden pagoda made by relying on the Lingxi transmission method gave Luo Li an indescribable uncomfortable feeling. In Luo Li's eyes, this spell had many flaws. In operation, it was not as good as the previous Hunyuan Sect spells. The feeling of using your fingers.

This spell is supposed to have 10% of the magic effect, but Luo Li can only exert 70% of the effect. As expected, it has to be a spell that he has worked hard to practice to be valuable. This tricked spell is really unpleasant.

After completing the Nine Golden Tribulations of Qingming, Luo Li immediately used the token to refine his body in the Golden Buddha Spirit Pond.

The Golden Buddha Lingchi is located on the main peak of the Hunyuan Sect. After passing twelve consecutive levels, Luo Li entered a huge space.

In this space, there are five pools, arranged in the direction of the five elements, which are the five spiritual pools of Hunyuan. This pool is not big, only three feet in diameter. It looks like a pool of water, but the color is different. There is nothing unusual about it.

There is a person guarding here, and it is the True Master Tianya. To say that he is guarding this place, it is better to say that he practices here to understand the way.

Seeing Luo Li, Patriarch Tianya said, "Luo Li, this is your first time here. Do you want to use that pool?"

Luo Li said: "Master, I want to refine my body in the Golden Buddha Spirit Pond for a day!"

Patriarch Tianya took a look at Luo Li's reward information and said, "Aren't you qualified for four days? It's best to come to this Golden Spirit Pond together for four days for better results!"

Luo Li said: "Master, I want to practice Jinfutu quickly and use a lot of spiritual skills. Master Yuchen asked me to soak in the pool for a day for each method I refine!"

Patriarch Tianya let out a long breath and said: "I see, then, well, Yu Chen is right, just practice like this!

Remember that when you are refining your body in the spirit pool, you must grasp your true heart and not be affected by external objects. You can reduce a lot of the disadvantages of the spirit-granting method!

Also, be careful, there are still people who drown when taking a bath in the world. It is very painful to enter this pool. Be careful not to hurt yourself to death in this pool! "

Luo Li said: "Yes, disciple understands!"

Luo Li took off his clothes, came to the side of the golden pool and walked down slowly. Suddenly the water turned into a pool of golden water, as if gold melted.

In this pool of water, Luo Li felt as if he had entered an alchemical furnace, with endless golden knives cutting and digging into his body!

Patriarch Tianya watched from the side. Most people would jump out screaming after entering. It would take hundreds of times to get used to it and train in the pool.

But when Luo Li entered it, he just let out a long breath and sighed comfortably: "Ah!"

He seemed to be enjoying it!

Back then, when Luo Li was refining his body with the Diyuan Earth Spirit Sect, he was repeatedly fried by magma. This golden pond refining was too easy for him, but it actually gave him a comfortable feeling. It was so enjoyable!

Patriarch Tianya was immediately dumbfounded. This was the first time he had seen such a monk!

Just like this, after Luo Li had been practicing for a day and left the pond, he immediately discovered that he could use eight points of those ten points of spells, which indeed reduced a lot of the disadvantages of teleportation.

Continuing to practice, Luo Li raced against time, and True Monarch Tiger Chan also cooperated and began to teach the third method!

"The golden heart of the third pagoda boils the blood. There is a poem saying that the golden dew condenses on the moonlit night in Yaochi, and the soul is confused and awakens Wuxin.

This method is based on the Hunyuan Sect's three major door-to-door spells, the Blood Demon Sect, the Heart Demon Sect, and the Xiantian Yiqi Sect.

This method uses gilded gold to cast the golden sand of the city of God. It first refines the gold heart, casts blood vessels, and builds blood circulation. Then it refines silver energy, casts meridians, and builds spiritual energy circulation channels. In short, it builds a new blood in addition to its own body circulation. Reiki operates the circulatory system.

After practicing this method, your physical body will automatically be strengthened three times, with endless defense, unlimited physical strength, and endless endurance!

I’m going to teach you this method now, you practice it as hard as you can, and after three days, I’ll be refining the spirit and giving you the method..."

Lord Tiger Zen began to teach, and Luo Li began to practice. Although Luo Li was unable to practice this magic in the past three days, he gained a lot of his own understanding and new knowledge of this magic.

In the blink of an eye, three days later, he began to use the Lingxi Granting Technique!

Lingxi's gift of magic is indeed powerful. In less than two days, Luo Li turned it into a golden heart to boil qi and blood!

He still followed the old method and went to the Golden Buddha Spirit Pond to practice for a day, and then began to practice the Golden Form on the Fourth Buddha Hill.

"The fourth pagoda hill is stacked with gold, and there is a poem about the clouds and hills stacked with gold, and the light is extinguished, and the clouds are about to burn and the sky is filled with snow.

This method is one of the five great ways of cultivating immortality in the Infinite Space Demon Sect. Before practicing this method, you must refine a small dimensional space, then hide endless gold essence in the dimensional space, refine it into a small mountain, and then Using magic, the hill is projected onto the skin of the whole body. In this way, the monk's skin has the defensive power of the golden hill. All attacks will be transferred to the golden hill, making the defense invincible!

This small mountain of golden essence has been summarized by countless seniors, and the best answer has been obtained. The sect provides it for every monk who practices this method! It is available in limited quantities for free, and as much as you can refine, we will give it to you! "!

Luo Li nodded, this is the advantage of having a sect, there are all kinds of resources, you don't have to search hard by yourself!

Lord Huchan said again:

"This gilded God City is made of refined gold sand, which is the foundation of the Golden Pagoda!

The Qingming of the Nine Metal Tribulations is a sacrifice to the bones, the golden heart boils the qi and blood is a sacrifice to the flesh and blood meridians, and the hill stacked metal phase is a sacrifice to the skin, skin, flesh and bones. In this way, the three are combined into one to form a human body. The great method is waiting for you to integrate and penetrate it, and your defense will be stronger!

But generally speaking, this is a method of body refining, focusing on body refining! The fifth to tenth pagodas are the ultimate defense methods! "

Under the guidance of his master, Luo Li used the Lingxi Gift Technique to build the dimensional cave in one day. He placed a small mountain of gold essence inside and locked the projection. Suddenly, there was an invisible shield on his skin, making him invulnerable.

However, the golden hill's space becomes larger as the spells increase, and the hill smiles as it receives damage from attacks, so it needs to be replaced every ten years.

After Luo Li succeeded in practicing, he went to the Jinfutu Spirit Pond to practice for another day, but at this time he only had one day left to practice.

Patriarch Tianya suddenly said: "Luo Li, I think you seem to have exchanged the spiritual gifts of eight golden pagodas?"

Luo Li said: "Yes, Patriarch!"

Patriarch Tianya said: "Let's do this. You lend me the Nine Heavens Yuanyang Ruler. After three months, I will return it to you. However, I can't use your magic weapon in vain. I will reward you with four days of body training in the Golden Buddha Lingchi. , considered as reward!

I guard this place and practice here, so I still have this right! "

Luo Li immediately said: "Thank you, Patriarch, for your help!"

Even if there is no reward, Zhenzun Tianya wants to borrow the Nine Heavens Yuanyang Ruler, and Luo Li also has to borrow it. Even though Zhenjun Huchan has given this treasure to Luo Li for use, the seniors in the sect still have to borrow it.

In fact, Patriarch Tianya just took this opportunity to give Luo Li four days of body training opportunities to prevent others from making irresponsible remarks and use this as an excuse to cover up everyone's opinions.

Just like that, Luo Li continued to practice! Lord Tiger Zen continues to teach!

"The golden spirit of the fifth pagoda will never be extinguished. There is a poem that says: The golden spirit crowns the immortal, clearing the forbidden and descending the wheel. The distant source is the beginning of enlightenment, and the mountains are towering with billions of trillions."

This method is the supreme secret method of Jingshimen, one of the four imperial guards in the world, and it was obtained by me, Hunyuan Sect, in exchange!

This method is completely different from the previous four methods. That is sacrificing the physical body. This method is a complete defense! This method is to use the gold sand from the gilded city of God to condense into a shield!

This shield is called indestructible, and its only characteristic is its strength! It is guided by your soul. As long as your faith is not broken, this shield will not be broken. As long as your faith is not broken, this shield will not be destroyed!

The characteristics of this method are to resist head-on, to meet head-to-head, and to use the sharpness of gold to break through the intrusion of all kinds of attacks and the violent attack of thousands of soldiers!

I am hard, extremely hard, resisting everything and resisting all attacks! "

This spell is completely to Luo Li's liking. As long as the belief is not broken, this meal will not be broken. Luo Li liked this method very much and began to practice it. Unexpectedly, this spell did not use the consonant gift method. Luo Li actually perfected it within three days!

Suddenly Luo Li understood why time was running out, but True Monarch Hu Chan had to teach each spell for three days. What he instilled was concepts and confidence. In this way, even without using the Lingxi Granting Technique, he had achieved this skill. Spells.

Although the spirit-granting method was not used to refine the spell, Master Huchan still asked Luo Li to refine his body in the Jinfutu Spirit Pond for a day.

When Luo Li got there, he was stunned. Patriarch Tianya had disappeared. Someone else was guarding the place. After asking around, Patriarch Tianya asked for leave for three months!

It turns out that Patriarch Tianya really wants to use the Nine Heavens Yuanyang Ruler, Luo Li is too self-righteous...

Another day of sacrificing and refining his body, and then returning, Luo Li raced against time, and True Lord Huchan also worked tirelessly!

"After you made the fifth pagoda, I should have taught you the ancient golden bell of the sixth pagoda.

However, if you have not received the spiritual gift from the Sixth Pagoda, then the Seventh Pagoda can only teach you the golden jade glaze. There is a poem that goes: Thousands of practitioners join forces to fight for novelty, ice porcelain and golden strands are better than colored glaze.

This method was created by the ancestor Yan Kuangtu. The Golden Spirit Indestructible was used to refine the Sanskrit Golden Shield, while the Golden Jade Glaze was used to refine the outer robe for defense!

The characteristics of this method are different from the inexhaustible hard resistance of the golden spirit, and also different from the circular rotation of the ancient golden bell. The characteristics of this method are dissolution! Dismantle, decompose, help chaos, destroy the opponent's attack, and use it to defend!

Luo Li started learning like this. Three days later, he used the Lingxi Granting Technique and then refined his body in the Lingchi Pool to completely master the Seventh Pagoda Golden Ray Jade Glaze.

At this time, a month has passed since Luo Li practiced the Golden Buddha, and he refined the six major spells of the Golden Buddha!

However, after each spell is refined, the true fire in the golden elixir becomes stronger!

Crisis is approaching!

Although it’s a little late, I’m still here, and I’ll continue my third update today!

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