Walk alone

Volume 3 Chapter 637: Old friends meet with frost-like hair on their temples! (Second update, please

Chapter 637!

"The Zhuanzhou lineage, which is most focused on quick results, has begun to take the path of accumulation, and it is also the most difficult spirit-slaying practice. It's really a mess!"

Hearing this, Luo Li paused. The so-called spirit-cutting practice is to use the spirit method to cut off the Hunyuan Dafa that he has refined, and then practice it again.

After cutting off the Dafa, practicing this method again requires three to five times the hard work and effort of the previous one. Very few monks from the Hunyuan Sect do this, but it is said that if you put in endless hard work the second time, you can still achieve this. If the magic is refined, the effect of this magic will be several times more powerful than the original magic.

The more you give, the more you gain, that’s the truth of heaven and earth!

For some reason, the monk he saw outside the treasury last time suddenly appeared in Luo Li's mind, that middle-aged man who had gone through many vicissitudes of life. Luo Li had a strange feeling that the Lord Xiangzhou was talking about him!

Shaking his head, it had nothing to do with him, and hung up. Luo Li took the token and tapped it gently. In a flash, he began to teleport, leaving this hall and entering the golden pagoda fantasy!

In an instant, Luo Li appeared on a flying land. The land was about a hundred feet in size. There were twenty houses in it. These houses were all very small and could only fit one bed inside.

This is the transfer station for the golden pagoda illusion practice. The monks who come here for trials can rest here and enter those illusions.

The so-called escape three times a day means to escape from the illusion, teleport here, and then choose a new cave to continue exploring.

Each of the houses has a jade plaque, and seventeen of them emit light, indicating that they are inhabited.

Luo Li randomly came to an empty house and touched the jade token with the token. Suddenly the house flashed and the door opened, allowing Luo Li to live here.

But Luo Li did not enter. He walked towards the center of the continent. There was a golden tablet there. On the golden tablet, there were countless names engraved on it:

"Yizheng Golden Pagoda", "Tianbo Golden Pagoda", "vast Golden Pagoda", "Cangyin Golden Pagoda", "Xingchen Golden Pagoda", "White Rainbow Golden Pagoda", "Guanri Golden Pagoda", "Modang Golden Pagoda" and "Ming {Golden Pagoda" "Shengyu Golden Pagoda", "Youdao Golden Pagoda", "Wandering Golden Pagoda", "Wantao Golden Pagoda"...

There are a total of seven to eight hundred of these named pagodas, all of which are developed or semi-developed pagodas. Those that have not been developed are named with numbers. These golden pagodas are named after the names of the deceased predecessors of the pagoda owners, or the names of the discoverers, or special deeds. As long as you get a token here, Luo Li can go to the golden pagoda fantasy dimension cave!

Luo Li took out the map given to him by his master, looked at it carefully, and said: "I want to practice the Sixth Pagoda Ancient Yao Ming Golden Bell. There are four best places to practice, namely the "Star Golden Pagoda", "White Rainbow Golden Pagoda" and "Guan Jin Pagoda". "Sun Golden Pagoda" and "Duanji Golden Pagoda"...

Okay, let’s go to the first Star Golden Pagoda first! "

Thinking of this, Luo Li took the token and pointed out the name of the Star Golden Tower. In an instant, Luo Li disappeared and was transported to a dimensional cave!

Landing in a daze, Luo Li felt as if he was stepping on cotton. Looking around, he was on a high mountain, located on the mountainside. There was an indescribable illusory feeling here, as if he was under an illusion at this moment. Same as coming to an illusory world.

Everything here seems to be made of fine iron, but it is not as hard as fine iron. Instead, it is as soft as cotton. But if you don't pay attention, you will be stabbed and cut by this cotton-like thing immediately. Although you look at it, Like cotton, but they are still fine iron and extremely sharp.

This world was originally the dimensional cave heaven transformed by the Nascent Soul Lord, the Five Dharmas, and the five holy lands. It was just like Luo Li's Taichu Cave Heaven. However, after the monk died, some of the remaining dimensional cave heavens were left behind, and finally turned into Such a fantasy dimension!

Luo Li took a deep breath and patted his cheek vigorously. He took out the map left by his master and started to look at it.

"This Star Golden Pagoda is a relic of the Taichu Cave Heaven left by the True Lord of the Stars 29,000 years ago in the Hunyuan Sect. Legend has it that this True Lord was the best at the Golden Pagoda of the Five Methods of the Hunyuan. He once single-handedly suppressed the Jingshield Gate. Five Nascent Souls!

The reason why Xingchen Zhenjun fell was because he tried to develop the 14th Golden Pagoda and became one-tenth of the monks consumed within the Hunyuan Sect. In the end, he went crazy and died.

Apart from this, no one knows what the surname of the True Lord of the Stars is, what his name is, whether he has lovers, whether he has enemies, and what other deeds he has done. There is nothing else but this little record! "

"Back then, a generation of Nascent Soul True Monarchs must have become famous all over the world, defeating the five major Nascent Souls of the Jingdun Sect. He must have been so majestic and majestic at that time. He must have had many confidants, and there must have been many loves and hates! But now, all that is left is This dimensional cave is left to be commemorated by future generations, and nothing else is left, not even a name..."

"Oh, if I die unfortunately, I may not be as good as him. Maybe ten thousand years later, no, maybe in just three thousand years, everything about me will disappear between heaven and earth, no one will remember it, and there will be no trace!"

"So, you must live, you must live forever, there are thousands of spells, all kinds of magical powers, only immortality! Only by living can the world remember me!

No, why let them remember me? As long as I live and exist, I am more valuable than any memory! "

At this moment, Luo Li's question was extremely clear. He only wanted to survive and live forever!

Luo Li took a deep breath and stepped on the mountain road towards the high mountain.

This place is an illusion, but there are mountains, water, grass, trees, and creatures!

But this mountain is a virtual mountain, like a round star. No matter you walk up the mountain or down the mountain, it will never end. Watching you continue walking, the earth under your feet is actually spinning, like a wheel, constantly cycling.

This water does not flow downward, it is like clouds and mist, flowing randomly!

The grass and trees seem to be living creatures. They can't help but whisper when they see you. If you accidentally step on a piece of grass, the grass will scream and scare you, but maybe It will immediately turn into a sharp sword, pierce your shoes and penetrate your ankles!

According to the records on the master's map, Luo Li kept walking upwards, and there was no need to distinguish any direction. As long as he walked down, the place he wanted to go would appear in front of him.

This Star Golden Pagoda has been developed. Walking up a hundred feet, a valley will appear on the side. This is the combat trial ground. There is a kind of golden spirit in this valley. You can fight with them to practice the attack spells on the sixth floor of the Golden Pagoda. , and after killing Jin Ling, you will get Jin Ling's original elemental mineral, Xuan Ling Jing Fei. Each kilogram of Xuan Ling Fei Iron is worth a thousand spirit stones. This was the cave heaven specialty of Xing Chen Zhenjun.

But Luo Li shook his head and continued to move forward. He didn't have the time to try it here.

After walking another hundred feet, there is another cave entrance. This is also a place of trial. Entering it, you can practice the enemy trapping spell on the sixth floor of the Golden Pagoda. Legend has it that the True Lord Xingchen likes this spell the most.

If certain requirements are met, the treasures owned by True Lord Xingchen will appear there and be given to future generations as rewards. This is just fate!

But Luo Li didn't have the time to move forward!

After walking a hundred feet forward, five golden trees appeared in front of them. That was Luo Li's destination. There was a strange spiritual energy there. By cultivating the ancient golden bell of the Sixth Pagoda there, one could reach a thousand miles in one step!

Luo Li was overjoyed and walked over quickly, but before he got there, Luo Li immediately saw a monk there, sitting on five golden trees practicing luck cultivation!

Someone got there first. According to Hunyuan Sect's rules, Luo Li could only move to another place!

Luo Li looked at the man and was stunned. It was the middle-aged man he saw outside the treasure house. He had silver hair and wrinkles on his face. He looked like he was in his forties or fifties!

Luo Li shook his head and was about to leave and look for the other three training places, but Luo Li gritted his teeth. This man felt familiar to him for some reason.

Suddenly the man jumped up and shouted: "I've made it, I've made it!"

He was overjoyed. A golden bell appeared on his body, protecting him. The bell could not stop rotating, showing its power of rotation. It was like a copper wall and an iron wall, invulnerable!

Unexpectedly, this person turned out to be the sixth pagoda and the ancient sun rang the golden bell. Luo Li was happy for him. Once you have finished practicing, should you leave and leave this place to yourself?

The man cheered three times and immediately returned to normal, returning to the state of Gu Jing Wubo again. Only then did he see Luo Li. He glanced at Luo Li from a distance, then closed his eyes and continued to sit down. If you continue to practice there, just pretend that Luo Li doesn't exist and have no intention of leaving at all!

Luo Li was speechless. Since they won't leave, let's go!

Luo Li was about to leave, but suddenly he paused and recalled the man's shout just now, "I've made it, I've made it!"

Luo Li turned around sharply, looked at the man, and said in an unforgettable voice: "Ban Wujie!"

The man still didn't move, pretending he didn't hear Luo Li's shout!

Fan Wujie shouted out three words, and Luo Li immediately determined who he was. It was Fan Wujie!

Only he could make Luo Li so unforgettable! But the reason why Luo Li didn't recognize him was that Fan Wujie had always been domineering, frivolous and proud. How could he be like the old man in front of him, with silver hair, no ripples in the ancient well, and no bending under the weight of Mount Tai, so calm and composed? , so old, how could it be him!

Luo Li didn't believe in his heart that he could be Fan Wujie, but that voice was definitely his!

Luo Li walked over quickly and walked up to the vicissitudes of life in front of the middle-aged old man. The more he looked at him, the more he looked at him!

Luo Li couldn't help shouting again: "Ban Wujie!"

Fan Wujie opened his eyes, looked at Luo Li, smiled, and said, "Senior Brother Luo Li, I haven't seen you for many years, how are you?"

Luo Li said: "You, what, how did you become like this?"

Fan Wujie smiled and said calmly: "Practice! Practice!

Practicing hard, slaying the spirit, continue the hard training, continue slaying the spirit!

Ten years of wall-breaking pictures! For you, it is only ten years, but for me, three hundred years have passed!

I don’t have the adverse luck like you. I can only persevere, work hard, and work hard! "

Then Fan Wujie looked at Luo Li and said slowly: "You are still so young and handsome! You are exactly the same as when you and I met!"

Then he looked at his reflection and said: "My face is covered with dust and my temples are like frost..."

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