Walk alone

Volume 3, Chapter 634: Iron bones transform into golden skeletons! (Third update, please give me a g

On the next day, Luo Li's reward was immediately announced. !

This Heart of Nirvana is a supreme treasure. It is strictly kept secret by the three great patriarchs and True Monarch Hu Chan, otherwise it will be spread out. This thing is the biggest temptation for almost any monk. It can be said that it points directly to the great road.

When the time comes, whether or not you have me, it will cause all kinds of troubles in Hunyuan Sect, so this matter is kept extremely confidential, as if Zhenzhen Tianya doesn't know about it.

The reward is given quietly and is a token in which the reward list is recorded.

"Reward Luo Li with nine pieces of great achievements! Luo Li will be rewarded with three great restoration pills of transforming bones into raw flesh, Luo Li will be rewarded with seven golden pagoda spiritual teachings, six days of practice in the Ancestral Hall will be rewarded, and Luo Li will be rewarded with three months of trial in the virtual realm of the Golden Pagoda. After three days of training in the Jinfutu Spirit Pond, Luo Li will be rewarded with a set of seven gold, eight silver and nine taels of gold from Jinfutu!”

Seeing this reward, Luo Li let out a sigh of relief. The reason why the reward is so generous is not only the reward for Luo Li's dedication of the Nirvana Heart, but also the reward he received from the Lingdie Sect and the battle with the Chongxuan Sect. award.

Like the Heart of Nirvana, the Great Returning Pill of Transforming Bones and Raw Flesh is also a super healing holy medicine. It can be said that as long as you don't die, if you eat one pill, your bones and raw flesh will immediately recover intact. This is the holy medicine refined by Landa Temple!

It can be said that the healing effect of this medicine is exactly the same as that of Nirvana Heart. However, this medicine is very powerful. A person can only take three pills in his life, and he can only take one pill in a month.

The Lingxi Transmission Technique is the Hunyuan Sect monk's experience in refining the Hunyuan Sect's magic, cutting it off and giving it to future generations. As long as you refine this Lingxi Transmission Technique, you can easily master a Hunyuan Sect magic. Yuanzong magic!

This is what Zhenjun Huchan fought for Luo Li. There were only seven Lingxi transmissions of Jinfutu in the Hunyuan Sect warehouse, so he only rewarded Luo Li with seven.

Six days of training in the Ancestral Master Hall is an even more cherished reward, but it is easy for Luo Li to get it.

When he was building the foundation, he received a three-day reward. In the Liangzhou Catastrophe, he also received a three-day reward for building the Tongtian Peak in one day, creating the Glazed Sea, the 78th Killing Butterfly Dragon Sea Explosive Kill, and the 79th Killing the Great Desolate Devouring Heaven Kill. ·Another three days were obtained, although the last time Luo Li practiced in the Ancestral Master Hall, it took three days, so now Luo Li has the time to cultivate for twelve years in the Ancestral Master Hall.

The Golden Pagoda Virtual Realm Trial is to try in the Flying Tower Fantasy Realm outside Hunyuan Sect. There are countless adventures and rare opportunities. In fact, Luo Li had an opportunity to practice in the Sea of ​​Clouds Illusion for three months before, but he never used it.

Three days of body training in the Jinfutu Spirit Pond was also a reward specially issued to cooperate with Luo Li in practicing the Jinfutu. Luo Li had a one-day opportunity to train in the Jinfutu Spirit Pond before, but he never used it.

The seven gold, eight silver and nine taels of iron are the accessory treasures in the Golden Pagoda of the Holy Land. They are the same good things as the seven wells, eight springs and thirteen eyes of the Glazed Sea.

After receiving the reward, Luo Li immediately went to the Hunyuan Sect's treasure house to collect the treasure.

Crossing the high-rise building, crossing the water platform, crossing Lingshan Mountain, the treasure house is right in front of you. Suddenly, a repairman passed by in front of you.

This monk looked to be forty or fifty years old, with silver hair and an old face. He could only take one step at a time, exuding an aura of incomparable perseverance and down-to-earthness.

But when Luo Li looked over, he felt that this person was very familiar. It was a feeling that he was familiar to his bones.

When the monk saw Luo Li, his expression froze slightly, but he immediately returned to normal and floated past Luo Li without giving Luo Li a second glance.

Luo Li frowned, who is this person? Why did he feel so familiar, but Luo Li couldn't remember who this person was despite much thought.

At this time Luo Li had already walked to the treasure house and applied to enter the treasure house.

Master Yuchen is still the same as before, dressed in white, sitting there with his eyes half closed.

When Luo Li saw Master Yuchen, he immediately saluted and said, "I've met Master Yuchen!"

When he saw Luo Li, he seemed to think for a while, and then said slowly: "Luo Li, boy, I haven't seen you in ten years!"

Luo Li said: "Yes, Patriarch, by the way, Patriarch, these are some small things I found while traveling around. They are not worth a spirit stone, but they are very interesting. Please accept them, Patriarch."

After speaking, Luo Li sent over a storage bag, which contained some books and sundries he had collected during his travels, as well as various local products. They were all mortal things and not even worth a spiritual stone.

Master Yuchen took it and was immediately attracted by it. He was in charge of the treasure house and knew every treasure in the treasure house very well. This showed that he had researched history and culture, so the books and miscellaneous items collected by Luo Li were all suitable for him. Then Even though it was not worth a single spiritual stone, he still received the delighted look from Master Yuchen.

This is called following one's own preferences. During these years of traveling, Luo Li would collect them wherever he went. Everyone had a share of the Hunyuan Sect's many friends.

Master Yuchen said: "Boy, tell me, what treasure are you here to receive this time?"

Luo Li took out the reward list and handed it to Master Yuchen.

After Master Yuchen read it, he frowned and said, "What are you doing! Are you the illegitimate son of Wood God and Jin Sheng?

Damn it for giving you such a generous reward! "

Luo Li smiled and said: "Master Yuchen, by chance in the past few years, I have made some contributions to the sect, so I have received so many rewards."

Master Yuchen said: "Are you going to practice Jinfutu? But you are so dependent! The spiritual gift method will not be good for you in the future!!

I advise you not to do this. This is simply drinking poison to quench your thirst and embarking on a path of no return! "

Luo Li said: "Yes, Patriarch, I am the Earth Fire Taoist body. Causes and conditions are harmonious. My Earth Fire Taoist body is about to explode. If the Earth Fire Taoist body breaks out, I will never be able to complete the cultivation of Jinfutu. So far, Nascent Soul has no power." Door!"

Master Yuchen frowned and reached out to touch Luo Li. Luo Li did not dodge and let Master Yuchen touch him.

Master Yuchen felt his pulse for a quarter of an hour, sighed, and said: "This is the only way, it seems that you must refine the golden pagoda within half a year, otherwise you will really have no way to the Nascent Soul.

Although this has countless disadvantages, at least there is a way forward, which is better than having no hope of reaching immortality!

By the way, you kid is very lucky. Just now someone presented a Jinfutu spiritual transmission method, and it is also a defensive spell. These are eight. Do you want to exchange it? Let me see, do you have a spiritual stone? You can exchange it for 50 million spirit stones! "

Master Yuchen didn't discover the true fire in Luo Li's golden elixir, so he thought it was half a year, but he didn't know that Luo Li actually only had three months.

Luo Li said: "Then thank you so much, Patriarch! I have the spirit stone!"

Luo Li took out 50 million spirit stones, and Master Yuchen began to issue mission rewards.

Three green elixirs, with a Buddha shadow inside, chanting sutras silently, the Dharma in it is solemn, it looks like a supreme treasure at first glance, eight golden light balls, these are the eight golden pagodas conveying the Dharma, three tokens, one One is the immersive cultivation in the Patriarch Hall, one is the Golden Pagoda Virtual Realm Trial, the other is the immersive cultivation in the Golden Buddha Spirit Pond, and the last one is a set of seven gold, eight silver and nine taels of iron attached treasures attached to the Holy Land.

Master Yuchen said slowly: "In the past few months, I have helped you keep an eye on the Lingxi transmission of Jinfu Tu, and I will inform you immediately if there is any news.

I don’t know what’s going on lately, but there’s a guy who sends a Lingxi transmission almost every month. Three of the eight are sent by him, and the one just now was sent by him.

In addition, I suggest that you refine a Lingxi transmission method and go to Jinfutu Lingchi for a day to practice it. Then you can downplay the disadvantages and harms of Lingxi transmission method.

Finally, I will give you a trial map of the Golden Pagoda Virtual Realm. Several places on it are of endless benefit to your practice of Golden Pagoda, but the tower spirits there are very difficult to deal with. "

Luo Li said: "Thank you, Patriarch!"

After putting away these rewards, Luo Li returned to Tianqing Peak. When Zhenjun Huchan saw these spiritual gifts, he sighed and said, "I really don't want this! Luo Li, please refine them all!"

Luo Li immediately refined it, and in an instant, eight light groups merged into Luo Li's sea of ​​consciousness!

These eight light groups are all golden pagoda defense spells respectively. The second pagoda has nine golds to rob Qingming, the third pagoda has a golden heart to boil Qi and blood, the fourth pagoda has a hill of gold stacks, the fifth pagoda has golden essence that is indestructible, and the seventh pagoda has golden essence that is indestructible. The golden rhinoceros of the pagoda is made of jade and glazed glass, the golden rhinoceros of the eighth pagoda is heavy on mountains and rivers, the golden crow light-guiding mirror of the tenth pagoda, and the golden palace of the thirteenth pagoda!

Master Huchan began to teach:

"There is a poem about this second pagoda called Nine-Gold Tribulation Qingming: Khan casts a nine-gold refining cauldron, and the strong wind and calamity fire turn to Qingming.

This method is one of the nine secret methods of the Jiuding Sect that came to the door 350,000 years ago. It is the Xuzhou Golden Cauldron Technique. However, the Jiuding Sect has dissipated and is now only one of the Jinfutu methods of our Hunyuan Sect!

This method is wonderful. It uses the refined gold sand of the city of God to be gilded, and fuses nine kinds of strange spiritual gold. It can be used to refine one's own bones. When the sacrifice is completed, the body's defense is endless. It is invulnerable to all methods and is inferior to ten thousand soldiers. The right way is iron. Bone gold skeleton!

Even if you suffer the greatest damage, as long as the iron and gold skeleton remains intact, you can still be resurrected even if you are in a near-death situation!

These nine kinds of spiritual gold are: Taiyi Gold Sand, Beiming Cold Iron, Ziwan Spirit Copper, Guiyuan Holy Silver...

Although the nine kinds of spiritual gold are very difficult to find in the world of immortality, our Hunyuan Sect has veins of these spiritual golds. As long as every Hunyuan Sect monk practices this method, he can apply to the sect and there will be an endless supply until you Practice or give up this method! "

Luo Li couldn't help but nodded and said: "Nine Cauldron Sect, iron bones and golden skulls!"

Lord Tiger Zen said: "Okay, come on, I will teach you this method now, you practice as hard as you can, and after three days, you will refine the Lingxi bestowal method, this will reduce the disadvantages to a minimum!

The mantra of this method is: Nine cauldrons shake the sky, one cauldron refines gold, nine gold cauldrons cast the cauldron, calamity fire clears the darkness, keeps one's breath and regulates one's breath, does not deceive one's heart, gathers all the gods, does not shake one's essence, cannot think of things inside, cannot think of things outside. , the three flowers gather at the top, the five qi return to their roots, return to the purple and hug the yellow, and the empty room becomes white. What goes in is Tao, and what comes out is Dharma. Taoism does not exist at all, only the ethereal spirit exists. Wherever one thought comes, all spirits are endowed..."

Just like that, Luo Li began to learn this technique from his master. Three days later, Luo Li had a basic understanding of this technique and could not refine it at all. Then Luo Li had no choice but to refine the Lingxi Grant Technique!

Suddenly, Luo Li seemed to be enlightened. Countless knowledge about the Nine Gold Tribulations Qingming appeared in his mind, and then he immediately refined the nine golds. His whole body bones turned into iron bones, and his head turned into a golden skull. In just one day, Nine Gold Tribulations Qing Ming Dacheng!

There is another chapter today, it may be late, but it must be there!

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