Walk alone

Volume 3 Chapter 633 The pagoda needs to be built in March! (Second update, please give me a guarant

The water gurgled and the sound of nature continued, but no matter how beautiful the sound of the piano was, it would eventually come to an end! After a long time, the sound of running water, which sounded like the sound of nature, disappeared and returned to the normal sound of water. Luo Li, Mo Yanlan and Luo Li took a deep breath together. This moment, this moment, will always be remembered in my heart.

Luo Li looked at Mo Yanlan. Mo Yanlan felt completely different from before. There was an ethereal feeling about her. Sitting there, she looked like a fairy, transcending the world.

But perhaps it is this detachment that makes her indissoluble in the world, so she only has a life span of ten years.

If she ascended to the fairy world at that time, she wouldn't be like this, with those passionate glances.

Thinking of this, Luo Li had mixed feelings. Having such a confidante made everything worth it. He couldn't help but said: "Yan Lan..."

Mo Yanlan smiled slightly, took out the hosta, and said, "I won't leave until I find my mother!"

In one sentence, all the thousands of words Luo Li wanted to say were blocked!

Mo Yanlan downplayed the fact that she didn't ascend because of Luo Li, and didn't want Luo Li to be mentally burdened by this.

Luo Li thought for a moment, took out a Heart of Nirvana, and said, "I have a pill here, which has medicinal properties..."

Give it a try, maybe this Heart of Nirvana can have an effect on Mo Yanlan's injury.

But Mo Yanlan shook his head slightly and said: "No, the Patriarch of Medicine brought me one yesterday, but I didn't take it. I know my body, within ten years, it won't matter, don't worry about it!"

It turned out that Mo Yanlan knew that he only had ten years, Luo Li couldn't help but lowered his head and his eyes turned red!

Mo Yanlan turned around fiercely and slapped Luo Li on the shoulder hard. The force was so strong that he almost knocked Luo Li over.

After transcending, Mo Yanlan also changed a lot without knowing it.

Mo Yanlan said happily: "Why be sad! At least I still have ten years to live, so there is nothing to be sad about!

Look at my cultivation! "

Luo Li looked around and was shocked to see that Mo Yanlan had reached the ninth level of Qi refining!

Mo Yanlan said: "In less than a month, I have reached the ninth level of Qi refining. This is the state I have achieved through little practice without borrowing anything from outside.

Don't underestimate me, I'm sure, one year for foundation building, two years for golden elixir, and three years for Nascent Soul!

If it really doesn’t work, I will return to the void and ascend within ten years. I am one of the four great returners of the Hunyuan Sect and a transcendent fairy among the top ten masters in the world. Don’t worry about me! "

The more she said this, the more Luo Li knew that she was soliciting concern for him. It would be so easy to ascend in ten years.

Luo Li gritted his teeth and said: "Within ten years, I will make your body recover and your life span will be unlimited, I swear!"

Mo Yanlan shook her head and said, "No, help me find my mother. I want to ask her why she left me! If I'm no longer here, you have to ask her for me!"

Luo Li lowered his head and replied vigorously: "Yes!"

Mo Yanlan continued: "Okay, let's talk about something happy, and I'll show you something."

After speaking, she said: "Taiyi, come out and let Luo Li take a look at you!"

Luo Li was stunned, who is Taiyi?

I saw a little girl appearing next to Mo Yanlan. She looked about twelve or thirteen years old, with very fair and tender skin, floating in the air.

Luo Li looked over and saw that although this little girl was in human form, there was no trace of a human being at all. She stared at Luo Li with incomparable resentment in her eyes.

Luo Li suddenly had an idea and said, "This, is this the sword spirit?"

Mo Yanlan said: "Yes, this is the sword spirit Taiyi of Leixiao Taiyi Sword. How cute is it?"

Luo Li looked at it carefully, and then said in an unbelievable tone: "The sword spirit overflows, just like the true spirit. It can be touched and seen, and it has its own sanity. It does not consume a trace of the master's true energy. This, this is A true sword spirit that can only be possessed by a tenth-level magic weapon!

How is it possible, how is it possible! "

Mo Yanlan smiled and said: "Yes, that's it. We all misjudged the Leixiao Taiyi Sword. It is not a ninth-level magic weapon. After the battle with Chongxuan Sect, her true power was revealed after the prosperity faded away. She is a ten-level magic weapon." Level Divine Sword!”

Luo Li couldn't speak for a long time and said: "Tenth level, tenth level? Isn't it said that the tenth level magic sword can also ascend to the immortal world? For 600,000 years, in our immortal world, there has been no tenth level magic weapon. It is simply unheard of!

Not to mention the tenth level, even the ninth level is hard to find in the world. The Chongxuan Sect is famous for refining weapons, but they only have nine ninth level magic weapons! "

Taiyi suddenly spoke: "You kid, I hate you when I see you. Originally, old man Tiandaozi put me there to wash away my anger. I should have ascended with my sister!"

It’s all you, it’s all you, it’s you who ruined my sister’s Taoist heart, it ruined the old man Tian Daozi’s prophecy, it’s all you, it’s all you..."

After saying that, she came over, bit Luo Li's hand, and refused to let go.

Mo Yanlan hurriedly pulled Taiyi over and said, "Taiyi, Taiyi, don't make trouble!"

Taiyi looked at Mo Yanlan and said: "Sister, why do you like this waste? He is only a level 1 golden elixir, but he is reduced to dregs. I can spray him to death with just one breath..."

Mo Yanlan's face turned red and she said, "Don't talk nonsense, who, who, likes him!

Then she grabbed Taiyi and said, "Junior brother Luo Li, I'm leaving first. We'll see you later!"

After saying that, Mo Yanlan took a step forward and disappeared without a trace in an instant. She didn't know what kind of escape method this was, it was invisible!

Luo Li looked at the direction in which Mo Yanlan disappeared and secretly vowed that within ten years, he would find the fifth innate spiritual treasure for her so that she could live well.

The Hunyuan Sect has begun to look for news about innate spiritual treasures through various channels. There is even an additional stall in Taichufang City to purchase innate spiritual treasures.

News kept coming, but almost all of them were groundless. In the end, it was confirmed that those innate spiritual treasures could not be obtained at all.

There is not even any news about the innate spiritual treasure, and there is nothing that can be done with all the strength.

Luo Li tried to use his magical power of rewarding good and punishing evil to look for news about the innate spiritual treasure, but he got nothing. He only had one feeling, that is, he should practice first. The time has not yet come.

Luo Li returned to Tianqing Peak, turned the troubles in his heart into motivation, practiced painstakingly, and practiced the Golden Buddha Technique taught by his master!

Luo Li, the God of Gold Casting, soon succeeded in practicing this method. Within ten feet of Luo Li, there seemed to be a layer of invisible golden sand all over the world. All attacks would be blocked by this golden sand, and the effect of the attack would continue to weaken. The closer it is to Luo Li's body, the stronger it becomes.

Luo Li had a feeling that all his flesh and blood, bones, meridians, skin, etc., had all turned into this kind of golden sand. His body seemed to be ten times tougher. Not to mention invulnerable, it was as if it was made of fine iron.

What's even more amazing is that with this foundation, Luo Li can secretly practice all the spells of Jinfutu and start the cultivation of Jinfutu.

But for some reason, every time he practiced the Golden Buddha, Luo Li had a feeling that the golden elixir in his body was about to move, and that thread of true fire seemed to be absorbing the essence as he practiced the Golden Buddha spell, and gradually became stronger!

Seeing Luo Li succeed in this method, Zhenjun Huchan didn't show any happy expression.

He seemed to have a sad look on his face, and Luo Li was moved and asked, "Master, is there any problem?"

Lord Huchan said: "Luo Li, after your hard training for a period of time, I found that your situation is worse than I expected!"

Luo Li couldn't help but think of his golden elixir vision and said, "Please give me some advice, Master."

Lord Huchan said: "Luo Li, do you feel like you are on fire?"

Luo Li said: "Yes, Master, what is going on?"

Lord Huchan sighed and said: "We still underestimate the power of real fire. Fire refines real gold, and it can actually absorb the essence of the Golden Buddha.

No, we must speed up. You must cultivate the Golden Buddha to the Dacheng state within three months and refine it into the Golden Dawn of the Eternal Buddha!

Otherwise, you will never be able to achieve the Golden Buddha, and reach the realm of the Golden Elixir of Immortality! "

Luo Li was suddenly shocked, how could this happen? He looked at the master!

Lord Huchan said: "Actually, you should be promoted to the middle stage of Jindan now, but you have been suppressed for too long!

Anything that is too suppressed will rebound. Fortunately, you still have the heart of nirvana. Fortunately, the sect reward was postponed by me!

All we have to do now is violate Tian Qingfeng's cultivation principles and we must make you achieve great success in Jinfutu as soon as possible. We can't control that much. I will propose to the sect that all your rewards be replaced by Jinfutu Lingxi Bestowal and the Patriarch. At the time of enlightenment, with the help of this spiritual gift, you feel that you have cultivated Jinfutu to great success.

Although there are countless disadvantages, you should be able to eliminate all these disadvantages by going to the Ancestral Master Hall, using the magical functions of the Ancestral Master Hall, refining a heart of nirvana, reshaping what you have cultivated, and breaking through the golden elixir.

However, even if there are hidden dangers, that's all. Things have to be prioritized, so that's all! "

When Luo Li heard the news, he nodded and said, "Disciple understands!"

Lord Huchan said: "Fortunately, you still have the heart of nirvana, otherwise this disadvantage would be too great!"

Luo Li had an idea and said: "Master, I still have this elixir here. Use this elixir and start over. Can you cultivate the nine great powers!"

Lord Huchan shook his head firmly and said: "The Heart of Nirvana is not yet powerful enough to allow me to practice the golden elixir and rebuild the nine great powers.

Even if it's possible, I don't care. I, Shen Huchan, have practiced so far without any regrets. I am perfect now, no more, no less. If I really cultivate into the nine great magical powers, it will destroy my current cultivation system. For Not a good thing for me.

Remember, disciple, if you go too far, you will never go as far as you can. The path of cultivation that suits you best is the best path of cultivation. The power that can be perfectly controlled by you is your own power! "

Luo Li nodded and said, "Disciple understands!"

But Luo Li said in his heart: "Master, that is your path, my path is the nine great powers, I must possess them all!"

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