Walk alone

Volume 3 Chapter 632 Golden Dawn of Eternal Pagoda! (Asking for a guaranteed monthly pass!)

Returning to Yanting Water Pavilion, Luo Li is still in a state of confusion after being away from this place for ten years.

The words the master said really scared Luo Li, and the golden elixir breaking essence technique was really scary.

It is simply impossible to refine such magic in the realm of golden elixir, and then inject it into the golden elixir to turn it into magical power.

But when he thought about these spells really turning into magical powers, and the power that the imperial envoy would bring out, and then thinking about how these spells turned into divine power when he was promoted to the Nascent Soul realm, Luo Li was crazy about the power at that time!

“Fight, fight, there’s nothing you can’t do!

If it really doesn't work, I will be like my master, who has been promoted for thousands of years. I have spent these thousands of years practicing hard to complete the practice of the golden elixir breaking the essence of the body! "

"This is how it is. By controlling the supreme law, I, Luo Li, will be different!"

"The essence of golden elixir breaking through the orifice is really sharp. Comparing it with this, the ninety-nine changes of the strange method, the ninety-nine ways of transformation, and the ninety-nine thoughts of the spiritual method are completely weak!"

That night, Luo Li didn't sleep much. When it was midnight, he really couldn't sleep, so he suddenly got up and went to find his master to continue to inquire about the golden elixir orifice-breaking essence technique.

Lord Huchan has been sitting under that big tree, motionless no matter the wind, frost, rain or snow.

Seeing Luo Li here, he just smiled. He had known for a long time that his apprentice would definitely come!

Luo Li began to ask: "Master, how does this golden elixir break the essence of the body work?"

Lord Huchan replied: "First of all, you must master these Dafa. This is the prerequisite and cannot be changed. At least you must reach the state of refining its essence!

Then there is the golden elixir stage to advance to the realm. Every time the golden elixir is promoted to the realm, the golden elixir of the real person Jindan will evolve and mutate. This golden elixir breaking essence technique is during this mutation process, this spell is carved into the golden elixir and turned into magical power. . "

Luo Li couldn't help but nod, and Lord Huchan continued:

"Our masters and disciples, after painstaking research, have created six great supernatural powers, which are the Xiaoqingxu Wangwu Tian on the first day of the three mountains and five mountains in the Tongtian Peak, the Qingyuping Chicheng Tian on the sixth day. There is also Jin The eternal golden morning light of the pagoda, the world-breaking golden sword, and the bright light of the ten thousand hell flames wipe the day, untainted by the dust-free fire in the world! "

On the first day, there is the Xiaoqingxu King's House Heaven, and on the sixth day, the Qingyuping Chicheng Heaven is a spell invented by Zhenjun Huchan, so it is normal to refine the golden elixir and the great magical power. There is nothing strange about it. It is the Eternal Buddha Gold The morning light, Zhan Yuan's boundary-breaking Jin Juefeng, the bright light wipes the day, unstained by the dust-free fire in the world

What kind of spells are they?

Luo Li couldn't help but ask: "Master, what kind of spells are the Eternal Buddha Golden Dawn, the Yuan-breaking World-Breaking Golden Juefeng, the bright light that wipes the day, and the dust-free fire that does not stain the world?"

True Monarch Hu Chan said: "These are all super-level spells among the ninety-nine changes of the Hunyuan Sect's different methods, the ninety-nine ways of transformation, and the ninety-nine thoughts of the spiritual method.

Our Hunyuan Sect Jinfutu has thirteen levels of pagodas. Each level of pagoda is divided into four spells, corresponding to the four functions of defense, attack, trapping, and assistance! The Golden Edge Killing Cloud given to you by Senior Brother Hezhou is the attack spell on the seventh floor of Jinfutu!

For a Hunyuan Sect monk, if he refines all the four spells in the first-level pagoda, he will be considered a minor success. If he refines all the four spells in the first-level pagoda, he will be considered a minor success. If he refines the seven-level pagoda, the twenty-eight spells will be considered a great achievement. Or if he refines all the similar spells in the thirteenth-level pagoda, he will be considered a minor success. Success is considered a great success!

The Eternal Pagoda Jin Chenxi fused the thirteen defensive spells in the Golden Pagoda into one. The super-level defensive spell that was born, the Zhanyuan Breaking World Jin Juefeng, was the super-level attack that combined the thirteen attack spells. Spells. They are all spells of the same level as Lingding Yang from all over the world.

In addition, Ming Hong Mo Bai Daye is a fusion spell of the twelve purgatory in the Ten Thousand Hell Flames combined in a strange way, and the Dust-Free Fire of the World is a fusion spell of the other sixteen purgatory. They are three points weaker than Wuhusihai Lingdingyang. "

Luo Li couldn't help but nodded, and asked: "Master, why haven't Ling Ding Yang from all over the world been refined?"

Lord Huchan sighed and said: "It's not easy to live alone in the world. Although I am proficient in the three major water arts, the Glazed Sea is my weakest among the five Hunyuan arts.

You, Senior Brother Qinghen, are now specializing in this all over the world, but it is difficult! It’s up to you! "

Luo Li nodded, and then asked: "Master, how many of these six great arts have you mastered?"

Lord Huchan said: "This technique was created by me, so I will naturally succeed! I refined it into Xiaoyou Qingxu Wangwutian and Shangqing Yuping Chicheng Tian.

It's a pity that I'm already a Nascent Soul and can't come back again, otherwise I would have to master the nine great magical powers! "

Luo Li continued to ask: "Master, your three great water magic techniques are not integrated into this golden elixir magical power?"

Lord Huchan shook his head and said: "Our water jutsu and fire jutsu are based on the golden elixir vision, and this is the use of the golden elixir acupoints. These are two different systems and cannot be mixed!

This is better, we have one more trump card than others!

By the way, Luo Li, by cultivating our golden elixir, we will not have the most powerful and useful golden elixir realm. This is a gain but also a loss! "

Golden elixir vision and golden elixir domain are two unique skills of Jin elixir master.

Whenever Jindan Zhenren enters the middle stage of Jindan, he will have a large field covering hundreds of miles. In this field, Jindan Zhenren has a natural home field.

But Luo Li smiled and said: "If there is no such thing, then there is no such thing. The Golden Core Realm suppresses the Nascent Soul Realm and disappears naturally. And, hehe, even if they have the Golden Core Realm under my control, they are nothing more than chickens and dogs. They will be destroyed at any time!"

Among the many golden elixir monks Luo Li defeated in Chongxuan Sect, many had the golden elixir field, but so what, they would be destroyed as they should be. At that time, there was a great war, and there were monks everywhere. You had your own domain, I had my own, and there was also the pressure and destruction of True Lord Yuanying. The Golden Core Domain of True Lord Jindan was completely useless.

Lord Huchan nodded and continued:

"Well, since you can't sleep, I will teach you about the Golden Buddha!

You must cultivate the Golden Buddha to the realm of Dacheng in the shortest time, and I ask you to cultivate the golden morning light of the Eternal Buddha, this magical power! "

Luo Li stood up and said, "Disciple, I obey!"

True Monarch Huchan continued: "The reason why I asked you to refine the Eternal Buddha Golden Dawn is not to become the Yuan-breaking World-breaking Jin Juefeng.

It's because you will have Fire Juetou Technique in the future, and it is definitely not a Fire Juetou Technique. You will have endless ways to attack the enemy, so the Yuan-breaking World-breaking Golden Jue Feng to attack the enemy doesn't make much sense! It is not suitable for you at all and is not as powerful as your Fire Jutsu.

The Eternal Pagoda Jin Chenxi is the first defensive spell of the Hunyuan Sect that is a complete defensive spell. As long as you refine it, it will not only be indestructible, but at least it will be impregnable!

Another point is that as long as the Eternal Buddha Golden Dawn is refined, you will be the Golden Buddha Dacheng. "

Luo Li said: "Disciple understands!"

Lord Huchan continued: "Okay, let's get started now. I'll teach you the defense method in the first pagoda of the Golden Pagoda: Gilded God City!

There is a poem about this method: The Tao Xuan is awe-inspiring and the gold is gilded, and the strange peaks are as green as the Hongmeng. "

Lord Huchan slowly began to teach the spells, and Luo Li immediately studied wholeheartedly. Each spell of the Golden Buddha has a poem.

When Wang Wu fought against the Tianhu dragon, he used the magic of the Golden Buddha. The golden rays on the third floor of the pagoda locked the sun. There is a poem that goes: The stone covered the top of the pagoda, leaving the dust and the sky.

But Luo Li doesn't know whether Jin Xi Suo Jueyang is an offensive, defensive or trapping spell?

The voice of Lord Huchan came slowly:

"The golden pagoda is the first method to cast the gods. This method is to use the endless aura generated by your Five Laws Holy Land, the Golden Pagoda, to transform it into gilded true essence. This true essence can be used to refine the body and spirit, and then shape the body. The indestructible body of King Kong, the sword with indestructible golden edge, and the indestructible aid of golden spirit in the golden prison!

This spell can be said to be the foundation of the Golden Buddha. You must practice it well to create the entire magical framework of the Golden Buddha. How far you can reach the Golden Buddha in the future depends on your understanding of this spell, so it is also called the God of Casting. All!

Luo Li was concentrating on practicing. Suddenly Lord Tiger Zen stopped teaching and said:

"It's noon!"

Luo Li said: "Master, you are hungry. Do you want to have lunch?"

Lord Huchan sighed and said, "I'm not hungry. Did you forget your appointment at noon today? Believe it or not, the Tu Emperor slapped your head off!"

In an instant, Luo Li remembered him and said, "Ah, thank you, Master, I'll go right away!"

After saying that, Luo Li immediately left his master behind, jumped out of the light, and headed straight for Qin Lake.

It was here that he met Mo Yanlan by chance, and the relationship between the two began.

Qin Lake is located 3,200 miles west of the outer gate station. It is a lake with a radius of several hundred miles. The lake is in the mountains, and the mountains are in the lake. There are many rivers and gurgling water!

In this lake, there are many peaks and islands, including several islands. If you listen carefully to the sound of flowing water on them, you will hear a strange sound. It's like the sound of running water playing a zither. This sound is the sound of nature. When people hear it, they can listen to the calmness of the heart, forget all the worries and sorrows, and practice with concentration here!

Luo Li flew to a small island and immediately saw a graceful woman standing on the island, as if listening to something.

That woman is none other than Mo Yanlan. She is even more delicate than before. She is quiet and elegant in the orchids in the empty valley!

Luo Li immediately escaped from the light, flew in front of Mo Yanlan, and looked at her!

Luo Li originally prepared countless words, and specially found several books of mortal jokes and quotations to make her happy, but for some reason, those words suddenly disappeared when he saw Mo Yanlan.

Flying to the small island, Mo Yanlan said softly: "Coming?"

Luo Li replied: "Coming!"

No need to say anything, no need to say anything, they all understand what the other person is thinking!

The two of them sat there, neither talking, just listening to the gurgling water and the sound of nature like the sound of a piano. I don't know why, it seemed that God specially celebrated the reunion of the two. The sound of nature was clear and sweet, emanating from this Qin Lake. It is best to hear the sound of running water, which is unforgettable and swirling around.

Neither of them spoke, they just sat there and listened.

At this moment, the gentle breeze blows, the lake water whispers softly, the cranes fly by, the white clouds linger, the graceful young man, the elegant girl, it is a beautiful scene in the world.

March begins and the battle begins. No more talk, just watch my actions!

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