Walk alone

Volume 3, Chapter 631: Golden elixir breaking the essence of the orifice!

"I have no regrets in my life. There is no need to use this elixir to repent of the past!"!

Luo Li was stunned when he heard what his master said. He couldn't help but admire him. He could say such bold words and have no regrets in his life. Master is the real ruthless person who has never been defeated in his life and has no regrets!

Comparing himself with his master, he is really far behind, so he is the master and he is his disciple!

True Monarch Hu Chan continued: "Luo Li, has your Fire Jue Dao Technique been conceived?"

Luo Li said: "Master, how should I put it? It can be said that it has been conceived, but I am suppressing it now and not letting it take shape. I feel that I don't have enough time!"

After speaking, Luo Li introduced the strand of true fire in his golden elixir, and told the wonderful uses that this strand of true fire had produced in the past.

Master Hu Chan felt it carefully, finally nodded and said: "Fortunately, fortunately!

Last year, I realized the perfect cultivation method of the Tianqing lineage of golden elixir realm. Fortunately, your Huo Jue Dao technique has not yet taken shape, so I just caught up with it!

Luo Li, from today on, I will teach you the five methods of Hunyuan in the golden elixir realm in a comprehensive way! Remember, without my permission, you are not allowed to perform any magic or any level improvement, and must suppress it completely. "

When Luo Li heard this, he was shocked and said, "Yes, disciple understands!"

True Monarch Hu Chan continued: "There are 1,367 cultivators of the Hunyuan Sect, Jindan Master, but there are only 48 True Monarchs of Yuanying. Do you know why?"

Luo Li shook his head and said, "Disciple doesn't know!"

True Monarch Hu Chan sighed and said: "The five elements of Hunyuan, metal, wood, water, fire and earth, in addition to the five elements that are mutually reinforcing, there are also five elements that are mutually restrained!

Many monks must have their own favorite methods. Some are proficient in the Glazed Sea and are too strong, which in turn suppresses the Ten Thousand Hell Flames. Some are extremely capable of all living beings, making it difficult to achieve the Tongtian Peak Dharma. At first, they didn’t feel much. In the elixir realm, the Hunyuan Dafa is getting stronger and stronger. The more powerful it is, the more suffocating it becomes. Therefore, I, a monk of the Hunyuan Sect, have many golden elixirs, but few Nascent Souls!

And you are the most outstanding among these people! You have the Earth Fire Taoist body, you have experienced the fiery fire of the abyss to refine your body, and now you have the rudimentary form of True Fire and Heavenly Absolute Tao Technique. If you practice Ten Thousand Hell Flames, once you practice it, you will immediately refine it. At this point, Ten Thousand Hell Flames are completed, and the fire is fierce. The five methods of Hunyuan are the best!

Fire overcomes metal. From now on, your golden pagoda will never be able to be mastered. Unless you can practice the metal spell over and over again like the fire jutsu, you will not be restrained. But you are already an earth-fire Taoist body and cannot become a gold-type Taoist body, so don’t fantasize about this!

The Five Methods of Hunyuan, Ten Thousand Hell Flames, you absolutely cannot practice them! "

Luo Li nodded vigorously, sat up straight, and said, "Disciple understands!"

Master Huchan continued to teach: "Tomorrow, when you come to me, I will teach you the Golden Buddha. You must make the Golden Buddha reach great success as soon as possible!

Then you start to practice the Seventy-nine Kills of the Glazed Sea, the Sacrifice, and the Five Lakes and Seas, and the Fire Jue Tao Technique is born from the Five Lakes and Four Seas.

As for the Forest of Living Beings, the reason why the Path of Heroes was originally used as the Forest of Living Beings is because as long as you reach the Great Perfection of the Path of Heroes, you can count it as the Forest of Living Beings. In this way, your Glazed Sea, Tongtian Peak, Golden Buddha, and Forest of Living Beings will all be completed. , when the time comes for you to start cultivating Ten Thousand Hell Flames, you should be able to accomplish this very quickly.

After completing the last five techniques, you can be promoted to the True Lord of Nascent Soul!

At that time, you will be Zhenjun Luo Li, no, maybe there will be another Taoist name! "

Having said this, Zhenjun Huchan let out a sigh of relief. This is Luo Li's training process!

But Luo Li smiled and said: "Master, is this the normal cultivation process of the Hunyuan Sect you are talking about? Our special cultivation process at Tianqing Peak cannot be so simple.

With the foundation accumulated for eternity, he soars into the sky and crushes all enemies with overwhelming power! "

True Monarch Hu Chan laughed and said: "The only one who knows me is my disciple!"

Then Zhenjun Huchan didn't speak for a long time, as if he was thinking about something. Luo Li sat in front of him, waiting silently.

Lord Tiger Zen said: "Under the bodhi tree, I have practiced quietly for ten years. I have slowly summarized what I have cultivated in my life, and integrated it with my heavenly peak. I can say that I have created a method!"

Luo Li was stunned and said: "Master, what method is it?"

Lord Huchan said: "This method, apart from the seven methods of the Hunyuan Sect, may be comparable to the Yuanyang Technique of the Jiuyang Sect, the True Word Technique of the Daode Sect, and the Immortal Pattern Technique of the Shenwei Sect in the future!

I call it Essence Breaking, or it can also be called Essence Technique! "

Luo Li listened carefully, not saying a word.

Lord Huchan changed the subject and said, "Luo Li, how do you understand magical powers?"

Luo Li replied: "Supernatural powers are innate magical powers, which are divided into innate and acquired. Some creatures, because of their unique souls or bloodlines, have innate magical powers. In some outer worlds, they are also called special powers.

As for the acquired magical power, it is through cultivating spells, practicing thousands of times, refining its essence, controlling its power, and understanding its meaning. The acquired magical power that is finally born does not need to be cast, it can be expressed in a single thought. "

Lord Huchan nodded and said: "Yes, this is magical power. In the beginning, in the last era, the supreme power possessed by gods and demons was called great power.

Later, the gods and demons became extinct, and all races arose. Those races were actually the descendants of ancient gods and demons, inheriting the blood of gods and demons. Some of the most powerful people refined the blood of gods and demons, mastered the power of divine power, and used it as a weapon to fight. Therefore, That era was called the Age of Divine Power.

At this time, it is just divine power, not great divine power anymore!

Later, the bloodline of gods and demons gradually weakened, and the divine power dissipated and turned into magical powers, which became weaker and weaker.

The ancient sages divided magical powers into five realms: small magical powers, medium magical powers, great magical powers, divine power, and great divine power!

Later, when the immortals came, the method of refining qi began to become popular, and acquired supernatural powers emerged, becoming a popular method among the masses.

Some spells can be turned into magical powers after hard work, but that's all they are. Once they become magical powers, whether they are medium or great powers, their power will always be the same.

And my essence breaking method is to use the method of Tianqing Peak accumulation, use the golden elixir of Jindan Master as the source, adopt the method of stealing the sky, and use some specific spells to concentrate the essence when advancing to the realm with the help of Jindan Master, breaking through The orifice enters the elixir, and the orifice transforms into a spirit. Some spells can be turned into supernatural powers. "

Having said this, Zhenjun Huchan stopped talking and looked at Luo Li. He was asking Luo Li why this was the case!

Luo Li thought for a while and said: "General magic, when it reaches the stage of refining its essence, controlling its power, and understanding its meaning, it will be transformed from magic into acquired supernatural powers.

Master, if your essence enters the body, if you only turn spells into magical powers, it will be meaningless and not worthy of your investment and solemn introduction!

It seems that there must be something in it, could it be that this magical power does not end here, but can also evolve. With the help of the Jindan master in the future, he will be promoted to the Yuanying Zhenjun, and the Jindan will transform into the Yuanying, and the magical power will evolve again? "

Lord Huchan nodded and said, "As expected of you, you are my disciple, that's it!

And it's not a simple evolution, but an evolution from magical power to divine power!

The word "divine power" is just one word different, but the power is thousands of miles apart!

A magical person, no matter how powerful he is, is also a power within the laws of heaven. He must abide by the laws of heaven. The stronger the power, the more effort, the greater the backlash!

As for the mighty ones, they all have supreme power, a terrifying power that cannot be inferred by common sense and transcends the laws of heaven and earth in this world! "

Luo Li let out a long breath. He possesses the Great Divine Power Pangu Ax and the Great Divine Power Divine Eyes. He naturally knows the power of the Divine Power. His eyes suddenly glowed and he said:

"Advanced to the Golden Core Realm and carved a magical power. There are ten levels in the Golden Core Realm. In other words, once you enter the Nascent Soul, you can immediately possess the ten great powers, right? Then you can immediately be proud of the world's heroes and compete with the Nascent Soul to transform the gods. !”

Lord Huchan smiled and said: "Luo Li, you made a mistake in your calculation, it's nine paths! There can only be nine paths!

But Nascent Soul Dou Huashen should have no problem!

What I am talking about is that some specific spells, these specific spells, ordinary cats and dogs are not eligible to be carved into the golden elixir by us! "

Luo Li's eyes straightened and he said, "Then Master, what kind of magic is qualified?"

True Monarch Hu Chan looked into the distance and said: "Take our Hunyuan Sect as an example. The five lakes and seas are all separated from each other by the ocean, the three mountains and five mountains are in the ten directions of the sky, and the Golden Dawn of the Eternal Pagoda. Only these spells are qualified!

Originally, these spells were too powerful, and no matter how hard I practiced, they could not be transformed into magical powers. However, my Essence Breaking Aperture can go against the will of heaven and turn them into our own magical powers! "

As soon as he said this, Luo Li was immediately stunned again. These spells are super powerful spells of the Hunyuan Sect. They can be said to be the great spells of the Zhensect. But Zhenjun Huchan said that only they are qualified to purchase them. This is too scary. .

These spells, not to mention evolved into magical powers, even when used normally, are shocking to the heaven and earth, making ghosts and gods cry, and the heaven and earth roar and shatter!

After it evolves into a magical power, it can be used casually, and its power is so powerful that it can really destroy the world. If it can still evolve and evolve to divine power, I don't dare to think about it. It is definitely not much weaker than the world-destroying Pangu Ax!

Luo Li couldn't help but said: "Master, are you too big? Your ideas are too, too..."

True Monarch Hu Chan laughed and said: "I am a cultivator who walks alone on the road. If we are the same as ordinary people, we will only be lost in the crowd!

Heaven has laws and all things have spirits. As long as you have a dream in your heart and work hard, you can achieve it!

Apprentice, in this year, several of your senior brothers and I have completed the refining of the six great magical powers! Just wait until a few of your senior brothers are promoted to Nascent Soul, and you will know whether their magical powers will turn into divine power!

I am cultivating in Tianqing Peak, building the foundation realm, accumulating true energy, and working hard to build the foundation. However, I have only the strength but no method. I only have the foundation and no means. How can I run rampant in this world of immortality!

Therefore, in the golden elixir realm, accumulate magic spells, refine the magic of heaven and earth, and refine magical powers!

Only in this way can we accumulate the foundation of eternity, soar into the sky, and crush all enemies with the power of heaven! "

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