Walk alone

Volume 3, Chapter 630: The Five Spiritual Treasures Regret Medicine! (At the end of the month, pleas

The Wood God, the Metal Saint, and the Earth Emperor, the three major return to the void of the Hunyuan Sect, are the Shen!tian of the Hunyuan Sect. , the pillar in the door, how can you contact me if you say you can?

But Zhenjun Huchan was able to contact him, and he made contact, and soon the three of them had their projected clones here.

True Monarch Hu Chan was still sitting under the big tree, motionless. After the death of Patriarch Xizhao, he made an oath, "From now on, I will be in charge of the top of the sky! I am here, the tree is there, the peak is there, and the Dharma is there." ! "From then on, I never left the big tree, no matter the wind, frost, rain or snow, I always sat under the tree!

When the three great patriarchs arrived, Luo Li suddenly felt that the surrounding environment had changed. An invisible shield appeared silently. Even the monks from Tianqing Peak passed by here and could not see anything unusual about this place!

Kogami Shinichi touched the big tree, as if he was missing something. Jinsheng Shinichi said nothing, but Earth Emperor Shinichi seemed to be disturbed by something, and was in a bad mood. He looked happy and said directly:

"Hu Chan, why did you come to us here?"

True Lord Huchan said: "I'm not looking for the three ancestors, but my little disciple! Luo Li, tell me!"

Luo Li said: "This time during the catastrophe of the Chongxuan Sect, the disciples got some treasures and wanted to give them to the sect!"

The Tuhuang said impatiently: "What kind of treasure does the three of us have to come here? You can just give it to the sect normally, and you can get it!"

Luo Li shook his head and said: "This thing is different. It must be like this. Patriarch, please take a look!"

The Tuhuang said: "Then I want to see what kind of treasure it is that makes such a fuss!"

After saying that, Luo Li took out a Heart of Nirvana and put it in his hand!

In Luo Li's hand, there was an elixir, the size of a dragon's eye. Above the elixir, streaks of five-color glow were emitted. Half of the elixir was black and half was white. The black and white parts rotated involuntarily. Look carefully, there seems to be endless flames hidden inside, and in the flames, there seems to be a phoenix flying on the fire!

Tu Huang frowned and said, "What kind of elixir is this? Luo Li, are you making a fuss out of a molehill?"

Luo Li was stunned. He clearly felt that the Earth Emperor seemed to have a problem with him. The Wood God beside him said:

"Ah Tu, don't take it out on me, Luo Li, your battle against Xuanzong completely destroyed the plan we had been preparing for many years. Do you think Mo Yanlan's transcendent immortal body came easily?

How many years have we prepared, carefully calculated, and taken steps step by step, but in the end, all our efforts were in vain! "

Luo Li was stunned for a moment, but when Mo Yanlan entered the school, in order to get rid of her weakness of fear of blood, the Hunyuan Sect planned and made countless calculations. At that time, Luo Li just felt it!

The Tuhuang sighed and said: "If the plan is destroyed, it will be destroyed. As long as people are fine, it will be fine. As long as people are alive, it is better than anything else!"

But, alas, this girl should have ascended, but she should have ascended instead of forcing herself to stay in this world. The result, alas..."

Luo Li hesitated and said, "Isn't it okay?"

Mu Shen and Tu Huang looked at each other, and Tu Huang said: "That is our unanimous slogan to the outside world. Only the three of us know the true state of that girl.

Think about it, you can break out and reach a state beyond returning to the void, you can kill the Luo Demon Emperor six times, and then you say that if you don't ascend, you won't ascend. You still think that it's completely fine. How is it possible? This good thing is all yours! "

Mu Shen said: "Luo Li, during this period of time, you should accompany Mo Yanlan well. Whatever wishes she has, fulfill them all. Give her whatever she wants. She doesn't have long..."

Luo Li's eyes suddenly became sore and he said: "How is it possible, how is it possible!"

Mu Shen said: "That's it, that is, ten years, unless..."

Luo Li immediately seized the opportunity and said, "Unless what?"

Mu Shen shook his head and said: "Unless we can find five innate spiritual treasures and use the spiritual energy of spiritual objects to refine the body, which can suppress the backlash of heaven and earth, Mo Yanlan is now safe and can even practice again.

But those are innate spiritual treasures. They are born from nature. Our Hunyuan Sect has only accumulated two for 128,600 years. In addition, we can pay a high price and borrow one from our allies to use for body training. .

But the remaining two can't be found at all, not to mention looking for them, even if I go there to look for them, there are no clues! "

When Luo Li heard this, he raised his hands and immediately took out the innate spirit treasure and said, "I have one here!"

Seeing this innate spiritual treasure, everyone was stunned for a moment!

It took Tuhuang a long time to say: "The Six-Chen Spirit Shadow is the Supreme One and Five Elements Bead!

Great, great, that girl can be saved, she can be saved! "

Mu Shen looked at the Liuchen Spirit Shadow Taishang Zhengyi Five Elements Pearl and said, "I never expected that this treasure is actually in your hands!"

Luo Li immediately explained: "I accidentally obtained the Xian Qin key during the last Liangzhou catastrophe. Later, during the great war in Chongxuan Sect, I entered the Chongxuan Sect's underground Xian Qin ruins and used the Xian Qin key to open the Xian Qin key. Qin Ruins Treasure House, get this innate spiritual treasure!"

Luo Li explained in this way to prevent the news from Taichufang Market from leaking.

When Mu Shen saw this treasure, he couldn't help but nodded and said: "We have three of our own, and we can borrow one from Jinghang Temple. We have four innate spiritual treasures, and there is still one missing. Within ten years, as long as we can find the last one The innate spiritual treasure can save that girl’s life!

Great, great, but how to find that one? "

Tu Huang frowned and said: "Should we go to the Buying Sect to buy information? Or should we go to the Stealing Luck Guantian Sect, guess what? But those bastards from the Stealing Luck Guantian Sect won't help us!"

Jin Sheng, who had been silent all this time, suddenly spoke!

Taking out the elixir from Luo Li, Jin Sheng remained silent and stared at the elixir for a long time. He said for a long time: "Luo Li, this, this is the heart of nirvana! The heart of nirvana is known as the regret medicine in the immortal world. Heart!"

As soon as he said this, the Wood God and the Earth Emperor were all dumbfounded and looked at Luo Li's pill!

The heart of nirvana can allow monks to start over. It is an elixir from the immortal world. It is known as the elixir of regret. There is a saying that it is difficult to buy the elixir of regret if you have money. This is the evaluation of this elixir!

Mu Shen also said hesitantly: "Is it really the regret medicine?"

Luo Li said: "It is the heart of nirvana!"

The three major returners immediately stared at each other. This medicine was of great significance to them. It allowed them to rebuild their path to immortality and was of supreme value!

Tu Huang looked at it for a long time, closed his eyes, and said, "Brother Mu, you can take this medicine. I don't want it anymore. It's a complete waste for me!"

Mu Shen shook his head and said: "No, Xiao Jin should do it. Ah Tu, he is the most likely among the three of us to return to the virtual world and ascend. Let's give him this opportunity!"

Jin Sheng also shook his head and said: "No, I won't take it. We three brothers live and die together. I will never keep this regret medicine to myself!"

The three of them gave in to each other. They believed that Luo Li only had this pill, so no one wanted to swallow it, but wanted to give it to others.

When Luo Li saw this scene, he smiled secretly, stretched out his hand, and took out four more Nirvana Hearts, saying, "Grandmaster, you're welcome, there are more here!"

This Heart of Nirvana, the first time to readjust the cultivation method, is of great significance, but after the first time, it is a healing holy medicine. Although this kind of healing holy medicine is rare, it is not without it. At least it does not have the Datura Immortal Flower. cherish.

Luo Li now has sixteen. It would be a waste to keep so many. It is better to give them to the sect. The sect will be rewarded. In addition, the three major return to the void of the sect will become stronger, so he can enjoy the shade under his big tree.

In this Chongxuan catastrophe, the passage to ascension has been confirmed again. At this point, the form of heaven and earth has changed drastically. Immortal magic can once again appear. If the major sects can contact the ancestors of the immortal world, their strength will be greatly increased. However, Hunyuan Sect has no ancestors to turn to. , to a certain extent, the strength has declined, so Luo Li contributed the Heart of Nirvana, hoping that the three major return to void will become stronger.

Seeing these five hearts of nirvana, the three golden saints suddenly stared straight at each other. After a long time, golden saint said:

"Isn't this also the treasure from the Immortal Qin ruins?"

Luo Li said: "Yes, yes!"

Jin Sheng held his hands, put away the five hearts of nirvana, and bowed to Luo Li!

Luo Li was so frightened that he almost jumped up and said:

"Grandmaster, Grandmaster, what are you doing!"

Jin Sheng said sincerely: "Thank you Luo Li for your gift of medicine. Now that the path to immortality has returned, there is hope for the great path. It doesn't mean anything if I bow to you!"

Luo Li said hurriedly: "This, this, Grandmaster, don't be so scary, give me some practical rewards!"

Mu Shen laughed at the side and said: "There is no reward for such a great contribution, just give me death!"

Luo Li almost spit out a mouthful of blood, but he didn't expect Shinichi Kogami to joke.

Earth Emperor Shinichi said: "Go back and take a good inventory of the warehouse. There will be a lot of bleeding now, and we must reward you heavily!"

Kogami Shinichi said: "Okay, let's go, prepare well to refine this heart of nirvana, Luo Li, wait a few days, and the sect rewards will be distributed to you!"

Luo Li said: "I understand, I understand, I send you my respects to the ancestor!"

Earth Emperor Shinichi suddenly looked back at Luo Li and said, "Treat that girl well during this period of time, but don't bully her!"

Mu Shen Zhenyi said from the side: "Luo Li, you probably don't know the surname of Tu Huang Patriarch, right? Let me tell you, his surname is Mo, so his Taoist name is Tu!

Mo Yanlan's father is his thirteenth generation single descendant.

Luo Li was speechless. He didn't expect Mo Yanlan's background to be like this. He couldn't help but ask:

"Who is Yanlan's mother?"

Tu Huang Zhenyi's face darkened and he said: "Don't say it, you can't say it!"

After saying this, the three of them left instantly.

Luo Li took a long breath and stood here without moving for a long time.

Lord Tiger Chan accompanied his disciple. Luo Li finally came to his senses. He stretched out his hand and took out five Nirvana Hearts, handed them to the master and said:

"Master, this is my apprentice's honor to you!"

Lord Huchan smiled and said, "I knew it, I must be involved!"

In an instant, the three hearts of nirvana disappeared, and Lord Huchan said: "Keep the other two for yourself!

One of these three is for Yue Kong, one for Tiandu, and one for Qizhu! I don’t need it anymore. I have no regrets in my life. I don’t need to use this elixir to repent of my past! "

It’s the end of the month and I’m asking everyone for a monthly ticket!

Next month, fight to the death! Watch the action!

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