Walk alone

Volume 3 Chapter 629 Return to Tianqing Peak from thousands of miles away!

In a daze, Luo Li seemed to have returned to the past, when he was still a handsome young man, when he had just left Yinzhou, and when he was full of longing for the world of immortality!

Start all over again!

But this time, what Luo Li practiced was no longer the Tianxing Jianzong's Haomo Tiu Earth Technique, but the direct Innate Taiyi Doumu Yiqi Technique.

Swapping shotguns for cannons, one step at a time, pointing straight to the road!

The mistakes made in the past are corrected one by one, the shackles and hidden wounds left in the past practice are healed one by one, and the things that were impossible to do in the past are done one by one!

As he practiced, Luo Li quickly advanced to the first level of Qi Refining, the second level of Qi Refining, and the third level of Qi Refining...

Step by step, he quickly reached the Great Perfection of Qi Refining, and then he jumped directly to the realm of foundation building!

Luo Li discovered that this change was not a complete change. The body's own cultivation system did not change. It became just some side details and some regrettable mistakes left by everything. It was like a building, the main body remained unchanged. , became just the exterior decoration of the building.

However, this change is a kind of self-adjustment, and it will only become better and more perfect! There will not be a tragic event that affects the entire body and causes the current changes to cause the cultivation system to collapse.

Continue forward, build the foundation of the first heaven, the foundation of the second heaven, the foundation of the third heaven...

With a bang, Luo Li was promoted to the golden elixir realm! The first level of golden elixir!

The whole body's true energy is like a tide. If he continues to practice, Luo Li can continue to improve his realm. He has a feeling that he can rush to the fourth level of the Golden Core in one breath and enter the middle stage of the Golden Core!

But Luo Li didn't. The purpose of Tianqingfeng was to accumulate the foundation of eternity, soar into the sky, and crush all enemies with the power of heaven!

Luo Li knew in his heart that Tian Qing Peak must have a special cultivation method and continued to accumulate it.

I have improved my level. When the time comes, I will have to suppress it. It is better to go back to the master to teach me and then decide how to practice!

Thinking of this, Luo Li slowly dispersed the endless zhenqi, hid them in his meridians, and continued his cultivation to lock in the first level of the golden elixir.

Luo Li opened his eyes. He had just practiced. It felt like at least thirty years had passed. However, in reality, in less than a breath, Luo Li's body was seriously injured and fully recovered, and his body was in its best condition.

Slowly feel your body. No matter the flesh and blood, the scope of your spiritual consciousness, or the true energy in your body, everything is 30% higher than before taking the medicine. All of a sudden, you have increased your strength by 30%, and you are still a golden elixir. One level of heaven.

What's more important is that now, the body is intact, no leakage of gold, perfect and infinite, without a single flaw, full of flesh and blood, full of mana, and extremely refined. Only after hundreds of years of sacrifice can it reach such a state. This is hard to find, so far. His own path to immortality was 30% broad. Luo Li had a feeling in his heart that the Nascent Soul was unimpeded. There was no bottleneck from the golden elixir realm to the Nascent Soul!

Countless monks are stuck here. There are 1,500 Jindan Zhenren in Hunyuan Sect, but there are only forty-eight Yuanying Zhenjun. This shows how difficult it is for Jindan to be promoted to Yuanying. However, he is fine so far. This is nothing. Can't be replaced.

Luo Li couldn't help but let out a sigh of relief. The effort was completely worth it!

If this elixir could be refined earlier, perhaps Patriarch Xizhao would not have to die and re-revise his life's cultivation path. Maybe he would still have a chance to advance to the level of God!

Luo Li sighed, time is destiny! He ended his training, put away his sixteen hearts of nirvana, and returned to the Chongxuan Sect's headquarters.

The Chongxuan Sect reward three days later was meaningless to Luo Li, so when Qingshi Zhenyi came over to invite Luo Li, Luo Li smiled and said:

"Senior, I'm not going. I'm a disciple of the Hunyuan Sect. I don't know how to refine weapons, so don't waste this opportunity. Please help me deal with it!"

As soon as he said this, Qingshi Zhenyi hesitated for a moment, and then persuaded him: "Little friend Luo Li, this opportunity is rare in a lifetime!"

In the end, Luo Li said nothing and Qingshi Zhenyi shook his head, but was extremely happy to take this opportunity away, and then gave Luo Li 30 million spiritual stones in return.

After everything was done, the large teleportation array from Chongxuan Sect to Hunyuan Sect had been constructed, and Luo Li and others were the first batch of teleporters.

This magic circle is not an ordinary teleportation battle array. Every time it is activated, it requires multiple activations and consumes a large amount of spiritual stones before the teleportation can be successful. However, it can break through the barriers of time and space and transport hundreds of people from millions of miles away and across two major regions. Sect, teleport here.

This has extremely strong strategic significance and is of great significance!

Luo Li and others entered the teleportation array. This teleportation array was composed of countless round stone platforms and was a hundred feet in size. If it were not for the purpose of testing whether the teleportation array was effective! They were definitely not qualified to use this array. !

The teleportation array flashed with light, and countless runes were activated. This teleportation required at least over 100 million spiritual stones.

In an instant, a light flashed, and Luo Li and others were in a space-time passage. The passage was spinning endlessly, and countless black and white scenery flew past them quickly. Everything seemed to be in a dream, and then there was a tremor around them, and the endless spiritual energy reversed. Luo Li and others suddenly returned to the real world.

It took a long time for everyone to come back to their senses and look in all directions. Then they discovered that they were back within the Hunyuan Sect!

This is the main peak of the Hunyuan Sect. It took Luo Li a long time before he returned to normal and left the magic circle. Looking around, he saw that there were eleven more teleportation magic circles like this here!

Follow the passage and leave here. At the exit ahead, many monks from the Hunyuan Sect gathered here!

Those people were all relatives and friends waiting for them. Qizhu and the others handed over the sect tasks, received the sect rewards, and then went back to their respective homes for free activities.

Luo Li doesn't have to hand over any tasks. He has been away for ten years and returns today.

Many fellow disciples were waiting for everyone's return here, shouting constantly. Among them, Senior Brother Tiandu was here. He saw Luo Li and Qizhu from a distance and shouted loudly.

"Luo Li, Qizhu, here, here!"

Senior Brother Tiandu finally reached the limit of his accumulation and was promoted to the golden elixir realm.

Luo Li was very happy and kept chatting with him. While chatting, Luo Li looked around, looking for that person intentionally or unintentionally.

But there was no trace of Mo Yanlan, she was not here.

Senior Brother Tiandu seemed to sense something, he laughed and said: "Little Junior Brother Luo Li, what are you looking for?"

Luo Li said: "I'm not looking for anything, what are you saying, Brother Tiandu?"

Tiandu said: "That person didn't come to pick you up. Aren't you disappointed? Go back first and talk about it later. Then you can go find her!"

Everyone returned to Tianqing Peak and came to the courtyard. True Lord Huchan sat under the big tree just like before. He was very happy to see Luo Li return and said:

"Although Luo Li, you have not left for ten years, but my purpose of letting you go out to practice has been achieved, and it is just the right time to come back.

It just so happened that last year, I realized the perfect cultivation method of Tianqing's golden elixir realm. When you come back this time, I will teach it to you! "

In addition to True Monarch Huchan, many other monks from Tianqing Peak are here. Everyone gathered together to welcome the return of Luo Li and Qizhu.

Luo Li's third senior brother Qinghen and fourth senior brother Yue Kong are also here. They have returned from traveling and returned to Tianqing Peak to practice and are not going out.

Everyone gathered together, put out a table of wine and food, and started to have a dinner together. On the wine table, they drank happily and talked about their experiences over the years.

Numerous questions were asked to Luo Li, and Luo Li answered them one by one.

Everyone gathered here happily for a long time, and at night, they dispersed.

In fact, Luo Li also had problems, and finally had the opportunity to ask Master Xiang: "Master, how is Mo Yanlan doing now?"

Lord Huchan said: "After repeated inspections by our Hunyuan Sect, Mo Yanlan has now returned to the first level of Qi Refining. There is no problem with his body. Everything seems to be a sign of starting again.

We have gone through all the records in ancient books, and all the records record how powerful the transcendent immortal body was when it broke out, and what happened after the explosion. Because most of the monks with the transcendent immortal body have ascended to the immortal world, there is no record at all, so we can only take a step and see. One step away!

However, the Hunyuan Sect publicized that the Transcendent Fairy Mo Yanlan was the Hunyuan Sect’s fourth Returner, enjoying the treatment of the ancestor of the sect. She was now personally taught by the three great Returners, Jin Sheng and Mu Shen. "

Luo Li nodded and said, "She's fine, that's good!"

Lord Huchan sent a message and said: "She has a very high status now, so there is no way to greet you in person. Wait until noon tomorrow to see her secretly. You know the place even if I don't tell you.

Luo Li was stunned and immediately knew where he should go.

However, Luo Li smiled and secretly transmitted the message: "Thank you Master, but Master, I have something good to give you!"

True Monarch Huchan was stunned and replied: "What is it?"

Luo Li said: "This thing is not trivial. I would also like to invite Wood God, Golden Saint and three others to return to the void and come here together to receive it together!"

Lord Huchan said hesitantly: "What is so valuable? Just wait, I will contact the three ancestors immediately!"

After saying that, Master Huchan began to contact the three patriarchs.

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