Walk alone

Volume Three, Chapter 628: The Heart of Nirvana Comes Again!

In order to wait for the robe to be refined, Luo Li stayed here. About a month later, they invited Luo Li to a main hall again. They took out a robe that they had carefully refined for Luo Li!

This robe is divided into inner armor, outer robe, dharma pants, dharma boots, belt, turban, cloak, chest ornament, and dharma ring! Among them, the Dharma Ring is a pair, with a total of ten magic weapons!

These ten magic weapons are all fifth-level magic weapons. They look very ordinary at first glance, but if you feel carefully, you will find that they have a natural simplicity and are as clumsy as they are clumsy. There is endless power in this magic robe.

Qingshi Zhenyi said: "Little friend Luo Li, you are not in the realm of golden elixir, and I am refining a robe of too high a level for you, but it will not be able to exert the corresponding power!

Therefore, we have refined this set of fifth-level robes for you. When you reach the Nascent Soul realm, please come to our Chongxuan Sect and we will refine a set of sixth-level robes for you. "

Then he began to introduce them one by one, saying: "These ten magic weapons are a suit that we have customized and refined for you.

But it was refined by me, Fu Shan, and Xuanxu separately, and divided into three parts, but they can be perfectly integrated into one! "

Luo Li inspected these magic weapons one by one. Whether they were robes, cloaks, or turbans, they all had an indescribable atmosphere.

They are different from the robe Luo Li purchased last time. That robe was priceless, but it looked like a nouveau riche. With this robe, Luo Li could put them in two states.

One kind, you can see their value at a glance, and the other kind is hidden in the market, and it looks like ordinary robes.

The more I look at Luo Li, the more I like it!

Qingshi Zhenyi introduced them one by one: "This headscarf, belt, French pants, and French boots are a system, refined by me!

According to your request, everything is focused on defense!

The scarf is called the spring rain falls and sweeps away the sacred wasteland. Last time I saw that you like to wear a scarf and don't like the miter, so I refined it like this. It has its own magic. The slanting wind and drizzle do not have to return to the sacred wasteland to be pure! These two magic spells each have their own uses. This is how to use them. Study it yourself!

These magic boots are called Xia Zou Lei Ming Ao Bafang. You can change their style at will and they also come with two major spells, thundering for thousands of miles and flying in all directions. This belt is called Autumn Wind, which hides the heaven and earth, and these French trousers are called Winter Snowfall, Howling on Thousand Peaks.

These four pieces are a small set. The eight major spells can be integrated into a large defensive spell, which focuses on defense and automatically protects the master. It is absolutely wonderful - its uses are endless! "

Luo Li nodded and said very fondly: "Thank you, senior!"

Qingshi Zhenyi continued: "This inner armor, robe, and cloak are made by Junior Brother Xuanxu, who is the best at refining robes!

The inner armor is called Ukiyo Hansei White-headed Armor. It has three major defensive spells, which can protect against witchcraft, sorcery, spiritual attacks and other attacks. The cloak is called the Three Realms and Six Paths Chaotic Cloak, which allows you to disguise yourself as any creature in the Three Realms and Six Paths!

But the most valuable thing is this robe. This robe can be said to be the most critical point in the whole suit. This robe is called Smiling at the bright red dye on the mountainside and chasing the wind among the white clouds.

The chest pendant and the magic ring were refined by my senior brother Fu Shan. My senior brother Fu Shan refined the magic weapons, and they all have one characteristic: they are simple and practical!

This chest pendant is called Tianyuan, and the pair of Dharma Rings are called Qiankun and Cangqiong respectively! They are a combination!

These three combined ten magic weapons, all the spells, can be fused together into one spell, which is my Chongxuan Sect's supreme Dharma, Xuanzhi Youxuanzhongxuan Shield!

This shield has the magical function of automatic protection. When you are in danger, it will automatically activate to protect your safety. This shield will last a lifetime. Even if the Nascent Soul Lord attacks you with all his strength, he will not be able to break this shield! "

Luo Li nodded, extremely happy, and said, "Thank you, senior!"

Qingshi Zhenyi said again: "With this robe, Luo Li, your defense can be said to be impregnable!

However, there are no absolutes in the world. Even strong defenses can be broken. So Luo Li, you don’t need robes and other foreign objects. Monk, monk, you should still cultivate yourself. Your own cultivation is the most important thing! "

Luo Li kept these words in mind!

Qingshi Zhenyi continued: "Get ready. In three days, I will take you into the most secret place of our Chongxuan Sect, the Earth Fire Fortress of the Immortal Qin Ruins under our Chongxuan Sect!

I don’t know why, but the Immortal Qin Ruins Earth Fire Fortress automatically activated after this catastrophe and started to contact us. It can refine the Immortal Qin Divine Weapons for us for free. As long as you provide the materials, it will refine the treasures for you. You can learn countless weapon refining methods from the Immortal Qin era. This is a rare opportunity! "

Luo Li smiled and said, "Thank you, senior. I will ask you to lead the way when the time comes!"

That night, Luo Li took out his Book of Heaven Creation and began to check it. The middle volume of the Book of Heaven Creation was the same as the first volume. It was sealed by unknown gods and demons. There seemed to be a hazy evil spirit on the metal sheets that made up the book. , completely unable to see the contents inside. Many Huixu Zhenyi tried to exorcise and decode this, but there was no way.

Holding this Book of Heaven Creation, Luo Li thought carefully about his intention of true fire. As he thought, suddenly the thread of true fire in the golden elixir moved again, and the flame rose up and burned the creation. On the Heavenly Book, the originally gray Heaven-making Book immediately let out a squeaking scream!

It seemed that something was burning above. A demonic thought that was extremely powerful appeared in the heaven-creating book and shouted:

"It's you again, it's you again, disturbing my sleep. Boy, I will remember your soul fluctuations. Just wait, I will make you..."

This demonic thought contains endless demonic intention. This demonic intention is terrifying to the extreme. It carries the will to destroy the world and the belief of destroying all lives. However, this demonic idea only tyrannized for a moment, and in the flames, it made a squeaking sound. The sound was then burned out!

Burned to ashes, nothing remains!

Luo Li smiled and began to read the book, and soon found the method of refining the heart of nirvana.

This refining method is extremely difficult. Luo Li doesn't understand it at all. At least he must be the Returning Void True One to refine it. But if he can't refine it himself, someone can. The Earth Fire Dragon's Immortal Qin Weapon Refining Furnace is not a vegetarian!

Luo Li checked the required materials. Except for the Time Iron, which was very difficult to find, the other materials were easy to find. They were just some ordinary Ten Thousand Years Black Iron, Purple Flame Crystal Stone, and Lingxia Xuanshui. However, the amount of materials required was extremely huge. !

That 10,000-year black iron requires 300,000 kilograms. No matter how cheap it is, it still costs 1 million spiritual stones!

Luo Li did the math and was shocked. The materials required for this Nirvana Heart would require at least 30 million spiritual stones to buy. And there must be a way to do this. Otherwise, such a large amount would not be possible if there are spiritual stones. You can't buy it.

Fortunately, this is Chongxuan Sect and there are countless materials. Fortunately, Chongxuan Sect rewarded him with one billion spiritual stones!

Luo Li found Han Biao, and he took the lead and started purchasing from Chongxuan Sect. Finally, he purchased the materials for refining seventeen Nirvana Hearts. He received a lot of discounts, but it cost Luo Li 500 million spiritual stones. , there are still 500 million spirit stones left.

Luo Li did not wait for the opportunity given by Chongxuan Sect. He quietly took out the Xian Qin key and returned to the Earth Fire Dragon in a flash!

The magic spirit of the Earth Fire Dragon immediately said: "Welcome the return of the great commander!"

Luo Li said: "Okay, let's see if we can use the Xian Qin Weapon Refining Furnace to refine this elixir for me!"

Seeing the elixir Luo Li took out, the Earth Fire Dragon Magic Spirit said: "This is the heart of immortality elixir Nirvana, there is no problem in the refining process!"

Luo Li took a long breath and said, "That's good, just refine it for me!"

Immediately, the Immortal Qin Weapon Refining Furnace began to activate, refining the immortal elixir Nirvana Heart for Luo Li.

This refining process was quite fast, and it was successfully refining in less than five hours!

Looking at these seventeen pills, Luo Li let out a sigh of relief! This elixir is the size of a dragon's eye. Above the elixir, streaks of five-color glow are emitted. Half of the elixir is black and half is white. The black and white parts rotate involuntarily. Look carefully, there seems to be endless flames hidden inside, and in the flames, there seems to be a phoenix flying on the fire!

Luo Li picked up a Heart of Nirvana and threw it into his mouth, wanting to eat it so that he could reshape his body and change all the mistakes he had made in his past cultivation!

But this elixir couldn't be refined, Luo Li was stunned!

The magic spirit of the Earth Fire Dragon reminded: "Your Excellency, the Great Commander, this Heart of Nirvana is a holy medicine for healing. As long as you are not dead, you will be revived immediately. However, you are not injured, so this medicine cannot be activated!"

Luo Li was speechless. He had to be injured before he could use this medicine. He was going to hurt himself!

The Earth Fire Dragon Magic Spirit reminded again: "Your Excellency, the Great Commander, this Heart of Nirvana is just a holy medicine for healing. If you are suddenly hit hard and die suddenly, you will be dead before the medicine has exerted its medicinal properties. It will not It has rejuvenating properties!”

Luo Li was speechless and said, "I know!"

He struck hard and hurt himself hard!

In an instant, the heart of nirvana immediately turned into light and injected into Luo Li's body!

The power of the medicine spreads little by little, and threads flow along the eight extraordinary meridians. Wherever it goes, all the meridians seem to be moistened by the spring rain and become full of vitality. The original injuries are also healed immediately under the catalysis of the medicine. In perfect condition!

At the same time, Luo Li was suspended in a state of confusion, as if he had returned to the Spiritual Butterfly Sect and had just started practicing and embarked on the path of immortality. He had to start all over again and practice again!

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