Walk alone

Volume 3, Chapter 627: Chongxuan’s reward is as heavy as a mountain!

Mo Yanlan hugged her, and Luo Li was confused and said: "What happened here? How come it seems like a different world, a different world?"

Mo Yanlan just grabbed Luo Li tightly and said: "Don't die, don't die, don't die..."

As for the other Hunyuan Sect monks, you look at me and I look at you. Bai Gong sent the Patriarch to ascend, and the Patriarch is back again. What's going on?

The Chongxuan Sect over there is also in chaos. What is going on? What is this?

The first person to react was Zhenjun Lilong. He immediately rushed over and said:

"Stop talking about it now, Patriarch Yanlan, ah, no, Yanlan...

Let’s not talk about it for now. This time you transcended the immortal body and almost ascended to the immortal world. It will definitely cause an uproar in the world of immortal cultivation. In order to prevent accidents, we will return to Hunyuan Sect immediately. "

What else Mo Yanlan wanted to say, Tianya Zhenzun also said: "Yes, you must leave! Return to the sect immediately!

It's okay, Luo Li, you have finished your training and will return to Hunyuan Sect immediately!

Why has it become the first level of Qi Refining again? What's going on? Is the Five Dharma Holy Land still there? What exactly is going on? "

Luo Li also asked: "What's going on? What's going on?"

At the critical moment, Tianya Zhenzun waved his hand and said: "Let's go, let's go immediately. Lilong and the rest of us will immediately protect Yan Lan and Luo Li and return to the Hunyuan Sect!"

But Luo Li said: "Master, I still have some things to do, and I don't want to go back now!"

Luo Li has not yet obtained the middle volume of the Heaven-making Book. Besides, all the treasures in his body were shattered. This was for the Chongxuan Sect. Does the Chongxuan Sect have to express it?

The war is over, and Chongxuanzong seems to be fine. Do you need that reward?

Zhenzun Tianya nodded and said: "Okay, since you want to stay, then you will have full authority to handle the affairs of Chongxuan Sect. With your terrifying Pangu Ax, no one dares to do anything to you. After handling it, you will return to Chongxuan Sect immediately. ”

Mo Yanlan wanted to say something, but she returned to her original weak character and just bit her lip without saying anything.

Tianya Zhenzun stretched out his hand and put Mo Yanlan into his dimensional cave. The other four Nascent Soul Zhenjun followed him, and the five of them immediately took off and disappeared in an instant.

They want to protect Mo Yanlan from returning to the Hunyuan Sect. Mo Yanlan transcends the immortal body and almost ascends to the immortal world. This will inevitably attract the attention of countless monks. Safety comes first, and returning to the sect is the safest.

In addition, Mo Yanlan transcends heaven and earth and can kill Luo Demon Emperor. Who knows if she will transcend for a second time? Once she transcends, it will be easy to kill him and return to the void.

But despite this, Zhenzun Tianya and the others immediately protected Mo Yanlan from returning to Hunyuan Sect.

After they left, other Hunyuan Sect monks gathered together, and Luo Li realized that Mo Yanlan transcended heaven and earth and killed Luo Demon Emperor with his sword. This was too unnatural. Thinking of some of his actions, I couldn't help but break into a cold sweat, this was too scary!

At this time, the catastrophe of the Chongxuan Sect was completely over. Although it had gone through countless twists and turns, and although the Chongxuan Sect's wish to ascend to the immortal world was shattered, the Chongxuan Sect was saved. Moreover, the heaven and earth mutated, the mountains and rivers disappeared, and the haze that had plagued the Chongxuan Sect for tens of thousands of years , never seen again.

In the sky, blue gradually appeared, and at night, stars appeared, and finally Xuanzong, tens of thousands, could see the sky full of stars again.

Chongxuanzong began to organize the battlefield, repair the magic circle, rebuild the city, and repair everything.

With the re-establishment of the Chongxuan Sect's magic circle, there was no rebellion and destruction of the magic circle this time. So far, the Chongxuan Sect has withstood this catastrophe and will not be robbed like the Bafang Lingbao Sect.

The news of this battle, the last battle, immediately spread from the Wuyan Sect to all directions. Until now, the monks of the Wuyan Sect had been hiding among the people and spreading the news to the outside world in a timely manner.

As the news spread, the catastrophe of the Chongxuan Sect was repeated, the return of the Luo Demon Emperor, the outbreak of the transcendent fairy, and the sword slaying the Luo Demon Emperor. The end of an era, the whole world was suddenly shocked!

Hunyuan Sect, transcended the immortal body, the fairy ascended, this news spread all over the world!

Then, determined by the True One of Returning to the Void, the original ascension channel was finally opened again, and the monks in the Zhongtian Lord World could ascend again!

All of a sudden, all the monks in Zhongtian Lord World were excited and couldn't believe the news!

Then a great search begins. Wherever there are monks, they all start looking for monks with transcendent immortal bodies. Search, search, search!

However, according to the statistics of the Wuyan Sect, no monk who has transcended the immortal body has been found despite searching.

Finally, it was confirmed by the Wuyan Sect that the transcendent fairy Mo Yanlan replaced the dead Nine-foot True Immortal and became one of the top ten masters in the world! Although Mo Yanlan only has the first level of Qi Refining now, because she reopened the Ascension Era, she was visited by the top ten and unanimously recognized as one of the top ten masters in the world!

After this incident, the Chongxuan Sect lost one of the Return to the Void True One, the Heavy Hammer True One was seriously injured and needed a thousand years of recuperation, and the sect was severely damaged. When Luo Demon Emperor appeared, his performance was poor, and he directly dropped from the 11th in the ranking to the 18th. , it takes at least a thousand years of rest to improve the ranking.

I don’t know why, when spreading the news, maybe to show the power of the transcendent fairy, Luo Li’s Pangu Ax was completely transformed and turned into a background with other onlookers, completely transformed into a transcendent fairy! Sword to kill Luo Demon Emperor!

In any case, even if this incident was over, Chongxuan Sect began to reorganize the sect, reward those disciples who fought to the death, and those who followed the wind and finally escaped, all of them would clean up the sect, or abolish their cultivation, or expel the sect.

Those sects that supported Chongxuan Sect to the end must repay gratitude, especially Chongxuan Sect!

Ten days later, as soon as Jin Shengzhen arrived, news came that Tianya Zhenzun and others had successfully returned to Hunyuan Sect despite being intercepted several times on the way.

As soon as Jin Shengzhen arrived, he represented the Hunyuan Sect and made a ten-thousand-year alliance with the Chongxuan Sect!

In order to thank the Hunyuan Sect for their strong support, the Chongxuan Sect formed an alliance with the Hunyuan Sect. From then on, the monks of the Hunyuan Sect were able to refine magic weapons for free with the Chongxuan Sect!

At the same time, Chongxuan Sect sent countless treasures. After this battle, they also found that despite the fact that they had so many Returning True Ones, they were still suitable for refining weapons and refining treasures. The matter of fighting and killing should be left to those sects suitable for fighting, so They formed an alliance with Chongxuan Sect, and the two sides established a long-distance transmission channel. If one side is in trouble, all parties will support it!

During the process of forming this alliance, Hunyuan Sect received numerous benefits and was considered the biggest gainer this time. Among them, Luo Li received the most benefits.

Qingshi Zhenyi secretly met with Luo Li. This time it was different from last time. Last time Luo Li was not even qualified to speak. This time the two of them sat face to face!

Strength determines everything. Luo Li's blow with the world-destroying Pangu Ax and his resurrection from death earned him this qualification!

Qingshi Zhenyi smiled and said: "Luo Li, thank you for saving my Chongxuan Sect from the fire and water!"

Luo Li said: "Senior, you're welcome."

"If you have any requests, just ask me, Chongxuan Sect. Whatever I, Chongxuan Sect, have, I will definitely give it to you!" Qingshi Zhen said generously!

Luo Li was waiting for this sentence, and he immediately said: "Senior, last time, the Chongxuan Sect rewarded me with a book of creation of heaven, and I benefited a lot from it, but this book is only the first volume. I would like to ask if the middle and lower volumes are in the book of Chongxuan Sect. ?”

Qingshi Zhenyi immediately said boldly: "Isn't it the Book of Heaven? Come on, get it right away!

However, Luo Li, the upper, middle and lower volumes of this heaven-creating book were originally in our Chongxuan Sect, but by coincidence, the second volume was bought by the Ten Thousand Demons Valley, so I can only give you the middle volume! "

Luo Li said: "Thank you very much! Senior, do you know the origin of the Heaven Creation Book?"

Qingshi Zhenyi thought for a while and said: "According to ancient legend, this heaven-creating book came from the immortal world and was obtained by the Shenwei Sect by chance. The secret method recorded in it is the secret of heaven and earth!

It's a pity that it was later defiled by the devil and could not be seen. What a pity! "

Soon, the Heaven Creation Book was delivered. Luo Li carefully put it away, and then Luo Li said:

"Senior, you see, I used to have a magic weapon, but unfortunately it was all shattered by Pangu's world-destroying axe. Now I can only wear this most ragged magic robe, senior..."

Qingshi Zhenyi laughed and said: "I understand, don't worry, I, Chongxuan Sect, will refine a set of the best robes for you!

This robe, we old guys personally made it for you, it is definitely a first-class robe! "

Luo Li smiled with satisfaction, Qing Shizhen nodded, waved his hand and said:

"This is all trivial. Without your help this time, I, Chongxuanzong, don't know if I could have saved it, so if nothing else, I must thank you!

These are the magical treasures of the Cave Heaven, Taixu Heaven and Earth, the Fingertip Buddha Kingdom and the Demon Refining Pot! Taixu Heaven and Earth is the second place of the Cave Heaven Magic Treasure, the Demon Refining Pot is the fifth place, and the Fingertip Buddha Kingdom is the sixth place. This is our little gift, given to you to calm your shock! It's a pity that the world of Pangu, where the number one magic weapon in the cave is rare, is hard to come by. Unless your master, Zhenjun Huchan, has this treasure, you can't find it at all. Otherwise, if you have this treasure, it would be the most suitable reward. You can practice it to the ultimate level of immortal Qin destruction. Chaos Strike!

However, the Taixu Heaven and Earth, the Fingertip Buddha Kingdom and the Demon Refining Pot can each develop a great magical power, which can be regarded as our endless gratitude!

In addition, this is one billion spirit stones, which is our small reward! This is 10 billion fake stones. I know that you Hunyuan Sect monks all like fake stones. This is also our little idea! "

Luo Li was stunned. This Chongxuanzong was so generous!

Not only will he give away secret books and robes, he will also give away magical treasures, spiritual stones, and fake stones!

Luo Li was so happy that he put them away one by one.

Seeing that Luo Li was very happy, Qingshi Zhenyi finally whispered: "These are nothing, I don't know why, after this catastrophe, the Xian Qin ruins that our Chongxuan Sect has enshrined for generations suddenly activated.

When the time comes, I, the Chongxuan Sect, will give up a chance to enter the ruins and obtain the Immortal Qin treasure. How about it, little friend Luo Li, this reward is hefty enough! "

Luo Li was speechless. It seemed that the Earth Fire Dragon Magic Spirit had begun to take action. The poor Chongxuan Sect monks, who considered the most valuable opportunity to enter the Xian Qin ruins, were too easy for themselves. That was their home!

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