Walk alone

Volume 3 Chapter 626: The Grand Governor of the Earth Fire Dragon!

A quarter of an hour ago, under the earth, in the ruins of Xian Qin, Luo Li felt the many messages from the Earth Fire Dragon in the sea of ​​consciousness! The more he looked, the more Luo Li frowned. Repairing this Earth Fire Dragon was too terrifying! The astronomy, geography, refining of instruments and treasures involved in it, Luo Li couldn't understand it at all, it was too mysterious! Although there was only one point difference, this point was the most difficult one. Luo Li looked at it with a headache and couldn't understand it at all, but he breathed a sigh of relief. In fact, he could change his angle and solve this problem. All along, the repair of this Earth Fire Dragon has been under the control of the Earth Fire Dragon's magic spirit. If he can repair this Earth Fire Dragon's magic spirit and let it preside over the repair, it must be much easier than being in the dark now. Luo Li slowly thought: "How to repair the magic spirit of the Earth Fire Dragon?" As Luo Li thought, countless information suddenly began to appear. To repair the magic spirit of the Earth Fire Dragon, at least sixty-four heaven and earth spiritual materials are needed. Heaven and earth spiritual materials are the materials transformed when the spiritual objects of heaven and earth lose their spirituality. Luo Li really has a lot of these things. Luo Li immediately followed the instructions and began to take out his spiritual objects of heaven and earth and combine them. He took out the spiritual objects of heaven and earth one by one and combined them together. According to the information, Luo Li cast a spell! "Xiantian Zhengzhen, the Five Thunders are highly respected. The eight gates of Donglang, the bright reflection of Taihua, all the dark and the dark are heard, the upper nine heavens, the middle Fengshan. The lower rivers and seas, the twelve river sources. The eight powerful spells, the jade text of the spiritual book. Summon the dragon to carry water, collect air and gather smoke. Bind the demons and send ghosts, and punish them without exception. The sun, the moon, the five stars, the seven elements of the Big Dipper. All the heavens, all the earth, all the waters and all the mountains.

Hurry up and order it. "

Finally, with his efforts, there was a roar, and the Earth Fire Dragon's magic spirit was restored!

In the hall, above the void, a ball of light appeared, about three feet in size, floating in the air. This is the Earth Fire Dragon's magic spirit!

A voice appeared: "Beep beep, beep beep, the system is reinitialized, the spiritual intelligence system is restored! Connect to the Xianqin Xiuxian League network! Connect to the origin of heaven and earth! Search for the laws of heaven! ..."

"Beep beep, beep beep, initialization successful, the spiritual intelligence system is restored, search memory, start the backup personality!"

"Beep beep, beep beep, the Xianqin network cannot be connected. The origin of heaven and earth cannot be connected. No matter how to interpret the laws of heaven..."

"Beep beep, beep beep, self-test begins..."

"Beep beep, beep beep, self-test completed, the Xianqin battleship fortress of the Xiuxian League has a malfunction, its own spiritual energy system, flight system, The logistics system, manufacturing system, war terracotta system, combat system, maintenance system, navigation system, and development system have all collapsed and have not yet been repaired! "

"Beep beep, beep beep, the detection has confirmed that the person who activated the repair magic spirit is a cultivator of the immortal system, mastering the secret method of the immortal Qin, the human bloodline, the human soul, and the human thought! According to the immortal law and heavenly rules of the Immortal Cultivation Alliance, the status can be determined..."

"Beep beep, beep beep, repairer, this magic spirit asks you, no matter what time, you will always be a human, will not become a claw of other alien races, oppress the human race, and when alien races invade the human race, stand up and protect the human race? "

This scene is a bit familiar , Luo Li immediately replied: "Yes, I, Luo Li, will always be a human being, and will never become a pawn of other alien races, oppressing the human race. When alien races invade the human race, I will stand up and protect the human race!"

"Beep beep, beep beep, Fa Ling confirmed, Luo Li, you control the Xian Qin secret method, repair the Xian Qin fortress, based on the principle of giving and getting rewards, this Fa Ling recognizes you as the first controller of the Xian Qin battleship fortress of the Xiuxian League, the Fire Dragon!

You are the 36th Grand Admiral of the Xian Qin battleship fortress of the Xiuxian League, and you are automatically included in the Xian Qin Empire system!"

Luo Li was stunned and said: "In the Xian Qin Empire system?"

Fa Ling said: Xian Qin's title is divided into 20 levels, and under the title, there is a system of 12 soldiers. Xian Qin Empire converts military merit into merit. You are included in the Xian Qin Empire system and automatically counted as one of the 12 levels under the title, belonging to the lowest slave soldier level.

However, as the Grand Admiral of the Earth Fire Dragon, you are directly promoted from the 12th-level slave soldier to the 20th-level Hengsha Baron.

However, the minimum requirement for Hengsha Baron is that you must reach the Nascent Soul stage, so you can only prepare for Hengsha Baron. Only when you reach the Nascent Soul True Lord, you will be promoted successfully! "

Luo Li let out a long sigh. He didn't expect that the Xian Qin Empire system was so complicated. Only the Nascent Soul could be the weakest baron.

Luo Li said: "The Earth Fire Dragon still needs to be repaired, but it is too difficult to repair. I don't have the ability to do so, so I activated you and you will be in charge!"

Fa Ling said: "Fa Ling understands, but Fa Ling must be ordered by the Grand Admiral to cultivate the Earth Fire Dragon. Only with this order can Fa Ling have the authority. Please give the order!"

Luo Li said: "Okay, I will give the order and you will be in charge of repairing the Earth Fire Dragon, all matters!

By the way, the Chongxuan Sect is the descendant of the craftsmen you recruited that year. You can use them to help with the repair, but you must not let them get any authority over the Earth Fire Dragon. The premise is that I am the only controller of the Earth Fire Dragon, and it is irreversible!"

Fa Ling replied: "Accept the order and repair the Earth Fire Dragon with all your strength. You can use the Chongxuan Sect monks! The Grand Admiral is the only controller of the Earth Dragon, and it is irreversible!"!

But Fa Ling trembled and said: "But Grand Admiral, according to the Constitution of the Xianqin Empire, there must be gains if you pay. We use the Chongxuan Sect monks to help with the repair, so we must pay them!

However, all the systems of the Earth Fire Dragon have collapsed and cannot provide corresponding rewards. What should we do? "

Luo Li thought for a while and began to take out the spiritual objects of heaven and earth. He still had thousands of them on him. He took them all out and said, "These are the rewards and let them work!"

When the magic spirit saw these heaven and earth spiritual beings, he said: "With this energy crystal, I can activate the Xian Qin weapon refining furnace, so that I can use one-fifth of the materials they provide to refine various Xian Qin standard magic swords for them." , and the remaining four-fifths are used to repair the Earth Fire Dragon!

However, the energy crystals of the Grand Governor are not enough to activate the Xianqin Weapon Refining Furnace, so the Grand Governor is asked to continue collecting energy crystals! "

Luo Li said: "Wait a minute, I'll go see if there's anything else!"

Luo Li returned to his Taichufang City to see if he had gained anything recently.

When the Bafang Lingbao Sect catastrophe occurred, all shops were closed, and almost all business in Taichufang City was cut off.

In these years, Luo Li has not managed Taichufang City at all. He has left it there without paying attention, and only comes here when he collects the spiritual objects of heaven and earth. Almost all of them are controlled by the Bafang Lingbao Sect. They use tax avoidance methods to secretly Master all the customers in this place.

So all the shops were closed, and Luo Li suddenly had no income at all.

But this Taichufang City is the only connection place among the thirty surrounding star regions. Countless powerful creatures need such a trading place. At first, the shops were closed, resulting in no one trading, but soon, everyone As soon as they got used to it, some people started setting up stalls in Taichufang City.

In this way, Taichufang City had income again, but not as much as before, but still quite a lot. Luo Li took away all the income from these days.

These gains, put together, were finally enough, and the Immortal Qin Weapon Refining Furnace was activated!

Luo Li let out a sigh of relief!

Fa Ling said: "Everything went well. I started to clean up the Earth Fire Dragon. A month later, I contacted Chongxuan Sect and used the Xianqin Weapon Refining Furnace as a temptation. With their help, I started to repair the Earth Fire Dragon. I asked the Governor to supervise the Earth Fire Dragon at all times. situation, and collect power sources for the Earth Fire Dragon!"

Luo Li said: "What power source?"

Fa Ling said: "The Grand Governor has it on his body. Among the monks, this thing is called an innate spiritual treasure. To activate the Earth Fire Dragon, five innate spiritual treasures must be needed as the source of power!"

Luo Li was immediately dumbfounded. He had gone through so much hard work to obtain this innate spiritual treasure!

Only a thud was heard, and the Xian Qin key flew out and returned to Luo Li's hands!

Fa Ling said: "Grand Governor, please use this Xian Qin key to check the repair status of the Earth Fire Dragon. If you encounter any problems, I will ask you for help!

If you arrive 100,000 miles away from the Earth Fire Dragon, you can use this Xian Qin key to immediately teleport back to the Earth Fire Dragon without attracting any attention! Grand Governor, the Immortal Qin Weapon Refining Furnace has been activated. If you have items for sacrifice, you can also return to the Earth Fire Dragon to use them for sacrifice! "

Luo Li put away the Xian Qin key. This is the key to opening the Earth Fire Dragon!

Luo Li said: "I don't know what it's like outside, whether everyone has left or not, but Demon Emperor Luo was destroyed by me, so he should be fine, right?"

Luo Li had no idea that Demon King Luo could be reborn nine times a day!

Fa Ling said: "I'm sorry, Governor, the Earth Fire Dragon cannot observe the situation outside, please forgive me!"

Luo Li said: "It's okay, it's okay, just send me out!"

Fa Ling said: "Okay!"

Suddenly a teleportation light appeared, and Luo Li was teleported out!

He had just stood on the ground and looked around when the beam of light exploded and the ground collapsed. With a bang, Luo Li didn't see anything and was buried in the soil!

Buried alive!

It took Luo Li a long time before he crawled out, wiped the dirt off his face, looked around, and saw Mo Yanlan for the first time!

I saw her slowly flying up and flying towards the sky!

Luo Li was stunned and thought in his mind: "What is this for? Ascension, is this the legendary ascension?"

"What happened? What the hell? What the hell happened!"

Before he could figure it out, Mo Yanlan fell slowly, like a fairy, falling from the sky!

Then she fell in front of Luo Li, looked at Luo Li, and said:

"Luo Li, Luo Li, you, you, are not dead?"

Luo Li laughed and said, "I told you, I will come back!"

"I'm Luo Li, how can I die so easily!"

Mo Yanlan rushed over suddenly, hugged Luo Li tightly, and immediately burst into tears and cursed:

"You bastard, you're not dead!"

"Don't die, don't die, don't leave me, don't let me walk alone again!"

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