Walk alone

Volume 3 Chapter 625: I only envy mandarin ducks but not immortals!

■A purple thunder pierced the sky in a flash, bursting out with bright light! !

This sword transformed into endless purple night thunder, composed of billions of constantly jumping divine thunder. The purple thunder light surged and fluttered in the void. Among the thousands of seas of blood, only this purple night was not stained. , wherever it went, the blood dissipated, and the pure purple light, with a soul-stirring beauty, turned the sea of ​​blood into ashes!

In the sword light, Mo Yanlan's clear eyes were reflected, her long hair was flying in the wind, her slender and graceful figure was looming under the sword light, and behind her were countless groups of leaping and flying bright stars. Light group!

Everyone will record this scene in their hearts!

When everyone saw it, they couldn't help but fall in love with it. This is the transcendent immortal body!

It was this woman who slowly drew her sword and transcended the world. The Luo Demon Emperor who once swept the world was destroyed again and again!

No matter whether Demon King Luo was angry, in pain, desperate, or running away, he would be killed by her again and again in the end!

It's her, it's her, even if he's afraid of returning to the void, even if he's hammering Fu Shan, he can't help but lower his head when he sees her!

Once you transcend, you will be invincible!

At that time, the Transcendent Fairy, with one person and a pickaxe, and one horse, four oxen, six dogs and two donkeys, killed the Kunlun sect, defeated the twelve Kunlun formations in a row, spanned three major regions, killed tens of thousands of monks, and dug away with a hoe. Broken the head of Kunlun's seventeen Mahayana true saints!

The gate of Kunlun Mountain was smashed, the Yaochi collapsed, Kunlun Peak was pushed down, the World Tree was pulled out, and finally the seven great immortals of Kunlun in the lower world were planed to death alive!

But today, Hunyuan Zong Mo Yanlan, with one man and one sword, killed Demon King Luo five times and was reborn. The catastrophe of General Luo ended here, making him invincible in the world and famous forever!

How awesome!

In everyone's thinking, the demonic energy reunited, and Demon Emperor Luo returned to the world again!

But this time was completely different from before. Demon Queen Luo was no longer the same as before. When she appeared, she looked exactly like Mo Yanlan and held the same Shenxiao Taiyi Sword in her hand!

She looked at Mo Yanlan from a distance and said slowly: "I am the nine great demon kings under my master in the demon world, Luo Demon Lord. I have been distracted and projected across the sky, and I have been here in the human world and the heaven, and I have been here for seven hundred years!

Although it has been here for seven hundred years, the demonic tide is surging, thousands of monks have perished in my hands, and no one can defeat me, spanning the four seas!

Time travels through a dream for thousands of years. I thought that there would be another evil wave and I would relive the old dream. Unfortunately, time did not wait for me. My era has ended! Then let me have the last fight, the last sword! Either end my legend, or start my legend again! "

Her voice was exactly the same as Mo Yanlan's!

Mo Yanlan frowned and looked at her and said, "God's True Demonic Art?"

The magic skill used by Luo Demon King is the supreme magic skill of the True Demon Strategy. He prays for mercy from the original demon lord, uses the demon lord's supreme magical power to travel through the past and future, perfectly copies everything about the other party, and then fights with him. Fight against each other!

This is a terrible test. The biggest enemy between heaven and earth is yourself!

Luo Demon Emperor is equivalent to the second Mo Yanlan. The two are exactly the same. No matter how detached Mo Yanlan is, Luo Demon Emperor also increases with it.

Demon King Luo nodded and said: "All living beings suffer because they cannot see themselves clearly!

Id, ego, superego Mo Yanlan, come on, fight with yourself!

I am you, you are me, with one sword, we can decide life and death! "

After saying that, she also drew her sword!

The same swordsmanship as Mo Yanlan!

Mo Yanlan smiled and said: "I am who I am, and no one can block my way, not even if you become me!

You killed Luo Li. I hate you more and more. Die! "

In an instant, she also drew her sword!

In an instant, the two of them drew their swords at the same time, and there was only the endless majestic and proud Zixiao Divine Thunder in the sky. In an instant, they simultaneously erupted thirty-six purple night divine thunders that were a hundred miles long. Then the purple night divine thunders collided together, erupting with endless loud noises and continuous roars!

At the collision point, a pillar of light was born, penetrating the sky and the earth, about ten miles in diameter, huge and dazzling!

This beam of light expanded outwards and enveloped both of them!

In the light pillar, everything is purified into the purest purple light at this moment. Everything affected by the light pillar immediately and silently decomposed and disappeared into the world. Everything was as if it had never existed, and they had erased all traces of its existence.

This pillar of light was so dazzling that all the monks were attracted by this awe. They kept retreating, retreating, retreating, retreating far away. It was so terrifying! This power is too powerful!

This is not over yet, the power in the light pillar continues to increase, the spiritual energy between heaven and earth fluctuates violently, and then one after another is injected into this light pillar! The light of the light pillar is getting stronger bit by bit and getting higher bit by bit. It stands tens of thousands of feet high in the void. This light pillar can be seen thousands of miles away!

The purple light exuded a majestic aura in the void, so that everyone seemed as small as dust ants under such majestic power. Some people even knelt down and knelt down towards the light pillar, kowtow!

The pillar of light stood proudly here for about three hundred breaths. Suddenly, a voice came from the pillar of light.

"Boom" seemed like something was shattered in the beam of light!

Then this pillar of light began to dissipate, turning into billions of fragments and dissipating between heaven and earth!

This collapsed beam of light spread across thousands of miles. The fragments did not destroy everything as the world imagined, but scattered with the wind and disappeared with the rain, but they turned thousands of miles into a purple!

For a time, there was only one color between heaven and earth, and that was purple. There was no other color!

Where the light pillar rose, a deep hole appeared on the earth that could not be seen with the naked eye. Then from there, a huge shock wave spread in a circular shape. Under the shock waves like undulating waves, the entire Chongxuan Sect's mountains collapsed and shattered under the fluctuations of the earth.

After a long time, the remaining power of this blow gradually faded away. Dust, smoke and debris were flying all over the sky, and the world with a radius of thousands of miles changed. There were no mountains anymore, and it turned into a huge basin. A strong wind blew, making everything cold!

In this environment, with constant strong winds and unobstructed surroundings, the haze that has plagued the Chongxuan Sect for tens of thousands of years will never appear again. As long as smoke rises, it will be blown away by the wind and the haze will completely disappear.

In the void, there was a thunderous roar, boom, boom!

The heavy rain was pouring down, but all the monks did not avoid the heavy rain. They stared at the place where the light pillar disappeared in the void.

There, a female nun stood proudly!

At this moment, Mo Yanlan's invincible sharp temperament and transcendent heaven and earth, proud and comfortable, are vividly displayed against the deep and boundless brilliance of heaven and earth, making this scene full of poetry and song.

Everyone knows that Mo Yanlan won. She killed the Luo Demon Emperor six times. The terrifying Luo Demon Tribulation was completely over. The Luo Demon Emperor turned into fly ash and disappeared between heaven and earth!

Immediately countless monks cheered!

"We win, we win!"

"Mo Yanlan! Mo Yanlan! Mo Yanlan!"

"Transcendence Fairy, invincible in heaven and earth, invincible and invincible!"

Amidst the endless cheers, the ink mist slowly floated up towards the sky!

She has a transcendent immortal body and is invincible in the world, but when her power reaches a certain level, this world can no longer accommodate her, and she will leave this world!

Heavy Hammer Shinichi suddenly said with envy: "Ascension, ascension, this is the real ascension!"

Fushan Shinichi also said: "Wukong rises from the sky, ascends, ascends really ascends!"

But Qingshi Shinichi said: "But, our place has been cut off from the fairy world and there is no way to ascend, so where can we ascend?"

This question is everyone's question. When Emperor Luo invaded the human world, he was afraid that the human monks would summon the ancestors of the immortal world to help him in the lower world, so he cut off the passage to ascension. So far, no one in the world of God can ascend.

It is because there is no ascension passage that the Chongxuan Sect did this, going back 23,000 years ago, when the ascension passage was still there, and took this opportunity to ascend!

But this problem is not a problem for Mo Yanlan. Under her transcendent immortal body, her power is endless. When she looks at the sky, it is a sword!

One sword opens the sky!

With this sword slashed out, it seemed like there was no change in the world, but all the Returning Void True Ones in the Heaven Lord World were stunned, and they looked to the sky!

In the dark, there seems to be a void coordinate, or in other words, a dimensional direction!

During the Luo catastrophe, God Emperor Luo used great magic to cut off and cover the ascension passage. Today, under Mo Yanlan's sword, the sky opened, and the ascension passage was cut open by her again. Now the monks in the Heavenly Lord World can ascend again!

The ink mist continued to float, and she was about to ascend to the fairy world and leave the human world!

Heavy Hammer Shinichi said: "Unexpectedly, after Luo Hao Jie, the first person to ascend in the world of immortality turned out to be a Hunyuan Sect monk!"

Fu Shanzhenyi said: "It seems that this transcendent fairy Mo Yanlan is the first ascended ancestor of Hunyuan Sect!"

Qingshi Shinichi said: "It's really unbelievable!"

Not only them, Tianya Zhenzun and others also find it hard to believe that the Hunyuan Sect is about to give birth to its first ascended patriarch!

At this moment, three invisible shackles suddenly appeared under Mo Yanlan, as if they were trying to hold her back and prevent her from ascending!

These are the three Five Dharma Holy Lands refined by Mo Yanlan. The Five Dharma Holy Lands inject the spiritual energy from the Small Thousand World into the Zhongtian Lord World to increase the strength of the Zhongtian Lord World. Somehow, there is a way between heaven and earth. Those who increase their strength in this way , how can we let them leave their own world, so the Hunyuan Sect monks cannot ascend, because they are too involved with the world of God, so countless Hunyuan Sect sages cannot break this barrier!

But Mo Yanlan could do it. She slashed out with her sword, and the three shackles were immediately shattered! Her three Five Dharma Holy Lands were immediately separated from her, cutting off their earthly ties!

Mo Yanlan continues to soar!

Zhenzun Tianya began to adjust his clothes, and with all the Hunyuan Sect monks behind him, he knelt down and shouted:

"Congratulations to the Patriarch for his ascension!"

"Congratulations to Grandmaster Yanlan for his ascension!"

As long as they ascend, no matter what their seniority is, everyone will be a disciple of the younger generation, perform discipleship rituals, and worship the ancestor!

Some people are already crying. The Hunyuan Sect's history of 128,600 years without anyone ascending is about to change!

Mo Yanlan nodded towards them, and a voice came from somewhere: "When I get to the fairy world, I will contact everyone!"

This is the most powerful thing about the Patriarch's gift of magic and ascension. The Patriarch went to the immortal world and bestowed the treasures of the Immortal Realm across the border. In the past, the Hunyuan Sect did not have this and suffered numerous losses, so it did not ask the Patriarch because there was no one to ask for. Today Finally it’s there!

Mo Yanlan took one last look at the mountains and the earth below her feet. She was about to ascend. This was the will of heaven and earth!

She touched the hosta on her head, feeling a little reluctant, but he was no longer here. If she stayed in this world for a moment longer, she would feel endless sadness, so let's go!

She took one last look and was suddenly stunned. She saw a monk crawling out from the pile of mud among the explosion debris of her last battle. He wiped his face vigorously and looked around, wondering what happened. What!

Surprisingly, that person is Luo Li!

Mo Yanlan was immediately dumbfounded, looking at the body that continued to rise, and said:

"That, that, I don't want to ascend anymore, I want to go down!"

Suddenly, the auspicious clouds around Mo Yanlan seemed to be shaking and roaring again!

If you say you want to ascend, you will ascend. If you say you don’t want to ascend, you won’t. You are just playing house!

Mo Yanlan said with a smile on her face: "Since he is not dead, why should I leave!"

After saying that, she fiercely drew her sword, and struck again. Even if ascending is the will of this world, I don't want to leave, even the heaven and earth can't work!

With one strike of the sword, he transcends his immortal body, and even heaven and earth cannot stop him!

If you want to leave, you can leave, if you want to come back, you can come back!

With one strike of the sword, the ascension is cut off!

Mo Yanlan fell slowly and returned to the world!

I only envy mandarin ducks but not immortals!

As long as you have him, you can abandon him even if he ascends to immortality!

Everyone was immediately dumbfounded, what is this?

Halfway through the ascension and coming back?

Kunlun Mountain Tianxing Zhenyi, Daluo Demon Sect Nine Dragons Zhenyi, let out a sigh of relief, and sure enough, my calculation was correct, no one can ascend this time!

Looking at the gray-faced Luo Li in the distance, Mo Yanlan smiled endlessly. In an instant, she turned back to the original Mo Yanlan!

That invincible strength dissipated quickly, and the initial stage of returning to the virtual world, the early stage of divine transformation, the early stage of Nascent Soul, and the elementary stage of golden elixir were all reduced!

In the early stages of foundation building and Qi refining, Mo Yanlan fell to the ground and suddenly became the first level of Qi refining!

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