Walk alone

Volume 3 Chapter 624 The Earth Fire Horn of the Immortal Qin Ruins!

Using the powerful Pangu world-destroying ax, Luo Li flew away. He watched his body dissipate little by little, and the surrounding areas darkened little by little. In a trance, his whole life quickly passed before his eyes. This is the feeling of death. !

Luo Li knew he was going to die, but he was not afraid at all because he had the Mandala Immortal Flower.

As Luo Li completely dissipated, a Sanskrit sound suddenly sounded in Luo Li's ears:

"Life and death, flowers bloom and fall...the soul of heaven and earth, I dream of Cangling...the nine heavens are brilliant, come again today..."

A beautiful flower suddenly appeared!

This flower looks like it is made of ice and snow, exuding endless white light, and is studded with various colored gems and patterns. In fact, those patterns are all rune arrays, and the gems are all inlaid on the array points. They are all kinds of rare spiritual stones that only exist in legends. But if you look closely, you will see that this flower is a real flower. The rune array, There are also spiritual stones, which are all formed innately.

The flower flew, turned into endless runes, reversed time and space, and then Luo Li, who turned into flying ashes, reappeared, and this flower replaced Luo Li and turned into flying ashes!

The Mandala Immortal Flower came into play, Luo Li came back to life and was resurrected again!

In an instant, Luo Li returned to the world, reincarnated and resurrected!

The world in front of him suddenly became clear. Luo Li jumped up and gasped for air. The feeling of death was not pleasant. He never wanted to die again!

After taking a dozen breaths, Luo Li gradually returned to normal. He checked his body and found that his cultivation level was still at the first level of Jindan. His body was completely normal. His Taichu Cave Heaven was still there, and Taichu Fang City was also normal. His body was completely normal. The Five Dharmas Holy Land is also intact!

However, all the magic weapons on his body were all shattered, whether it was the Jiuyang White Snow Blue Water Sinking Shadow Robe, the Yunjin Jiangzhang Danjia, the Emperor's Deed Precepts, and the Endless Precepts, they were all shattered!

Luo Li's many magic weapons, which cost him countless spirit stones, all turned into fly ash and completely dissipated. Luo Li was standing here naked!

Luo Li smiled bitterly, and next time he must put away all his robes before using the powerful Pangu world-destroying ax!

But next time, there will be no chance. The Mandala Immortal Flower completely disappeared before using the powerful Pangu World-Destroying Ax. He himself was completely turned into ashes and must die!

In addition to the disappearance of the magic weapons all over his body, Luo Li also discovered another problem, where was he?

Luo Li is not on the battlefield of the Chongxuan Sect's battle at all now, but is in a strange space.

This should be a bluestone hall, a huge hall, with an area of ​​a thousand feet, vast and huge, but inside, it is empty except for the bright light source in the sky, there is nothing!

Here is where? How was the battle at Chongxuanzong? Where are all the junior brothers of Hunyuan Sect? They are not really dead because of me, right?

Countless questions appeared in Luo Li's heart. He flew into the air and flew towards the other side of the hall. There seemed to be a gate there that should be the exit!

Looking at Qianzhang, he flew up and flew ten miles. Then he flew to the exit and left the hall. Luo Li looked into the distance and saw a huge city appearing in front of Luo Li!

There is a group of light sources in the huge sky of this city that is emitting sunlight, as dazzling as the sun. The huge city glowed golden in the warm sunshine.

This city is very deserted, with nothing else but the majestic palace.

Luo Li strolled here, what on earth is this place?

Step by step, before arriving at the city, Luo Li was suddenly startled. On the city wall, there was a line of towering characters:

"The Fire Dragon, the fortress guarding the Aozhou Zhongtian Realm of the Immortal Qin Empire!"

Looking at this line of words, Luo Li was a little stunned. A word came to his mind, the ruins of Xian Qin!

It was in the ruins of Xian Qin that Lord Hu Chan obtained countless treasures and remained undefeated for thousands of years. The Hunyuan Sect discovered a set of war chess while excavating an Xian Qin ruins, which is the origin of the Heroic Way of the Forest of All Living Beings! Senior Brother Qizhu got an innate spiritual object from the ruins of Xian Qin and was promoted to the realm of golden elixir! Fan Wujie obtained platinum dragon eggs and three thousand Dao soldiers in the ruins of Xian Qin...

Suddenly, countless legends about the ruins of Immortal Qin came to Luo Li's mind. He never imagined that he would have such a strange fate today. The Mandala Immortal Flower was reborn and sent him into the ruins of Immortal Qin.

Luo Li took a long breath and strode forward into the ruins.

This Xian Qin ruins, a golden palace, is rectangular as a whole, with the length from north to south almost twice as long as from east to west. The city wall has six turrets at the four corners, as well as the middle section of the north and south palace walls. This palace city implies changes in the five elements, four images, and two rituals. It is divided into four major palaces, corresponding to the four elephants, east, west, north and south.

The green dragon in the east palace is the horn, Kang, Di, Fang, Xin, Wei and Ji. White Tiger in the West Palace, Kui, Lou, Wei, Ang, Bi, Gong, and Shen.

Nangong Zhuque, Jing, Gui, Liu, Xing, Zhang, Yi, Zhen. North Palace Xuanwu, fight, female, virtual, dangerous, room, wall. The twenty-eight constellations coincide with the four attributes of wood, metal, fire, and water.

Luo Li walked around here again and again, but unfortunately he got nothing. Apart from the majestic palace, these ruins of Immortal Qin are nothing! !

There was nothing, it was completely empty. Unable to resist, Luo Li went to dig out the underground stone bricks, but the Return to the Void True One had already dug them out before Luo Li, and he could not dig them out at all.

After spending a long time, Luo Li took a long breath and sat on the ground. Is this just a waste of time? How else can I get out of here?

Suddenly Luo Li had an idea. Was his arrival here related to the Xian Qin Key? Otherwise, why would he be resurrected here?

Thinking of this, Luo Li took out the Xian Qin key and immediately found that the Xian Qin key was completely different from before. It kept emitting bursts of white light, as if it was guiding something.

Luo Li immediately followed the white light and walked around the cave a few times until he came to a main hall. There was no difference between this place and other main halls, and it was also so empty!

When the Immortal Qin Key arrived, the place suddenly changed. On the ground, a high platform rose silently. Looking at this high platform, Luo Li felt that it looked familiar. It was the moment when many people came to the door of the Chongxuan Sect to invite them out. There are thirty-six runes in the pyramid, but there are one hundred and eight runes carved on it!

At the top of the pyramid, a socket appeared, which was exactly the same as the Xian Qin key.

The Xian Qin key kept emitting white light and condensed on the socket. The two seemed to have a mysterious connection.

Luo Li looked there, thinking in his mind, should he intervene or not?

Seeking wealth in danger, Luo Li gritted his teeth, walked to the socket, and inserted the Xian Qin key into the socket!

Suddenly, the pyramid roared and emitted endless light. The Xian Qin Key disappeared into the pyramid and lost control in Luo Li's hands. Luo Li felt his head shake, losing the protection of the Xian Qin Key. The memory of evil will disappear.

At this time, in Luo Li's storage space, the gift given to Luo Li by Lord Huchan, the thigh bone of the remains of the gods and demons, trembled, and the memories that were about to disappear appeared again in an instant, but did not disappear. Luo Li let out a sigh of relief!

The Xian Qin key disappeared, but a ray of light fell from above. In this light, Luo Li slowly flew up, suspended in the air, and then another ray of light fell, instantly penetrating Luo Li's brain. Luo Li felt With a flash of consciousness, a strange hallucination appeared in front of his eyes!

In the dark, Luo Li saw a huge flying boat flying in the void, and then the flying boat turned into a fortress, guarding the world! Or, turn into a giant cannon and shoot it down, completely turning the world into ashes!

This palace is a flying boat, a fortress, a magic weapon, no, to be precise, a fairy treasure!

Immortal refining, unparalleled!

This is the Fire Dragon that guards the fortress. It was made by the Twelve Golden Immortals in the war workshop of the Immortal Qin Empire in the Immortal Realm. It took three thousand years to make it. It is equipped with the Aozhou Immortal Qin Empire in the lower realm to guard the frontier.

Later, this boat was delivered to the Zhongtian Realm, a branch of the Aozhou World, and became one of the twelve fortresses guarding this realm!

This fairy treasure is a plane-level war weapon. It drives the messenger and can destroy the world of heaven and earth. Its power is infinite.

Later, the Immortal Qin catastrophe and the time and space storm hit the Aozhou area. The immortals must leave this world and return to the immortal world, otherwise they will be destroyed by the time and space storm. Many immortals all left, but the Fire Dragon that guarded the fortress was left behind and was controlled by the magic spirit. , used to guard the Zhongtian Realm.

Who knew that this space-time storm was so powerful that it cut off the passage between heaven and man. Many immortals have not returned yet, and the Xianqin Empire collapsed.

Foreign races repeatedly attacked the Zhongtian Realm. The Fire Dragon, which guarded the fortress, under the control of the magic spirit, destroyed the incoming foreign coalition forces several times. In the end, the energy was exhausted and had to land here to absorb the earth's fire and restore the energy.

Who knows, there is a problem with the Earth Fire Dragon guarding the fortress, causing the system to fail. The Earth Fire Dragon's magic spirit has no choice but to release the puppet spirit, establish a stronghold on the flying boat, and train craftsmen to repair the Earth Fire Dragon.

The puppet magic spirit trained human craftsmen and repaired the Earth Fire Dragon. When the system was restored to 99%, the place encountered a catastrophe. Although the catastrophe was relieved with the help of the power of the Earth Fire Dragon, the Earth Fire Dragon magic spirit collapsed and the puppet magic spirit was released. They were scrapped one by one, and most of the craftsmen they trained were killed or injured. Those who knew how to repair the Earth Fire Dragon all died.

The remaining craftsmen gathered together and established the sect, which was called the Chongxuan Sect. However, the last glitch of the Earth Fire Dragon has not been repaired, and time has flown by, until today!

Luo Li was reborn in the void. The Immortal Qin Key caused space fluctuations, so he was dragged here by the Earth Fire Dragon. The mission of repairing the Earth Fire Dragon fell on Luo Li!

However, although there is only one point left, this restoration task is extremely difficult and requires endless investment!

But there are responsibilities and rewards. If Luo Li can repair the Fire Dragon, then Luo Li will become the fortress commander of the Fire Dragon here and control this supreme fairy treasure!

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