Walk alone

Volume 3 Chapter 623: Life and Death Kill the Demon Emperor!

With this increase in power, the golden light on Mo Yanlan's Shenxiao Taiyi sword became more and more powerful, like a super small golden sun, which was so dazzling that it could not be looked directly at. Moreover, a large amount of extremely refined and pure vitality is constantly being replenished.

She pointed at Luo Demon Emperor fiercely, and a bit of golden light shot out like a shooting star, shooting towards Luo Demon Emperor!

Demon Emperor Luo snorted coldly and took action. In an instant, she used seven magic arts, three sword techniques, six magical powers, and four magic signs in succession to fight against this golden light!

The golden light was only the size of a firefly at first, but it carried an indestructible aura, capable of destroying demons, destroying swords, breaking magical powers, and shattering dharma. It was indestructible and could defeat all dharmas with one breath!

During this process, the golden light was like a snowball, growing bigger and bigger. When the billowing golden light reached Luo Demon King, it was already a golden ball of light with a radius of more than ten feet.

The golden ball of light erupted with brilliant golden light, radiating all over the world. During this flight, Demon Emperor Luo's many spells triggered thousands of rays of light. The golden ball of light rushed to Demon Emperor Luo with the momentum of destroying everything. Around me, the sky trembled for a moment, and the whole world seemed to be crumbling under this power!

In an instant, Demon King Luo flashed, jumped in time and space, and fled far away. He traveled thousands of miles away, but the golden ball of light also flashed, and as it traveled, it also traveled thousands of miles!

There is no escape! Demon King Luo let out a long roar, and made a slash with both hands. A streak of magic light appeared, turning into a hundred-foot magic blade, and slashed through the air. This huge magic blade rose up. The moment the purple magic blade collided with the golden ball of light, the whole world fell silent.

An instant later, the golden light group suddenly exploded into billions of golden rays of light. That golden light spread over a hundred miles.

The golden light is not only indestructible and sharp, but also has a terrifying power that can destroy everything. Wherever the golden light reaches, the heaven and earth are void, and all life is wiped out. There is no existence that can exist under such a terrifying light!

Seeing such light, Zhonghami Shinichi, Fushan Shinichi, and Tianya Zhenzun couldn't help shouting:

"Purple Galaxy! World-destroying light!"

Yes, this is the Purple Galaxy, part of the Sixth Dharma Realm of Hunyuan. The supreme killing move in the Purple Galaxy, the World-Destroying Light, can only be commanded by the Hunyuan Sect’s Transformation God True Master!

"Boom, boom, boom..." The golden light spurted countless golden light spots on Luo Demon Emperor. Under the sharp and extinguishing light, Demon King Luo's entire body instantly began to disappear, and then in a flash, it turned into thousands of ashes and disappeared from the world!

Demon King Luo, die!

But before he died, he stared at Mo Yanlan with hatred in his eyes. He was about to return and he would never give up until he avenged his revenge!

But Mo Yanlan just smiled and didn't care. She seemed to be drawing something in her hands, stroke by stroke, concentrating and being extremely careful. She didn't know what she was drawing.

In less than sixty breaths, the demonic energy rolled in the void, and endless brilliance gathered together. With the help of the power of Jiuyao, Demon King Naluo returned to the world again!

She yelled angrily: "How is it possible, how dare you hurt me, yellow-haired girl, please die, I will refine your soul and cramp you, and make you suffer endless pain forever!"

"I'm going to kill you. I'm going to kill you. You hate me so much. You hate me so much!"

Emperor Luo Demon was really furious that he had come to this world of God and had conquered countless monks for hundreds of years, but he had never suffered such a big loss. He was beaten to ashes with a casual blow from a yellow-haired girl.

Mo Yanlan didn't look at her, she was just concentrating on painting. When Emperor Luo finished yelling, she looked at Emperor Luo with a smile and said:

"Okay, die!"

She put down the last stroke of her pen, and in an instant, the object she painted appeared in the void. In an instant, everyone saw a beautiful scenery, with beautiful mountain peaks, surging rivers, and beautiful mountains and rivers, which was as picturesque as poetry!

Seeing this painting is like seeing a world, an illusory world outside the fog!

Immediately, Zhonghami Shinichi, Fushan Shinichi, and Tianya Zhenzun all present could not help shouting:

"One Yuan Dream, this is one Yuan Dream!"

This is exactly the one-yuan dream of the Sixth Dharma of Hunyuan!

This painting in the void looks like a real existence, but this is just everyone's illusion for a moment. At the same time, a divine sword flies out of this painting, which is the Shenxiao Taiyi Sword!

For the life of this sword, the purple sword light rose slowly but firmly, and the whole world dissipated in an instant. The countless essences of a short-lived world were all gathered on this sword light at this moment!

The sword light rose slowly and trembled slightly. During the trembling, the brilliance was like a paintbrush. In the blink of an eye, it drew a Dharma image in the void. The Dharma resembled the Tao and Buddha, with eyebrows, eyes, and beards, just like a real life. The light shines brightly in it, and the treasure phase is solemn. But it disappeared in the blink of an eye, like a dream!

The birth and dissipation of this world, the appearance and dissipation of this Dharma cannot be defeated in a moment. At this moment, the Zixiao Taiyi Sword exudes a faint Zen spirit of supreme compassion.

Then silently, the Shenxiao Taiyi Sword struck Luo Demon Emperor. No one, including Demon King Luo, could see clearly how this sword hit her!

Like lightning, it lasts only a moment, like reality and emptiness, everyone is lost in this moment! !

As soon as the sword light fell, it seemed that there was only the soul-stirring Taiyi Zixiao divine light in the world. With this sword strike, Luo Demon Emperor was neatly cut into two halves, then four halves, eight halves, sixteen halves, and turned into Thousands of fragments, within the reach of the sword light, there was a roar, and all of them turned into thousands of fragments within a hundred miles of the place where Demon Emperor Luo appeared!

With one strike of the sword, Demon King Luo died again. This was her fifth death!

With this sword, Mo Yanlan used the One Yuan Dream as the source to reach an illusory world, transforming it into endless power and instantly killing the Demon Emperor Luo. This sword control method, this method of using the One Yuan Dream, is the Wood God Gold. Saints can't do it either. They are completely transcendent and holy, transcending heaven and earth!

With one strike of the sword, Demon King Luo died, and no one could react. Even when Demon Emperor Luo was resurrected, everyone did not wake up from that transcendent sword!

But Demon Emperor Luo woke up. She no longer had the arrogance and rage just now, but began to circulate endless demonic energy. The demonic energy immediately surged into her body. She no longer had the arrogance before, and completely regarded Mo Yanlan as her own. Enemy, be extremely careful and prepare for a fight!

But Mo Yanlan didn't pay attention to her at all. She just looked at where Luo Li disappeared and whispered softly: "He is gone, he is gone!"

Suddenly, Mo Yanlan looked at Luo Demon Emperor, his eyes were cold and hot, and he raised his hand and slapped it!

When this palm was released, there was a roar, and a huge palm print was blasted towards Demon King Luo!

Seeing this palm coming out, Zhongchui Zhenyi, Fushan Zhenyi, and Tianya Zhenzun couldn't help shouting:

"Hunyuan Qi, this is Hunyuan Qi!"

This is the seventh method of Hunyuan, Hunyuan Qi! As the saying goes, one qi generates all things, it refers to this qi! In the end, all the methods of Hunyuan Sect merged into one and turned into this Qi!

And this palm is also a move that Hunyuan Sect disciples are extremely familiar with. It is the Hunyuan Hammer, one of the six skills of Hunyuan Sect's Qi Refining!

In the beginning, it was Jin Sheng who sent out this blow to destroy the Jinglin Sect's mountain-protecting formation!

When this palm is issued, it looks very simple, but it carries extremely powerful power and can swallow up mountains and rivers!

Demon Emperor Luo yelled and tried her best to attack. This time she used all her strength! The first blow is the reincarnation of the demon. This is the supreme secret method of the demon sect. It can be reincarnated in one life and turned into endless power! The second blow is that the sun demon destroys the world. This is to use the power of the sun demon to demonize the sun and explode with endless terrifying power. The third blow, the Moon Demon Xuan Yin is destroyed. This is the power of contact with the Taixuan Dark Moon, which explodes with destructive power. The fourth blow, the Death Demon seizes the soul.

"Bang bang bang bang..." Among countless explosions, the roar of palms can be heard endlessly. After striking nine palms in a row, Demon Emperor Luo continued to change, using all thirty-six kinds of magic skills, of which a full twenty-one kinds of magic skills had never appeared in the world of Zhongtian Lord.

However, under the Hunyuan Hammer, these thirty-six magic arts were defeated step by step, unable to resist, and finally gave out. In the ninth palm, the Hunyuan Hammer hit, and all the muscles and bones were shattered and turned into minced meat. A roar immediately dissipated!

This is the power of the Transcendent Immortal Body. Even the Demon Emperor Luo, who once harmed the entire world of Zhongtian Lord and swept across the world, was nothing more than this when the Transcendent Immortal Body exploded. Nine palms went down and turned into flying ashes!

Less than thirty breaths later, Demon Emperor Luo was resurrected for the seventh time. This time, she no longer had the vigor she had before. With a flash of light, she turned into thousands of rays of brilliance and scattered in all directions. She escaped!

The scary thing about demons is their cunning. Demon Emperor Luo has no dignity as an emperor. If he can't be defeated, he will flee in all directions!

But Mo Yanlan just smiled and whispered: "A beauty grows old with a snap of a finger, and her youth is gone in an instant..."

In an instant, when she was injured, thousands of sword lights suddenly appeared, and the world seemed to be shaken by the torrent of sword power. The entire space condensed in an instant, and then the sword power filled the sky and began to chase after the thousands of escaping lights transformed by Demon King Luo. !

That sword light, the latecomer caught up with it, and immediately caught up with the escaping light. The two collided, and the sword light turned into thousands of divine thunders, like boiling hot splashing snow. The escaping light disintegrated without any resistance. That's it, that one Dao's escape light was all caught up and killed by the sword light!

Some of them can escape the light, change and fly, some can escape the light, become invisible and escape, some can escape the light, hide in the sky and escape from the earth, but all of them are in vain!

One step is not bad, one step is not missed!

In the blink of an eye, above the void, Demon Queen Luo appeared again. She died for the seventh time. Thousands of escaping lights, none of them escaped, they were all killed!

This time, Demon Emperor Luo went completely crazy and shouted:

"Asshole, I will die with you!"

Suddenly, endless demonic blood erupted from her body. The blood invaded the world and spread all over the sky. The sticky red light was like a sea of ​​blood hanging upside down on everyone's heads, exuding a kind of heart-stopping terror.

The sea of ​​​​blood is layered upon layers, and at a glance, it exudes endless terrifying pressure!

Mo Yanlan shook her head and said, "Your time has passed, so you'd better dissipate!"

After saying that, she drew her sword again!

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