Walk alone

Volume 3 Chapter 620 I finally got the fairy fruit today!

Nineteen beams of light stood proudly on the horizon, and then they slowly disappeared. As they disappeared, strange changes began to occur in the space around Zhongchui Zhenyi.

The world is like two realms with the outside world. Looking there, it looks blurry, as if there are only two colors, black and white, with a kind of vicissitudes of time, as if we have gone back many years ago.

In this vast space and on the earth, everything begins to wither and dissipate!

Finally, on the earth, there was only the remnants of the land and nothing else in a radius of ten thousand feet!

In this tens of thousands of feet, there are only the Eight Great Returns of the Heavy Hammer Shinichi. They control the remaining nine ninth-level magic weapons and exude endless power. Persevere here!

But it seems that they are also uncomfortable. There seems to be a terrible pressure there that only they can resist. But even so, they also guard it watertight, as if whoever gets close will be destroyed, because this place is The key to returning to virtual reality and ascending.

Heavy Hammer Shinichi slowly accumulated strength. The powerful power of his dissolved Ten Thousand Treasures, coupled with the remaining energy and spirit of countless monks who died in battle, these powers gave birth to endless huge energy. He wanted to use this to break through the barriers of time and space. Ascend!

As he moved, above the ten thousand feet of void, clouds and mist shrouded, dark clouds rolled, and heavenly calamity appeared!

But this catastrophe is completely different from the catastrophes that occurred before the war. They carry a strange aura, which is the breath of life, the taste of immortality. In their terrifying power, they contain endless vitality!

Seeing this thunder, countless monks shouted:

"Ascension, Ascension Thunder Tribulation!"

"This is the Thunder Tribulation of Ascension! It's been twelve thousand years since the Zhongtian Lord's world was seen, and we haven't seen it yet!"

"I didn't expect that we would be able to see the ascending thunder tribulation in our lifetime. It's so worth it to be here today, even if we die, it's worth it!"

"Ascension to Thunder Tribulation, from now on we have a way to cultivate immortality, no longer a road without a path!"

Countless people were excited and shed tears. Many monks in the world of immortality seemed to have lost hope since the path to immortality was cut off. They couldn't help but return to the void, and finally return to the dust and transform into the Tao.

I didn’t expect that the Ascension Thunder Tribulation would appear today. In other words, I could ascend to the fairy world again, pursue immortality, and live forever!

The thunder tribulations rolled, but not a single tribulation thunder fell. The time system there was completely chaotic, and even the ascending tribulation thunder could not correct the chaos.

Boom, boom, boom, thunder sounded in that tens of thousands of feet space, but the thunder was loud and the raindrops were light. There was no calamity thunder falling at all. The whole space was chaotic and without any rules at all.

Soon the thunder tribulation disappeared, and auspicious clouds appeared in the vast void.

These auspicious clouds are like flowers, flying in the sky and emitting endless light.

Someone with sharp eyes immediately saw what was happening at that time and shouted: "Ascending Spiritual Cloud! That's Ascending Spiritual Cloud!"

"The spiritual cloud rises, the way of heaven descends, and there is a way to ascend!"

I don’t know who was the first to shout: “Ascend, ascend!”

Suddenly countless people shouted: "Ascend, soar, soar!"

In the cheers of everyone, Heavy Hammer took a deep breath and was about to fly. At this critical moment, Fa Mingzhen suddenly smiled fiercely. He pulled hard and instantly removed the remaining nine ninth-level magic weapons. He pulled up three of them, then jumped up and disappeared, and the three ninth-level magic weapons disappeared immediately.

With the disappearance of these three ninth-level magic weapons, the magic circle that Heavy Hammer Shinichi and the other eight people worked hard to maintain immediately exploded. This magic circle is the key to Heavy Hammer Shinichi's ascension, and it contains the essence and soul of countless monks who died in battle. There are still hundreds of magic weapons, but now three ninth-level magic weapons have been taken away. The magic circle immediately breaks apart, the magic power is reversed, and the backlash is immediate. Even if they are all the True One of Returning to the Void, they cannot bear it!

Heavy Hammer Shinichi, who was about to ascend, opened his mouth and spit out a mouthful of blood. The other six people also covered their chests. With a bang, seven of them were ejected from here, flew far away from the ten thousand feet space, and fell heavily to the ground. !

All of a sudden everyone was dumbfounded, what was going on!

Zhongxuanzong's Huixu Zhenyi, who fell into the mortal world, all got up immediately, but one of them, Zhonghammer Zhenyi, was seriously injured. He vomited blood, could not stand, and collapsed on the ground!

Qingshi Zhenyi yelled: "Fa Ming, what are you doing! Are you crazy?"

Xuanxu Zhenyi also shouted angrily: "Fa Ming, Fa Ming, Fa Ming!"

There was endless hatred and regret in his voice, and then Xuanxu opened his mouth and spit out a mouthful of blood. This was completely out of anger!

The other great ones are all angry. They have shared joys and sorrows, life and death for so many years, and today they betrayed everyone. This kind of severe pain is unbearable!

Among these major retreats, the only one who remained calm was Fu Shanzhenyi. He said slowly: "Fa Ming, why, why did you betray us!

The reason why that child of Fake Immortal betrayed us was not because of his imminent death, but because of your instigation. You are his master, and he has to listen to you. There was a big battle just now and you didn’t kill him, you were just acting! "

Faming Zhenyi slowly appeared, and when he saw Xuanxu and Qingshi, they were about to rush over, but Fu Shan reached out and pulled them back, because there was an old man in front of Faming Zhenyi, and the old man looked like an old farmer. He looked like he had just returned from farming in the fields, but when he saw him, Fu Shanzhen stood up and was extremely cautious.

Beside the old man, there were twelve monks of different shapes, all of them were the Returning to the Void True One of Daluo Jinxian Sect!

Seeing this person, Tianya Zhenzun was also shocked and said slowly: "Jiu Chi Zhenxian!"

Luo Li and others were stunned. They had never heard of this name, but True Lord Lilong and the other four great True Lords had. They said in surprise:

"He, he is the Nine-foot True Immortal?"!' He is the top ten powerful men in the world, the supreme elder of Daluo Jinxian Sect, the Nine-foot True Immortal

This person is one of the top ten strongest men along with the Sword God Ye Zhenyi, the real controller of Daluo Jinxian Sect, the Taishang Elder Jiu Chi True Immortal! He is the True One of Returning to the Void, calling himself the Nine-Child True Immortal! This name is very loud and has attracted countless monks to look at him with disapproval. However, for thousands of years, he has continued to call this name and is proud of the world!

Xuanxu Zhenyi looked at Faming Zhenyi from afar and said, "Why, why!"

The two of them have the best relationship, how many times have they lived and died, so Xuanxu Zhenyi is still asking!

Fa Mingzhen looked at his best friend and said, "In order to survive!

My disciple, the fake immortal, only has a lifespan of a hundred years, and his master is even worse, with only five years!

In another five hundred years, I will not be able to ascend. I will merge with the world and be completely integrated into the great avenue of heaven and earth. Reincarnation will be impossible. From now on, there will be no such person as Fa Ming!

Every night, I ask myself, is my life worth it?

Every morning, I will recall our exchanges, the senior sister Xuanxu and Linghua who we pursued together back then, and the old witch Wulan who forced us back then. All the past events are still vivid in my mind!

But when I die, all this will disappear, the image will never exist, I don’t want to die!

I have lived, loved, walked, and hated. I don’t want all of it to just fly away like ashes, leaving no trace at all! "

Xuanxu Zhenyi gritted his teeth and said fiercely: "So you betrayed us and took refuge in Daluo Jinxian Sect, what can they give you!"

Ho Ming Shinichi said: "A chance to live!

A chance to ascend! "

Then he yelled: "As long as I can ascend, I can continue to live. Live forever. In order to live, I am even afraid of betraying several brothers, betraying my beliefs, my ideals, everything about me. worth!"

Xuanxu Zhenyi said: "Fa Ming, you are confused, how could they give you the opportunity to ascend? Only sects have the opportunity to ascend!"

Fa Mingzhen shook his head and said: "No, no!

I am the oldest, but my cultivation is the weakest. Among our sects, Brother Zhongchui is first, Brother Fu Shan is second, Qingshi is third, you are fourth, and I am eighth!

Our Chongxuan Sect, even among the richest people in the world, does not have the strength to support eight ascensions within five hundred years. There is no way it will be my turn!

So I have no choice but to betray everyone and everything I have in exchange for this opportunity. As long as Senior Jiu Chi ascends, the Daluo Jinxian Sect will devote all its strength to help me ascend! "

Xuanxu Zhenyi wanted to say something else, but Fushan Zhenyi talked for a long time and said: "Forget it Xuanxu, everyone has their own ambitions, but if he Faming betrays the master and everyone, he must die!"

Then Fu Shanzhenyi looked at Jiu Chi True Immortal and said, "Senior Jiu Chi, it seems that this matter was done by your Daluo Jinxian Sect?"

Jiu Chi Zhenxian smiled and said: "This time, we have to fight no matter what!

It's a little trick, a little conspiracy, I'm a little embarrassed, but this is a battle of great truth and must be fought, so I ask Fu Zhenyi to forgive me!

In this matter, our Daluo Jinxian Sect has obtained the full support of all ten major sects. In addition, our sect has already negotiated with them such as Sun God Palace, Hua Mo Sect, Thunder Demon Sect and other sects! As long as I can ascend smoothly and they are no longer enemies of your Chongxuan Sect, I will ensure that your Chongxuan Sect survives this catastrophe! "

This condition is quite big. With this condition, Chongxuan Sect will be safe from this catastrophe!

You know, Zhonghami was seriously injured, Faming rebelled, and the other six people also suffered hidden injuries. Chongxuanzong's dream of ascension was completely ended!

Fu Shanzhen gritted his teeth and thought about it. He and Xuanxu and others whispered for a while, and finally sighed and said: "Thousands of years of preparation have failed, so let's forget it and ask Senior Jiu Chi to ascend!"

The reason why the Nine-foot True Immortal paid such a price was because he was afraid that Chongxuanzong would have a conspiracy behind his back to destroy his ascension, so he kept saying that everything would be easy if he ascended smoothly. If I can't ascend, then I'm sorry. I should continue. continue!

Chongxuan Sect is no longer able to ascend, and must continue to live. One hundred thousand disciples must be maintained, and the family legacy left by the ancestors must be protected. Therefore, there is no other way. Chongxuan Sect can only suffer the loss of being dumb!

Seeing Fu Shanzhen spit out his words, Jiu Chi True Immortal took a deep breath and said, "Actually, you Chongxuan Sect and ascended with the help of the energy of countless monks are against the laws of heaven. If you ascend like this, you will be looked down upon even in the immortal world. !

I am the first person to ascend in the world of God, how can I be like this, so embarrassing! "

Having said this, he slowly walked into the ten thousand feet space. As he walked in, he released his breath, and a terrifying and powerful breath appeared!

The Heavy Hammer Shinichi had to rely on external force to ascend, but the Nine-foot True Immortal could easily ascend by relying on his own strength. The only difference before was that he didn't have such an environment!

As his breath released, he floated up little by little. This was not magic power or magical power, but a natural imagination!

The other Daluo Jinxian Sect Huixu Zhenyi immediately knelt down one by one and shouted: "Congratulations to the founder for his ascension!"

"Senior brother, have a good journey, and don't forget the laws given by heaven and earth!"

Countless years of expectations came true today, and the Nine-foot Immortal was also excited and couldn't help but chanted in a long voice:

"The bustling world has faded away, pure and quiet, and Taixuan has been cultivating for ten thousand years. In the quietness, the eyes of the Tao are opened, and the silver clouds stretch out and flow into the empty well. The golden cauldron fills the Dharma Realm, and the sun, moon, heaven and earth are cooked together. Today, I finally get the fairy fruit, and all the Dharma ascends and becomes true. Immortal!”

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