Walk alone

Volume 3, Chapter 619: The Dream of Ascension to the Immortal Realm and Cultivation as an Immortal!

How could this happen? I can't even see it? This is too different! !

Luo Li suddenly opened his eyes, used his divine eyes to the limit, and stared!

At this glance, the people in the sky who were confronting each other were no longer the same. I saw the eight returning to the void, forming a formation. Around them, thousands of rays of light were flying. They actually overwhelmed the other side's nineteen returning to the void and gained the upper hand!

Then Luo Li felt a pain in his eyes, bulging, and his eyes exploded. He just looked at it and was affected by the aftermath of the opponent's battle, and his eyes were shattered!

The fellow disciples around Luo Li were shocked and shouted:

"Luo Li, what's wrong!"

"Luo Li, are you okay!"

However, the divine eyes were immediately powerful, and Luo Li's eyes were immediately restored. In less than thirty breaths, they were as good as new!

Luo Li said, "It's okay, it's okay!"

When Tianya Zhenzun saw Luo Li's eyes recover, he let out a long sigh and said, "You Jindan Zhenren, facing such a battle, don't watch recklessly, otherwise you will be seriously injured and your path to immortality will be cut off!"

Then he continued, "Now in the battle, the Chongxuan Sect's Fanxu Zhenyi has the upper hand!"

He began to explain the battlefield!

As soon as this was said, many disciples of Hunyuan Sect said, "How is it possible? How is it possible?"

"Yes, the other side has 19 returning to the void, and Chongxuan Sect has only 8?"

"How is it possible?"

Tianya Zhenzun said, "Chongxuan Sect used a large formation!

They activated Wanbao and turned it into a Wanbao Tianhe. Among them, there are at least nine ninth-level magic weapons, 365 eighth-level magic weapons, and the rest are seventh-level magic weapons!

This Wanbao Tianhe formation made their combat effectiveness soar and swept through powerful enemies!

It is true that the other side has 19 returning to the void, but they are wary of each other and will not work together. More people will do bad things instead, and they all want to take advantage. The eight people of Chongxuan Sect work together and are wholeheartedly, so they have fewer people to fight more people and have the advantage. "The upper hand!" said Lilong Zhenjun on the side: "This Chongxuan Sect is indeed a weapon refining sect, with a very deep family background! This Wanbao Tianhe formation is so powerful!" said Jingxuan Zhenjun: "I was wondering how they could build a spirit-trapping, essence-absorbing, resentment-attracting and Yuan-collecting formation. It turns out that they used this formation as the mana driving source of the Wanbao Tianhe formation. It's really amazing. Chongxuan Sect designed step by step to play with many cultivators in the world in applause!

The Sun Palace and the Demon Transformation Sect attracted countless cultivators from all over the world, but in the end, they helped them!" Luo Li immediately knew that Chongxuan Sect had built a spirit-trapping, essence-absorbing, resentment-attracting and Yuan-collecting formation to absorb the spirits of the cultivators who died in battle, and then used this as a power to activate the Wanbao Tianhe formation. It was really a two-birds-with-one-stone and extremely vicious! Tianya Zhenzun suddenly said: "It was a close call. The Sun Lord was almost blown up. It was amazing!

Thunder Demon Zhenyi has taken action. This should be the return of all thunders. It still doesn't work. It seems that he has given up. This battle is probably over!"

Luo Li and others could only listen to the explanation of this battle. They couldn't watch it even if they wanted to.

Finally, Tianya Zhenzun said: "The ninth-level magic weapon is really amazing. It's too strong! It's over. The Sun Lord is gone and the rest of the Fanxu are gone. The battle is over!"

Looking at the void, the eight major Chongxuan Sect Fanxu stood there, seemingly motionless, while the other nineteen Fanxu Zhenyi disappeared one by one without a trace.

Wang Wu shouted, "No way, it's over already, it's too fake!"

Tianya Zhenzun said, "What else do you want? And this Wanbao Tianhe formation is too powerful. As long as they fight, the one who fights first will lose at least three or four returning to the void.

There are many people attacking the Nineteen Returning to the Void, but they are not united, and no one wants to fight to the death! These old guys are all old and cunning. No one wants to die unless it involves a must-kill situation, so that's it!"

Everyone said, "This is too simple. This is too anticlimactic!"

Tianya Zhenzun Said: "This is a good fighter, famous and unnamed!

The Chongxuan Sect had already calculated all this and arranged it one by one, so the final battle ended silently. If they had not arranged it well, they would probably be like the Bafang Lingbao Sect now, with the world collapsing and everything destroyed. Even if they won at that time, what's the use?"

Everyone was still discussing and talking non-stop, and suddenly the voice of Chongchui Zhenyi rang out:

"Dear Taoist friends, everyone is here today to participate in my Chongxuan Sect's Heavenly Sacrifice Ceremony. Thank you all for coming here!"

It's like this, what Heavenly Sacrifice Ceremony should continue? All of them have used nine ninth-level magic weapons, so don't take out the ninth-level magic weapon Liuchuan Jueyi Cangran Blade to offer it.

Everyone thought so, but no one dared to say it, listening to Chongchui Zhenyi continue to talk!

"In fact, our Heavenly Sacrifice Ceremony, this ninth-level magic weapon Liuchuan Jueyi Cangran Blade is just a cover, please come here!"

When this was said, everyone nodded, it was true!

Suddenly, Chongchui Zhenyi changed the topic and said, "Everyone knows that my Zhongtian main world will undergo a major change in the near future. There are rumors that this major change will revive, the demons will descend, and all races will return! In short, it is either a catastrophe or an opportunity! This major change will sweep the entire world, and the human race will undergo major changes!

All the cultivators in my immortal world are the shield and sword of the human race, so at this time, my cultivators have an unshirkable responsibility. Regardless of the catastrophe or the opportunity, we must continue to protect the human race and occupy the Zhongtian main world!

However, since the Luo catastrophe, the immortal road has been cut off, the ancestors' bestowal of the law is no longer there, the talents of the major sects have withered, and the road has withered. It can be said that my human cultivators are getting worse year by year!

How can this be done? Before the catastrophe comes, I, Chongxuan Sect, am willing to open the way for all monks and all races, re-establish the passage between heaven and man, ascend to the immortal world, and leave the human world! "

As soon as these words were said, there was silence all around!

Everyone is stupid!

Re-establish the channel between heaven and man, ascend to the immortal world, and leave the human world!

This, this is going to ascend!

How can it be! Since the Luo Catastrophe, there have been no ascended monks in the world. Returning to the void is the highest state. It can be said that there is no way to immortality. I didn't expect that Chongxuan Sect would reopen its doors!

With a bang, countless discussions started!

"How is it possible? You want to ascend to the fairy world!"

"No, I heard it wrong. How is it possible?"

"You heard that right, is it true?"

"Ascend, ascend!"

Cultivation to immortality and ascension is the biggest dream and ultimate goal of all monks. As long as you ascend, you can live forever and enjoy immortal blessings forever!

Since the fairy road was cut off, no one has said this anymore, but everyone has this dream in their hearts!

The dream of ascending to the immortal world and cultivating immortality

As soon as Zhonghamo Shinji proposed it today, countless people's eyes immediately lit up. I don't know who was the first to shout:

"Ascend, ascend!"

"Ascend, ascend!"

"Ascend, ascend!"

There is only one voice in the entire earth!

Countless people are looking forward to it!

However, some people hesitated and said: "Ascension, how to ascend?"

"Countless sages have failed. I wonder how this Zhongxuanzong can ascend?"

Heavy Hammer Shinichi smiled and continued:

"The Ascension Ceremony, the Heaven Sacrifice Begins!"

Following his words, the other seven Returning to the Void True One surrounded him in the center and continued to use the Ten Thousand Treasures Tianhe Formation!

But this time, Wanbao appeared in front of all the monks, and then began to be damaged one by one!

The treasure shattered into pieces and turned into endless spiritual energy, which was injected into Zhongchui Zhenyi's body. With the injection of this spiritual energy, Zhongchui Zhenyi's body became weaker and weaker, becoming clearer and clearer. This was a sign of feathering and ascension!

In the end, there were only nine ninth-level magic weapons left, which were put away by Fu Shanzhenyi. At this time, Zhonghammer Zhenyi used the energy and spirit of countless monks who had just fought in bloody battles to refine the treasure. The whole person was completely empty and was about to turn into a magic weapon. Go away with light!

If it is before the Luo catastrophe, the thunder tribulation of heaven and earth should appear at this time. After passing through the thunder tribulation, the heavy hammer will ascend, but if it cannot be overcome, the heavy hammer will dissipate!

But now that the road to heaven is cut off, the ascension to lead to the thunder tribulation does not appear at all. It is impossible to ascend!

However, Heavy Hammer Shinichi was not afraid at all. He said slowly: "The reason why I, a monk in the Heavenly Lord World, cannot ascend is because the timing is wrong and the path to immortality is cut off!

But it’s nothing! As long as we reverse the timing, go back to the past, cause the thunder and calamity to fall, and re-establish the channel between heaven and man, then we can ascend! "

Following his words, there was a roar, and thirty-six rays of light suddenly appeared in the mountains outside the Chongxuan Sect, rushing into the sky and illuminating the entire world!

Everyone was shocked, what is this?

Chonghammer Shinichi said happily: "Fortunately, my ancestors of Chongxuan Sect have already made arrangements to use Tianlangqing Sanguang Cave and Mingguangyin Iron to set up a twilight formation. From now on, with me as the center and a radius of ten thousand feet, time will turn back and return." Twenty-three thousand years ago! At that time, Luo Hao Jia was not born, and the world could easily ascend!

As long as I succeed once and the passage is confirmed, it will be much easier in the future, just like losing my virginity. From now on, I will no longer be confused in the world of God. Come on, let me open the way for the world! "

Looking at the thirty-six beams of light in the distance, Luo Li was stunned!

It turns out that the Tianlang Qing San Guang Dong Ming Guang Yin Iron can be used in such a way to reverse time and return to the past!

But, but, seventeen were taken away by me, leaving nineteen. I wonder if it has this magical effect?

Luo Li looked with his divine eyes, and could vaguely see seventeen light pillars among them, which were extremely dim. Not only him, but Zhenzhen Tianya also said:

"It's strange, why does this light beam have different colors?"

Heavy Hammer Shinichi and the others also saw it, but at this point, they could only continue. No one had used the Langqing Sanguangdong Mingguangyin Iron that day, so maybe that was it.

Luo Li suddenly sweated. Thirty-six beams of light, returning to 23,000 years ago? When will those nineteen pillars of light return?

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