Walk alone

Volume 3 Chapter 621

'Chi Zhenxian slowly flew up, and the spiritual clouds in the sky began to change.

In the void, countless rays of light fell from a radius of ten thousand feet. This ray of light was full of holy aura. The ray of light, from light to bright, fell on the earth.

The light was extremely warm, and Luo Li felt extremely comfortable when he saw the light.

A seven-color ray of light also rose from the body of the Nine-foot True Immortal, covering him firmly and facing the falling light. At the same time, exquisite flowers shining with various colors of light fell in the sky.

These flowers are all illusory things. They dissolve as soon as they fall to the ground and disappear completely. However, a powerful vitality of heaven and earth is generated here. Suddenly flowers bloomed on the ground, and dead trees grew again in spring.

As the flowers scattered by the goddess fell, bursts of heavenly sounds naturally rose from the sky, spread throughout the world, and came from the nine heavens.

The voice is extremely clear, but it's hard to hear what is being sung, but there is always an indescribable feeling. Luo Li listened carefully, making people indulge in it unconsciously.

Someone shouted in a hoarse voice:

"The light from the sky guides the body, the body is protected by seven colors, the sound of the fairy sounds clear, the goddess scatters the flowers, and the nine spiritual phases of the ascension actually appear in four of them, and they ascend!"

Immediately, countless monks looked here and shouted:

"It's ascending, it's ascending!"

"Finally someone ascended!"

Luo Li was also extremely excited, but he quickly glanced around.

Suddenly Luo Li was extremely surprised to find that many familiar figures appeared among the crowd, among them there were many shadows of Huixu Zhenyi who had just fought against Chongxuan Sect.

Although they were defeated by Chongxuanzong, they all returned secretly because of such a major promotion, which affected their own future.

In addition to these Return to Void True Ones, there are also a large number of Return to Void True Ones. These Return to Void True Ones appeared in front of Luo Li for the first time. When they came here, no matter whether it was the deadly battle between Chongxuan Sect or the accident just now, no one noticed that they were here. .

In fact, even if Luo Li has divine eyes, he can't see their true identity, but at this moment, the Nine-foot True Immortal ascends. This is the first time in twelve thousand years that someone has ascended. This is the most nervous and important thing for Returning to the Void. No one cares about pretending to be a true one in these return to virtual reality. They all focus on ascension, calculation and analysis. These are valuable experiences. When the time comes, they will have countless wonderful uses for themselves.

So they don't care about exposing their whereabouts at all, and they all have one characteristic, that is, they are too powerful. At this moment, they will not put away their strength at all, and devote all their energy to analysis and research. With this type of characteristics, at a glance· It must be Hui Xu Zhenyi who was discovered by Luo Li!

Of course, this is also the wonderful use of divine eyes. Otherwise, even if they are in such a state, they will not be able to observe their existence.

Suddenly Luo Li frowned. He saw Heavy Hammer Shinichi. In fact, he was not that seriously injured. He also stood up and frowned at the ascension of the Nine-foot Immortal, as if he was thinking about something.

It seems that Heavy Hammer Shinichi was afraid of the power of Daluo Jinxian Sect and the strength of Jiu Chi Zhenxian, so he pretended to be seriously injured in the end. It wouldn't be too embarrassing to lose like this.

Suddenly, Luo Li heard a word from Mo Yanlan next to him!

"It's strange. Why is this ascension phenomenon so weird?"

Luo Li was stunned. In fact, he also discovered this. These ascension phenomena were not weird, but too holy and exquisite!

This holiness does not allow a trace of debris, and this exquisite look has a false feeling!

Maybe this is what ascending looks like!

Not only Luo Li thought so, but the flying nine-foot immortal also thought so!

In his heart, endless warning sounds came: "Danger, danger, danger!"

It was by relying on his innate magical powers that the Nine-foot Immortal avoided dangers one after another, and he was what he is today. But today, for the first time, the warning sound was so loud!

However, the Nine-foot True Immortal suppressed the fear in his heart, maybe this is what his ascension would look like!

This warning is completely telepathic. I have calculated it for hundreds of years and deduced it countless times, so there should be no problem!

This ascension vision is exactly the same as in the legend, nothing wrong!

Eighty percent of the time, this is the case for ascension!

The Nine-foot True Immortal gave himself such comfort. He had been practicing for thousands of years and had looked forward to today countless times. Finally, his dream came true today, so he didn't care at all about the highest warning given by his spiritual awareness and mind after thousands of years of cultivation!

In a trance, the Nine-foot True Immortal felt that he had transformed into an immortal, felt that he had taken off his mortal body, and felt that he had completely become an immortal!

In the dark, he saw countless ascended ancestors of the Great Luo Jinxian Sect enshrined in the ancestor halls. They came over one by one to welcome him. They praised him, and his efforts over the years were recognized by them!

Enter the fairy world, become an immortal, become immortal, and enjoy the blessings of immortality...

Every time the Nine-foot True Immortal fantasizes about taking a step, he is one step closer to death!

Among the countless people watching the ascension, the first one was the Heavenly Demon Sect’s Return to the Void Realm One Day Demonic Son, who was the first to say:

"It's strange. Why do I see that ascension phenomenon? It's demonic spirits stained with dust!"

Demonic spirits dye the dust, and the demons from the outside world have terrible methods. They use this to confuse the minds of the monks. The monks are infected by the demonic energy, and the thoughts in their hearts turn into demonic thoughts, which provide power for the demons. body.

Once the devil is infected, it is extremely difficult to recover and will never be restored!

Following the words of the Heavenly Demon Sect's Return to the Realm Ichimoko, the Thunder Demon Sect Jin Leizhen began to say:

"Yes, yes, I also feel something is wrong. Could this be ascension?"

Lord Taiyang Yang shook his head and said: "I don't know, Senior Jiuchi is our high-level monk. He doesn't feel anything is wrong. Maybe this is what ascending is like?"

The old man Tianhua of the Demon Transformation Sect shook his head vigorously and said: "No, no, it just doesn't feel right!"

Those who return to the virtual world all say something, some feel something is wrong, some say that ascension is like this!

Tianmozi was the first to speak, he was direct and his aura was released. The one who could answer the words must be Huixu Zhenyi, this is an invisible pressure of aura! It’s the True Lord Nascent Soul. If you want to speak, it’s impossible. You can’t open your mouth. If you force yourself to say something, your aura will immediately hit you and you will explode to death!

It is not easy for someone to be able to speak at this time. Even the Patriarch Tianya within the Hunyuan Sect is unable to speak!

Suddenly, Mo Yanlan said: "Senior Jiu Chi seems to be mutating and transforming, as if he is being snatched away by something!"

Everyone was stunned. The first one was the state of the Nine-foot True Immortal, and the second one was why Mo Yanlan could speak!

Tian Mozi fiercely moved his hands and sent out a stream of demon energy, blasting into the ten thousand feet space!

Immediately, the Twelve Returners of Daluo Jinxian Sect immediately took action to stop this demonic energy and destroy their ancestor's ascension.

But Tian Mozi's attack was too fast and ever-changing. Although they were still stopped by the Twelve Returns of the Daluo Jinxian Sect, they were seduced to one side. On the other side, a scholar dressed as a scholar, Returning to the World, struck out fiercely and hit the target with one blow. That vast void.

With this blow, the ten thousand feet of void trembled for an instant, and all the phenomena of ascending to heaven and earth dissipated, revealing the true appearance inside!

All the monks were shocked!

What I saw was that there were masses of demonic energy. Countless strange demons were surrounding the nine-foot immortal on his body, drilling in and out. As they moved, their auras became clearer and clearer. It’s becoming more real!

The Nine-foot True Immortal's face was full of intoxication, and his body was withering rapidly!

Seeing these strange demons, at least a dozen people present at Huixu Zhenyi shouted in unison:

"Luo Imperial Guard!"

Luo Imperial Guard was the strongest imperial guard around Demon Emperor Luo during the Luo catastrophe 12,000 years ago, terrifying and invincible!

At first, there were 300 million demons, but only 100,000 imperial guards. In the end, the Luo Demon Emperor was trapped in the Chongxuan Sect's formation, relying on the Luo Imperial Guards to protect him. In the end, the three thousand Luo Imperial Guards and the Luo Demon Emperor were mysteriously together. Missing, whereabouts unknown!

Suddenly, Xuanxu Zhenyi, a member of Chongxuan Sect, shouted: "I figured it out, I figured it out!

I don’t know why that time iron mana was insufficient, so I didn’t go back to 23,000 years ago, but to 12,200 years ago! "

Suddenly, countless monks turned pale!

Twelve thousand years ago, at the last moment of the Luo Havoc, the army of demons was besieged here by 127 Return to the Void. Later, the three thousand Luo Imperial Guards and the Luo Demon Emperor disappeared mysteriously. To this day, no trace of them has been found. !

No, to be precise, I found it today!

Chongxuanzong used the time iron to go back in time, but Luo Li took away seventeen time irons, resulting in insufficient effect. From twenty thousand and thirty years ago, he went back to twelve thousand years ago, which happened to be Luo Li's time. At the last critical moment of the war, Demon Emperor Luo discovered a glimmer of hope. With the help of this link, he returned to today from 12,000 years ago!

But this escape cost countless people, and happened to encounter the Nine-foot True Immortal ascending. They confused the Nine-Foot Immortal, and the demon spirits were stained with dust!

The nine-foot true immortal could not ascend and became a delicious meal for many demons!

Chongxuanzong's ascension failed, Luo Hao Jie started again!

In an instant, everyone wanted to understand this matter. In a moment, those returning to the void turned pale!

Luo catastrophe, the greatest disaster in the world, countless monks died tragically, and countless sects disappeared from the world!

They thought of all the rumors in the past, and all of them were frightened. They must know that Huixu Zhenyi is the most powerful existence in this world, and it is almost rare to die in battle. However, in the Luo catastrophe, Huixu Zhenyi was like a chicken or a dog, saying that it was destroyed. Just destroy it!

Zhongchui Zhenyi yelled: "No, this is Luo Haojie. Everyone, hurry up and take action together to stop the demonic tribulation and return to the world!"

At his words, the Nine-foot Immortal suddenly smiled. In an instant, he transformed from the image of an old farmer into the image of a beautiful woman who is full of charms and favors. Countless Luo Imperial Guards turned into demons, and she drifted away. Sit down, look around, and say slowly:

"I am returning to the human world. If you are happy today, I will eat three of them to return to the void, and I will never eat one more!"

After saying this, countless Return to the Void Shinichi screamed: "Luo Demon Emperor!"

"Luo Mo Huang!"

In an instant, Tian Mozi turned around and ran away, disappearing in the blink of an eye! The other Returners also escaped one by one, and countless legends about Luo Demon Emperor appeared in their hearts!

They were originally invincible beings in this world, enjoying endless time and immortality. Now death suddenly appears in front of them. The older people live, the more they fear death.

Besides, this is not your territory or your home. It would be better if something happened. If the sky falls, others will be there to support you, so run away immediately!

But few of the True Lords of Transformation God and True Lord Yuanying escaped, because their realm was not worthy of knowing the legend about Luo Demon Emperor!

Luo Li couldn't help but whispered: "I, I seem to have gotten into big trouble!"

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