Walk alone

Volume 3, Chapter 618: The fate of the golden and jade hairpin!

From that battle, Luo Li gained a lot, seizing more than 300 stored magic weapons, and collected 83 golden elixirs. These golden elixirs can give birth to many virtual spirit golden elixir real people, and Luo Li is extremely happy.

However, he took out the golden elixir of the Yin-Yang Sect Jindan Master alone, walked towards the True Master Tianya, and said:

"Grandmaster, there is such a situation!"

Luo Li spoke slowly. Zhenzhen Tianya's brows trembled, he took the golden elixir and said, "This needs to be studied carefully. If the Yin Yang Sect really develops a spell specifically for us, it won't be a big deal. As long as you know With this method, we can develop countless cracking methods.

But why are they enemies of us and what is their purpose? This is the key!

If this matter is confirmed, Luo Li, I will record your great achievements when I go back! "

Luo Li smiled and said, "Thank you, Patriarch!"

He returned to the team and began to crack the storage bags and storage magic weapons one by one, sorting out the contents.

Not to mention various magic weapons, divine swords, talismans, elixirs, and spiritual stones, the benefits are endless. In the end, these treasures were sorted out and were worth at least 30 million spiritual stones!

There were so many voids in the sky, and they were just standing there, motionless, and everyone was just sorting out their harvests.

There were also some Hunyuan Sect monks sorting out the harvest nearby. Some monks began to exchange, and other sect monks also joined in the exchange. Luo Li thought about it and joined in.

He used various captured treasures in exchange for the golden elixirs of Master Jindan. He collected these by himself. They were all heretical monks, and their strength was very average. He sold them to buy the golden elixirs of Master Jindan that were seized by others, or A golden elixir with strange abilities.

Some people also saw that the golden elixir seized by Luo Li was actually their friend, so they immediately bought it back with money, and then sent him to reincarnation after the matter was over.

Luo Li didn't ask for much and left when he saw the profit!

In the end, Luo Li had fifty-three golden elixirs left in his hands, including sixteen of them.

This transaction is very happy, who knows when to take action. Everyone is trading while looking at the sky. Although they are protected by the Chongxuan Sect Mountain Gate Formation here, they are always ready to run away.

There are already some casual cultivators and cultivators from side sects on the other side of Chongxuan Sect, leaving here and trying their best to escape far away from here.

The ones left behind are all powerful monks who come to the side, and they all have protectors like Tianya Zhenzun. If the situation is not good, you can escape!

During the transaction, Luo Li knew a few pieces of information. During the battle with him in the arena, many of the Jindan masters he fought against had already been banished. All of them were high-spirited at the beginning, but now they have turned into dust, or become the trophies of others, being manipulated and traded.

This is how it is in the world of immortality. If you make one mistake, you will be doomed!

In this transaction, if Luo Li sees something good, he will exchange it.

Looking at it, looking at it, he really encountered a good thing. There was a golden elixir master from Fenxiang Jieyu Sect who actually sold a page of jade book gold, and it was exactly the same gold as Mu Taoist rewarded Luo Li back then!

Jin Luo Li has had the jade book for many years and has read it many times. Although his divine eyes can understand the content, Luo Li cannot read the content at all and can only put it away.

But this thing is definitely a treasure. The jade book gold is different from the silver seal script. There are only thirty-six pages in total. The page of jade book gold owned by Luo Li only has the right to view it, and the ownership is Hunyuan Sect.

The golden elixir master of Fenxiang Jieyu Sect got a page of jade book gold from unknown sources, and it was sold among a bunch of other sundries. Luo Li immediately went over, picked up a jade bamboo slip on the side, and said:

"Fellow Taoist, how do you sell this jade bamboo slip?"

Start with this first, and then buy the Jade Book Gold.

The female monk glanced at Luo Li and said, "Luo Li? This is what I captured from a Jindan master who killed the Tianqin Sect. It is the Nine Heavens Falling Eagle Sword Technique of the Tianqin Sect. If you like it, I will give it to you." Bar!"

The other party actually knew him. Luo Li glanced at the other party and suddenly remembered that her name was Ru Linzhen.

Unexpectedly, this female cultivator was so generous. Luo Li's plan failed. He said, "Thank you very much, fellow Taoist Rulin, how can I sell this?"

When Master Rulin saw Luo Li pointing at the jade book gold, he smiled and said, "This is what you want, right? The price is 10 million spiritual stones!"

Luo Li immediately shouted: "This is too expensive!"

Master Rulin said, "This thing looks like the Kunlun Sect's Jade Book Gold. I wasn't sure at first, but I was sure once you bought it. Do you want it?"

Luo Li sighed and said, "I want it! But I don't have many spiritual stones. Can I use other treasures?"

Master Rulin said, "None of the disciples of the Hunyuan Sect have spirit stones. Okay, okay!"

Luo Li began to take out the magic weapons, divine swords, talismans, and elixirs that he didn't like, and handed them to Master Rulin. It didn't have to be so accurate, just about the same. Finally, this page of gold arrived.

Master Rulin said, "The luck I got with this thing was that there was a sudden internal strife among three monks who attacked, and one of them was plotted by two people. But that man was very powerful. He fought back before his death and killed the two fellow monks who plotted against him. The spells they used were very mysterious -.

One-on-one, I am not their opponent. They should be Kunlun elite disciples, pretending to be here to practice.

This man was seriously injured and was killed by me. I refined his corpse and flew out this secret book from the corpse. That’s all I know! It’s simple, but it’s too complicated and it’ll give you an advantage! "!

Luo Li said: "Thank you very much!"

Luo Li was very happy to get one page of gold and continued to wander around. Suddenly Luo Li saw Mo Yanlan.

She stood there, staring at the trophy sold by a monk in the distance. It was a hosta, green, and very ordinary. She didn't know why Mo Yanlan stared at it, her eyes were red, and she knew it at a glance. want to.

Luo Li immediately walked over to the monk and said, "Fellow Taoist, how can I sell this hosta?"

The monk turned out to be Jindan Zhenren from Jiuyang Sect. When he saw Luo Li, he smiled coldly and said, "Twenty million spiritual stones!"

Luo Li said: "You are asking for an exorbitant price! If it's more affordable, I'll buy it!"

The monk said: "Whether you want to buy it or not, I will sell it to your Hunyuan Sect for this price!"

At this time, Mo Yanlan came over and said, "No, Luo Li, don't buy it. He bullies people and won't even let them see him. The price is so high!"

When the Jindan Master of Jiuyang Sect saw that Luo Li really wanted to buy it, he also knew that the price was going to be high, so he hurriedly said: "Don't you guys know the difference? This jade hosta is the Ice and Sky Frost Spirit Jade Hosta. It's the Ice and Sky Frost Spirit." Refined from the mother ore in the Ling Jade Mine, this treasure could only be refined during the Immortal Qin Empire. It is priceless!

Wearing this jade hosta has the magical effect of extending life. Every thirty years, you can add one more year to your life. Our Jindan Master only has a life span of a thousand years. This is the longevity of heaven, which is unstoppable. Wearing this jade hosta can add at least thirty years to your life. , that’s why I want 20 million spiritual stones, which is not high! "

If what he said is true, it's really not expensive. Luo Li said:

"We don't have enough spirit stones, can we pay for the things?"

The monk said: "I know you poor Hunyuan Sect people don't have spiritual stones, okay, but the items will be 10% off!"

Mo Yanlan said: "Luo Li, don't, he is too bullying!"

Luo Li smiled and began to exchange. All the other things seized were given to this person, which was enough for 20 million spiritual stones. When he got the Ice and Sky Frost Spirit Jade Hairpin, Luo Li handed it to Mo Yanlan and said:

"Senior Sister Yanlan, I'm borrowing this from you. I'll pay it back to me when you have the spirit stone in the future!"

Luo Li knew that if he gave it to her directly, she would definitely not want it... so he said so!

Mo Yanlan bit her lower lip, and this time she took the Ice Frost Spirit Jade Hairpin without any politeness, and looked at it carefully, as if looking for any traces.

It seems that this thing is very important to her, otherwise she would never want it based on her personality.

She looked at it carefully, suddenly showed a hint of joy, and then shed tears.

Luo Li was stunned and said, "Yan Lan, Yan Lan, don't cry. What's going on?"

Mo Yanlan said: "When I was a child, my mother carried such a hosta, which was exactly the same as this one. I was ignorant, played with that one, and made a mark. My mother was very angry at the time and beat her for the first time. Me, this one has no trace of that, it’s not my mother’s!

But, but, my mother is just an ordinary mortal, how could she have such a precious jade hairpin? "

Luo Li turned to the monk and asked, "Fellow Taoist, how did you get this Ice Sky Frost Spirit Jade Hairpin?"

The monk sorted out the things Luo Li gave him and was very happy to gain so much and said:

"This thing is really not captured by me in the battle. It is a reward from our master. Legend has it that it is an old thing from the ruins of Xian Qin. It gives you an advantage!"

Luo Li looked at Mo Yanlan and said, "It seems that it really does not belong to my aunt. When you go back this time, you can go home and ask your aunt and you will know!"

Mo Yanlan shook her head and said: "I can't ask, my mother left when I was seven years old, and my father never said where she went.

I remember, before she left, she said to me, Xiaolan, be an ordinary person and spend your life in peace. This is the happiest thing.

After my mother left, my father stopped studying and drank every day to drown his sorrows.

I always thought they were just mortals, ordinary people, but, but..."

Hearing this, Luo Li seemed to have some enlightenment, and he said: "Your father was a scholar when he met your mother? I seem to have heard that monks from the Chizi True Body Sect and the Miaogen Hua Sect traveled around the world. Among them, female monks like to be with scholars the most. bond.

However, you are a transcendent immortal, and your mother still possesses such a treasure, your mother will never be simple! "

After saying this, Mo Yanlan muttered: "How could this happen? How could this happen!"

Suddenly, her eyes shone brightly and she said, "I must find my mother! The Chizi True Body Sect, the Miao Hua Zong, the Miaozhen Hua Zong!"

At this moment, Zhenzun Tianya shouted in the Hunyuan Sect channel: "We are fighting, everyone, come back quickly!"

Immediately Luo Li and others returned to the Tianya Zhenzun, and the other monks who were doing the business immediately dispersed, and everyone looked into the sky.

But Luo Li looked around and saw that those people were still standing there. What kind of fight was there? The sky was lightly windy and white clouds were fluttering. There was no sign of a fight at all!

True Lord Tianya looked at the sky, seeming to be watching with great interest. The other True Lord Lilong and True Lord Jingxuan frowned and looked into the sky, as if they could see something!

As for the battle between Luo Li, Jindan Zhenyi and Huixu Zhenyi, they were not even qualified to watch it. When they looked over, they couldn't see anything!

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