Walk alone

Volume 3, Chapter 617: Return to the virtual world for confrontation in the decisive battle!

When Zhongchui Zhenyi saw Luo Li's sky-high beam of light, his heart moved slightly. He thought about it and said slowly: "Okay, the battle has been going on for so long. The magic circle has absorbed enough of the monks' spirit, energy and death resentment. Let's get started. !”

Following his words, the other seven Return to the Void True One immediately stood up and said: "Okay, when the time comes, start it!"

Luo Li destroyed True Lord Li Yang with one blow. He let out a sigh of relief and did not run away this time. He put away the Nine Heavens Yuanyang Ruler and looked in all directions.

One blow wiped out the True Lord Nascent Soul, and immediately there was silence around Luo Li. The other monks all stayed away from this place. This guy was too vicious, so they should stay away from him.

Suddenly, Luo Li felt something strange. The battlefield began to become quiet. The fierce fighting began to end. Many of the monks stopped fighting and began to escape.

The monks who invaded Zhongxuan Sect began to escape desperately. The battle formations that were fought in the distance gradually came to an end. Including Hunyuan Taoist among them, there was no opponent anymore. Everyone's eyes were focused on one place. , that is the center of Chongxuan Sect.

There, I saw eight figures rising slowly into the sky. These were the eight great figures of Chongxuan Sect. They began to rise. Their rising meant that they were about to take action.

From the beginning to the present of this war, none of the invaders has taken action. Unexpectedly, the first one to take action was the Eight Great True Ones of Chongxuan Sect.

When they appeared, many monks immediately began to flee. It was the safest and most dangerous thing for Hui Xu Zhen to take action!

The Return of the Void True One can perfectly control the power. Their battle will not hurt an inch of grass, and the wind and clouds will not move. However, if there is a defeat, the losing party will immediately lose control of the power, and the sky will fall immediately. It is really an uninhabited place. Thousands of miles turned into a vast ocean, so when they saw Hui Xu Zhen take action, the reaction of all the monks was to run away. Even if they were watching from the outside, only Nascent Soul Lord was qualified.

The Eight Great Void Return True Ones rose into the sky, and their appearance represented the moment of real battle. Except for the monks whose eyes were red with blood as they shot out the real fire or avenged their friends, and went completely crazy, almost all the monks slowly retreated to end the battle, and then Escape outside.

They did not take action to kill the monks who were desperately escaping, because in their eyes, they were all ants under the Return of the Void, and it was not worth their while.

They stand in the void, motionless. This is a signal. If you don't understand and don't leave, then don't blame them!

The eight great voids rose up into the sky, about a hundred breaths away, with a radius of thousands of miles, and the raging battle quickly extinguished. The invading monks fled desperately, and the monks who supported Zhongxuanzong gathered in Fangshi where Zhongxuanzong was located.

There were only dozens of places where the monks who had unleashed the true fire were still fighting to the death.

One of the invading monks was about to gain the upper hand and wanted to kill a Jindan real person from the Bajing Palace. Xuanxu Zhenyi shook his head in the air and said: "Noisy!"

Then he waved his hand gently, and in an instant, the dozens of battlefields were immediately destroyed, and all the invading monks were turned into ashes.

This is the power of returning to the virtual reality! Everyone couldn't help but let out a sigh of relief. As expected, they were all ants when they returned to the void!

The eight great voids are located thousands of feet above the void. The other monks are all below this height. They are fleeing into the distance. In all directions, there are vague figures appearing, floating thousands of feet in the sky!

These people are also the True One of Returning to the Void!

The figures of these people were hazy, but Luo Li counted them lightly and took a long breath. There were nineteen in total!

This means that nineteen people have returned to the virtual world, while Zhongxuanzong has only eight people!

Several of them, Luo Li had actually met some time ago, left with Jin Sheng and went straight to the Great True Ones of the Bafang Lingbao Sect, the Purple Sun Saint Emperor of the Sun Palace, the Old Man Tianhua of the Hua Mo Sect, and the Thunder Demon Sect. Jin Lei Shinichi!

Suddenly a voice came from the Hunyuanzong channel:

"Luo Li, Luo Li, are you there?"

This was Senior Brother Qizhu’s call. Luo Li said: “Yes, yes!”

Qizhu said: "You go to the gate of Chongxuanzong, we are all here!"

Luo Li immediately fled there.

Along the way, Luo Li looked around. During this battle, many places in Chongxuanzong's market were turned into ruins. Many shops were broken into and looted, but there were also many shops under the protection of the magic circle. , survived this catastrophe.

Not long after, Luo Li passed by the Yao family's old store. No wonder this store was an old store. It survived the catastrophe. Except for three or two houses that were turned into ruins, nothing happened to the main body.

Continuing to fly forward, flying away from Fangshi, in the distance is the mountain gate of Chongxuan Sect. This time the mountain gate is opened, allowing all the monks who participated in the war to enter to avoid disaster.

Looking from a distance, many monks have already arrived here, including disciples of the Night Demon Sect, Nine Sun Sect, and Vajra Rakshasa Sect...···

Suddenly someone waved to Luo Li in the distance. It turned out to be Qihun Dao Tianshen Zhenren, and he had arrived safely.

On a mountain peak, twenty-five monks from the Hunyuan Sect were all there. It is very convenient to climb up here and look in all directions!

Luo Li flew there. At this time, everyone had dispelled the Dao Demon Formation, and everyone was in high spirits. Luo Li landed. Senior Brother Qizhu saw Luo Li and said:

"Is this battle enjoyable?"!

Luo Li said: "It's very enjoyable. How about you, senior brother?"

Senior Brother Qizhu said: "It's also very satisfying. We have completed the mission entrusted by Chongxuan Sect, and we didn't do it in vain. The rest is to watch the show!"

As they were talking, the market began to shake, as if the whole city was shaking, and then, except for the huge circle of city walls, the whole market turned into a giant turtle, flashed in the void, and disappeared!

Luo Li was stunned and said, "What's going on?"

"What's going on?"

"Why is the market gone?"

Many disciples of Hunyuan Sect asked!

Hearing many disciples asking, Jingxuan Zhenjun slowly answered, he said: "According to ancient legends, the market of Chongxuan Sect was built in the Dongtiandi Baiyu Tower of Linggui Baiyujing. Now it seems to be true, and that Linggui Baiyujing has reached the realm of transformation!"

Luo Li was speechless, but thinking about it, it was true. At the beginning, the market of Lingdie Sect was still a swallowing stone monster. If you want to hide, you can hide it. What's more, how can this Chongxuan Sect not have this protection!

But, in this case, why didn't the market be taken away earlier? After this battle, at least half of the shops were robbed and turned into ruins.

Suddenly Luo Li understood that the market city was placed here like bait to lure the invading monks. If you just break into the surrounding shops, you may be able to immediately harvest millions of spirit stones, so everyone fought desperately.

If it was closed, it would be empty, and there was a mountain gate formation in front of you, which was unbreakable, would you still fight so hard?

Luo Li was about to speak when Mo Yanlan said, "How insidious! This market is a bait to lure both sides into a war. Isn't this harming people? So many people died in vain?"

Lilong Zhenjun shook his head and said, "We have received benefits from others, so we have to do things for them. No matter what their purpose is, we should be loyal to them. This war is inevitable.

But Chongxuan is still conscientious. He doubled the reward and did not fight in vain!

As for those casual cultivators, there is a famous saying in the world of immortal cultivation that there is no good banquet and no good meeting. If you come here to participate in this conference, you must be mentally prepared to be involved in right and wrong. If you don't learn well and die in battle here, don't blame others!

Whether you like it or not, the world of immortal cultivation is like this. Heaven and earth are not kind. One wrong step will lead to eternal damnation!"

The market disappeared, but the wall surrounding the market remained. The wall was thirty feet high, made of gold, and it was shining.

In this battle, the city wall remained motionless, without any signs of damage, and it was emitting endless golden light. The golden light was so strong that it looked like a demon, as if it was stained with countless blood, as if countless people were wailing!

Lilong Zhenjun looked at the city wall and said, "I remember three thousand years ago, I was just a Jindan Zhenren, and I came here to travel. Chongxuan Sect began to build this city wall, and I took on a few small tasks and refined a section of the wall.

It seems that Chongxuan Sect has been planning for a long time. This is simply a formation to trap spirits, absorb essence, attract resentment, and collect Yuan! What wall, it's all a cover!

In this battle, the essence, blood, resentment, and death of the monks who died in the battle were all attracted by this formation. Let's see what Chongxuan Sect is going to do?"

In the distant sky, those returning to the void were still confronting each other. Luo Li couldn't understand their battle at all!

Jingxuan Zhenjun said: "It doesn't matter what he does. What matters is whether the two junior brothers Kong Ren and Bo Cang who are going to ask for the reward are successful.

I don't think the Chongxuan Sect has a good chance. Nineteen to eight, the situation will be bad when the time comes. Let's prepare to escape!" Lilong Zhenjun also looked up at the sky and said: "Nineteen to eight, there were originally a few reinforcements, but they were all entangled in the affairs of the Bafang Lingbao Sect.

It won't work soon. Luo Li, you join the formation, I will escape by myself, don't worry, I have lived for so long, I can't do anything else, but my escape technique is not worse than your master!" Lilong Zhenjun is really a good man, caring about Luo Li. When the Chongxuan Sect was destroyed and the disciples of the Hunyuan Sect fled for their lives, he asked Luo Li to replace him. Twenty-five people formed a formation and fled together, and he escaped alone.

Luo Li said, "Thank you, Master!"

Tianya Patriarch suddenly said, "No need. When the Chongxuan Sect is destroyed, I will take you away. There is no need to assemble the Daomo formation. I can escape faster than the Daomo formation.

It seems that even Tianya Patriarch is not optimistic about the Chongxuan Sect! Send people to ask for rewards in advance, so that the Chongxuan Sect will not be destroyed and there will be no place to ask for wages!

At this time, the two True Lords Kong Ren and Bo Cang returned with a smile on their faces and said, "You have fulfilled your mission!"

Then they began to distribute the rewards. Everyone present had one, even Luo Li, who did not participate in the formation, was given a storage bag.

The storage bag did not contain the rewards agreed by the Chongxuan Sect and the Hunyuan Sect, but there were also two million spirit stones in it, which was the reward given to Luo Li by the Chongxuan Sect.

Looking at the sky, those returning to the void were still confronting each other. Anyway, they would not fight for a while, so Luo Li decided to count the gains of this battle!

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