Walk alone

Volume 3 Chapter 613 The turtle and the crane lead deep into the haze!

The two sides collided, the Glazed Sea against the Myriad Demonic Qi! !

Quan Jiujiang's figure became ethereal, and he turned into a Myriad Demonic Qi that was blatantly devouring everything, coming from the sky! And Luo Li turned into a Glazed Ocean, heading straight for it.

The colorless and breathless Myriad Demonic Qi and the Glazed White Gold Glazed Sea collided instantly!

The area within a radius of ten miles seemed to stagnate for a moment, and then it rolled up. The entire True Qi within ten miles was boiling and out of control! The cultivators within this area immediately collapsed to the ground one by one, and the unlucky ones went directly into the devil's way and exploded to death!

At the moment of the collision, Luo Li immediately felt something was wrong!

His Glazed Sea was a sea of ​​light, and the area within a radius of three hundred feet was all his sea of ​​light, but this sea of ​​light was scattered, and the power was dispersed in all directions!

And Quan Jiujiang's Wanhua Demon Qi was like a gun tip, like a spiral. At the moment of collision, he gathered all the Wanhua Demon Qi, narrowed the range, formed a heavy punch, gathered strength, and crashed into Luo Li's scattered sea of ​​light!

Suddenly, Luo Li's Liuli Sea of ​​Light was knocked open by Quan Jiujiang's Wanhua Demon Qi, decomposed, and pressed step by step!

But Luo Li just smiled, so what!

My Liuli Sea, explode for me!

Back then, I built the Liuli Sea Holy Land, worked hard, spent countless efforts, failed again and again, and started again and again, endless years, and concentrated!

After countless efforts, I built the most perfect Five Laws Holy Land, the ultimate super product, the Supreme Liuli Sea. I worked hard back then, and today it exploded!

When I was building my foundation, I suffered a lot, in the ground fire, countless times of burning in the ground fire, countless times of magma refining, and endured endless pain!

After countless efforts, I finally succeeded in building the foundation, and became innate with the supreme fighting body. I worked hard in the past, and today I exploded!

I worked hard to form the elixir, the ninety-level spiritual object, and spent countless efforts to refine it one by one. There is no one before and no one after!

I paid countless efforts, and finally the golden elixir was completed, the super elixir, the supreme golden elixir. I worked hard in the past, and today I exploded!

I paid so much, life and death, life and death, life and death, today I will explode!

My youth, burn!

As Luo Li thought in his heart, his glass sea changed, with a roar, and the power increased by one, two, three times... ten times, twenty times, thirty times... a hundred times!

The glass sea was no longer water, it seemed to be faintly transformed into flames as if it was about to burn!

In this great change, the Wanhua Demon Sect, but the ant Quan Jiujiang flashed in an instant and turned into ashes. Anyway, he was invisible and colorless, and he didn’t see how he died!

A moment later, two streams of light crossed each other. Looking back, only Luo Li was there, and there was no trace of Quan Jiujiang's existence!

When the Glazed Sea disappeared, Luo Li had a premonition that his first Fire Absolute Daoist Art was about to be born!

If the opponent persisted for a moment, things would turn into fire when they reached their extremes, and then the Glazed Sea would turn water into fire, which would be his first Fire Absolute Daoist Art!

But it didn't work. Luo Li suppressed this feeling. This was just a vast East China Sea. At least I wanted all four seas to come out, no, all four seas and five lakes to come out. The predecessors had the Five Lakes and Four Seas Lingding Ocean. Today, I have the Five Lakes and Four Seas Lingding Ocean. Today, I have the Five Lakes and Four Seas Lingding Ocean. My Fire Absolute Daoist Art at that time would definitely destroy the world! But it doesn't work now. It will dissipate. In order to be more powerful, I can only continue to accumulate. As the saying goes, accumulating the foundation of thousands of years, soaring into the sky, crushing all enemies with the power of the sky!

Luo Li slowly withdrew his strength. The fire-killing technique that was about to be born was suppressed by him little by little, dissipated, and continued to lie dormant. When it appeared again, the sky and the earth would surely change color, burning the sky and destroying the earth!

The fire-killing technique dissipated, and Luo Li could not suppress the excitement in his heart. He stood here, looking up at the sky, and could not help chanting with the wind:

"The Tai Chi is subtle, innocent and beautiful, and the Hunyuan overflows without limit.

The black pearl rises and falls, and the shining light sand.

Gathered into the pot to transform, return to the true, and not be stained by arrogance.

Looking back, the body is clear and empty, and the spirit buds are reflected.

Three feet to kill the evil, walk freely, and lead the turtle and crane to go deep into the mist..."

Luo Li stood here, motionless. He didn't want to show off, but it seems that he can't! There must be a strong man on the other side who will come to kill him!

In this case, come on!

I still have three steps in my 49 escape method, and with the divine eye, I can be 700 miles away in a blink of an eye. If it doesn't work, I still have 50 million pseudo-stones, which can send out a blow of the Nine Heavens Yuanyang Ruler. This blow can destroy the Yuanying!

Finally, if it doesn't work, there is still Pangu's World-Destroying Axe! And the Mandragora Immortal Flower!

Life is once, and it is inevitable to fight. I have been practicing Taoism for decades, isn't it just for today, killing all the people!

There were continuous battles in the distance, and the Taoist Demon Formation of the Hunyuan Sect firmly guarded one side, and the city on that side has not been broken so far.

The endless flower sea of ​​the fragrant Jieyu Gate over there has dimmed by half, and the battle is tragic. The battle song of the Tianxingjian Sect is getting louder and louder, and its Taoist light is not much dimmer than the sun's brilliance. It should be the bright light with the wind!

Everyone is fighting to the death and working hard, so I will come too!

The surrounding melee monks from all directions avoided this place, and even the battle in the distance was not fierce, and countless people secretly looked here.

Sure enough, three rays of light flew here! Three Jindan Zhenren slowly arrived here!

Luo Li looked over from a distance and couldn't help but frown!

The man in the middle, wearing golden armor, was over ten feet tall, holding a huge axe in his hand, looking mighty and majestic, and his face was shrouded in a layer of dazzling golden light, which was very impressive. There was only one sect that could dress like this, the Sun God Palace!

One of the Sun Palace's doormen, draws the sun's true qi, sacrifices the soul, forges the divine body, creates divine weapons, condenses divine armor, and turns into nine natural formations! The cultivators of this sect are the strongest physical cultivators, one of the four imperial guards in the world, and are best at defense. In addition, they are one of the eight qi, and their true qi is infinite. It can be said that all the good things in the world are occupied by them!

In fact, the Sun Palace is to some extent an ally of the Hunyuan Sect. When the Shenwei Sect was destroyed, the two sects worked together, but now on this battlefield, one thing is one thing, each for their master, and they can't care so much!

Sure enough, the Sun Palace Jindan Zhenren, seeing Luo Li, shouted loudly: "The morning light rises, the golden crow flies, all things face the sun, the sun is right, the infinite light, Taiyi Chunyang!"

The morning light rises, the golden crow flies, all things face the sun, the sun is right, the infinite light, Taiyi Chunyang! This is the poem of the Sun Palace!

Luo Li returned the greeting: "One Qi creates all things, Hunyuan breaks the universe!"

The Golden Pill Master of the Sun Palace smiled and said: "But Brother Luo Li of the Hunyuan Sect, I am Yunmeng Hejue of the Sun Palace! When Uncle Hu Chan came to visit my Sun Palace, he talked about you!"

It seems that when Master Hu Chan returned to the Zhongtian main world, he went to the Sun Palace to have a chat. Yunmeng is a barbarian surname, so it seems that this person is from the barbarian tribe!

Luo Li said: "Hello, Senior Brother Yunmeng. It's a pity that we meet today, on the battlefield, otherwise we can all be clear!" Yunmeng Hejue laughed and said heroically: "It doesn't matter. We meet on the battlefield and fight to our heart's content. When we meet in the future, we may end our grudges with a smile or continue to fight to the death. It's all up to fate, but today, let's fight!" Luo Li said: "Yes, let's fight!" Luo Li looked at the other two. Next to the Jindan Zhenren of the Sun God Palace was a sword cultivator. The sword light of this sword cultivator was cold and looming. Luo Li knew at a glance that this was the hidden sword intent. This was a Luofu disciple! Luofu Sword Sect, one of the sixteen major sword sects in the world, represents the way of sword energy change in Qi, Yi, Xin, and Jue. The thirteen sword ways in the sect are all leading to the sky! At the beginning, Chen Dao Zhenzun almost accepted Luo Li as his disciple. Luo Li had a good impression of the monks of Luofu Sword Sect. He first reported his poem name: "One Qi creates all things, Hunyuan breaks the universe!"

Sure enough, the other party responded immediately and said Luofu's poem name: "Luofu Moon White Sea Dustless, Jade Trees and Qionglin Spring Everywhere!"

This mutual reporting of poems is an unspoken rule among monks, a kind of respect! Just one sentence, moving your lips, nothing is wasted, and you can also find out the details of the other party, why not.

The last person, wearing a Yin-Yang robe, a high crown, long sleeves, and a face that is neither male nor female, is the Jindan Zhenren of Yin-Yang Sect at a glance!

The Yin-Yang Sect is an ancient inheritance. This sect specializes in the way of Yin-Yang harmony, one of the eight Qi. However, this sect was originally a pure Taoist sect. Later, the Yin-Yang Dao gradually moved towards the method of dual cultivation and intercourse, and turned from a Taoist sect into an evil sect, and even for a period of time, it turned into a demon sect, but finally withdrew from the demon sect.

However, the Yin-Yang Sect is not as resolute as the Hunyuan Sect. They follow the path of harmony between Yin and Yang, and are smooth in all directions. Whether leaving the Taoist sect or leaving the Demon Sect, they did not cause any uproar.

Luo Li said the poem of the Hunyuan Sect to him, but this person looked at Luo Li, smiled coldly, and did not respond. He did not say the poem of the Yin-Yang Sect!

Luo Li was furious!

This mutual reporting of poems is not only a greeting between cultivators, but also represents the sect behind them. The other party is like this, which is not only looking down on Luo Li, but also looking down on the Hunyuan Sect!

Luo Li shouted: "Man, accept your death!"

He jumped up suddenly, under the divine eyes, he instantly moved and rushed towards the other party, and transformed three mountains on Luo Li's body. The three mountains rose up to protect Luo Li, and the whole person crashed into it!

Thanks to the students who provided the poems, they will appear one by one and will inherit the position of the sect master.

In addition, the recent updates are a bit late, and I will definitely update early tomorrow!

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