Walk alone

Volume 3, Chapter 612: Transforming all the gods into gods!

After killing more than a hundred monks from the Xunfeng Zhenlei Sect, Luo Li immediately fled far away. He should be more honest on this battlefield and don't show off. If the time comes to attract the True Lord Nascent Soul and the True Lord Transformation God, he will be seeking his own death.

Two hundred miles away, Luo Li escaped again, another two hundred miles away, and then he used his divine eye, another hundred miles away!

At this moment, he escaped from the battlefield of Chongxuanfang City and was located in the Chongxuan Mountains. The various defense systems of the Chongxuan Sect and the land of the mountain gods were destroyed by the catastrophe and all collapsed.

There are loud shouts of killing everywhere here, and there are constant battles, but they are all foundation-building monks. However, compared to the central battlefield, it is much calmer.

Luo Li let go, put Qihun Taoist Master Tianshen down, and said: "Okay, fellow Taoist Tianshen, I will send you here. This place is much safer than that in Fang City. You should be careful."

Master Tianshen took a look around and said, "Thank you, thank you, it is indeed very safe here."

Luo Li said: "But I don't advise you to stay away from this place now. The war has just begun. I'm afraid the opponent is thousands of miles away and there will be many ambushes.

It is best for you to stay away from the battlefield now and avoid the battlefield. It is the safest. When the real ones that determine the success or failure of the battle take action, they will be fleeing in all directions. At that time, no one can care about anyone else. Everyone is running for their lives. The most important thing is Safety.

Master Tianshen said: "I understand, I understand, thank you fellow Taoist Luo Li for saving your life!"

Luo Li said: "Okay, then I'm going back!"

Master Tian Shen was stunned and said: "Luo Li, you want to go back? What are you going back for? Are you still working for Chongxuan Sect? Chongxuan Sect invited us here with no good intentions!"

Luo Li said: "I know, I am not working for Chongxuan Sect, but look at it!"

Luo Li pointed to the distance and said: "Smell this smell, blood and fire, wind and sand, law and sword, life and death!"

Master Tianshen smelled hard and smelled nothing!

Luo Li took a long breath, then pointed at the battlefield hundreds of miles away, and said: "How intense it is, life and death, instant life and death, how exciting!

For my generation, the path of cultivating immortality is difficult, just like sailing against the current. If we don’t advance, we will retreat!

So I want to return to the battlefield, use war as a grind, sharpen what I have learned, and refine my methods. Maybe I will be on the battlefield, but I want to fight like this, so that I can make further progress. This is who I am. The way of generations of monks! "

Master Tianshen was completely dumbfounded when he heard what Luo Li said!

But he gritted his teeth and said: "Fellow Taoist Luo Li, be careful! I have a gift of supernatural power and can sense some secret things.

In this Chongxuan Sect, there is a strange magic circle. All the monks who died in battle within a radius of ten thousand miles, their essence, blood, resentment of death in battle, and their magic essence are all captured by a magic circle, which is the periphery of Chongxuan Zongfang City. The city wall is inexplicably attractive.

This city wall is so secretive that not even the True Lord Yuanying can see it. If I don’t have the gift of supernatural powers, I can’t feel it either! "

Luo Li was stunned for a moment, but he shook his head and said, "Whatever, it's such a feast, kill them all, let's talk about it later!"

Finally, he looked back at Master Tianshen and said, "Take care!"

In a flash, Luo Li returned to the battlefield!

Master Tianshen looked stupidly at the direction in which Luo Li disappeared. He gritted his teeth, clenched his fists, and kept mumbling:

"My generation is cultivating immortality, and the path is difficult. It's like sailing against the current. If we don't advance, we will retreat!"

Suddenly, he shouted and returned to the battlefield!

Returning to the battlefield, Luo Li paid attention. Sure enough, the city wall, although it had lost all protective circles, was intact in this battle, with the warning of Master Tianshen. Luo Li watched carefully, and under the eyes of the gods, he saw After waiting for a long time, I discovered that the golden runes on the city wall were quietly absorbing the essence and blood of the dead!

But, so what, Luo Li continued to fight to the death. Under Luo Li's endless spells, he was touched by death. Everywhere he went, he ran away in all directions, avoiding him at a distance, and immediately turned into an open space. .

It's so eye-catching, how can no one notice it.

A ray of light comes from afar!

A golden elixir master, wearing a robe and arrogant, was approaching Luo Li!

Looking from a distance, this person is a terrifying and powerful man. This person is thin but wears a very large black robe. His whole person is suspended in the air and looks like a black ghost. The robe is hanging down, giving people a gloomy feeling. .

As he flew away, Luo Li felt that all the energy around him dissipated and all the spirits were extinguished. Luo Li was stunned and said: "Wanhua Demon Sect?"

The black-robed golden elixir master nodded slightly and said: "The sea embraces all the rivers and leads the heaven and earth, all transformations return to one, and the chaos opens. The vast sky dissolves the vast wilderness, and all the gods and gods are transformed!" This is the poem title of the Wanhua Demon Sect!

Luo Li let out a sigh of relief, it turned out to be Zhenren Jindan of the Demon Transformation Sect, this was a powerful enemy!

The Hua Mo Sect, the full name of the Wan Hua Gui Yuan Holy Demon Sect, is known all over the world for being good at transforming all things in the world as the original demon energy, dissolving and refining everything.

The monks of the Ten Thousand Transformations Demon Sect are very powerful, and they are the largest among the Demon Sect. The monks in this sect have extremely high cultivation levels and can turn all energy into their own use, and every disciple is extremely powerful.

However, the mortality rate of disciples of the Ten Thousand Transformations Demon Sect who become obsessed with cultivation is extremely high. A thousand disciples only have one base. Among all the disciples who came to the sect, it is one of the most difficult sects to complete the foundation building practice. But once the foundation is successfully built, it will definitely become a real Jindan.

When this person appears, there will be a big battle!

Luo Li was also unambiguous and immediately said: "One breath generates all kinds of magic, Hunyuan destroys the universe! Luo Li!"

The Jindan master smiled far away and said: "Quan Jiujiang!"

The two of them have completed their registration, and then it’s time for a battle!

Luo Li took action instantly, and endless light erupted on him in an instant, and the butterfly dragon sea exploded!

Three thousand rays of light rose up, followed by the wind, suddenly appeared violently, and roared towards the Jindan Daoist.

Like the sea and the tide, the sea of ​​stars rolls back!

This three thousand rays of light, when they first rise, are like the light of fireflies and butterflies, but as they fly, they absorb the spiritual energy of heaven and earth, gradually grow in size, and turn into ferocious black dragons, swallowing them up in one gulp!

But when the black dragon flew within a hundred feet of the opponent, it immediately dimmed and dissipated, like a breeze blowing on the face, silently, turned into nothingness, and returned to the world!

This is the power of the Demon Transformation Sect, which can resolve all laws!

Luo Li frowned when he saw the other party resolving his attack in this way. Before Jindan Zhenren of the Wanhua Demon Sect takes action, there must be a strange phenomenon in the world, which is called the forty-nine demonic signs.

The forty-nine demonic phases are divided into three demonic phases: upper, middle and lower. The middle demonic phase is the twelve heavenly demonic phases. When one strikes, it will be either a raging fire, a cold wind, a roaring sea, or a thunder array. Arrays, or snow and ice, or black mist, these demonic signs are all phenomena of the elements of heaven and earth, there are twelve types in total.

The lower demon phase is the thirty-six earth spirit demon phase. With one move, it will transform into tigers, green dragons, unicorns, swallowing snakes, Bi Fang, white elephants and other mythical beasts, suppressing all directions.

In fact, these demonic appearances are all illusions. It is a borrowed method from the universe. You must know that the decomposition of true energy and the dissolution of all things involve endless heavenly ways and require a lot of energy and spirit to resolve. It is simply not enough to rely on one person's origin, so other external forces must be used to resolve and dissolve.

That Yuan Earth Spirit is a kind of borrowing method, with the help of the twelve elements of heaven and earth, and the power of thirty-six divine beasts, to decompose all things and transform everything, so these many demonic appearances are formed!

When the monks of the Demon Transformation Sect enter the realm of Yuanying, they can rely on themselves to communicate with the gods through Dafa, without the need to rely on external objects, so this demonic appearance will no longer appear.

Among the thirty-six demonic signs, the most terrifying one is the superior demonic sign. There is only one superior demonic sign, and that is colorless and formless! This is the method used by Quan Jiujiang in front of him!

Although he is only in the realm of golden elixir, he does not need to use the method to dissolve all things at all, and has countless backgrounds, so when he takes action, there is no vision of heaven and earth, and Luo Li's butterfly dragon sea explodes without any attack!

A powerful enemy, Luo Li let out a sigh of relief!

But for some reason, Luo Li felt a fire burning in his heart, his eyes were shining, and he was extremely excited!

He shouted: "What a magic weapon! Let's see how many transformations you can make!"

After saying that, Luo Li started to take crazy shots!

The giant whale kills domineeringly! The tsunami kills immeasurably! Undercurrent invisible killing! Jellyfish spirit explodes!

Streams of true energy were sent towards Quan Jiujiang, forming an endless tsunami.

Quan Jiujiang smiled coldly and said: "Use the spell that destroys the Xunfeng Zhenlei Sect. These killing moves are not powerful enough!"

Following his words, Luo Li's endless attacks immediately dissipated around him, soundlessly, and transformed into heaven and earth!

Luo Li continues to take action!

Waves of Yin and Yang kill! Really powerful kill! Dragon King Zhenhai Kill! The treasure ship sailed across the sea to kill!

"Huh..." Quan Jiujiang snorted coldly. In an instant, he changed. His whole person turned into a burst of true energy rising into the sky. He let out a low whistle. The low voice was like rising from the Nine Netherworld. Luo Li It felt like countless steel needles were stabbing me out of thin air, and my whole body felt numb.

The soaring energy, colorless and formless, rushed up crazily, hitting Luo Li with a vast and unrivaled tyranny. In an instant, it was as if the distance didn't exist at all. The other party immediately rushed in front of Luo Li and hit him!

With this collision, everything turned into ashes, and everything turned into ashes!

But Luo Li just flashed, his divine eye activated, and he was three hundred feet away in an instant. At the same time, Luo Li continued to emit endless spells. These spells were in front or behind, left or right, layered on top of each other, as if they were separated and combined. , hundreds of spells finally condensed into one, that is, a sea of ​​glazed glass rose up!

Reality and illusion are destroyed, and glass creates the sea!

The East China Sea is vast!

The two faced each other, one side was formless and colorless, but everything around him dissolved silently, whether it was buildings, dead bodies, or the bricks and stones under his feet, they all turned into nothingness, and in the end there was only a layer of debris left under his feet!

On one side, the sea of ​​glazed light is boundless and majestic, emitting various roaring sounds of tsunamis, including the sound of giant whales sucking water, and the sound of flying swordfish!

The two faced each other, and the monks within a ten-mile radius immediately avoided this place. Their battle was no longer weaker than that of the ordinary Nascent Soul Lord!

The two faced each other without words. They just fought. Their fight was as simple as a collision!

If you hit it, the winner will live and the loser will die!

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