Walk alone

Volume 3, Chapter 614: Defeat the hero with one force!

Bi Li was really furious, and he crashed into the opponent with three mountains as a shield, trying to smash the Yin Yang Sect's Jin Dan Zhenren into pieces.

The Yin Yang Sect Jin Dan Zhenren just snorted coldly and didn't care. In his eyes, Luo Li was nothing more than a clown.

He pointed at Luo Li and shouted: "Born! Thousands of purple suns give birth to true spirits!"

In an instant, Luo Li felt a powerful aura rushing into his body. His strength seemed to increase a little, with endless masculinity.

Is this guy so stupid that he actually replenishes his enemy's vitality? There must be a problem!

However, Luo Li didn't care and continued to rush forward, trying to smash the opponent into pieces.

There was a sudden collision, and with a roar, Luo Li actually smashed the golden elixir master into thousands of pieces, and died!

Luo Li was stunned. This was too simple. What on earth was going on with this man, seeking his own death?

No, it was smashed to pieces, how could there be no trace of flesh and blood? It seems that he was not killed by himself, but he automatically decomposed and turned into thousands of thin lines, scattered between the heaven and the earth!

At this moment, in the void, there was a soft drink and a Sanskrit sound sounded:

"The yin and yang are reversed, everything has gods, the enemy Liujia is defeated, the reincarnation is destroyed..."

Following the Sanskrit words in the void, tens of thousands of purple and black invisible thin lines rose in the sky. These thin lines were the objects transformed by the smashing of the golden elixir master just now. The thin lines quickly stretched and merged in an instant. Ten thousand turned into thousands, thousands turned into hundreds, hundreds turned into ten, and ten turned into one!

In an instant, a huge Tai Chi pattern appeared in front of Luo Li's eyes. In the Tai Chi pattern, the real Jin Dan reunited and appeared in front of Luo Li again.

Turn death into life? The way to resurrection? Luo Li looked at it in great surprise!

After the golden elixir master reappeared, he looked at Luo Li and shouted fiercely: "Death, a ray of red yin will kill the Mahatma!"

In an instant, Luo Li felt that the true energy that had just been born in his body was immediately transformed from endless masculine energy into the terrifying red yin energy, turning from life to death!

This reversal of zhenqi immediately destroyed Luo Li's body, as if a bomb had been transplanted into his body. It exploded, but it did no harm to Luo Li!

Luo Li has accumulated endless experience in foundation building and has been promoted to the realm of Jindan. The zhenqi in his body is even more endless and far higher than that of ordinary Jindan masters. That masculine energy turns into the terrifying red yin energy. Facing Luo Li, Li's endless zhenqi was immediately decomposed with just a tremor, so Luo Li felt nothing.

But he was not idle, taking advantage of the golden elixir master to cast a spell, he flashed in an instant, rushed to the opponent's side, and caught him!

This claw was drawn out, implying endless rage. It was the mad dragon killing the opponent in the sea, and it hit the opponent's lower abdomen. Immediately, several rays of brilliance erupted from the opponent's body. They were all magic fluctuations of the protective magic weapon, but under this claw, They were all scratched to pieces. In an instant, Luo Li inserted his hand into the opponent's abdomen and grabbed out the opponent's golden elixir!

The Jindan master from the other side's Yin-Yang Sect looked like he couldn't believe it and shouted: "How is it possible!"

Luo Li slapped his right hand with a palm, beating his whole body into a meat pie, turning into blood mist and splashing in all directions. In order to prevent the other party from using the spell just now and resurrecting again, Luo Li used Poisonous Killing, and in This cloth is highly poisonous. If the opponent is resurrected, the poison will burn in his body, and he will be poisoned to death even if he is alive!

But this time the opponent didn't use that spell. It was actually not a resurrection spell, but a method of transforming physical attributes.

Luo Li held the golden elixir in his hand and was about to crush it. This guy didn't even reply to the poem. He looked down on himself. Damn it!

This guy is really sick, he is so arrogant and invincible with his attacks, and he is as fragile as a baby. Is this worthy of Jin Dan Zhenren?

Luo Li was about to crush the golden elixir and destroy both body and soul. Suddenly Luo Li frowned, thoughtfully!

In an instant, Luo Li understood that the mystery of the opponent's spell just now was the reversal of yin and yang!

The other party began to send the Purple Yang Qi he had cultivated into his body. This Purple Yang Qi was harmless and deceived his body's self-protection system and was automatically absorbed by his body.

Suddenly the opponent began to reverse the yin and yang, turning into thousands of thin lines, decomposing and reorganizing. This was equivalent to a self-transformation, from the angry purple yang to the dead red yin!

Through this, the Ziyang Qi introduced into one's body will also turn into Chiyin Qi, turning from a good thing into a poison. If it is just right, it will immediately self-destruct and severely damage oneself. Even if it is immortal, it will be poisonous. Seriously injured and without the ability to fight!

The reason why he was not injured was because the true energy in his body was so strong that the transformation from purple yang to red yin was useless.

But what about the other Hunyuan Sect disciples? I am following the Tianqing route, and my body has unlimited zhenqi. The other Hunyuan Sect monks all rely on the Five Dharma Holy Land. Their own zhenqi is very pitiful. For me, it is only a little, but for them, it is 35% of their own. If you are really angry, it will inevitably lead to self-destruction!

Thinking of this, Luo Li broke into cold sweat. This spell is a poisonous spell developed by the Yin Yang Sect specifically to deal with the Hunyuan Sect. It will definitely kill!

So this guy deliberately didn't report the poem number and tempted himself to attack him, so as to test this spell. Unexpectedly, when he met him, he failed and was blamed by himself. When he was dying, he was still talking about how it was possible! !

Luo Li never crushed the golden elixir again, but carefully put it away. He wanted to report this to the sect. If it was true, it would be a great achievement!

Why does the Yin Yang Sect open up spells against the Hunyuan Sect? What is their purpose? With this golden elixir, you can find out the answer!

Luo Li killed the Yin Yang Sect Jin Dan Master, but in an instant, less than three breaths away, the other two people did not expect it to happen so quickly!

The real person of Luofu Jindan frowned and said: "Luo Li, look at the sword!"

In an instant, he turned into a sword light and rushed towards Luo Li!

The sword light was cold, with Luofu's unique sharpness, and it came to his eyes in an instant. Luo Li immediately cast a spell, and immediately used three major spells in succession.

In an instant, green, red, white, blue, purple, black, and yellow colors filled the air and intertwined with each other. Under Luo Li's control, the powerful magic formula began to explode. The eel-killing explosion, the true water-killing flexibility, the giant whale The domineering killing force, the Dragon King Zhenhai killing force, the spin turtle Yuan magnetic killing force, all exploded.

But wherever the opponent's sword light went, whether it was thunder, true water, or huge power, it cut them all open, and one sword broke through all kinds of magic!

Moreover, this sword light not only possesses the indestructible power, but the timing is just right. It is as magical as a dream. In a blink of an eye, it is in front of Luo Li, and he is about to kill Luo Li with one sword!

In an instant, countless magic weapons glowed on Luo Li's body. All the body protection spells were activated one by one, forming a powerful light shield. The sword light bounced away. Luo Li smiled. The magic weapons and equipment were also part of his strength. Everything was under control. , he took this opportunity to continue to use other killing moves to quickly transform!

The sword light was slightly deflected by the body protection spell, but it only trembled slightly. It found a tiny gap between the dozens of body protection spells, penetrated through the gap, and was about to kill Luo Li.

Luo Li's divine eyes moved, and in a flash, he was teleported sixty feet away. The sword pierced the air, but with a slight movement, he immediately spun around and continued to chase Luo Li.

Luo Li shook his head and said, "It's too late!"

The last spell, Ice Prison Kill, takes shape!

Immediately, all illusions and illusions disappeared, and the glassy sea was born!

Beihai Xuanming freezes the world!

A sea of ​​glazed light rose up, and wherever the light shrouded everything around it, it began to freeze, and everything turned into ice.

In this sea of ​​light, the sword light was not frozen, and it resisted the endless power invasion of the Glazed Sea. However, its speed was immediately reduced ten times, and it was necessary to rush out of this sea of ​​light, escape from here, and then return war!

But how could Luo Li give you a chance? He stretched out his hand and Mount Tai blasted out, followed by Mount Hua and Mount Heng!

Luo Li deliberately used a single Five Sacred Mountains to save time compared to all five Sacred Mountains. He did not give the opponent a chance to breathe at all!

With a roar, five mountains lined up and continuously blasted towards the sword light!

In this ice sea, the sword light cannot escape, so we can only use the sword to smash the five mountains of Luoli. Just after smashing the five mountains, the three mountains have arrived again!

After the three mountains were completed, it was time to move onto the five mountains. Luo Li cast spells continuously, boom, boom, boom!

In addition to the violent bombardment of these three mountains and five mountains, the Beihai Xuanming in the Glazed Sea is even more terrifying. It freezes everything and destroys everything invisibly. Without the resistance of Luofu Sword Qi, the opponent feels that his body is getting colder and colder, and his speed is getting faster and faster. If you come slower and slower, you will be frozen to death on the spot!

The sword light smashed Luo Li seventeen times in a row, and the mountain came crashing down. Suddenly, it was no longer possible to combine the human sword with the sword. All of a sudden, the golden elixir master appeared and opened his mouth to spit out a mouthful of blood. At this time, another mountain came crashing down.

He roared, drew his sword, chopped it into pieces, and then spurted out another mouthful of blood!

With a roar, the divine sword in his hand shattered!

In the blink of an eye, another Yi Yue pressed forward. He opened his mouth, and a mouthful of blood turned into a blood sword rising up. He relied on the blood sword to block the blow!

But the next blow hit the top of Mount Tai again. The blood sword shattered with a clear cry, and then another mountain struck. At the same time, the endless sea of ​​mysterious glazed glass came silently!

He roared again, and the golden elixir turned into a sword, flew out, and chopped the mountain into pieces. However, the golden elixir trembled and was immediately frozen by Beihai Xuanming.

At this time, another big mountain came crashing down, and the golden elixir could no longer move. The golden elixir master let out a long sigh, closed his eyes and waited for death. Three hundred years of cultivation were over!

But the mountain didn't push him down, and he was slightly stunned!

In an instant, he realized that the mountains and the glazed sea had all disappeared. Luo Li looked at him with his hands behind his back and said slowly: "Back then, the Chen Dao Patriarch gave me a chance and treated me as a relative. With his love, I would not kill Luo Fu. Disciple, I’ll give you a chance!

Let's go. The next time we meet, we will decide between life and death! "

The golden elixir master sighed deeply, took back the golden elixir, took three pills, slowly regained his breath, and then said: "Thank you for not killing me, fellow Taoist. I owe you a life, and I will definitely pay it back!"

After saying that, he turned into a sword light and fled far away!

Luo Li looked at the last person, Yunmeng Hejue from the Sun Palace, and said, "Senior Brother Yunmeng, please enlighten me!"

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