Walk alone

Volume 3 Chapter 611 I have a way to scare ghosts and gods!

aThis battlefield, since you are involved in it, then kill it as fast as you can! !

I have a way to scare ghosts and gods!

Luo Li went on a killing spree in this city. Those juniors who just ambushed him should die wherever they could escape.

With a flash of his body, Luo Li chased after him, killing them all with the Tsunami Infinite Kill and the Undercurrent Invisible Kill.

Then Luo Li started to kill in the melee in this city, fighting everyone he saw, and destroying them with one move!

Kill people when you see them, kill ghosts when you see them!

If gods stand in the way, they will kill gods; if they stand in the way of Buddha, they will kill Buddha!

Kill, kill, kill!

Kill them quickly!

What are the Seventy-nine Kills in Liulihai? This is the method of killing. The more you kill, the more you understand the essence and the stronger you become!

Then kill him. Killing him will turn the world upside down!

But there is a premise. This kill is not Biao Hehe's constant charge. It needs to be more cunning, more resourceful, and more strategic!

Luo Li was wandering around at will. When he saw the Nascent Soul battle, he immediately moved away. When he saw hundreds of people on the other side, he immediately avoided it. When he saw three or five Jindan Daoists and lone monks, he immediately killed them and killed them. Dan!

Luo Li did not use the Forest of Living Beings, release the Forest of Living Beings, and form a battle formation of thousands of people. It would be extremely enjoyable to kill, but such a battle formation would be extremely popular and would immediately attract the attention of the opponent's masters. If a Nascent Soul comes here, then he will Very dangerous.

Sometimes you will meet allies. If you like them, you can help them if you want. If you don't like them, you will stay away from them.

On this battlefield, Luo Li was able to use all the spells he had learned with ease. It was really enjoyable and he killed them happily.

He also killed over a hundred monks, including at least 26 Jindan Zhenren, and obtained eighteen golden elixirs. Suddenly Luo Li heard someone calling for help:

"Fellow Taoist Luo Li, Friend Luo Li, help!"

Looking over, I saw a Jindan real person, who was beaten by three people and was already dead.

That person was Master Tianshen of the Qi Soul Dao. He was the first to challenge Luo Li in the first battle with Luo Li. However, his form was not good at this time. There were originally twelve Qi Souls above his head, but now there were only three left. , was killed by the other party.

The opponents were three sword cultivators. The sword light flickered, but they transformed into a wave, forming thousands of waves, destroying all spirits. People were among them, and they were invisible and invulnerable to all things!

This is the Zuodao Canglang Sword Sect, a branch of the Dayan Zongheng Sword Sect, which specializes in the Canglang Sword Formation. The sect's poem title is: Canglang rises in the sea, sweeping everything!

The Dayan Zongheng Sword Sect has trained dozens of such left-dao sword sects, specializing in one sword formation of the Dayan Zongheng Sword Sect, and they are the minions of the Dayan Zongheng Sword Sect. The Dayan Zongheng Sword Sect is the sworn enemy of the Hunyuan Sect. In the battle against the Dayan Zongheng Sword Sect, Luo Li participated!

Tianshen Zhenren was separated from the sect's large army and was surrounded by the other side. Their souls were beheaded one by one. They were about to reach the critical point of life and death and saw Luo Li desperately calling for help.

So when Luo Li saw it, he turned around and flew towards here!

The three major golden elixirs of the Canglang Sword Sect could not help but feel cold when they saw Luo Li. They only felt that Luo Li had a murderous intention that penetrated into his bones. One of them said: "Brother, should we give in..."

Before they finished speaking, a giant ship appeared out of thin air and crashed towards them. The eldest brother among them suddenly shouted loudly: "The treasure ship is crossing the sea to kill! Brother Hunyuan Sect, go up, kill him! But the first level of Jindan, kill him, the general sect There is a big reward!”

The main sect refers to the Dayan Zongheng Sword Sect! Thinking of the huge reward, the three of them fought back without retreating!

Luo Li smiled, okay, you are seeking your own death, don't blame me!

Then he started to take action, the undercurrent was invisible and the undercurrent was infinite, locking the world! An immeasurable tsunami roared, and huge waves rolled! The torrential waves split the universe, and the torrential waves swept across the world! ······

Luo Li took action frantically, one spell rising after another. Before one spell was extinguished, another spell was born. In the Holy Land Glazed Sea, endless vitality exploded, forming terrifying killing moves, bombarding, erupting, crushing, and destroying. kill!

In the blink of an eye, the sword formations of the three major golden elixirs of the Canglang Sword Sect were shattered by Luo Li's violent bombardment. In their eyes, there was only a glaze sea color, and it seemed that there was only one color in the world.

Ever since Luo Li took action, they had been retreating. Waves of turbulent spell craze made them feel the despair of being overwhelmed at any time. In an instant, all calculations and plans were wiped out. The sword intent, endless desire, and countless sword skills were all reduced to nothing but the simplest resistance with the sword. Even though he knew his classmate was right next to him, he didn't even dare to turn his eyes, let alone ask for help.

When their sword formations turned into specks of golden light and dissipated in the air, they knew they were doomed. The brave one among them roared, burned his golden elixir, and rushed towards Luo Li, hoping to use his death to create opportunities for his fellow sect members. !

The coward turned around and ran away, activated Blood Escape, and wanted to escape. Another person slapped his waist hard, and there was a protective magic weapon there. The magic weapon was activated instantly, turning into a towering mountain peak to protect him!

But under the frenzy of the glazed sea, the brave man flew into ashes instantly and turned into blood mist all over the sky, leaving only a little golden light, and died immediately. The cowardly person had just activated his Blood Escape, but was swept into the sea and died. Only the person who activated the magic weapon, the slight mountain peak, protected him for three breaths, and then the magic weapon was shattered in this terrifying spell craze, and he turned into a blood mist all over the sky!

Luo Li made a move and got three golden elixirs. He smiled slightly and continued to move forward!

The Qihun Dao Master Tianshen looked at it stupidly, completely in a daze. It was so powerful. In the ring, Luo Li didn't use his full strength at all!

He gritted his teeth and immediately followed Luo Li. At least it was safe this way!

Along the way, Luo Li killed several more monks and rescued three or five allies. These people immediately followed Luo Li.

During other battles, some monks who were running around saw people gathering here and immediately joined them. After a while, a hundred people gathered behind Luo Li, half of whom he saved!

Luo Li didn't care. If they were willing to follow, then just follow!

These people, with Luo Li as the center, formed a group and wandered around the huge city.

But they immediately attracted each other's attention. They saw a flash in front of them, and a hundred monks formed a battle formation and rushed towards here!

Seen from a distance, these monks control the lightning and fly here, flying like dragons and slashing like lightning.

Qihun Dao Master Tianshen was stunned and shouted: "No, it's the Xunfeng Zhenlei Sect!"

Xunfeng Zhenlei Sect, one of the side sects, a branch of the Thunder Demon Sect, the poem title in the sect: Palm the wind and thunder, it changes like a ghost, gathers magic formation, it transforms like a god!

This sect specializes in the way of Xunfeng Zhenlei, and the most powerful magic is the Xunfeng Zhenlei Nine Changes Technique.

This is because the Thunder Demon Sect imitated the combined thunder technique studied by the Hunyuan Sect, but failed in the end, and derived such a branch sect. The more disciples of this sect gather, the more powerful thunder power they can exert. This is enough for a hundred monks. Among them At least seven Jindan Daoist people, under this thunder formation, are equivalent to at least seventy Jindan Daoist people, and with Luo Li surrounded by a ragtag group of people, this battle will be defeated!

As soon as he said this, the hundreds of people behind Luo Li immediately fled in all directions. They all abandoned Luo Li and fled everywhere!

These guys completely forgot that it was Luo Li who saved them, and they all escaped at the critical moment!

The Qihun Dao Master Tianshen did not escape. His face turned pale, but he said: "I will risk my life to accompany you. You saved my life, Lao Shen, and I will give it back to you today!"

The mighty Xun wind shook the monks of Lei Sect, but they did not rush to attack Luo Li. They began to chant a mantra: "Wind and thunder appear, the heaven and earth change..."

The imperial messenger sent endless thunder and lightning towards the fleeing monks. Suddenly the sky was filled with thunder and endless thunder and lightning fell! The entire area is covered by thunder and lightning!

They want to kill them all. In their eyes, Luo Li is just a late meal!

Luo Li sneered and said, "Are there many people? Using the power of many people to cast area-of-effect spells? I can do it too!"

In an instant, huge waves began to rise around Luo Li. The waves rolled, and then changed. The land with a radius of a hundred feet was like a sea caught in a storm. The waves rolled, tsunamis boiled, lightning thundered, and heavy rain fell. This was the thirtieth day. Nine-kill torrential rain hits the sky!

As the rainstorm rose, the Jindan master who presided over the Xunfeng Thunder Array said, "Death is imminent and you still want to resist! Destroy him!"

Suddenly, endless thunder struck at Luo Li!

The Xun wind shook the monks of the Lei Sect, and the range of thunder and lightning was a thousand feet, while Luo Li's thunderstorm was only a hundred feet away, and they were immediately distinguished. Luo Li's thunderstorm was completely suppressed by the opponent!

But in this storm, there was a loud noise, and a tsunami appeared. Luo Li used his second method, the tsunami was boundless, transformed into the sea, and injected into the heavy rain!

But it still doesn’t work, I can’t stop it!

Then there was a loud noise, a wave appeared, the yin and yang moved, and a huge whirlpool formed on the stormy sea surface of Luoli. The thirty-fifth kill wave wave yin and yang kill!

Then the raindrops fell, and each drop of rainwater was as heavy as a ten thousand stone, with the power to destroy the heaven and the earth. This was the fifty-eighth true water ten thousand stone kill!

At this time, Luo Li's sea area increased by fifty feet with every kill injected! At this point, the two sides were in each other's sea area thunder formation, and Luo Li's sea area and the Xunfeng Thunder Thunder Formation began a crazy confrontation!

Then there was another roar, the mad wolf rose, the sea tide moved, and the sound was extinguished, and endless power was generated, one after another, destroying everything in the world, the thirty-second killing frenzy to kill with the tide!

The opponent Jindan Zhenren shouted: "It's ridiculous to overestimate yourself. Increase your magic power and use the seventh transformation of Xunfeng Zhenlei to cause wind and thunder to shake the sky and the sea! Destroy him!"

Following his order, the Xun wind shook the Lei Sect's thunder sea. It suddenly changed and became extremely violent. It roared with strange sounds and destroyed everything. Luo Li's glazed sea was immediately unable to withstand it!

He immediately continued to take action, and with another change, the Hong Tao moved around, and black vortexes suddenly appeared. They were shattered space cracks. Things caught in them were immediately shattered. This was the thirty-seventh killing Hong Tao crack. Yusha!

Then in this sea, there is a treasure ship with a bow, riding the wind and waves, traveling around the world, killing seventy-one people across the sea!

Under the sea, it seems like thousands of tentacles are swimming around from time to time. This is the twenty-sixth killing chapter, Ten Thousand Touch Kills!

Next to the tentacle is a jellyfish. These jellyfish explode from time to time, giving birth to endless spiritual energy. This is the twenty-first jellyfish spiritual explosion kill!

The two sides were in a stalemate again, and the opponent Jin Dan said bitterly: "Consume him to death. I want to see how much energy he has and how much magic he can use!"

But at the same time, Luo Li used Ripple Qingping to kill, Giant Whale to kill domineeringly, and Undercurrent to kill invisible!

Suddenly, the twelve sea areas merged into one, and Luo Li roared loudly!

Following his roar, he used the 63rd Ice Prison Kill!

As soon as this killing came out, Luo Li's endless sea suddenly turned into ice! Everything freezes, the world freezes!

It starts with the heavy rain and ends with the killing in the ice prison!

Luo Li gathered together the Thirteen Sea Areas, and immediately killed the Thirteen Glazed Seas into one, transforming into a large sea area! Luo Li used the method of destroying the true void and destroying the illusion, and the glass produced the sea!

This time it’s not the East China Sea, but the North Sea!

The Mysterious North Sea freezes the heaven and earth!

Following the Mysterious North Sea, the hundreds of cultivators of the Xunfeng Zhenlei Sect all froze instantly, their expressions were either surprised, unbelieving, doubtful, or fearful, but all of them froze in this instant!

Then with a roar, they all turned into ice slag and shattered the world!

Hundreds of cultivators, seven Jindan Zhenren, including people and treasures, the Jindan in their bodies, were shattered together and dissipated in the world!

Qihun Dao Tianshen Zhenren on the side opened his mouth wide, unable to believe it.

The battlefield within a hundred miles around seemed to stagnate, and all the cultivators in the battle were stunned by this blow and forgot to fight.

Luo Li smiled slightly, grabbed Tianshen Zhenren, used the Four Nine Escape Technique, and flashed in an instant, two hundred miles away!

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