Walk alone

Volume 3, Chapter 610: Fighting with Dharma for fun!

Before Luo Li could recover, a sword light came towards him. Following this, a heaven and earth Sanskrit sound sounded:

"Heaven and earth are impermanent, and all living beings will be killed."

The surging mana of the powerful Jindan Master poured into the sword light like a tide. The sword light burst into white light, and a tiger roar pierced the clouds and cracked the stone. In the sword light, a white tiger body looked up to the sky and howled wildly. The roar was huge. The tiger head has rushed out of the sword light!

The side sect Xingyi Sword Sect, a branch of Wanjian Sect, has the poem title in the sect: I only know the form and meaning of the spirit, and the true spirit enters the sword to kill the world! Specializing in sword spirit, he injects twelve spirit beasts such as bears, tigers, dragons, phoenixes and leopards into the sword to increase its supreme killing power.

This sword slashed out, the tiger roared and the dragon soared, it was very terrifying, and it went straight towards Luo Li!

That Jin Dan Zhenren merged his human sword into one, transformed into a sword, and slashed at Luo Li!

At the same time, Luo Li felt a weight on his body, and an invisible pressure covered the entire place. Everyone within a thousand feet felt their bodies tightening, as if they were being held by an invisible cover. Not only did their bodies suddenly become more than ten times heavier, , even breathing began to become unsmooth. The magic formula that circulates in the body at will is also stagnant at this moment, but the sword light is not affected by this gravity!

Three more people appeared in the distance, all of them were Jindan Zhenren. One of them cooperated with the Xingyi Sword Sect Jindan Zhenren to use the magic to create a true dragon wall earth cage!

This person is a monk from the Chongyuan Sect of the side sect. The disciples of this sect specialize in the gravity of the earth. The poem in the sect is called: The Chongyuan of the earth is overwhelming!

The other two people were also Jindan masters, but they did not take action. Looking here, in their eyes, Luo Li would definitely die!

But Luo Li just smiled coldly, and the sword light reached Luo Li. In an instant, Luo Li turned sideways, panned, turned left, squatted...

With only seven or eight tiny movements, the sword light passed Luo Li at that moment and returned without success!

This movement may seem small, but it is not simple. Every time he makes a movement, the opponent will activate several changes, and the sword light will slash towards Luo Li countless times, but Luo Li just moves slightly and quietly avoids the opponent's slashing. Then he moved with the trend to avoid the opponent's attack again.

This is a herring-scale killing. Luo Li's body is like a herring, swimming within a few inches, avoiding the opponent's terrifying attack at the moment of life and death.

The Xingyi Sword Sect Jindan Zhenren couldn't kill Luo Li with thirty-eight consecutive blows. In an instant, the sword light became too old and he had to escape far away. During this escape, there was a change. The sword light changed from a white tiger to a green dragon. He wanted to change his sword skills to kill Luo Li.

But it was too late. As soon as he retreated, Luo Li rose up with the momentum. A ray of light appeared in Luo Li's hand. The light flashed as if jumping through time and space. The sword that had just turned into a green dragon shone brightly. This was someone else's flying sword. Zhiguang Luoli used a move called Feiyu Qingxu Kill, which cut through time and space and injected it into the opponent's Qinglong Sword Light to crush the opponent's sword spirit.

The green dragon let out a mournful cry, and was immediately chopped into pieces by Luo Li's sword. The sword was still there, but the person died when the sword was broken! Xingyi Sword Sect Jindan Zhenren didn't even have time to scream. His whole body and his flying sword turned into a pool of blood mist in the void and splashed in all directions!

Seeing their friend being killed by Luo Li with a sword, the other three people yelled, and two of them rushed over.

The Chongyuan Sect Jindan Daoist increased the power of his spell, and the True Dragon Wall Earth Cage exploded with all its strength. Immediately Luo Li felt as if his body had doubled in weight and it was difficult to move!

Killing a strong enemy with one move, Luo Li inhaled sharply, raised his hands as if he were holding a huge weight, and then the weight fell down, as if he was carrying it on his back. This action was like a turtle carrying its shell! Then Luo Li turned around in a circle, roared loudly, and hit the ground hard with his hands!

The Seventy-Three Killers of the Glazed Sea, the Spin Turtle Yuan Magnetic Kill!

The Spin Turtle's Yuan Magnetic Killing uses the ancient Spin Turtle to control the power of Yuan Magnetic. The killing move produced by the Spin Turtle, the gravity of the earth, is a kind of the power of Yuan Magnetic!

The golden elixir master of Chongyuan Sect used the gravity of the earth to turn the land thousands of feet into a dungeon.

Luo Li did the opposite, using the power of the spinning turtle's magnetism to instantly inject it into the opponent's spell, controlling the opponent's gravity frequency, and at this moment, creating several gravity fluctuations.

These gravity fluctuations are either opposite or the same as the True Dragon Wall Earth Cage used by the disciples of the Chongyuan Sect. They repel the same sex and attract the opposite sex, which suddenly disrupts the rhythm of the Golden Core Master's control of the earth.

Luo Li's fierce blow cut off the key point of the opponent's spell, and then with one move, the real dragon wall earth cage spread all over the thousands of feet in radius, and immediately backfired, focusing on the golden elixir master. Suddenly he screamed and his body collapsed. , flesh and blood splattered, but a bit of golden light flew up instantly and escaped far away.

This golden elixir master dies, but the golden elixir escapes. If everything goes well, he will start reincarnation and rebuild, and embark on the path of immortality again.

The other two people were shocked. Luo Li couldn't do anything but kill them!

They looked at Luo Li and saw that Luo Li was standing three feet high in the sky. His clothes were not blowing in the wind, and his robes were faintly revealing countless pure white lights. His whole person seemed to be as pure and unfiltered as the highest quality. The precious jade exudes the awe-inspiring majesty of a god.

One of them gritted his teeth and was about to run away, while the other shouted: "Kill him and avenge your brother!"

When the man heard this, he shouted: "Okay, give it to me! Come out, the magic weapon of the ten directions!"!

In an instant, ten golden-armored gods appeared beside him, emitting endless light. However, if you look closely, you can find that there is a fishy smell in these golden-armored gods, and there are zombies inside the golden armors!

When Luo Li saw this person, he frowned and said, "Zi Sha Sect?"

This Jindan Zhenren is a monk of the Corpse Demon Sect. The side sect of the Corpse Corpse Sect was founded by the rebellion of the Undead Sect. The poem in the sect is titled: Immortal Immortal, True Demon Reinforces the Divine Weapon!

The disciples of this sect specialize in the way of zombie immortals. Zombies are inherently evil and extremely filthy. They do the opposite, using evil spirits to use zombies as the main core. On top of zombies, they absorb filth and nourish the corpse. The evil spirits transform into spiritual beings, and they are sacrificed and refined into immortal weapons and divine armors.

The Jindan Master was afraid that he could not summon the ten magic weapons. He bit his fingers and shouted: "Urgent like a law, burn the corpse with fire for thousands of years!"

The most evil spell in this sect is to burn corpses with fire. Zombies are dead things and can exist for tens of millions of years. However, after being burned by the evil spirit fire, the zombie's original lifespan of tens of millions of years will suddenly disappear. In an instant, only a short moment, the burning lifespan turned into endless power and was injected into the zombie's body.

This is a magic created by the Corpse Evil Sect’s fusion of the Seven Killing Sect’s seventeen ultimate killing methods. With this magic, their ancestors rebelled against the Undead Sect and were not exterminated by the Undead Sect in the end. However, some people say that the Undead Sect used them for experiments. , see if this approach is feasible.

The ten divine soldiers immediately erupted with endless aura. The aura was equivalent to the Nascent Soul True Monarch. They were so angry that they rushed towards Luo Li! At the same time, another Jindan Daoist disappeared in an instant, and then a sword light appeared, secretly hiding behind these magic weapons!

This sword light did not emit a flash of cold light, and it did not have earth-shattering momentum. It was a simple slash, but the power of the sword was full of energy, thick and solid.

Luo Li had just been ambushed from a distance. Many monks who were fighting now turned around and ran away when they saw this scene. A ruthless person is here, so run away!

Looking at the ten zombies rushing towards him, Luo Li smiled, and with a slight movement, he used Ripple Qingping to kill!

These zombies are lifeless, and the power of this explosion is completely uncontrollable. Unlike the Seven Kills Sect, although they also have an explosion, they are following the path of death cultivation, and the power is under their control!

Ripple Qingping Kill was like ripples sent out one after another. Among these ripples, Luo Li punched fiercely!

This blow was like a big ripple appearing. With this punch, the big ripple reached the ten magic soldiers, and they were like a burst, as if they had spent a hundred breaths in an instant.

Yes, this is a wonderful use of time. Luo Li let these ten magic weapons spend a hundred breaths of time in just an instant. This is an application of the heavenly law of time, and it is Luo Li's realization after seeing the time iron! At the time of the Seven Kills Sect's assassination, he had not yet mastered it.

Time is like running water, and a hundred breaths pass by in an instant, but the burst time of these ten magic weapons is only seventy breaths, so they let out a roar, turned into ten flying ashes, and dissipated in the world!

At this time, the sword light reached three feet in front of Luo Li, and with one slash, Luo Li was about to be killed!

Suddenly, hundreds of light ribbons rose from the ground, like octopus tentacles, grabbing at the sword light!

Liulihai's twenty-sixth giant kill chapter, Ten Thousand Touch Kills!

Under the light of the sword, these tentacles were immediately chopped into pieces one by one! But more tentacles are born!

Next to Luo Li, the sky is blue and the water is vast. Behind him, there are thousands of tentacles. Those tentacles are made of light and look like the tentacles of an octopus. In the wave of these tentacles, the light of the sword chopped into hundreds of pieces. , finally lost its sharpness, and then was entangled by the tentacles, pulled hard, and disappeared!

The Jindan Master of the Corpse Evil Sect in the distance was immediately startled. He turned around and was about to run away!

Luo Lizhong slapped his hand!

Seventy-one, kill the treasure ship and cross the sea to kill!

But I saw a golden boat breaking through the huge waves, rushing over, and then turned into a giant palm of golden light, and fell down all of a sudden!

The golden elixir master couldn't help but exclaimed: "Ah..." As he screamed, the golden light giant palm pressed down on him like a mountain, and turned him into a pile of powder on the spot. Suddenly, there was a giant palm print several feet deep in the Qingshi Square.

But after a palm, light flashed, and Luo Li got a golden elixir in the light. He deliberately stopped his hand and kept the golden elixir to refine the virtual spirit golden elixir!

The golden elixir master who was pulled back into the sea of ​​tentacles also left behind a golden elixir. In addition to the golden elixir, there was also their storage magic weapon.

It's a pity that nothing was left of the first Jindan Zhenren, and he was completely destroyed in body and soul.

Luo Li looked at their stored magic weapons, nodded and said, "What a fat sheep!"

Then he looked at the melee in all directions, and an exciting feeling came to his mind.

Luo Li couldn't help but said: "It's so lively, I'm here!"

Then he rushed towards the most chaotic place. How could we not fight in such a chaotic battle? Fishing in troubled waters and killing happily is what we want!

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