Walk alone

Volume 3 Chapter 609: Hao Jie uses his sword to fight Zhong Xuan!

With the word "Sail Wind" sounding, the thirty-six runes on the huge pyramid immediately lit up, and then outside Chongxuan Sect, with a radius of thousands of miles, billions of scimitar-like colorless energy condensed in the void. Luo Li could even feel the extremely sharp light flashing on the curved air blade.

Seeing the wind blade together, the monks who besieged Zhongxuan Sect all felt despair in their hearts. The colorless scimitar flying back and forth all over the sky formed a miserable and beautiful formation in the sky!

In this ocean of wind blades, there was almost nothing that could stop the ubiquitous colorless wind blades. Luo Li looked at the huge Tyrannosaurus Rex puppet and the flying Nine Heavens Palace, which was split into pieces under the wind blade scimitar. Countless paragraphs. Those puppets were shattered inch by inch in this knife net!

Heavy Hammer Shinichi smiled coldly and continued:

"Thunder..." On the pyramid, another rune was activated, and dots of golden lightning emerged, shining densely like stars in the sky.

The lightning that fell like a meteor shower blasted in all directions with a wonderful arc, blooming everywhere!

Boom, boom, boom! When the first divine thunder exploded, the only sound echoed between heaven and earth. In the roar of thunder, various magical weapons radiated, and the sword energy of the divine sword bloomed with the last brilliant light. Seeing the brilliant light being wiped out one by one in the thunder, there was a kind of cruel beauty. Between life and death, in the distance in the void, a huge pillar of air rises. This is the pillar of scattered spiritual energy left behind when the True Master of Transformation God died!

In addition, there are constant spiritual explosions appearing, and shock waves rise and disperse in all directions!

That was the scattered spirit energy explosion left by True Lord Nascent Soul when he died in battle.

Everyone present was once again dumbfounded. They didn't expect that Chongxuan Sect was so powerful that they didn't even need to take action. Just relying on the power of the magic circle, they could attack a group of enemies in the future and beat them to pieces. At least with just one attack, there was a god, seven A Nascent Soul Lord dies!

Heavy Hammer Shinichi didn't care. He continued:

On the pyramid, another rune was activated, and another large-scale spell was about to be used.

There are a total of thirty-six runes on this pyramid, representing thirty-six sect strategic level destruction spells. This is just the beginning. It seems that all the invading enemies will die here.

What Zhu Quan is basically called to see the hot lots, in order to promote the invincible power of Chongxuan Sect.

But something clicked in Luo Li's heart. Ordinary monks don't know the details of Chongxuan Sect. How can those big sects not know about it? At least the Naluo crisis is over here. All the sects who attacked Chongxuan Sect have their seniors here. How could you not know the power of these magic circles?

Luo Li drew an arc in his heart, and after saying the word "Destroy" of the heavy hammer, the runes were activated, but no spell appeared!

Everyone was stunned, watching as the pyramid slowly descended and returned to the ground again, disappearing without a trace. The Chongxuan Sect's world-destroying earth fire formation collapsed without any attack.

At the same time, the mountain-protecting formation outside Fangshi also collapsed. This collapse was inexplicable - you could tell at a glance what the inner ghost had done!

From the appearance of the Earth Fire Formation and the simultaneous release of the four major spells, to the collapse of the Formation and the collapse of the Mountain Guard Formation, all within ten breaths, leaving no one able to react. What on earth is going on?

At this moment, a voice sounded from the Eight True Ones of Chongxuan Sect:

"Evil disciple, evil disciple, you betrayed the master, betrayed the master, what do you want to do!"

The one who spoke was clearly one of the Eight Great True Ones of the Chongxuan Sect, Faming True One, who led the Tiancheng lineage. Unexpectedly, his disciples rebelled!

Master Xuanpu was stunned and said: "The fake immortal Taoist disciple of Patriarch Fa Ming is actually the True Master of Transformation God. He is responsible for the maintenance of the Chongxuan Sect's magic circle. He, he betrayed the master?"

A voice sounded outside the magic circle: "Master, it's not that the apprentice betrayed the master! It's that the apprentice's path in Chongxuan Sect has ended!

Master, in another hundred years, if I cannot become the True One, I will not be reincarnated, and my body and soul will be completely destroyed. Master, you can still enjoy ten thousand years. I have less than a hundred years to live. I don’t want to die, and I want to continue to live. , I have no choice but to betray, they will give me the supreme secret, at least I can still exist for a thousand years..."

Fa Mingzhen flashed out of sight for an instant, and then five hundred miles away, endless light erupted, and shock waves appeared one after another. This was the terrifying fluctuation caused by the return to the void and the aura leaking out.

There were constant roars, and the last mushroom cloud rose, covering a radius of thirty miles without any grass growing.

In fact, when Hui Xu Zhen took action, everything was calm and no blade of grass was harmed. They understood the way of heaven and had reached the ultimate level of control over power.

There is only one possibility for such an explosion to occur. Someone was injured and could not control his breath, so it was leaked.

In the blink of an eye, Fa Mingzhenyi returned. His body was covered with blood. He held a human head in his hand. Then he raised the head high and said:

"The traitor and fake immortal, who abandoned his master and became a traitor to the Chongxuan Sect, has been killed by me!

The less you want to die, the sooner you will die. If you rebel again, you will end up with the same fate! "

At this time, a pillar of true vitality exploded in the distance, and it turned out to be a pillar of scattered spiritual energy. Fa Mingzhen killed the rebellious disciple among the ten thousand soldiers, but he was surrounded by several Return to the Void True One, and must have been injured, so he had all kinds of final blows. The power leaks out, causing all kinds of terrible fluctuations.

In the first round, the fight was over, with both sides winning or losing, but Chongxuanzong's trump card was destroyed by the insider, and he was at a disadvantage.

The inner ghost had no chance until the Earth Fire Formation was activated, so he started to send various evil skeleton ghosts to attack in order to attract the Earth Fire Formation to activate. Who knew that the Earth Fire Formation was so powerful that it could only be activated in ten breaths. Just destroy all foreign aid.

The earth-shattering God Transformation Drum in the distance continued to sound. In the sound of the drum, countless monks were looming, and now they directly took off their masks and prepared to take action.

Among them, there are fifty or sixty from the side sect, and hundreds from the left side. They are all dispatched by various majors who have issued summons orders. In addition, this Chongxuan Sect is too fat and rich, and everyone wants to take a bite.

Loose cultivators are even more incalculable. Many of them are disciples from major majors. They are here in disguise. How can you see a rainbow without going through wind and rain? Without a sharp battle, they are just flowers in the greenhouse. For an awesome genius, only after a hundred battles can you see them. , only then can you become talented, and dying in battle means nothing. Participating in the battle here is also a kind of trial.

Many sects who came to participate in the war, whether they were aiding or attacking, actually had this mentality and trained their troops with Xuanzong.

Heavy Hammer Shinichi said slowly: "Strong enemies are coming, please invite reinforcements from all walks of life!"

Following his words, an endless sea of ​​flowers appeared in the southeast. This was the great formation of the Fragrant Jieyu Sect. There was a roar in the northwest, and a giant appeared. It was the supreme Taoist. This was the Tao Demon formation of the Hunyuan Sect. , the war song from the northeast rang: "Tian Xing Jian, a gentleman strives for self-improvement!" Tian Xing Jianzong took action.

Chonghammer Shinichi suddenly said: "Anyone who helps me in the Chongxuan Sect, the rewards mentioned above will be doubled and tripled!

For all the monks who help me regain the Xuanzong, Zhenzhen Zhenzhen will give you a sixth-level magic weapon and tens of millions of spiritual stones. True Monarch Nascent Soul will reward you with a fifth-level magic weapon and five million spiritual stones. Master Jindan will reward you with a fourth-level magic weapon and millions of spiritual stones. Jizhenxiu will reward you with a third-level magic weapon and three hundred thousand spirit stones! "

As soon as he said this, there must be a brave man who will be rewarded. There was an uproar everywhere, and countless people responded.

Following the words of Heavy Hammer Shinichi, the Endless Flag Qi Pillar appeared in the southwest, and the Out of Body Sect took action. The Endless Escape Light rose in the north, and the God Escape Sect took action. These sects, seeing the enemy's strength, flinched a little. When they heard the reward, Times, come out to fight immediately.

The first one to take action was the Taoist Master of the Hunyuan Sect. Endless spiritual light erupted from his body and he instantly began to fire spells at the powerful enemies in the distance!

"Tongtian Peak, explode into the sky!"

"Sea of ​​Glazed Glass·Through Armor Glazed Cannon!"

"Golden Pagoda, armor-piercing pursuit of souls and killing!"

"The flames of all hells will be destroyed by the falling flames from the nine heavens!"

Above the Taoist Master, endless spells erupted. Those spells roared out like a sea of ​​light, cleaning everything within hundreds of miles in front of him, where flesh and blood rolled and screams continued.

Those spells, endless spells, are as if they don’t consume vitality at all. They are endless and can destroy the world!

The leader of the eight qi of Hunyuan Sect, is this a false reputation?

At this point the war started, and immediately there were battles coming from other directions!

Suddenly, the earth roared, and thirty-six illusory places appeared in the huge city of Chongxuan Sect, and then countless monks began to rush out from there.

Master Xuan Pu scolded: "Sealing Dragon Sect, this is the Dragon Sealing Sect's art of war! How dare the little Dragon Sealing Sect be my enemy!"

When the monks arrived, the battle began immediately!

There were sounds of fighting everywhere, flames everywhere, and fluctuations of sword light and magic weapons everywhere.

Master Xuanpu stood up and said: "Luo Li, come with me. Let's go back to the mountain gate of Xuanzong. The fundamental mountain protection formation there is still there!"

On the VIP stage, most of the Chongxuan Sect monks stood up and began to retreat steadily, except for the eight Returning to the Void True One, sitting there motionless.

Seeing the retreat of these Chongxuan Sect monks, Luo Li frowned. He walked calmly and did not dodge in the battle formation. It seemed that Chongxuan Sect had a trump card!

Luo Li immediately followed Master Xuanpu. As long as he followed him into the Chongxuan Sect Mountain Gate, he would be safe there. In addition, there seemed to be countless treasures there...

But as soon as they walked out of Baizhang, the ground in front of them darkened, as if something fell. Master Xuanpu shouted: "No, the eagle sent by Tianqin sent thousands of miles to fly down to the mortal world! Be careful, there is a strong enemy attack!"

In an instant, Master Xuanpu disappeared, and this guy escaped. At this time, a group of people fell above the nine heavens. They were monks from the side sect Tianqin Sect. Under the leadership of three Nascent Soul Masters, they entered the Chongxuan Sect.

There was no Nascent Soul Lord beside Master Xuanpu. There were three of them. Master Xuanpu ran away first. How unscrupulous!

Luo Li immediately escaped, and with a Four-nine Escape Technique, he disappeared without a trace!

But just as Luo Li stood firm, a flying sword was immediately surrounding him, slashing towards his head. There was also a shadow underground, hiding in the shadow, rushing towards Luo Li.

Luo Li took action, and the five mountains came out to protect him. All the flying swords and shadows returned in vain. But on the other side, a divine thunder struck, and on the other side, dozens of talismans turned into flames and headed straight for the door.

Luo Li flashed again, and under his divine eyes, he immediately arrived as far as he could see. He teleported three hundred feet away, his divine eyes dimmed, and the next teleportation would take ten breaths.

Luo Li disappeared, but the fighting continued over there. Luo Li was gone. The flying sword, the divine thunder, and the flames turned around and blasted towards the opponent.

Looking at the past, the entire Chongxuan Sect was in chaos, everything was in chaos!

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