Walk alone

Volume 3, Chapter 608: Sect Battle: Earth, Fire and Wind!

"Leave no one alive, kill them all!"!

The huge sound of Dharma shouts spread all over the world, as if there is only one voice in this world, that is, killing without mercy. Looking over, I can see Dharma flags rolling in all directions, all the energy boiling, countless figures flashing, lights and shadows flickering, the entire Chongxuan Sect is surrounded It is blocked inside and out, just like an iron bucket, water cannot drain out.

The war drums rumbled, "Boom, boom, boom". Above the void, thirteen strange war drums were beaten vigorously by the thirteen Nascent Soul Masters!

Following the sound of the drum, sound waves visible to the naked eye spread in all directions. The land of the mountain gods in the Chongxuan Mountains was driven by the sound of the drum to dissipate one by one and was in a paralyzed state.

Those forbidden magic circles that were not destroyed by the catastrophe were extinguished one by one amidst the sound of the drums, and they were all dim!

Luo Li looked at the big drum in surprise, and Master Xuanpu on the side said: "The Demon Transformation Sect, the earth-shattering Divine Transformation Drum! It is the remains of gods and demons among the ancient gods and demons, refined into a drum. Once this drum is sounded, it can break all kinds of magic. !”

Luo Li looked at the drum, it was indeed amazing!

With the sound of the drums, in all directions of Zhongxuanzong, in the clouds of the sky, countless figures flickered, and countless monks gathered here. The weakest was Jindan Zhenren. These people laid down layers of magic formations and pressed towards Zhongxuanzong.

The ones rushing at the front were not people, but countless skeletons, demonic generals, green-haired walking corpses, flying ghosts, evil ghosts and demon kings...

In the distance, someone set up a summoning array and began to summon these skeleton ghosts infinitely, driving them to consume the mountain-protecting array of Chongxuan Sect. At a glance, there were millions of people all over the sky, surrounding the Chongxuan Sect from all directions.

These skeletons and evil spirits have a layer of golden protective armor, which is the Great Sun True Sun Shield of the Sun Palace. Originally this was the best spell to exorcise evil spirits, but now it is equipped with these skeleton evil spirits to protect them. Protect yourself from Taoist attacks.

Under the True Sun Shield, there are countless green auras hidden in their bodies, as if there are countless flies and corpse insects crawling in their bodies. This is a poisonous plague, which is extremely contagious.

Behind these summoned evil skeletons are demons and heretics!

The demons of the outer realm, the rulers above the nine heavens and in the green underworld, have the mission of invading all the major worlds at all times, and the purpose of their existence is to burn the demons in the major worlds. When they encounter fire, they become fire demons, and when they encounter water, they become water demons and wind demons. He becomes a wind demon, and when he encounters soldiers, he becomes a Shura demon. The changes are endless.

These heavenly demons are originally the enemies of all the main worlds. As long as they enter the big world, they will be automatically eliminated by the laws of heaven in the big world. However, these demons were actually recruited from the nine heavens by the attackers, and they fell into the laws of heaven in the main world. The law turns a blind eye, and behind the evil skeleton ghost, there are millions of people, boundless, killing Zhong Xuanzong!

The most terrifying thing about these demons is that they are burning and fighting with them. If you are not careful, you will be infected by the demonic energy and the demonic poison will enter your body and turn into a human demon, which is difficult to remove.

Fortunately, under the Demon Lord, who believes in the method of natural elimination, the demons and demon cultivators attack each other. Otherwise, if the demon monks and the demons join forces, it will be difficult to defend any world and the terrifying demon invasion will occur.

There are countless heavenly demons in the outer realm, but among them there are ninety-nine strongest races, namely the heavenly demons and heretics. Unexpectedly, in this battle, the opponent actually summoned two heretics, the Red Fire Warrior Chief and the Yuan-Swallowing Centipede!

The red fire warrior leader is a humanoid life, but the whole body is made of flames. As long as they fight with one heart and their fighting spirit is not extinguished, their spirit will turn into red fire, drive the fighting body, and fight bravely forever, and this red fire will never be extinguished. As long as more warriors gather together, the red fire will become stronger. As the old saying goes, the red fire burns the plains for millions of miles, and if there are more than ten thousand warriors, they will be invincible!

Fortunately, there are only sixteen Red Fire War Chiefs so far, otherwise it would be a catastrophe.

The Yuan-Swallowing Centipede is a huge flying demon, covered with heavy armor, which can resist endless attacks. They exist as a means of transportation among the demons in the outer world. They can open their mouths and swallow millions of soldiers.

These millions of heavenly demons are three yuan-swallowing centipedes that have been swallowed in the outer realm. They don't know how to avoid the heavenly scan of the Zhongtian Lord's world and appear here.

After this demonic heretic, there are huge machine puppets, giant flying fortresses walking on the earth, metal Tyrannosaurus puppets that are a hundred feet high, chariots that escape the ground, ghost vehicles that flicker and jump from time to time, countless Plan, they are the third wave of main attackers!

Further on, there are those monks who are hidden in the clouds and mist emanating from the formation. These monks can't stop casting spells, meteors and fire rain, nine days of ice, meteorite explosions, earth cows turning over, vicissitudes of the sea, nine thunders hitting the top, all kinds of large The sect's strategic spells, driven one by one, endless attacks, burst out!

Faced with such a terrible attack, many monks present turned pale and retreated one by one. Some had already begun to run away and hide, some had their eyes wandering around, intending to abandon the darkness and turn to the light, and surrender to the monks outside. Some gritted their teeth and were unyielding. Prepare for war!

Luo Li's scalp was numb when he saw it. Under this tight siege, the Dao Demon Formation of Tianya Patriarch and others could completely kill them, but he could not kill them by himself even if he died of exhaustion.

Luo Li couldn't help but start to look around. He decided to follow Xuanpu closely and follow him. It was absolutely right.

Suddenly Luo Li discovered that Master Xuanpu was looking at these skeleton demons, demon heretics, and machine puppets with a little interest!

The skeleton ghost had already rushed to the outer protective formation of Fang City. It turned out that Chongxuan Zongfang City was! The gold-walled city wall emitted endless golden light and raised a shield to protect Chongxuan Zongfang City and the mountain gate inside. Watertight.

Many skeleton ghosts desperately attacked the city wall, but under their attacks, the city wall was unscathed. It also contained rebound damage spells. Some skeleton ghosts were rebounded by their own attack spells and were destroyed silently. Lose.

Master Xuanpu watched with gusto and showed no nervousness or fear at all. Luo Li was moved in his heart and asked:

"Senior Xuanpu, I think you are very confident, as if this attack is nothing to Chongxuan Sect?"

Master Xuanpu looked at Luo Li and was silent for a long time, and finally said: "Hunyuan Sect is also a loyal sect, so it doesn't hurt to tell you!"

Then Master Xuanpu continued: "I, the founder of Chongxuan Sect, was originally a craftsman in the craftsman's workshop of the Xianqin Empire. I refined various offensive and defensive magic weapons for the Fire War Fort, the defensive fortress of the Xianqin Empire. This large-scale Sect-level battles best reflect the value of my Chongxuan Sect!”

After saying this, Luo Li was stunned and said: "The Earth Fire Battle Fort, the defensive fortress of the Xian Qin Empire?"

Master Xuanpu laughed and said: "Everyone in the world thinks that our Chongxuan Sect established a sect here just for the Earth Fire here, but they don't know why the Earth Fire was born, because this is the Earth Fire Battle Fort, the defensive fortress of the Xianqin Empire!

With this relic of Xian Qin, they still want to destroy the defense of our Chongxuan Sect. I really don’t know what they think? "

Luo Li said: "The ruins of Immortal Qin? Under the Chongxuan Sect, it turned out to be the Fire War Castle, the ruins of Immortal Qin?"

Master Xuanpu continued: "Yes, but the immortal magic is so powerful. We can only drive 1% of the power of this Earth Fire Battle Fort, but this 1% of power is enough. In the case of Luo Zhinan, you know How did it end?"

Luo Li shook his head and said, "I don't know, could it be..."

Master Xuanpu said: "Yes, Demon Emperor Naluo's cross-border projection, plus 300 million demon soldiers, were led here. I, Chong Xuanzong, will drive the Earth Fire Battle Fort to destroy them all!"

Luo Li said: "So this is how Luo Zhinan was eliminated?"

Master Xuanpu shook his head and said: "Demon King Luo led 300 million demon soldiers and was surrounded by 127 Returners from the World of Heavenly Lords in our world. Let's fight!

Under my Chongxuan Sect's magic formation, 300 million demonic soldiers were wiped out. However, for some reason, at the critical moment, Demon Emperor Luo and his three thousand imperial guards were summoned from across the border and escaped. I still don't know who saved him. them.

Okay, okay, let’s go, let’s go! "

Following the words of Master Xuanpu, the Heavy Hammer Shinichi among the eight major Xuanzong Returning to the Void True One spoke:

"The ancestors of the Chongxuan Sect are above me. I, the Chongxuan Sect, dominate the world and guard one side of the human world. However, I was framed by villains and countless sects from outside the realm came to attack!

For the sake of glory, for the ancestors, and for the future, Chongxuan disciples will not hesitate to die. I will live in Chongxuan, and I will die in Chongxuan. Please ask the Patriarch to give you a method to activate the Chongxuan Earth Fire War Fort Mountain Protection Formation! "

Whoever followed his words, a pillar slowly rose behind him. This pillar was in the shape of a pyramid, about a hundred feet high, resplendent with gold and green, and each side was engraved with thirty-six runes!

Heavy Hammer Shinichi, when he saw the pyramid rising, he thought lightly!

"Earth..." Although the voice was small, it resounded throughout the sky. Following his words, one of the thirty-six runes on the pyramid lit up! The Chongxuan Sect within a radius of dozens of miles was covered in dim yellow, and the entire world suddenly seemed to be condensed into an extremely solid entity. Everyone felt as if they were being pressed by the mountain falling from the sky. The extremely heavy pressure instantly caused more than 50% of the people to fall to the ground.

The evil skeleton ghosts surrounding Zhong Xuanzong were immediately crushed and turned into ashes at the sound of the word "地"!

But there are also some Wan Da Yaksha, evil ghost demon kings, who bear this pressure. But with the word "earth", countless hands seem to come out from under the earth and pull them into the earth. Dust returns to dust, and dust returns to dust. Return home!

With one blow, all the millions of skeleton demons were wiped out!

"Fire..." Heavy Hammer Shinichi's voice echoed in the sky again. No one dared to ignore this voice now. The clouds slowly turned from dim yellow to red, and the air suddenly became hot. In just a few breaths, a thousand miles around turned into a sea of ​​fire. This fire was designed to break through demonic energy. Those demons and heretics did not even scream in the flames, they just melted and deformed.

After the flames, all the millions of heavenly demons were destroyed. There were still five of the sixteen red fire warriors and one element-swallowing centipede. However, in this red lotus fire, they were protected from being discovered by the laws of heaven in the world of Zhongtian Lord. All restrictions were destroyed!

For a moment, the five red fire warriors, as well as the Yuan-swallowing centipede, began to circle in confusion, and then the flames rose up on them, and were automatically cleared by the laws of heaven in the world of Zhongtian Lord.

"Wind..." the third word sounded!

After lying down all day, I finally felt a little energetic at night, so I wrote two chapters.

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