Walk alone

Volume 3 Chapter 605 One step away from seeing old friends again! (Happy Double Holidays to everyone

■Li Li ran away. He originally thought that the Time Iron was an ownerless thing, but after looking around carefully, he gradually discovered that there were thirty-six Time Irons here, seemingly floating randomly, everywhere. In fact, thirty-six The Time Iron is a kind of formation that reaches the sky. This Time Iron is probably owned by someone, and it might be an important killer move of Chongxuan Sect.

However, Luo Li replaced him and wanted to send it back. It is easier to ask a god than to send a god. It is simply impossible. In addition, if this thing is exposed, the other party will probably not be kind and the purpose will end there. Maybe he will be killed immediately and silenced. The most important thing is What's more, if you have such a treasure in your own hands and then give it away to others, you are not a human being but a saint!

Luo Li finally decided not to say anything and put the treasure honestly in his pocket. There is neither magic circle protection nor agency protection here. This treasure is simply thrown on the street and picked up casually. Even if I take it here, no one comes to protect it. It seems that this thing was probably arranged by Chongxuan Sect tens of thousands of years ago. The current Chongxuan Sect disciples have all forgotten.

So be it, anyway, in a hundred thousand years, those substitute iron sands will turn into time iron!

Luo Li returned to his residence, holding the iron box and wondering about the time iron inside. He didn't know what the use of this thing was.

I spent so much effort to get this thing, what is the use of it?

As if feeling the breath of the Time Iron, the Book of Creation suddenly changed, revealing a green light. The page that originally recorded the Tianlangqing Sanguang Dongming Time Iron had some extra writing. This was the magical function of the Time Iron.

"Tianlangqing Sanguang Cave Mingguang Yin Iron can be used to refine the Cave Heaven Blessed Land to give it the characteristics of time. It can be used to refine spiritual treasures. It can inject the law of time into it. It can be used to advance to the realm and absorb the time and heavenly law in it...

But the most valuable thing about this treasure is its two great abilities.

One is to collect the earth dragon and hide the spiritual veins. A piece of time iron can extract a medium-sized spiritual vein from the earth and store it in the time iron. Then this time iron can be injected into any magic weapon, which is equivalent to Injecting a medium-sized spiritual vein into the magic weapon will cause the magic weapon to mutate and give birth to endless power.

The second is an important material for refining the Heart of Nirvana. The Heart of Nirvana is the most powerful holy medicine for healing. When you are seriously injured and on the verge of death, after using it, the flames of Nirvana will appear on your body, and the injured person will be reborn and reincarnated within three breaths. Resurrection once. This time, the person who is resurrected and treated in the flames of Nirvana will experience changes in the body from small to large, and can re-choose his own cultivation methods and reshape his body. This treasure is the most precious treasure of Xian Qin. "

Seeing this, Luo Li didn't pay attention to the earth-collecting dragon and hidden spiritual veins, but Luo Li was very excited about the nirvana.

The strongest thing about this heart of nirvana is not the power of healing, but the time of treatment. The person undergoing treatment can experience the changes in the body from small to large, and can re-choose the exercises and reshape the body. This is equivalent to being reborn. It can make up for all the regrets of the past. No amount of spiritual stones can buy this.

You must know that there is no regret medicine in the world, and this heart of nirvana is the regret medicine!

Luo Li immediately decided that all the time iron should be refined into the heart of nirvana. He could eat it and start over again. He would practice the Xiantian Taiyi Doumu Yiqi Jue from the beginning and eliminate all the mistakes and flaws he had in his previous cultivation. make up.

Moreover, you can give one of this elixir to Master, Brother Qizhu, and Brother Tiandu. If Senior Mu Shen sells him one, he will probably buy it, and he will have to exchange it for at least a ninth-level magic weapon!

Luo Li calculated for a long time and was really happy. He carefully searched for the method of refining the Heart of Nirvana, but there was no record at all here. After searching, he found that the method of refining was found in the Book of Heaven Creation.

Luo Li couldn't help but frown. There was no treasure and couldn't be used. Forget it, let's put it away first. I wonder where can I find this land-making book?

With something on his mind, Luo Li couldn't sit still at all, so he wandered around again. In the main hall, many Hunyuan Sect monks were here, and everyone was still talking about Bafang Lingbao Sect.

Luo Li also joined the discussion and immediately learned the news. Although the Bafang Lingbao Sect was severely damaged, it was completely destroyed. Although there was no return to the void in this sect, the sect had a profound foundation and actually raised a new one. People and horses, rebuild the mountain gate.

Luo Li couldn't help but shake his head. He didn't expect that the Bafang Lingbao Sect was not destroyed. It seemed that the treasures in the shop would probably be taken away by them. He was happy for nothing.

But Luo Li didn't care. Those things, whether I get them or lose my life, Luo Li doesn't care at all.

It happened that True Lord Lilong was also chatting here. Luo Li went over to chat and asked casually: "Master, I received a reward from the Chongxuan Sect, which is the Book of Heaven Creation from the Shenwei Sect, but I can't read it. I heard that this book is still available. I wonder if the founder knows about the other two volumes and whose hands they are in?"

Zhenjun Lilong replied: "I really know this. There are three books in this Book of Heaven Creation. After the collapse of the Shenwei Sect, they happened to be resold by me. Two of them are in the Chongxuan Sect, one is the upper middle one, and the other one is in the Chongxuan Sect. In the Valley of Ten Thousand Demons.”

When Luo Li heard the news, his eyes lit up. It turned out that there was another heaven-creating book in Chongxuan Sect. It was the middle book and he had to get it!

After chatting for a long time, Luo Li took a break, returned to his Taichu Cave, and went to Taichufang City to see if the Bafang Lingbao Sect had any treasures in the store. !

When he got there, Luo Li first checked the transaction records. Yesterday, he didn't earn a single yellow-level spiritual item. Although Bafang Lingbao Sect might have evaded taxes in the past, at least it had income every day. Now this income is considered to be cut off.

Then Luo Li walked around outside the shops and immediately discovered that there were many treasures in the shops. Although the Bafang Lingbao Sect did not destroy the sect, they did not take away the treasures.

Outside those shops, many customers were circling and watching, looking at the treasures inside, all of them drooling, but there was nothing they could do.

Suddenly, Luo Li got news that Liu Fan, the leader of Bafang Lingbao Sect, asked to see him!

Luo Li was stunned. Didn't Liu Fan die in the battle? Why are there still people asking to see me?

Luo Li immediately received him and teleported him to the Taichufang City Office Hall. When he saw the man, Luo Li's eyes lit up and he suddenly recognized that the man was Liu Yifan!

This person is Liu Yifan who traded with Luo Li last time in Jiuyou Ghost Sect! He was responsible for blocking the Liling Ghost Sect and seizing the Cat Blanca Market in the Nine Nether Ghost Sect. However, before dying, the Li Ling Ghost Saint gave a powerful blow and used Luo Li's attraction to send the Cat Blanca Market away. The encirclement finally took Luo Li's advantage, and Liu Yifan's efforts were in vain.

Since then, Liu Yifan's status in the Bafang Lingbao Sect has been declining, and he has been bullied. The rewards promised to Luo Li were secretly kept by others, causing him to leave without saying goodbye and leave Guizhou. Finally, there was news that he was sent to some kind of bitter cold. Even though Di is the true deity, he has been completely relegated to another book.

But who knew that a blessing in disguise was a blessing in disguise, and Liu Yifan escaped a fatal catastrophe. At the critical moment, he turned the tide and took up the banner of the Bafang Lingbao Sect again, so that the sect would not be destroyed.

Life is like this, thirty years to the east of the river, thirty years to the west of the river!

When Luo Li saw him, he pretended not to recognize him and said, "This guest, are you not Liu Fan, the master of Bafang Lingbao Sect?"

Liu Yifan said: "Hello boss, there are some problems in our sect, but this problem has been solved!

From today on, I am Liu Fan of Bafang Lingbao Sect, and I will inherit all the business of Bafang Lingbao Sect and Guifang City! "

Luo Li nodded and said: "When I signed the contract with Liu Fan, he seemed to have specifically limited a few conditions, one of which even had to be of the same bloodline. I don't know if you meet these conditions?"

Liu Yifan said: "Boss, please rest assured that I comply with all twenty-seven inheritance clauses set by my third uncle!"

After speaking, he took out a lot of talismans to prove his inheritance conditions.

Luo Li corresponded one by one, and all twenty-seven of them were consistent. Among them, the most difficult bloodline qualification was also consistent. This Liu Yifan and that Liu Fan were clearly related.

Luo Li said: "Okay, let me re-certify it. From today on, you will inherit all the authority of your noble sect Liu Fan, so that you can reopen those shops!"

Liu Yifan nodded and said, "Please support me, boss."

Luo Li said: "I heard that you were robbed?"

Liu Yifan nodded and said: "Oh, this catastrophe, it is really difficult to distinguish between friends and foes, and people's hearts are unpredictable! The allies who used to be considered best friends stabbed each other in the back and were the most ruthless!

The Four Seas Traveling Sect, which we thought were our mortal enemies in the past, turned out to be a critical moment. They saved us. Thank you boss for supporting us! "

After speaking, Liu Yifan took out four heaven-level spiritual objects and said, "Boss, this is the rent for the next four years. I'll pay it first!"

Luo Li was stunned. It seemed that when Liu Fan died in battle, he took out the innate spiritual treasure to pay the rent. Not many people knew about it.

Luo Li said: "Well, the head of your sect paid the rent before he died!"

After saying that, Luo Li took out the innate spiritual treasure and said: "This thing is valuable to the sect and has been mortgaged to me. After a hundred years, I will refund the difference, but I will not return this thing to you!"

Liu Yifan sighed and said: "As long as we can get back the authority and the treasures in the shop, this innate spiritual treasure, as long as the boss pays the price difference, we won't want it!

I, the third uncle, am mean and headstrong, but at critical moments, I can still stick to my heart when it comes to big things! "

Luo Li began to adjust the authority of Taichufang City, but a ray of light shone on Liu Yifan but could not be authenticated.

Luo Li and Liu Yifan were both stunned. What was going on? Why couldn't it be authenticated?

Liu Yifan started to check the original contract between Bafang Lingbao Sect and Taichufang City. He couldn't help but smile bitterly and said:

"Third uncle, third uncle!"

Then he looked at Luo Li and said, "Sorry to bother the boss. It seems that I cannot authenticate the authority of Bafang Lingbao Sect!"

Luo Li said: "Why?"

Liu Yifan said: "When the third uncle signed the contract with you, he was the True One of Returning to the Void, and I was the True Master of Transformation. Although the other twenty-seven conditions are met, my realm is not as good as the True One of Returning to the Void. I It is impossible to authenticate and retrieve permissions!

well! Could it be that God wants to destroy my Bafang Lingbao Sect! "

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