Walk alone

Volume 3 Chapter 606 The ceremony of worshiping heaven begins!

Hearing Liu Yifan say this, Luo Li was speechless! !

After a long time, Luo Li said: "This guest, if you are unable to obtain the inheritance qualification within ninety years, then after ninety years, when the lease contract expires, I will take back the ownership of all shops.

According to the agreement, I can keep all the things in the shop for you for another thirty years. After thirty years, if no one claims them, they will all become my property!

Therefore, this guest, you have one hundred and twenty years to take away these if you are promoted and returned to the void. If you cannot be promoted, our city will not recognize your inheritance qualifications. These properties belong to me. Please You remember! "

Liu Yifan's face turned pale and he said: "One hundred and twenty years, promotion and return to emptiness? It's not easy!"

Luo Li shook his head and said: "This is the contract signed with the leader of your sect and it cannot be changed. Although I am very much looking forward to harvesting so many treasures, I still want to see the rise of your sect. Please work hard !”

Liu Yifan gritted his teeth and said: "Work hard...work hard? Work hard!"

Then he left here. Luo Li let out a long breath. He had done his best. If he could be promoted to return to the void within one hundred and twenty years, Luo Li would let them take back everything here. But if he could not be promoted to return to the void , then everything here belongs to you.

There are as many as twenty-seven points in the recognition of authority. Other monks, even the Return to the Void True One, cannot satisfy it. Only Liu Yifan has this qualification. This invisible responsibility falls on Liu Yifan!

Looking at Liu Yifan's appearance, Luo Li shook his head slightly. This pressure was far greater than his motivation. With such heavy pressure, it would be even more difficult for Liu Yifan to be promoted and return to the void.

Luo Li let out a sigh of relief. Although there was no income in this market, in just one hundred and twenty years, he might be able to become richest in the world. Then it would be all worth it!

Luo Li returned to the world of Zhongtian Lord. After Mo Yanlan got the divine sword, she disappeared. He had not seen her refining the divine sword these days, and Luo Li missed her a little.

Just when Luo Li was thinking about it, Mo Yanlan suddenly appeared in Luo Li's field of vision, with a smile on her face. At that moment, she exuded endless beauty. The Hunyuan Sect disciples chatting around were all attracted to her!

Mo Yanlan walked to Luo Li and whispered: "Ninth level!"

What she was talking about was the level of the Shenxiao Taiyi Sword. It was surprisingly the ninth level sword. Luo Li's eyes were always filled with ecstasy. Looking at Mo Yanlan, he couldn't help but repeat: "Ninth level!"

Mo Yanlan nodded, and the two looked at each other with great joy, so happy!

Suddenly someone said: "Hey, there are so many brothers in public, you two are a bit too much!"

When he looked up, he saw that it was Senior Brother Wang Wu who was teasing the two of them.

Master Dafeng said: "I have seen it a long time ago. There is a problem between the two of you. Now look, hey, both the person and the person get the stolen goods!"

Senior Brother Qizhu said: "I knew that they had a relationship when they were in the outer sect. Look at these eyes, they are full of affection. It's over, it's over. Go back to Luo Li, Brother Luo, and quickly find the master to propose marriage to you!"

Master Beichuan said: "It seems that I need to prepare a gift money when I go back. When are you two planning to have a wedding? I don't know how much gift money to go with, you won't lose face!"

Among the many monks who came here, there were only two or three female monks. Only Mo Yanlan was the youngest, the most beautiful, and the most tender-skinned. Everyone took the opportunity to tease her vigorously.

Mo Yanlan's face suddenly turned red. She glanced at Luo Li secretly, then stood up and said, "Brother, you are so bad!"

After saying that, she fled back to her residence. Seeing Mo Yanlan escape, everyone laughed, and Senior Brother Wang Wu and others whistled.

Brother Qizhu grabbed Luo Li and said, "Yan Lan is a good boy, you can't let her down. That Fang Yingxue is a sect deal, and rights are higher than feelings. You are sacrificing for the Hunyuan Sect!"

But this Yanlan must never give up and don't make others sad! After you go back, I will ask Master to propose marriage for you! "

As soon as he said this, Luo Li was speechless. He slowly recalled how Mo Yanlan had always been kind to him and her feelings for him. Luo Li knew it in his heart!

Back in Nanhai, she said, "Junior brother Luo Li, if you want to leave the outer gate of Hunyuan Sect, remember to call me, me, me, I will go with you. Wherever you go, I will go with you!"

Luo Li will be remembered in his heart forever!

Luo Li felt warm in his heart when he thought of that scene!

But there was a tremor in his heart. He had known a lot of girls in his life, but after they got to know him, their fates all changed.

Luo Xin vanished into thin air, Su Caizhen turned ruthless, Fang Yingxue's interests outweighed her feelings, and Jinhua retreated into seclusion for thousands of years.

Everyone's destiny has completely changed. Although many people say that Luo Li is a disaster, Luo Li firmly refuses to admit it, but he is also guilty of conspiracy in his heart.

In Luo Li's heart, that Xuemei was his sister and relative. Ye Xiaoyu Luo Li didn't take it seriously at all. He had long forgotten that Huo Wumei and Huo Jiaoyang were friends. Luo Li really didn't want to bring an ominous fate to Mo Yanlan because of him and make this gentle woman suffer misfortune.

Alas, I wonder how Senior Sister Ruotong is doing now? After so many years, has she succeeded in cultivation? I wonder when she will return to the sect. Will she be proud of herself when she sees herself?

Luo Li found that what he thought about most was not Mo Yanlan, but Senior Sister Ruotong. Mo Yanlan was Luo Li's confidante. With one word or one look, both parties could understand each other's meaning, and Senior Sister Ruotong But it was the person Luo Li missed the most in his heart.

After thinking about it, Luo Li's thoughts dispersed, and suddenly a person appeared in his mind. It was the Sword God Ye Zhenyi!

That beautiful face, with long eyebrows and slanting eyebrows, sharp eyes, a nose as straight as a knife, facial features and eyebrows as clear as a knife carving, ice skin and jade skin, delicate and white, like condensed fat, she is a woman!

Luo Li hurriedly shook his head to dispel this thought. Although Ye Zhenren showed signs that he was a woman, he was still a man. No matter how much he looked like a woman, he was still a man. What was wrong with him? This is a very bad sign!

What are you thinking about? Just practice cultivation. The day of the Heaven Sacrifice Ceremony is coming soon!

Luo Li immediately went over to practice, forgetting these feelings in his heart. Time passed little by little, and finally arrived at the day of the Chongxuan Sect's grand ceremony!

As news spread about this heaven-sacrifice ceremony and the refining of ninth-level magic weapons, countless monks from sects gathered in Chongxuan Sect, and everyone came to watch the excitement.

Biao, who didn't know, came over to see the excitement of the Holy Scripture. Those who knew, came over to see if Chongxuan Sect would become the second Bafang Lingbao Sect. Countless monks gathered here with various purposes in mind.

This day was the beginning of the grand ceremony. Zhenzun Tianya summoned all the Hunyuan Sect disciples and said:

"Grandmaster Jin Sheng will not come back. This time the ceremony will be held by us!

According to the contract, if a strong enemy attacks, we will defend Chongxuan Sect from an incoming attack or a Return to the Void True One. However, everyone remembers that the contract is a contract and your life is yours. It is really dangerous, so we will escape immediately. "

Immediately all the disciples replied together: "Disciple understands!"

Zhenzun Tianya looked at Luo Li and said, "Luo Li, there is a lot of trouble here. I suggest you leave here immediately!"

The opponent's twenty-five people formed the Hunyuan formation, and Luo Li was the twenty-sixth person, the extra one!

Luo Li gritted his teeth. To be honest, he really didn't want to leave. Zhenzun Tianya said again: "If you really don't want to leave, then fine, you can represent our Hunyuan Sect and participate in this grand event.

If something really happens, you can hide in the mountain gate of Chongxuan Sect as a VIP. It will be safer than the outside. But if Chongxuan Sect is ruined, you will be in a desperate situation and you will not be able to escape even if you want to! "

Luo Li immediately said: "Master, it's okay, I master the Four-Nine Escape Technique, I'm not afraid!"

leave! How is it possible? How could such an exciting thing happen without me, Luo Li!

Zhenzun Tianya shook his head and said: "Every method in the world can be broken, and the Four-Nine Escape Method is not invincible!

However, every monk has his own opportunities. If you survive the danger, then your future is unlimited. If you cannot survive the danger, then this is what your destiny is. The sect is not an old woman who controls the heaven and the earth, life and death, everything. It's up to you!

But Luo Li, let me give you one last piece of advice: a monk only has one life, and he cannot be resurrected after he dies, so be careful! "

Luo Li said: "Yes, disciple understands!"

But he said in his heart: "Master, disciples have two lives, don't be afraid of death!"

In this way, Patriarch Tianya led his disciples to the designated defensive place, and Luo Li represented the Hunyuan Sect to participate in the ceremony.

This celebration was held in the central square of Fang City. In the past ten days, the surrounding buildings were moved away by magic in that square, which could gather a hundred thousand monks.

Countless monks gather here. On one side of the square is the VIP seat, where there is feasting and feasting, and there are first-class thrones to entertain distinguished guests. Luo Li came here in the name of Hunyuan Sect, so he was naturally introduced and sat in the VIP table.

Under the VIP table, various banquets were lined up to entertain the many monks from all over the world who came to celebrate. In the end, there were no banquets in the distance, but where the casual cultivators were watching the excitement.

Countless monks gathered here, it was so dark that at a glance, you couldn't see the edge!

At this time, the auspicious moment has come, and the ceremony has begun. The eight great disciples of Chongxuan Sect sat down on the stage together, and slightly released their pressure, shocking the whole audience. Suddenly, the noisy noise gradually subsided. With their full help, no one could help. People dare to speak out.

At the beginning of the ceremony, fairy music was played, teachers were thanked, three sacrifices were offered, firecrackers were set off, and there were many ceremonies. Bright illusory flower buds continued to fall from the sky, rainbow bridges were connected, fairy music was misty, and the glow was endless. From time to time, dancers turned into flying fairies and danced in the air. The white clouds are blooming and the cranes are flying. It’s a fairy scene.

This conference was really exciting, and Luo Li was fascinated by each scene, and he sighed that this time was not in vain.

The conference went very smoothly. Four hours passed in the blink of an eye without any surprises. The most critical step was soon reached, the display of the ninth-level magic weapon Liuchuan Jueyi Cangran Blade. The conference was now successfully concluded!

Suddenly, in the distant sky, a monk slowly flew up into the sky, and then in other directions, there were also monks flying up like this. Luo Li let out a sigh of relief, the troublemaker is coming!

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