Walk alone

Volume 3 Chapter 604: Iron Mining and Sky-stealing Spirit Rat Thieves! (Third update, please vote fo

Luo Li put aside everything related to the Bafang Lingbao Sect and went to the Chongxuan Mountains alone to retrieve the treasure.

Entering the Chongxuan Mountains again, Luo Li found that there were a lot less people here. The Bafang Lingbao Sect was having such a big event, and all the monks who came to play were gone. Without them, the coolie monks had no work, so it was okay to stay here. All disappeared too.

Avoiding the land of the mountain gods and other monks here, Luo Li was extremely careful and moved forward little by little!

He quietly came to the valley here. He was extremely careful along the way, and when he got here, he didn't dare to show his anger.

This is a dangerous place. Last time, I almost lost my life. Thank you to the scapegoat of Shenwei Sect for dying for me!

At this time, Luo Li still didn't know that the escaped Jindan master was also dead!

Looking at it, there is nothing unusual about it. It is extremely ordinary, but Luo Li knows that traces of the Time Iron can be found here.

In fact, Luo Li used his divine eyes to look at this place. After staring for about half an hour, he could look into the past and see into the future, and maybe he could see the time iron.

But this is completely because the birthday girl always eats arsenic and seeks death. After seeing it, Luo Li is locked by the iron of time. If there is no True Lord Nascent Soul who came to die last time, Luo Li will die when the real fire is exhausted. deal.

Luo Li took a deep breath and stretched out his hand to release Xiao Hui.

In the past few days, Xiao Hui was living in Taichu Cave, enjoying a life like a god. He only had to eat and have enough of everything. His rat body had gained weight again, and he was like a meat ball.

He appeared on the earth and smelled the smell of the earth. He looked uncomfortable and didn't want to move at all.

Luo Li looked at its butt, kicked it hard, and said:

"I spent so much effort to get a substitute for the iron sand, the Hidden Light Escape Yin Box. It will be hard for you if you let me lose my chain!"

Xiao Hui said: "Oh, one blow to the middle of the head, one to the back of the head, come on!"

It began to shake vigorously. As it shook, its fat body began to change, turning into a little mouse only three inches in size. It moved slightly, biting one in its mouth to replace the iron sand, and to hide the light. The Yin-Escape Box just jumped and disappeared in front of Luo Li's eyes in an instant!

Xiao Hui is Luo Li's spiritual pet. Luo Li silently feels what Xiao Hui is doing now, and he can feel it!

Now Xiao Hui is dancing and jumping, rushing towards the time iron where countless rays of light gather.

He jumped up and down, dodged left and right, and sometimes even took three steps back, using retreat as an advance, getting closer to the time iron little by little, never touching any time line. It was like life and death were in an instant!

This jump and shuttle is not a jump and shuttle of the body, but a kind of space-time transformation and a time shift. Xiao Hui is completely borrowing the way of time to move forward gradually!

Luo Li's heart was beating wildly as it moved forward. As long as he took a wrong step and touched the time line, Xiao Hui would immediately fly into ashes, which was very dangerous!

In the past, Luo Li and Xiao Hui thought that even if they died, it would be fine. Xiao Hui's body was in Luo Li's glass sea. But when they entered this place, they immediately discovered that under the law of time, death is death, and the law of time can be traced back to the origin. Return to the source, the above time and space, go down to the underworld, even if the body is in the glazed sea of ​​Luoli, it will be dead if it dies!

Death was right in front of him again and again, but Xiao Hui managed to get through it safely. It was so dangerous, and Luo Li was heartbroken!

Ahead was the Time Iron. Suddenly Xiao Hui jumped over the Time Iron!

At this moment, Xiao Hui replaced the time iron with the iron sand, then put it into the hidden light escape box, and then followed the other side, away from the endless time line.

When the time iron is swapped, all the time lines are stagnant, but they immediately return to normal, with no other abnormalities, and the swap is completed perfectly!

But Luo Li didn't know that Qingxu Zhenyi frowned in the Chongxuan Sect Mountain Gate, and that time was protected by him. He was slightly! slightly aware of this lag.

But now the eight major members of the Chongxuan Sect are meeting together to discuss the affairs of the Bafang Lingbao Sect. Of all the sects in the world, the experience of the Bafang Lingbao Sect is the one that the Chongxuan Sect feels the most!

Because they are all the same, one gets rich by doing business, and the other makes money by refining weapons, they are all the same fat, and the rabbit dies and the fox is sad, maybe today of Bafang Lingbao Sect is the future of Chongxuan Sect, so the Eight Great True Ones have been discussing here for three days!

Xuanxu Zhenyi just let this reaction go. This kind of reaction had appeared countless times before, so he didn't care.

At this time, Xiao Hui appeared in front of Luo Li. He hugged him again and turned into the big fat mouse, saying:

"Master, fortunately you have lived up to your command!"

Luo Li took the Hidden Light Escape Yin Box, let out a long breath, and said:

"The sky is clear, the three lights are bright, the light is bright, the time is iron! After so much hard work, I finally got it, great, great!"

Xiao Hui said: "Master, master, reward me, reward me!"

Luo Li said: "A big reward, a big reward must be given. I'll give you whatever you want!"

Xiao Hui said: "Great, I just want to eat some chrysanthemum pork, I have no other hobbies!"

Luo Li said: "Okay, you eat as hard as you can to make sure you're full and full!"

Xiao Hui immediately rolled around happily, and then he said: "Master, there is not only such a time iron here, I can also feel one in the distance!"

Luo Liyi frowned and said: "No need, it's too dangerous, no need!

No matter how good the time is, I don’t want to lose you because of him. Besides, we already have one! "

Xiao Hui shook his head and said: "Master, let's go, let's continue to take it. It's not like the old saying, those who are virtuous will live in the treasures, and those who don't take them will suffer the consequences!"

Luo Li said: "But, it's too dangerous!"

Xiao Hui said: "It's okay, it's okay!"

It doesn’t look like it used to be pushy at all, and it really wants to go!

Luo Li was stunned and said, "What's wrong with you?"

Xiao Hui said: "Master, this treasure hunt, between life and death, is a thrill that I have never experienced before. I like this thrill. It is more enjoyable than eating meat and sleeping!"

Master, let's go! "

So that's it, Xiao Hui's instinct is activated. He is a treasure hunter, and he loves treasure hunting the most!

Luo Li said: "Okay, let's go!"

They continued to move forward, and under the guidance of Xiao Hui, they came to a mountain peak. Xiao Hui escaped again and began to hunt for treasure.

After a while, I came back and got another time iron!

Everything is difficult at the beginning, but once the beginning goes well, everything else will be easy.

Xiao Hui started to take action, and in just one morning, he stole seventeen time irons!

At this time, the substitute iron sand was gone. Initially, there were only seventeen pieces of Taiyi Yuanjin obtained, and seventeen substitute iron sand were refined.

At this point, the plan to steal the time iron could only come to an end, but Luo Li became curious about how much time iron there was here!

He and Xiao Hui walked around and finally determined that there were thirty-six time irons in total!

Seeing this number, Luo Li's expression changed suddenly, he grabbed Xiao Hui and ran away immediately!

After Luo Li inspected these thirty-six time irons one by one, he immediately discovered that they existed in a strange formation. In other words, the objects that had masters at this time were arranged by Chongxuan Sect with great pains.

However, seventeen of the time irons were stolen by Luo Li. If he didn't leave and was discovered, he would definitely die! To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to Qidian (ian.awr) to vote for recommendations and monthly votes. Your support is my biggest motivation. Mobile phone users please go to mqpdan. cam reading.

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