Walk alone

Volume 3 Chapter 603: Innate Spiritual Treasure Five Elements Bead! (Chapter 2, please vote for me!)

The battle lasted for three days and three nights. News came from time to time, saying how powerful the Outer Territory Alliance was, how fierce the battle was, and how the Huixu Zhenyi who came to visit had been banished.

The Bafang Lingbao Sect had four major returning spirits, and in these three days, one by one died in battle. Finally, Luo Li heard the news that Liu Fan, the leader of the Bafang Lingbao Sect, had died in battle.

Thinking of the arrogant way he pointed at his nose in the market three days ago, it might be that he was about to die and was in a state of confusion with no thought. In less than three days, even if he was the True One of Return to the Void, the leader of a sect, and controlled countless money, he died in the end and turned into a Tao. Luo Li couldn't help but sigh.

In fact, after the first day, everyone knew that there was any coalition force. The coalition forces had been repulsed long ago. Now there are wolves eating tigers, and Xingkong Island is in complete chaos.

Not only the Return to the Void True One is robbing, countless sects around are rushing over, and the various sects in the surrounding areas are also dispatching one after another to loot. If you have a way, the wall will fall and everyone will push it, that's it. There is even a group of monks in Chongxuan Sect heading there.

Following Liu Fan's death in battle, the Hanging Island fell to the ground, causing fire from the ground to rush out, causing a shocking catastrophe in the Gaozang area. At least 80% of the young monks who had looted it in the past died.

However, the Bafang Lingbao Sect is finished. Hanging Island will become a relic like the Shenwei Sect. Countless monks will search for the Bafang Lingbao Sect in the ruins in the next thousands or even tens of thousands of years. The wealth left behind.

Luo Li couldn't help but shake his head. He didn't expect that a door that had existed for more than a million years would be shattered like this. Life is really like a dream.

He returned to Taichufang City, where all the shops were closed and their doors locked.

In the past few years, Luo Li has practiced in seclusion and been promoted to Jindan, and rarely visited Taichufang City.

In this market, the transactions of outside stalls are gradually being criticized by the shops. It can be said that Luo Li's current income comes from these shops. Now that the shops are closed, in other words, 90% of Luo Li's source of heaven and earth spiritual objects has disappeared.

It seems that we will have to live a hard life for some time in the future, and we will no longer be able to be as lavish as before!

Luo Li took stock and found that he still had 3,600 yellow-level heaven and earth spiritual objects left. Even though he could no longer squander it as hard as before, it was still a lot, enough for cultivation!

He walked to the store and couldn't help but be startled when he looked inside the store. Several of the stores were filled with countless goods.

These goods are definitely not what the store should have. They are treasures from the Bafang Lingbao Sect's treasure house. They accumulated them for countless years. Later, the sect was broken and difficult to defend. Some of them transported the treasures from the sect's treasure house here.

After careful identification, in a shop, there are all strange gourds, which are void gourds. This is a naturally generated storage magic weapon. In the past, some treasures were born from the sky and the earth during void transactions, so they could not be traded in the void. Load it into this gourd so that you can trade in the void.

The treasures put into this gourd, even if they are not born in the dimensional world, can still be transported to Taichufang City with the help of this gourd. Looking over, I saw piles of void gourds in the shop. They were all stored magic weapons, and they contained the wealth of the Bafang Spiritual Treasure Sect!

Luo Li's eyes immediately widened. He couldn't believe that there were so many treasures piled up in the shop!

Many customers in the market, like Luo Li, were all greedy when looking at the treasures. Some even tried to open the door of the shop and enter, but it was completely delusional. Even Luo Li also entered. Don't go!

Although Luo Li is the owner of Fangshi, he leases these shops to the Bafang Lingbao Sect for a hundred years. As long as the other party pays the rent, Luo Li has no way to take back the shops.

However, half of this year has passed. After half a year, if Bafang Lingbao Sect still cannot pay the rent, Luo Li will take back these shops. According to the contract, all the goods in the shops will be lost if Liu Fan cannot take them back. Belongs to Luo Li.

Luo Li couldn't help but feel hot in his heart. Liu Fan had died in the battle. Half a year later, this would all be his. No way, could it be said that pie would fall from the sky?

Luo Li took a long breath, suppressed the excitement in his heart, and began to check Taichufang City. Suddenly Luo Li was stunned!

Before his death, Liu Fan, the leader of the Bafang Lingbao Sect, returned to Taichufang City again. He activated the contract he signed with Luo Li, pressed an object into Taichufang City, and counted it as future rent. He disappeared immediately.

Less than ten years have passed since the hundred-year contract signed that year. According to the agreement, one year is equivalent to a heaven-level spiritual creature! What can be equivalent to ninety years of rent?

Luo Li returned to the central management hall of Taichufang City to check the treasures left by Liu Fan. Luo Li frowned when he saw this!

This is a fist-sized round ball, which looks like a bead. It emits red, orange, yellow, green, blue, and purple light. It seems to be hiding endless nothingness, but it explodes and is gorgeous. It can't help but emit rainbow light. That light Half virtual and half real, it caused ripples in the void, as if clouds were rising, distorting light and shadow, showing a majestic and majestic force.

Looking carefully again, I saw the flames rising inside, and the entire bead turned into a ball of flames. It was a ball of fire. Then in the fire, a thick ball burst out. Then the fireball slowly changed and turned into a ball of earth and stone. The ball exudes the meaning of endless thick earth, fire generates earth!

The thick soil reached its limit, and a sharp thought arose from it. The thick soil turned golden, with dots of golden light, sharp and unobstructed, turning into a golden ball. Then it turned again, causing ripples and pushing waves. Fainting, the ripples gradually grew, turned into rolling waves sweeping over, turned into water balls, and then the waves came, the water had stagnated, branches were sent out from the inside out, new buds sprouted, the young buds grew together, formed in an instant, combined into A lush wooden ball. Finally, the wooden ball burns and turns into a fireball again. This cycle repeats and never stops!

Luo Li was completely dumbfounded. What is this?

Fire generates earth, earth generates metal, metal generates water, water generates wood, wood generates fire, the cycle repeats over and over again.

This, this is definitely not a spiritual creature from heaven and earth. Even a heaven-level spiritual creature is not so mysterious - what on earth is this?

When Liu Fan was making the transaction, Luo Li was explaining, and Luo Li watched and couldn't help but frown!

This ball is indeed an innate spiritual treasure!

Innate Spiritual Treasure, the most powerful magic weapon recorded in countless legends. The legendary treasures that were born from heaven and earth are the spiritual treasures that existed in the world of Zhongtian Lord before heaven and earth were born.

This innate spiritual treasure is worth at least hundreds or even thousands of heaven-level spiritual objects!

At that critical moment, the battle was changing rapidly, and Liu Fan had no time to put in the heaven-level spiritual objects one by one and pay off the rent for the next ninety years, so he picked up the innate spiritual treasure and threw it over to pay the debt.

In addition, he also had another idea. According to the contract, this innate spiritual treasure was worth a lot, much higher than the rent. He could redeem it at the end of the hundred-year contract. Let Luo Li take a look now, and come back quickly when the time comes!

If he dies in battle, after a hundred years, he won’t need to redeem it, it will be given to Luo Li!

If he dies in battle, this innate spiritual treasure will definitely be obtained by powerful enemies, so if he uses this to pay for it, even if it gives Luo Li an advantage, he will not give it to those powerful enemies at an advantage.

Looking at this innate spiritual treasure, Luo Li had nothing to say. The value of this thing is immeasurable. Even the ninth-level magic weapon cannot compare with it. He hurriedly put the treasure away and hid it in the deepest part of Ten Thousand Hell Flames. , must not be leaked, otherwise you will be seeking death!

Luo Li pretended that this thing did not exist. Luo Li hypnotized himself and forgot about this thing. At least this treasure had to wait until he entered the Nascent Soul realm before he had the opportunity to study it.

Luo Li returned to the real world. Although he wanted to forget this thing in his heart, his mind was full of that innate spiritual treasure. What kind of innate spiritual treasure was this? What's the magic use of it? Liu Fan didn't say anything, and Luo Li didn't know either!

Luo Li would not ask anyone, so he had to look up the book himself. He went to the Scripture Collection Pavilion in Chongxuan Zongfang City, which was open to the public, and began to look up this treasure.

There are countless books collected in this Sutra Pavilion, including many cultivation techniques, but they require spiritual stones to purchase, and the price is very expensive. However, this is the favorite of casual cultivators, just like the coolie monk after earning spiritual stones, They all come here to buy the exercises.

Luo Li was looking for information on innate spiritual treasures. There were actually several books recording innate spiritual treasures in the Scripture Pavilion. The rent was even more expensive than the cultivation secret books, costing Luo Li ten thousand spiritual stones.

Of course, Luo Li also rented a few other books to disturb his vision.

In one of the "Historical Records of Innate Spiritual Treasures" signed by Mr. Haodang, Luo Li found the name of this innate spiritual treasure, Liuchen Lingying Taishang Zhengyi Five Elements Pearl!

This bead is extremely extraordinary. Legend has it that the heaven and earth were not yet opened. A six-dust spiritual shadow beast in the chaos was the natal divine bead. Pangu opened the sky. The beast tried to stop it, but was killed by Pangu with an axe. The bead remained. .

This bead contains the power of the five elements. No matter in the age of gods and demons, the age of divine power, or the age of immortals, this bead has been fought over by countless strong men, causing countless bloody storms.

Later, during the Wei and Jin Dynasties of the Immortal Era, this bead fell into the hands of human monks. Some people used the power of this bead to create the Yuanzhu Sect. This Yuanzhu Sect was also rampant in the sect era and was famous throughout the world.

Later, the vitality of the world changed, and the Yuanzhu Sect gradually declined. However, with this bead guarding the sect, the Yuanzhu Sect still occupies a part of the world!

Later, in another accident, the Yuanzhu Sect lost this bead, and it was completely ruined, and finally disappeared from the world!

Seeing these contents, Luo Li couldn't help but frown, Yuanzhu Sect? This person seems to have a complete set of cultivation methods of the Yuanzhu Sect, but he lacks the so-called spirit beads and cannot practice at all.

Later, he obtained the golden elixir that was equivalent to the spiritual pearl of the real person, but he already had countless more powerful techniques than Yuanzhu Sect, and he had long ignored Yuanzhu Sect's secret book. Could it be said that this was prepared by God for him?

Luo Li shook his head and said, forget it, this innate spiritual treasure Liuchen Lingying Taishang Zhengyi Five Elements Pearl, let's put it away first. Only if Liu Fan doesn't come to redeem it a hundred years later will it be his!

We will talk about this later. No matter how great the changes are in the Bafang Lingbao Sect over there, no matter how big the changes are, he still does what he should do and steals the Time Iron regardless of his own affairs!

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