Walk alone

Volume 3 Chapter 1574 It’s a good time to stay in silence!

When the black hole appeared, it was only the size of a fist at first. All things near the black hole began to beat, then flew up and were sucked into the black hole.

As more objects are sucked in, the black hole becomes bigger and bigger, the size of a bucket, the size of a millstone, and the size of a house, and its attraction is also getting bigger and bigger.

Luo Li turned around and left. He couldn't do it without leaving. He couldn't destroy this thing. He would wait until he left.

The black hole was getting bigger and bigger, and in a blink of an eye, the inner world where the Bright Moon Earth Immortal was was immediately swallowed up, and then the trial formation was also swallowed up, and finally the incomplete Haoyue World was left.

The black hole appeared, and experts immediately discovered this innate Qi Sect star field, and countless brilliance suddenly gathered here from all directions.

At this time, Luo Li had arrived at the place where the teleportation array was arranged, but the suction force of the black hole was obvious. He had difficulty walking and finally entered the teleportation array.

The teleportation array was activated immediately, and the figure flashed and disappeared.

In an instant, teleport away from here.

Then the teleportation array was immediately shattered, and the residue was absorbed by the black hole.

The black hole continued to grow larger, and the entire Bright Moon Immortal Realm began to dissipate and be absorbed by the black hole. Those brilliance flew around the black hole, immediately shining with endless fairy light.

6 Those magical arts blasted at the black hole, trying to merge with the black hole and destroy it, but the effect was not good, and the black hole became bigger and bigger.

Luo Li teleported away, and he didn't know anything about this.

Luo Li was not teleported to the intended place. The attraction of the black hole affected the teleportation.

However, he still returned to the Immortal Realm of Haoqi, flew up silently, joined the countless immortals who felt abnormal and were flying in the air, and looked at the black hole and black spots in the distance that were gradually becoming visible to the naked eye!

"How is this going?"

"I don't know. I don't know what happened?"

"That's the Bright Moon Immortal Realm, right? It seems like something big has happened!"

Countless immortals were talking about it.

Suddenly, there was a sound!

"All Xiantian Yiqi Sect disciples, return to the Immortal Mansion immediately, return to the Immortal Mansion immediately!"

"The Haoqi Realm, the Haoqi Realm, will be closed soon. It will be closed soon!"

The fairy world is closed and enters the strongest defensive state. It seems that the crisis is very big. The fairy world begins to close and defend.

Luo Li immediately returned to his cave and let out a sigh of relief. The rest was to ignore his affairs, which were the affairs of Xiantian Yiqi Sect.

He checked slowly. Harvest in the Haoyue Immortal Realm.

In the Haoyue Immortal World, Luo Li received a title. This title was a title given to the Haoyue Immortal who had gone through so much hard work and almost succeeded.

As a result, those tens of thousands of souls appeared and were unanimously grateful to Luo Li, and Luo Li got this title instead.

This title is different from Luo Li's title of Tongtian. This title is called liberation!

You can feel the existence of the title. But you can't touch them or change them.

It is a completely invisible existence, but it has powerful power.

The title of Tongtianzun made Luo Li's cultivation easier, as if he were standing on a avenue of Tongtian. The benefits are endless.

Now that he had received a title of liberation, Luo Li began to study the magical effects of this title.

As he researched, Luo Li suddenly discovered that it seemed like his own cave. Somewhat tilted.

In the distance, there was a constant loud noise.

Luo Li suddenly changed his expression. This tilt was entirely caused by the gravity of the black hole. No, could it be that the Innate Qi Sect was unable to destroy the black hole?

Something bad is going to happen now, so he won't shoot himself in the foot. If this world of majestic energy is absorbed into the black hole, he will be dead.

Just when Luo Li was depressed, suddenly, a huge force appeared in the void in the distance!

This power is as powerful as the sea or the abyss. Even the black hole is insignificant under this power.

When this power appeared in this world, Luo Li vaguely felt that countless powerful people seemed to say respectfully to the power:

"I have met Lord Tianzun!"

"Lord Tianzun, I'm sorry to trouble you!"

"Thank you Lord Tianzun for coming to this world!"

"Lord Tianzun, Lord Tianzun!"

Heavenly Lord, Heavenly Lord comes to the world!

Luo Li was stunned. The Feixian was called an Immortal in the Immortal Realm, and the Heavenly Immortal above the Feixian was called a Celestial!

An immortal has come to this world!

Earthly Immortals form a world of their own, giving birth to their own perfect fairyland.

Flying Immortals can control their own fairy world, soar through the universe, and travel to all regions, making the universe a gateway!

Immortals can create all living beings, any kind of living beings can be created!

Once you reach the realm of immortals, your true form will rarely appear, because their power is too powerful. Their appearance will completely destroy the order that affects the immortal world.

Therefore, in the fairy world, these fairy realms are headed by earth immortals and controlled by flying immortals. Those above heaven immortals are reclusive and rarely appear.

Today, there was a problem with the Xiantian Yiqi Sect, a black hole appeared, and the immortal took action.

As the immortal appeared, Luo Li felt a roar in his ears, and then the tilting feeling disappeared.

The powerful power of the Heavenly Immortal has also disappeared, and countless strong men can be heard saying:

"Congratulations to the Heavenly Lord!"

"Thank you Tianzun for saving us!"

"Congratulations to the Heavenly Lord!"

The angel takes action and the black hole disappears.

Luo Li took a long breath, okay, the matter is over!

Sure enough, things really happened.

Afterwards, although Xiantian Yiqi Sect conducted an investigation, everything disappeared under the black hole. Even the experts they invited to reshape the past and future and divine perceptions could not find out the specific reasons.

In the end, it can only be thought that it was Haoyue Earth Immortal who conducted a trial, except for problems, caused catastrophe, and left it alone.

At this point, the experiment of the Haoyue Earth Immortal was also suspended, and the Zhengping Earth Immortal who had been secretly supporting him was also punished to retreat.

The matter ended here, and Luo Li continued to practice here.

Everything has returned to normal. Now Luo Li has one purpose, which is to attack the second vision of the Xuxian realm, to be humble.

Luo Li went to Xiantian Yiqi Sect just for this reason. Since he had a void room and a white body, why couldn't he have a humble mind again.

Only in this way can he be promoted to Earth Immortal within eight hundred years, defeat that old Xiangzi, and rescue Old Man Flying.

Now the goal is clear, which is to practice.

In the blink of an eye, another year passed, and Luo Li was promoted to the ninth level of the Void Immortal!

At the ninth level of the Void Immortal, Luo Li felt that his immortal energy was increasing endlessly, the range of his Immortal Sense became wider, and his strength became stronger.

The Hunyuan Power, Yuanshi Power, Supreme Power, Chaos Power, and Moral Power under his control have all doubled, and Luo Li has gained endlessly.

After being promoted, Luo Li took a long breath, feeling his own Immortal Qi, and couldn't help but nod.

In my own cultivation, I had the basis of the inner demon trial at the beginning, which was far superior to others, and with a few more powers, I became even more powerful. Coupled with the cultivation of Xiantian Yiqi Sect, my Void Immortal Qi was far higher than that of others. Ordinary virtual immortal.

But this is not enough, not enough!

There is no maximum of this virtual immortal energy, only more. It must be more, more, more, in order to be as humble as possible.

Thinking of this, Luo Li took out an Innate Void Desolate Soul. He had a feeling that the later would not be better. It was time for him to refine the elixir! (To be continued, please search Piaotian Literature, the novel will be better and updated faster!


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