Walk alone

Volume Three Chapter 1573 Collapse, Collapse, Collapse!

Once again ready, Luo Li headed to the Bright Moon Immortal Realm.

I went here again, everything went well, and I quietly sneaked into the Bright Moon Full Sky Cold Star Returning Formation.

Just like last time, there was no sign of being discovered and he entered the trial place safely.

This trial formation was no longer functioning. Luo Li used the rock killing method to quietly break open the hidden formation eyes, and another hidden world appeared in front of him.

Luo Li entered it, and this was the real place of trial.

The whole place seemed like a hell, filled with flames, magma and poisonous gases. There seemed to be various groaning sounds, and countless existences like will-o'-the-wisps floated in the void.

On the ground, there are cages one after another, as if they were made of steel, but the steel seemed alive, like thorns.

In that cage, there were immortals locked up one by one. The steel thorns pierced into their bodies and merged with them. From time to time, real screams could be heard from them.

The screams no longer had any feeling, the hope and despair had all disappeared, only the helpless wailing remained!

When Luo Li came here, he was extremely surprised. This scene was so tragic, it was like hell on earth.

He slowly fell down, and at his feet was the prison where an immortal was. The immortal glanced at Luo Li from afar, and a look appeared in his already lifeless eyes.

He seemed to be shouting at Luo Li, but he wasn't shouting for help, but instead: "Kill me, kill me, and free me..."

Luo Li wanders here, and almost all the immortals locked here are like this. They have no love in life and only want to die!

What a hell on earth!

Luo Li gritted his teeth at this moment. There was an old man in front of him, walking slowly, holding an earthen pot in his hand. He fed the spiritual water in the earthen jar little by little to the immortal in the iron cage.

Eat this spiritual water. Those immortals who were about to die immediately jumped to life, returned to normal, and continued to accept torture.

The old man appeared very suddenly and did not give Luo Li any chance to hide. Luo Li did not make any move and could only look at him.

Looking at the old man, Luo Li was stunned. He said slowly: "Master Zhengping!"

This old man is surprisingly the Zhengping Earth Immortal who currently controls the affairs below the Earth Immortal of the Xiantian Yi Sect. The reward Luo Li received was awarded to him!

The Zhengping Earth Immortal smiled at Luo Li and said:

"I'm back. Last time, I didn't come in for a month after I came back. I'm very patient!"

Luo Li immediately knew that the last time he returned, everything was in his eyes.

Luo Li frowned. Said: "So that's it, I can't forget this place, and I'm trying my best to come back and peep. In fact, it's your fault too?"

Zhengping Earth Immortal smiled and said: "A little experiment, a little experiment!"

Then he ignored Luo Li and continued to feed the immortals in the iron cages.

After feeding a few immortals, he said: “You know what?

Among the immortals in the immortal world, the most magical immortal is not a golden immortal, a yuan immortal, or an earth immortal! But Xuxian!

Although the virtual immortal is the weakest, his immortal energy is illusory and misty. But this mist is the most magical!

Only Xuxian’s approval. Only then can the most powerful title be born.

Look at that thing, isn’t it beautiful? "

Finished. He pointed at an object in the void that looked like a bright sun.

That thing was suspended in the air. It seemed to be the core of the world, with countless will-o'-the-wisps flying around it.

Luo Li couldn't help but said: "What is this?"

Zhengping Earth Immortal said: "This is the title, I cultivated it artificially!

This will be the most powerful and greatest title. I want whatever I want!

It will help me advance to Heavenly Immortal, Yuan Immortal, Golden Immortal, and finally Daluo Hunyuan!

It's a pity that it's just one step away. This power is not enough, there is still a little less! "

Luo Li looked at that thing and couldn't help but frown!

Zhengping Earth Immortal said again: "It's very mysterious!

These virtual immortals, as long as you enslave them, squeeze them, make them suffer, and absorb the power of their pain.

With this power, you can do many things. A little Earth Immortal like me can do things that Yuan Immortals and Golden Immortals can do.

You see, I can artificially create a title, I can seduce you silently, and come and die, it's really amazing! "

There was a demonic quality in his words, and Luo Li had a feeling that this guy had gone crazy!

At this time, a virtual immortal fed by the Zhengping Earth Immortal suddenly spit at him. The Zhengping Earth Immortal did not hide at all, and let the spit spray into his face. He said:

"Does it hurt? Is it sad?

It doesn't matter. In fact, you are very happy. You have made a great contribution to this fairy world!

With your contribution, I can artificially synthesize titles, I can create countless legendary immortals, I can silently control other immortals, and I can easily be promoted to Golden Immortal!

Everything is worth it. Although you sacrificed, the fairy world will remember you in the future! "

Then he looked at Luo Li and said, "It's a pity. You had a great future, and you could win glory for our Xiantian Yi Qi Sect at the Wushuang Conference.

However, if you have to come here to die, then there is no other way, you can only die!

Join this great team and contribute your life to my great cause! "

After saying that, he grabbed Luo Li, and a hand appeared in the void and grabbed Luo Li.

Innate energy to capture!

But this is the realm of the Earthly Immortal, the authentic innate Qi capture!

Luo Li snorted coldly and said: "You, a fair immortal, use immortals to refine gods, do all kinds of evil, and heaven and earth will not tolerate it!

The great road is at the top, the great virtue is at the bottom, there is no way to transcend, death is inevitable, kill! "

Luo Li used the Great Immortal Technique to distinguish between grudges and grudges. In an instant, a strange power penetrated Luo Li and Zhengping Earth Immortal.

Zhengping Earth Immortal was stunned and said: "What is it? Why does it smell like Taoism?"

At this time, his palm had already reached in front of Luo Li!

Luo Li suddenly took action!

Great Immortal Technique to capture in one go!

With Luo Li's power of chaos, he released a burst of energy to capture, and at the same time, the power of the Earthly Immortal that made the empty room white was also injected into it!

At this moment, Luo Li was also an Earth Immortal. That burst of energy turned into a big hand of chaos grabbing at Fairy Earth Immortal.

At this moment, their big hands were equally powerful.

But in the process of Dashou flying away. Gratitude and grudges are clearly expressed and power is used to deal with enemies. If there is revenge or complaint, the big hand immediately begins to increase endlessly, and its power increases irrationally!

Boom, there was a loud noise, Zhengping Earth Immortal's big hand was suddenly crushed by Luo Li's grasp!

Then that big hand still grabbed at Zhengping Earth Immortal!

Zhengping Dixian was stunned. Said: "Damn it, this is a white room, who are you!"

But Luo Li didn't answer at all. He grabbed him and with a bang, the old man was cut into pieces by him!

However, it was meaningless. The whole world began to tumble, and the endless steel thorns began to fly.

That Zhengping Earth Immortal is this world. This is the world.

But this fairy world is the Haoyue Fairy World. It is said that the master of the fairy world has died long ago, and this fairy world has no master.

Luo Li was stunned. He looked around and said, "No, no! You, you are not Zhengping, you are the Bright Moon Earth Immortal!"

Zhengping Earth Immortal's voice sounded: "Haha, it's true, I am Haoyue, I am old, and my fairy world collapsed. I am not willing to die like this!

I am not reconciled either. Give up all your strength and start over. Practice again!

So, I started a new experiment, and Zhengping and the others turned a blind eye because they were also old. If I succeeded, they would have a way out, so they had to cooperate with me!

Boy, who are you? He actually mastered the Taoist sect's magic, but he was so useless! "

Luo Li didn't answer!

The Haoyue Earth Immortal said again: "But it doesn't matter, everything is meaningless!

In this world, I am the master, I am the rules, I am the heaven and earth. Your resistance and your silence are meaningless. You will explain honestly in a while and you can say anything! "

Luo Li shook his head and said: "No! No!"

I have always wanted to come back and visit this place. In fact, it is an old habit of mine that I will never get rid of!

People, who have great power, always want to use it, stimulate themselves, and see what use this power has!

Although, I told myself that I couldn’t use it, I had to seal it, I had to seal it, but I would always be sent here and I had to use it! "

In Luo Li's words, a powerful force appeared in him!

This power, slowly coming out, is the power of the beginning!

Great Immortal Technique, Yuanshi collapsed!

Suddenly, a long roar broke through this hell world and shot straight into the sky!

A voice so heroic that it overwhelmed the heaven and earth suddenly appeared in the minds of all the trapped immortals!

For an instant, all living creatures in this world felt shuddering!

This is an instinctive fear of life, a fear deep in the soul!

The Haoyue Earth Immortal hadn't figured out what was going on, but he saw endless brilliance rising in this world!

Glazed color, light and calm, suddenly soaring to the sky!

This brilliance is unstoppable! Just like the morning light, just like the dusk mist, the spiritual light is swirling, like smoke and fog, like breath and song!

In an instant, everything began to collapse!

No matter what you are, no matter what existence you are, everything begins to collapse, as if it has no meaning of existence, everything collapses!

The Earthly Immortal of Haoyue was shocked, and he desperately used his magic.

But no matter what magic he has, as long as he uses it, it will dissipate and break all magic!

He uses immortal treasures, uses immortal thunder, and summons immortal soldiers!

But all existences, as long as they are in this light, seem to lose the foundation of their existence, the laws collapse, they dissipate, they collapse!

The original power broke all laws, and now it has risen to the point of breaking all rules, all orders, everything must be in order to exist. In front of this law, everything dissipates and collapses!

Collapse, collapse, collapse!

Everything, nothing can exist, it all collapses! But it is like a cloud of smoke, dissipating without end!

Then, the glazed light enveloped the entire world!

The Haoyue Earth Immortal looked on stupidly, standing blankly, looking up at the glazed light, completely forgetting his own existence!

Because his earthly immortal body also began to collapse!

In this light, everything collapsed!

All the immortals in the iron cages, their siege, their bodies, everything about them also collapsed!

However, with the collapse, phantoms appeared in the ethereal place of the iron cage. Those phantoms looked at Luo Li one by one.

The will-o'-the-wisps all over the sky also began to collapse. After the collapse, phantoms also appeared. All of those phantoms looked like virtual immortals. They were also looking at Luo Li!

This is the most original immortal soul of the immortal. After the collapse of the origin and the change of restraints, they all disappeared and they appeared!

Suddenly, a phantom shouted: "Relief, relief!"

There is endless gratitude in these words!

Then all the phantoms shouted: "Relief, relief!"

Countless shadows shouted, "Relief, relief!"

"Relief, relief!"

"Relief, relief!"

As they shouted, this world, the honorific title of the Haoyue Earth Immortal who had endured so many hardships, suddenly began to change with the shouts, turning into a strange character, which was instantly injected into Luo Li's body!

That honorific was injected into Luo Li's body, and all the shadows seemed to be willing. They slowly dispersed and returned to reincarnation.

The Haoyue Earth Immortal in the distance looked at it stupidly, and then said: "How could it be, how could it be..."

Then he also turned into a stream of light, completely collapsed and dissipated!

Suddenly, a giant flag appeared in this world! Thousands of rays of light and thousands of auspicious colors exude domineering and arrogant majesty.

This majesty seems to destroy chaos and reopen heaven and earth.

Then there was a roar, the giant flag disappeared, and a black hole appeared faintly!

The black hole started out very small, began to absorb everything, and then gradually began to grow!

Luo Li immediately felt the force of attraction. He immediately turned around and ran away, heading straight for his teleportation circle.

This is the consequence of the collapse of the Yuanshi, creating a black hole!

Luo Li can't cancel this! (To be continued)

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