Walk alone

Volume 3 Chapter 1575 Looking for the stem of the Ancient Refining Soul Tree!

Luo Li held the innate virtual desolate soul in his hand.

This pill is specially used to increase the amount of immortal energy, but it has different effects on everyone.

With an innate Void Desolate Soul, some people will increase their immortal energy by 30%, others will increase it by 50%, and the most powerful one will double it!

Luo Li began to refine this elixir, swallowed the innate virtual desolate soul, and began to refine it!

This innate virtual desolate soul is an elixir, the size of a dragon's eye, with a bright golden color. Countless star vortexes are rotating in it, as if it is absorbing something all the time.

He held the elixir in his hand and swallowed it slowly.

After entering the throat, I immediately felt that a heat slowly filled my body, spreading out in all directions and filling my muscles and bones. My whole body was filled with heat. The spiritual energy in my body seemed to be boiling and began to increase endlessly!

"What a powerful medicine! All the hidden fairy energy in my body seems to have been stimulated, and it has increased by at least 30%!"

Luo Li took a long breath and shook his head. He was a little dizzy, but very comfortable, feeling like he was floating in the clouds.

Continuing to refine the medicinal power, the innate virtual desolate soul was refined bit by bit and injected into Luo Li's body, and the comfortable feeling appeared again.

The immortal energy in Luo Li's body immediately continued to increase and surge after being stimulated by this.

Forty percent, fifty percent, sixty percent...

Luo Li let out a long breath, and the elixir really left. Under the elixir, his own Void Immortal Qi had increased by 60%, and would soon reach 70%.

However, the power of the elixir was gradually exhausted, and the comfortable feeling became smaller and smaller.

Seventy percent!

It seems that by refining this innate void soul, I have increased the immortal energy by 70%. Although it is not as much as double the maximum, it is still quite a lot.

Luo Li is about to end his training, but... Vaguely, Luo Li felt that something was wrong.

There seems to be a problem. This innate virtual desolate soul still has not been used to its limit!

But. The power of the medicine has been completely dissolved, and the stimulation of the immortal energy in my body has reached its limit. This is my limit, and this should be the end of it!

However, Luo Li just felt something was wrong!

Without saying a word, he immediately stretched out his hand and took out a Great Path Questioning Mirror.

Crush lightly. The mysterious feeling brought by the Great Way to Ask the Heart Mirror began to appear.

At this moment, the world and the world have never been so clear again. Everything appears in his heart. Luo Li took a long breath and looked for what was wrong!

In a daze, Luo Li suddenly seemed to have some realization.

The key to innate virtual desolate soul lies in the word soul!

Desolate soul, desolate soul, what kind of soul is it?

This thought lasts a lifetime. With a bang, it seemed as if a hymn appeared in Luo Li's mind!

One pill and one day. One soul and one world, innately transformed into the sky, desolate soul hidden in the universe.

Somewhere in the dark, Luo Li felt a root like a big tree appearing in his heart, stretching outwards in his heart!

The roots of this big tree seem to hide endless mysteries and endless treasures.

"What is this? Is it the innate virtual and desolate soul?

I no longer know. But I had a feeling, just grab it. If I hold on to it, I will gain endless power. Be open-minded and you will succeed! "

Luo Li tried his best to grasp the roots of the big tree with all his strength.

The mind slowly sank into the body, and as Zhou Tian continued to move, time passed little by little.

Luo Li vaguely felt that the roots of the big tree stretched outside his body, and then expanded endlessly outside his body in the void of the fairy world!

With this expansion, the endless fairy energy in the fairy world slowly poured into Luo Li's body along the roots of the big tree!

Immortal energy enters from the Dingmen, passes through Baihui, crosses the Feng Mansion, then goes to the Lingtai, the Center, and down through the Ming Gate, passes through the perineum, enters the Ren Channel, and finally returns to the Qi Sea.

Then it goes from the sea of ​​qi, through the atrium, to the giant palace, then spreads through the limbs and hundreds of meridians, passes through the internal organs, and finally comes out from every pore.

Like a rushing river, the flow never ceases.

A steady stream of immortal energy was injected into Luo Li's body and became part of the immortal energy in Luo Li's body!

But this process is completely opposite to the comfort of absorbing the elixir just now, and it is very painful!

That immortal energy is the immortal energy of heaven and earth, with chaotic attributes. It is sucked into Luo Li's body and stimulates Luo Li's body like a knife cutting with a sword!

Faced with this, we can only endure it. If we cannot bear it, this rhizome will disappear!

Luo Li endured it silently. Time passed little by little. As the immortal energy was absorbed, drops of blood began to appear on Luo Li's body, and they were forced out of his pores.

This is caused by the cutting and polishing of fairy energy!

But Luo Li didn't care at all, he just absorbed it, endured it, and waited silently.

I don’t know how long it took, but the big tree-like roots slowly withered, and the desolate soul in the innate virtual desolate soul completely shattered and disappeared.

Without the roots of the big tree, the immortal energy was no longer injected, and Luo Li ended his cultivation.

Looking over, he saw Luo Li, his whole body covered with a layer of dirt and blood. He was sitting there, motionless.

After a full day and night, Luo Li slowly opened his eyes, his whole body was shaken, and with a click, the blood stains shattered.

At this moment, his body seemed to be a piece of fine iron, crystal clear, smooth and dazzling, a gentleman like jade!

At this point, Luo Li has completed his training, and he can feel the immortal energy in his body.

My eyes suddenly lit up!

Absorbing the medicinal properties of the innate Void Desolate Soul, the Void Immortal Qi in his whole body increased by 70%, and then he continued to practice. Until now, the Void Immortal Qi in his whole body is more than five times the original, far exceeding the record of double. !

And what's even more powerful is that the immortal body that absorbs immortal energy into its body and refines itself seems to be even more powerful than before.

More tenacious, more powerful!

It turned out that my body already felt saturated with immortal energy. However, now that the immortal energy had increased five times, I felt weak.

Luo Li took a long breath, felt it carefully, and immediately found that without the comfort at the beginning of refining the innate virtual desolate soul, the pain later would be simply unbearable.

Because that comfort is a kind of transformation for the body, and only this kind of transformation can withstand the subsequent sacrifices.

Maybe this is the real use of Xiantianxuhuangpo!

Luo Li finished his training and left the cave.

After walking out of the cave and walking outside, Luo Li was stunned for a moment. Looking at the scenery outside and the changes in the sky, Luo Li knew that he had been in seclusion for three years.

In the final refining, in addition to severe pain, the other thing consumed is time, which is why it is like this.

Luo Li walked out of his cave slowly. When he saw Luo Li coming out of seclusion, many of his fellow disciples immediately gathered around him.

"Junior Brother Luo Li, you are really amazing. You have been in seclusion for three years!"

"Yeah, yeah, we thought something happened to you? It's really amazing!"

"Junior brother Luo Li, don't work so hard. The so-called balance of work and rest means sharpening the knife while chopping wood. Being too hasty is not a good thing!"

Luo Li smiled and answered everyone one by one, thanking everyone for their greetings.

He ended his retreat and began to practice constantly to control his soaring immortal energy.

Only the strength that you can control is your own strength.

Three months later, Luo Li was able to fully control the skyrocketing immortal energy. On the day when he gained control, it was a matter of course, and he was promoted to the tenth level of the virtual immortal realm, the great perfection realm of the virtual immortal. (To be continued)


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