Walk alone

Volume 3 Chapter 1472: Laughing alone on a thousand peaks!

That green dragon, soaring in the sky!

It has a dragon head and a snake body, with a green body, more than 130 feet long, five claws on the four legs, scales and spines, a bloody mouth, seventy-two reverse scales, and a pair of blood-red eyes that are wide open at this moment, it Look at Luo Li hard!

Under its stirring, thousands of waves rose in the sky, and endless power gathered on the green dragon.

With his movements, Canglang Island shattered, the sea rose into the sky, and the heaven and earth repeated themselves!

Luo Li smiled leisurely, and as his thoughts moved, the brilliant power of the Supreme slowly started to rise into the sky with an awe-inspiring and irresistible momentum!

This supreme power, under Luo Li's operation, is emitted, condensed, and driven!

During this condensation process, this supreme power emits endless brilliance, including white gold, purple red, and indigo, but in the end, it has only one color!

Gradually, this supreme power turned into a color, extremely bright glazed color, almost colorless!

This is a process of condensation of power. At this point, the supreme power determines the color. Luo Li Drive is this color!

Luo Li said softly: "It seems that the Glazed Sea still has a huge influence on me!"

After saying this, he immediately went straight to the blue dragon in the sky. In the eyes of everyone on Canglang Island, they saw a brilliant beam of light moving in the sky!

A brilliant beam of light that was more than a thousand feet rose from the earth, and silently disappeared into the sky and sea with dazzling brilliance.

Suddenly, the sea seemed to be frozen under this breath. After a pause, through the layers of water curtains, you could faintly see a green dragon hovering in the sky. Under this blow, it spurted out A ball of blood.

The injured Qinglong roared and moved to avoid Luo Li!

Many Mahayana people, you look at me, I look at you, they are all speechless, that mighty blow is so powerful.

Luo Li sneered, rose into the air, and controlled the supreme power with the power of Hunyuan as the core. The supreme power turned into a bright glazed beam of light and chased after the green dragon!

The green dragon controlled by the Third Prince Long, facing Luo Li, grabbed it with its claws and roared:

"It's overwhelming!"

Boom, Luo Li was actually moved, from being close to Prince Long San to the bottom of the sea on the other side of the sea!

The Third Prince Long cast another spell: "The power is boundless, the Netherworld Sea is overwhelming!"

Then the endless sea suppressed him, as if the entire sea was pressing on him!

But Luo Li smiled. When the Third Prince Long used other spells, Luo Li might suffer a loss, but this one is so powerful that even with the overwhelming pressure of the Netherworld Sea, Luo Li can do the same!

Luo Li snorted coldly, and with a flash of light, he easily escaped from the pressure of the sea and continued straight towards Prince Long San.

Prince Long San was shocked and said again:

"All rivers return to the sea! Destroy Wuji, capture the Flying Dragon Sea Jue Shen!"

The entire sky and endless sea water fell all at once. In the sea water, the endless spiritual energy turned into green light and gathered on the green dragon's claws. Suddenly, he also rushed towards Luo Li!

This green light contains endless terrifying power. Prince Long San is full of confidence. Even if he is a virtual immortal, he can be caught to death with this catch!

Suddenly the two collided!

Instantly, they were fighting in the air!

Collision, roar, explosion!

Looking at the green dragon and the light pillar, they are just colliding, very simple, but in this collision, the two undergo endless changes.

The green dragon transformed by the Third Prince Long used all the dragon's advantages. In that moment of collision, the dragon's divine grasp was in the air, changing endlessly, clawing, tearing, crit, pushing...

In an instant, the green dragon controlled by the Third Prince Long only changed a thousand and sixty-one times!

However, the supreme power controlled by Luo Li changed a total of one thousand and seventy-three times. In an instant, Qinglong could not avoid Luo Li's attack and was hit twelve times!

Although the Qinglong Naohai is the supreme secret method of Tianlong Palace, it is infinitely weaker than the secret method of Hunyuan Sword Sect that Luo Li inherited. In addition, the green light gathered by Jueshenzhao is inferior to Luo Li's Supreme Supreme Technique. Strength, even less so,

Suddenly, the green dragon's still glaring eyes, Luo Li's Taishang Guiyi, had hit his eyes.

"Boom" Under the miraculous effect of the power of the Supreme, Qinglong was equipped with thirteen defensive magic techniques and seven layers of scales as strong as fine steel. They exploded twelve times in a row inside its head like nothing!

Boom, boom, boom!

The dragon head, which was as tall as a person, was instantly shattered into thousands of flesh and blood scales. The headless body struggled and twisted in pain, and then started from the neck downwards, exploding one after another!

Boom, boom, boom!

This hundred-foot-long green dragon suddenly turned into thousands of fragments and dispersed in all directions. The Third Prince Long, plus two Mahayana from Tianlong Palace, all died!

All this may seem simple, but in fact it is a combination of Luo Li's super combat experience, magical attack methods, and perfect air control techniques that can deliver such a peak blow.

At this time, the water waves all over the sky began to fall. Luo Li instantly followed the water waves and went straight to the people watching the fun below!

The remaining five Mahayana and many Hedao monks were still immersed in the power of Luo Li's shocking blow just now. Before they could react, their life and death were right in front of them!

In the turbulent water waves where billions of water waves suddenly fell, Luo Li, dressed in white like snow, followed the water waves falling and went straight towards the crowd!

For a moment, many monks felt that their eyes suddenly went dark, and then when they looked over, they saw only the endless bright colors between heaven and earth!

This bright light is crystal clear and moist. Under this light, everything is clearly visible in their physical bodies. Everyone is like a sculpture. The unbelievable, uncontrollable, incomprehensible and other expressions condensed on their faces , seems to be solidified into eternity in the moment of time and space.

"Boom, boom, boom", the world like glass suddenly shattered into billions of crystal light points, flying all over the sky.

In this shattering brilliance, dozens of monks immediately turned into countless fragments and shattered into pieces!

In this brilliance, only Taoist Feiyu withstood the blow!

"You, you killed the Third Prince Long of Tianlong Palace..." Taoist Fei Yu still had a look of horror on his face, and his mind seemed to have stopped for a moment.

But in his eyes, there was another bright light, rising slowly and occupying his sight!

"I-I'm going to die?!"

At this time, Taoist Feiyu had his last thought...

After killing Taoist Feiyu, Luo Li slowly fell down. On the island, the remaining monks looked at me and I looked at you.

Someone screamed and fled in all directions.

But none of them can escape. The three evil corpses and twenty-eight constellations have been arranged around them, and none of them will let go.

The twelve true spirits are not here!

Luo Li stopped taking action. He sat down slowly and began to meditate on his gains and losses in this battle, his use of spells, and his results in the battle.

Summarize, summarize, review mistakes, continue to practice, and make yourself stronger.

Only in this way, by never-ending cultivation, never being complacent, working hard, and persevering, can we go further on the great road.

After a long time, Qing Zhumei stepped onto the island and reported to Luo Lihui:

"Sect Master, all the monks, 367 of them, not one of them escaped, kill them all!"

Luo Li nodded, he stood up slowly, took out a crystal bottle, and began to cast a spell.

The remains of the monk who was killed by him and turned into thousands of fragments were actually re-condensed under Luo Li's spell and injected into the crystal bottle.

This is Luo Li's new understanding of the power of the Supreme after he was promoted to the Mahayana. These fragments are the flesh and blood essence of many monks in the Twenty-First Vehicle, Lily Road, and were collected by Luo Li.

Then Luo Li said: "This time Feiyu Sect has reached the twelve Mahayana. There are still four Mahayana within the sect. Let's go over and kill them all!"

Qingzhumei frowned and said: "Sect Master, after all, the Feiyu Sect is a member of the Zhejiang and Anhui Immortal Cultivation Council. If we go and exterminate the sect, will we offend the Zhejiang and Anhui Immortal Cultivation Council?"

Luo Li smiled and said, "They came to kill us just casually? We went to kill them to offend others?

They don't have the final say in this world, how can there be such truth!

Those who kill will always be killed!

If the Zhejiang-Anhui Immortal Cultivation Council is not convinced, then come on! I don’t mind killing another group of Mahayana! "

Qingzhumei said: "Yes, disciple, I obey!

Sect Master, in fact, as long as you give us another year, the three of us, plus the twelve true spirits, can be promoted to Mahayana. By then, our sect will not be afraid of anyone! "

Luo Li said: "Unfortunately, we don't have that time. My plan requires a lot of immortal stones. Now our Hunyuan Sect has exhausted our resources. We cannot hold back and collect the spoils of this war.

So I can only destroy the Feiyu Sect, replenish resources, and implement my plan! "

Qingzhumei immediately took action, and everyone drove the fairy boat and left here quietly.

After arriving on land, everyone continued to move forward in secret. Within half a day, they arrived at the Feiyu Sect's mountain gate.

After several years of development, the third-level sect of Feiyu Sect has built a fairy city located in the Jiudang Cliff in the Zhehao area, named Feiyu Mansion. It is one of the thirty-eight prefectures in Zhehao area!

In this battle, although the middleman also set up a magic circle to isolate the way of heaven, twelve Mahayana people died, and the Feiyu Sect also knew that the guardian immortal formation above Feiyu Mansion had been opened, and ordinary monks were no longer allowed to enter it.

However, the Feiyu Sect simply did not believe that many of its monks were destroyed by the Hunyuan Sect. After all, the Hunyuan Sect was just a small sect and did not have a single Mahayana sect.

They thought they were attacked by other enemies, or enemies from Tianlong Palace came out to disrupt the situation. Everyone in the sect was sad and angry, but no one thought that someone would attack them.

Luo Li and others came outside the fairy city. Although the power of Yuanshi claimed to break all laws, Luo Li was unable to break through the fairy city's defense.

Even after blasting away, Luo Li was half exhausted and had no strength to fight anymore.

This is an immortal mansion. The building above the dojo has been refined for thousands of years. It has endless spiritual energy defense that is difficult to break through.

But Luo Li had a way. He gently ordered the twelve true spirits who had already lurked in Feiyu Mansion to start taking action.

The strongest defense is often destroyed from within!

The outside is difficult to destroy, but the inside can be destroyed. Under Xiao Hui's leadership, as long as a few spiritual energy channels are broken, the external defense of the Immortal Mansion will immediately weaken and reveal flaws! r1152


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