Walk alone

Volume 3 Chapter 1,471 The light floating clouds cover the green dragon!

After killing the ten Mahayana who came out, Luo Li smiled and fell towards the Canglang Island.

It was dusk at this time, and in the sea and sky, there was only one sunset, slowly sinking into the sea, and its last light illuminated the heaven and earth.

On the sea surface, there are thousands of rays of light, like blood staining the sea red, as if it indicates something!

Luo Li landed on the island. Although the Canglang Sect had given up and the spiritual veins had migrated, the scenery was still picturesque, with green pines and cypresses and bluestone paved roads.

There are rows of peaches and plums on both sides of the road. Among the islands, there are endless stone buildings, bamboo houses, and blue brick and tile houses, row upon row. At the far end is a square that covers an extremely large area.

This is where the Canglang Sect's original dojo was located. Now that the dojo has disappeared, there is only this huge square that stretches out, and it seems that there is no end in sight.

Luo Li slowly fell down and headed straight for the square. At the end of the square, there was a palace, which should be a resting place for many Mahayana.

As soon as they landed, a monk shouted: "Stop, stay here, this is the territory of Feiyu Sect..."

The battle just now was too fast and the distance was too far. Many Feiyu Sect monks had no idea about the battle outside. When they saw Luo Li coming here, they actually tried to stop Luo Li.

Luo Li smiled, moved his hands, and used a burst of supreme power to easily break the man's neck. In the spray of blood, a human head rose into the sky. The man was opening his mouth to speak when he saw a flash of light in front of his eyes. He couldn't shout at all. Just when he felt strange, his body turned into pieces.

Seeing Luo Li take action, a monk immediately shouted: "Someone is attacking!"

"Someone who is not afraid of death is here!"

"There is an enemy attack!"

Luo Li was too lazy to speak to them. With a thought in his mind, a flash of supreme power came and instantly blasted the monk who roared the loudest into thousands of pieces.

The blood spray room. Everyone was stunned and in disbelief. They didn't expect that Luo Li would kill someone, and he would be so brutal!

Someone yelled: "Kill him and avenge the fifth senior brother!"

The other monks also yelled and cursed: "Looking for death!" "Kill this bitch!" "Kill him!"

Luo Li smiled and moved forward, his hands moving slightly. Those shouting monks, whether they were Hedao True Spirit or Guiyuan True Self, all fell apart and turned into thousands of fragments.

Luo Li walked slowly. He seemed to be walking very slowly, but in fact he was very fast. Every step he took took dozens of feet in an instant. Behind him, countless monks were shattered one by one, and the sky was filled with blood rain!

The blood fell and then turned into thousands of fragments. Even with the resurrection spell and the resurrection fairy treasure, under the power of this supreme being. It is also ineffective and completely dead!

Go all the way. Kill all the way and never stop.

Wherever he goes, not a blade of grass is left behind, and all living beings fear death!

Many monks were stunned, but after all, it was a third-class sect in the lower realm. There were more than a hundred Feiyu Sect monks, shouting: "Go and report to the Patriarch, there is a powerful enemy coming!"

On one side, it transformed into a Feiyu battle formation, and everyone moved the magic formation, emitting thousands of Feiyu sword energy. It turned into a wave and crashed towards Luo Li.

But Luo Li faced the sword wave and took action.

With one punch, thousands of waves collapsed and shattered!

Everyone looked horrified, and Luo Li suddenly turned them into a rain of blood, killing them all. These people had no room to fight back. Even a little resistance is impossible.

At this moment, three Mahayana received the warning and flew out of the Immortal Palace.

The leader among them has blond hair, a purple ribbon on his head, and is wearing a snow-colored Taoist robe. This man had a handsome face, a sinister smile on his lips, and his conspicuous blond hair, which gave him a strange and attractive charm. The two people behind him were also dressed in black Taoist robes, with solemn faces and shining eyes, showing the demeanor of masters.

The man raised his voice and yelled: "Jiang Huaiyuan, what are you doing? How come you've been here for so long and let people touch the island!"

Jiang Huaiyuan was the red-haired old man who was killed by Luo Li. No one believed that Luo Li could kill ten Mahayana men in such a short period of time!

Luo Li sneered and walked straight towards him.

Suddenly, a black-robed monk appeared next to the man. He was very alert, as if he could predict the danger. He immediately pulled the two of them, and in an instant, the three of them were teleported thousands of feet away.

How could the prey that was about to be obtained escape, Luo Li changed direction and immediately pursued it.

The blond Mahayana True Saint looked at Luo Li and was stunned for a moment. Then he looked into the distance and said in shock: "How is it possible! Jiang Huaiyuan and the others are all dead? Impossible!"

In an instant, he saw the truth and knew that all ten Mahayana men died!

He immediately shouted: "Prince Long San, Master Feiyu, come out quickly, no, the Hunyuan Sect is coming to kill you!"

At this time Luo Li had arrived in front of him, and the other party roared violently. The three of them cast spells at the same time, and thirty-six crystal rays of light burst out on them!

That light turned into thirty-six strange fairy flags. The flags were one foot long, with thirty-six sparkling gold stars embroidered on the triangular black flags. On the other side, countless talismans and incantations are secretly embroidered with silver threads.

This is the Xianbao Thirty-Six Tiangang Zhenhai Flag. For the life of this flag, the other party will recite the "Three Pure Purple Myrtle Tiangang Zhengfa".

"Thirty-six Tiangang, the great god king in the sky, the Seventh Chief Yuan Taijun, drive away disasters for me..."

As they chanted the incantation in a deep and clear voice, the endless immortal energy fell from the nine heavens, condensing into rays of light that seemed to be substantial, and projected on the Thirty-Six Tiangang Zhenhai Flag.

Luo Li, who rushed near them, felt his body sink, as if he had entered the sea and was as heavy as a stone.

The blond Mahayana on the other side shouted loudly: "Brother, senior, fellow Taoist, ancestor!

We just came here to earn fairy beads by messing around. We were wrong. Please give us a way out!

We promise that we will never be involved in this matter again, and we will never help Tianlong Palace again! "

The Mahayana True Saint actually begged for mercy, but did not stop in his hands. The three of them cast spells silently, gathering the nine heavenly immortal lights, and condensed them into the Thirty-Six Heavenly Gang God-Slaying Golden Sword!

As long as this sword is successfully condensed and the combined power of three people is released, with one strike, all things will change and no one can stop it. Even the Void Immortal can be killed!

But Luo Li didn't give them a chance at all. He stretched out his left fist, gathered his strength, and punched down on the condensed sea of ​​light of the Thirty-Six Tiangang Zhenhai Flags!

Following Luo Li's Primordial Power, the opponent's condensed fairy light disintegrated into little bits of black light.

The three monks looked shocked at the same time, and one of them shouted: "Help, Prince Long San, Taoist Feiyu, if you don't come..."

In an instant, the power of Yuanshi had blasted through the opponent's Thirty-Six Tiangang Zhenhai Flag, and another awe-inspiring force appeared on the bodies of the three of them!

Thousands of years of hard training, countless sacrifices of heavenly materials and earthly treasures to refine the body, even the treasures given by immortals, all were in vain. The three people were shattered into pieces under Luo Li's supreme power. It turned into pieces of flesh and blood, splashing in all directions.

Among them, some flesh and blood need to be re-coagulated, and some Mahayana saints possess the secret treasure of reincarnation and need to be resurrected.

But the flesh and blood suddenly turned into crystal color and shattered like thousands of fragments!

The Supreme One is unified, destroys all bodies, and cannot be resurrected!

Luo Li smiled. Although he instantly activated the power of the Supreme Primordial and unleashed it repeatedly, there was a sense of ease and ease with which he could do it with ease.

When dealing with three people, Luo Li didn't even frown, showing a calm and majestic demeanor of a master! At this point, I have achieved success in cultivation and have supreme mastery. All the sufferings and crises I have suffered in the past have all turned into strength!

The three people yelled for help, which worked. Boom, dozens of figures rushed out of the immortal mansion, eight of which were powerful auras, which were the remaining eight Mahayana.

They received a call for help from their companions and immediately rescued them, but they did not expect that Luo Li was too fast and killed three people!

Everyone looked at Luo Li, and one of them, an old man with white hair, stood up slowly. This man was in the middle stage of Mahayana. He shouted:

"Who is this person? Why did you kill my disciple?"

Luo Li replied with a smile: "One breath generates all kinds of magic, Hunyuan destroys the universe! Hunyuan Sect Luo Li, aren't you going to destroy my sect? I'm here!"

Following Luo Li's words, there was an indescribable confidence in him, and the eight Mahayana men immediately took a step back.

They turned their attention to one of the young monks. This man, like the white-haired old man, was also in the middle stage of the Mahayana!

The young man snorted coldly and said, "Luo Li, I am the third prince of Tianlong Palace. Do you know who you have offended?"

In the sect of Tianlong Palace, the true disciples in the sect do not take the name of true disciple, but become the prince. The first prince among them will inherit the position of the sect leader in the future.

Without waiting for Luo Li to answer, the young man said again: "You have offended my Tianlong Palace. Our Tianlong Palace is the number one sect in the lower world. Killing you is like killing an ant!"

Luo Li just smiled and looked at his hands. On his hands, he continued to gather strength!

The Third Prince Long snorted coldly, waved his hand, and twelve subordinates appeared behind him, including two Mahayana, joining them.

These twelve people had green light coming out from their bodies, and the green light continued to condense. With Prince Long San as the dragon head, the thirteen people disappeared in an instant, turning into a terrifying green dragon, flying into the sky.

"Luo Li, why don't you admit your mistake! If we don't surrender, how can we wait!" A thunderous shout rose from the sky, roaring and echoing in the air, rolling endlessly.

"If you don't let me go, how long will it take!"

This sentence resounded between heaven and earth. For a time, the whole world was filled with this sentence, as if the heaven and earth seemed to be trembling. Everyone who heard it was trembling with fear, and people suddenly felt a heart of surrender.

This is the Supreme Secret Technique of Tianlong Palace, Qinglong Naohai from the Eight Divisions of Tianlong!

With the roar of the green dragon, the sea around Canglang Island danced and turned into thousands of huge waves, emerging out of thin air!

Amidst a series of huge roars of "boom, boom, boom", the sea with a radius of hundreds of miles suddenly rolled up, and hundreds of millions of water waves formed one continuous curtain of water in the sky!

That green dragon controls the sea, a blue dragon stirs up billions of ocean tides, and takes advantage of the situation to defeat the enemy. This is the secret of the blue dragon making waves in the sea!

Luo Li looked at the flying green dragon and the endless sea, sneered, and said softly: "Ignorant child, you are seeking death!"

With a change of mind, the whole body shines brightly! (To be continued, please search Piaotian Literature. The novels will be better and updated faster!


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