Walk alone

Volume 3, Chapter 1,473: Promoted to the Fourth-Class Sect!

There was a flaw in the Immortal Mansion, and there were loopholes in the defense that was originally without any problems.

Luo Li is easy to enter.

Stepping into the Immortal Mansion, Luo Li stretched out his hand and released many of his men, and he flew up and headed straight for the four Mahayana in the Immortal Mansion.

Suddenly, Feiyu Mansion was in chaos, with shouts and fighting sounds everywhere.

The entire Feiyu Sect is about to be destroyed.

Luo Li walked slowly and headed straight for the only four remaining Mahayana of Feiyu Sect.

In his mind, he calculated how the other party would resist and how to kill them.

Those four Mahayana retreated to the last core of Feiyu Sect, the Patriarch Hall!

Luo Li walked slowly outside the Patriarch Hall and looked at the scene in the Patriarch Hall.

The four Mahayana opponents were guarding the Ancestral Master Hall, and they looked at Luo Li.

These four people, including three old men and a monk who has just entered the Mahayana realm, are all in the early stage of the Mahayana. The three tribulations of the Mahayana are extremely sad. Otherwise, those sects in the immortal world would not have made such a move, so Most of these Mahayana true saints are in the initial state.

These four people stood firm at the Ancestral Master Hall. They said they were fighting to the death, but in fact they were just waiting to die. They had no countermeasures. All the powerful Mahayana members of the Feiyu Sect had already gone to Canglang Island and were completely wiped out in one battle.

Luo Li looked at them, his heart moved, but he did not take action. The murderous intention gradually disappeared, and he said: "I∞, ww♦w. am Hunyuan Sect Luo Li!"

As soon as he said this, the four Mahayana looked at each other. They saw that the murderous intention in Luo Li gradually disappeared, as if they could escape this disaster.

No one wants to die even if he can. Suddenly an old man stood up and said:

"It seems that the sect leader and others have been wiped out?"

Luo Li said: "Yes, they all died in my hands when they came to my South China Sea area and made enemies of me!"

The old man looked at Luo Li intently. He said, "I don't know, Sect Leader Luo Li, what do you want?"

There was a glimmer of hope in his words, even if he had to pay any price, as long as he could retain the inheritance. It's victory.

Keeping the green hills, you don’t have to worry about having no firewood!

Luo Li looked at the four of them and said, "Originally, I thought of destroying your Feiyu Sect.

However, at this point I see that the four of you are either too old or too young, and I will kill the four of you without even fighting.

However, your Feiyu Sect. I am unwilling to let Hunyuan Sect go as my enemy many times, but I am unwilling to do so!

It’s really hard to choose! "

Luo Li originally planned to kill the Feiyu Sect, but when he saw it, it was no longer necessary.

The Feiyu Sect is finished, its essence is exhausted, and this sect no longer poses any threat to the Hunyuan Sect.

Although let them go now. It felt a bit like letting the tiger go back to the mountains, but Luo Li firmly believed. As time passed, no matter how powerful the Feiyu Sect became, it could not catch up with the Hunyuan Sect.

Luo Li's Hunyuan Sect is not only satisfied with the sects in the lower world, but his ideal is the sects in the fairy world, and even dominates the fairy world!

so. Luo Li no longer wanted to kill them.

There is another reason. As the saying goes, the fox is sad when the rabbit dies, so he destroyed Feiyu Sect. This Feiyu Sect has existed for tens of thousands of years, and other sects have been destroyed. Whether they are friendly or hostile, they are all very familiar. If they are destroyed by themselves, they will enter their eyes and be taboo and wary of them.

If he could destroy the Feiyu Sect but did not, and let them go, other sects would have a different attitude towards his Hunyuan Sect.

Although Luo Li didn't care about this attitude, Hunyuan Sect was in the stage of development.

In this way, Feiyu Sect can be destroyed, but they can be left alone. This not only shows his strength, but also accumulates his character. In addition, he may be able to extort some unobtainable trophies. Why not?

Thinking of this, Luo Li's murderous aura disappeared.

When the old man heard this, he understood and said: "Master Luo Li, many monks from our Feiyu Sect died in your hands, but it was a fair fight, and we have nothing to say if we die in battle!

In the future, if a powerful disciple rises in our sect, he will definitely seek revenge on you!

However, now I ask Master Luo Li to let me, Feiyu Sect, go. I, Feiyu Sect, are willing to compensate you for your losses! "

Luo Li smiled and said: "How to compensate?"

The old man said: "I am willing to dedicate everything I have in Feiyu Sect to your Excellency!"

Luo Li shook his head and said: "Even if you don't contribute, everything owned by Feiyu Sect also belongs to my Hunyuan Sect!"

The old man shook his head and said: "That's not necessarily the case. As long as I act with one thought, my Feiyu Mansion will collapse, all the immortal buildings will be shattered, and you will get nothing, sir!"

As long as you let me, Feiyu Sect, go into seclusion for three thousand years, I am willing to give my Feiyu Sect's best immortal building to you..."

Luo Li just smiled. Such a thing was still not enough!

The old man gritted his teeth and said: "Finally, I, the Feiyu Sect, are willing to transfer the Implementation Sect!"

Luo Li was stunned and asked: "What kind of sect transfer?"

The old man said: "This is the custom formed by our sects in the lower realm of the spiritual land. Our Feiyu Sect can present the sect ranking and transfer the sect.

In this way, our Feiyu Sect was suddenly reduced from a third-level sect to a fifth-level sect, which lasted for thousands of years.

As for your Hunyuan Sect, you were promoted from the fifth-level sect to the fourth-level sect all at once. In this way, if you still don’t have a virtual immortal born within three hundred years, you will be a fifth-level sect with an extra three hundred years. persistence time. "

Hearing this, Luo Li's eyes lit up. The qualifications for the lower realm sect are of great significance. The qualifications for the immortal realm to be reborn every year are very precious.

Luo Li said: "Okay, but if you do this, your Fei Yu Sect will be in danger!"

The old man smiled bitterly and said: "What's the danger? After all, our sect still has immortals in the immortal world!

They come from our Feiyu Sect and they will never change in their lifetime. Unless they die, there will be no problem with our sect qualifications! "

Luo Li nodded. Originally, Luo Li was preparing for the opponent's immortals to come to the lower world to help him in a big battle, but there were no immortals to help him at all. Luo Li asked:

"The great calamity of Feiyu Sect, why don't the immortals of your sect go down to the world to help?"

The old man gritted his teeth and said: "Why are they helping? They want our Feiyu Sect to be destroyed!

After those immortals ascended, some attached great importance to the feelings of the sect, but some simply ignored our existence, even if it is such a crisis now. They also ignored it. "

Luo Li asked curiously: "Why?"

The old man sighed and said: "Immortal world, fairy world!

In fact, the fairy world is not as good as imagined!

Immortal, Immortal, there is still a human character in it. Wherever there are people, there will be fights and grudges. Even the immortal immortals will find it difficult to escape from the secular world!

The ascended immortals from our sect in the lower realm here are called scattered immortals in that immortal world. It is said that their lives are even more miserable and difficult! "

Luo Li frowned and said, "No way. Are they immortals?

Immortals do not live forever, ride on the wind and control the universe, travel across thousands of places, ride on clouds and roar, and sing songs that last for thousands of years. Invincible from fire and water, he can eat thunder and survive calamities, and he can live forever with one elixir. Capture the dragon as a rider and use the crane as a companion. One method can transform you into hundreds of things"

The old man nodded and chanted:

"Have a taste of the Yuqing Cave. The gold slips receive the mysterious urn.

I have been traveling to heaven for a long time, traveling in the clouds and staying in Xixia.

In ordinary times, you can make light decisions and touch the stones to make music in the air.

The ancient stone altar of immortals is surrounded by moss surrounding the Qingyao bureau.

Yanggui Lingyan is purple, Yinluo is green with water.

I heard the Alchemy Sutra in another life, and the hanging spring was marked with jade.

Former Jingyu Society. It's quiet during the day. "

Then he said: "It is said that immortals used to be that kind of carefree. As long as they established their own fairyland, they could enjoy carefree happiness forever. Since then, they will never have any troubles and troubles. You have achieved great freedom!

But since the Immortal Emperor Yu Zecheng opened up the human world of all generations, countless human monks have ascended to replenish the immortals in the immortal world.

The Immortal Realm gradually became stronger, overwhelming the three thousand worlds, becoming the head of the Nine Realms, and completely controlling the way of transcendence. At this point, many Immortal Emperors ascended to the high-latitude universe. From then on, everything was different.

In the other three thousand worlds, there are countless powerful aliens, especially in the other eight realms, there are countless super beings such as Demon Lords, Taoist Lords, Underworld Emperors, Spirit Lords, etc. Seeing that the immortals in the Immortal World can transcend the universe, they are extremely jealous and have launched attacks on the Immortal World. Countless catastrophic attacks.

Although they were all defeated, in order to cope with these catastrophes and in order for the fairy world to become stronger, the fairy world changed from the era of the Lord of Creation.

Under the deliberate control of Da Luo Hunyuan Golden Immortal, the general environment began to change, and gradually the freedom and freedom were no longer there. All the immortals need to work hard and practice hard to regain freedom.

So it is said that it is darker and more complicated there than here! "

Luo Li frowned and said, "I thought that in this world, there is no pure land!"

The old man shook his head and said: "It is said that the Lord of Creation once said that the existence of living beings lies in struggle. They are born in sorrow and die in happiness. Only through struggle can life be meaningful and alive!

So he likes to create a fairy world where thousands of immortals compete and natural selection occurs! "

At this time, Xiao Hui's spiritual message came, and the Feiyu Sect's treasure house had been completely wiped out.

Luo Li said: "Okay, in that case, I will let you Feiyu Sect go in seclusion for three thousand years. If after three thousand years, you have younger disciples who become stronger, you can come and seek revenge from our Hunyuan Sect!"

However, I will only say one thing, that is asking for death! "

The four old men looked at each other. It was best not to die and to preserve the inheritance of Feiyu Sect. They saluted and said:

"Thank you, Master Luo Li, for not killing me!"

They presented a set of spiritual buildings, which are three matching spiritual buildings. One of them can produce flying feather spiritual grass, and the other can use this flying feather spiritual grass to feed a kind of flying feather silkworm, and then use this flying feather silkworm to feed flying feather silkworm. Bird with colorful feathers!

In this fairy building, one bird can be cultivated in a hundred years, and then the bird can contribute a colored feather. After picking each colored feather, it can be slightly sacrificed and refined, which will become the Feiyu Fairy Sword, intermediate level. Immortal weapon,

If you gather twelve of these flying feather feathers, you can turn them into a high-tribulation immortal weapon. If you gather one hundred and eight of them, you can turn them into a first-level immortal treasure!

It can be said that this is Feiyu Sect’s greatest asset!

In addition to this, Feiyu Sect also made a sect transfer. At this point, they became a fifth-level sect and could not recover within a thousand years, while Luo Li's Hunyuan Sect was promoted to a fourth-level sect.

At this point, Hunyuan Sect was promoted to the fourth-level sect in the lower realm!

After the war, Luo Li led his people to leave Feiyu Mansion and return to Likong Island!

A great battle immediately shocked the world!

Luo Li, the leader of the Hunyuan Sect, just entered the Mahayana. He killed the twenty-one great vehicles, almost destroyed the Feiyu Sect, and forced the Feiyu Sect to retreat.

At this moment, the entire spiritual world was shocked. Except for the Red Lotus Sect that was destroyed by the immortals, there had not been such a war here for many years.

Hunyuan Zong Luo Li's name spread throughout the world!

Countless people looked at him, countless monks came to seek refuge, and countless sects came to spy and investigate the situation.

In front of Likong Island, there was immediately a rush of traffic and countless guests arriving.

However, at this moment, Luo Li did not return to Likong Island.

After leaving Feiyu Sect, Luo Li just walked away quietly.

Luo Li headed straight for the Miao Wu region. During the last catastrophe, Gu Beichen activated thirteen powerful beings to reshape the world of spiritual land.

The identities of the thirteen powerful beings were exposed, and many of them were killed by the Barefoot Immortal. However, the demon spirit in the demon world who was the leader among them escaped and was hidden in the Jieyu Tomb in the Miao Wu region.

This is the secret that Luo Li discovered after inheriting Gu Beichen. The Earth Immortal is eyeing him covetously, and Luo Li has only one way to defeat him, and that is to reshape the world again and force him away!


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