Walk alone

Volume 3, Chapter 1466: The foundation of Hunyuan Sect!

After this reshaping of the world, the terrain and the past have changed significantly, but the general geographical location has not changed. -..-

Li Kong Island is still in the South China Sea. Everyone returns to Li Kong Island, but before that, Luo Li must first welcome back his three evil corpses and many disciples.

Luo Li silently felt that he and the three evil corpses could feel each other's presence. Then he pointed forward and said:

"Follow this direction and let's go!"

This was the reaction between him and the three evil corpses, and everyone immediately moved forward there.

In fact, the three evil corpses and the twelve true spirits are a variant of the Hunyuan Sect's Forest of Living Beings. All of them are clones of Luo Li, and each of them has its own subjective thinking.

Along the way, there are no more villages or towns, and everything made by humans has disappeared.

However, as long as a person is alive, there is no problem.

The remaining human race relied on the tools they took with them when they took refuge, and began to cut down trees, build walls, reclaim wasteland, and rebuild their homes.

Along the way, Luo Li silently experienced the battle and benefited a lot. The power of the Origin and the Power of the Supreme, all gained new insights to varying degrees. With increased strength, he could be promoted if he returned to the Hunyuan Sect. Late stage of Hedao.

After walking for two days, a group of people appeared in front of them. They were the three evil corpses. They left the celebration place with many disciples and headed this way, relying on induction to greet Luo Li and others.

Everyone gathered together and looked over. Everyone was fine and very happy.

Luo Li said: "Okay, let's return to Likong Island!"

Qingzhumei frowned and said, "Sect Master. In fact, we don't have to return to Likong Island!

As far as I know, this catastrophe. Many sects have suffered serious losses, and there are at least three second-class sects in the council. Because of the natural disaster, we can completely occupy their territory and establish power on this continent! "

As soon as he said this, everyone nodded. No one liked that island very much. This continent is still prosperous.

But Luo Li shook his head. When the Barefoot Immortal left, those words were definitely not in vain.

He said: "No, we must return to Likong Island!"

He gave the order and everyone immediately obeyed.

Everyone came to the beach together and launched the boat. Everyone boarded the boat.

The sea boat sailed towards Likong Island according to its original position.

Luo Li closed his eyes and practiced, feeling the supreme secret method of the Hunyuan Sword Sect.

The swordsmanship of the Hunyuan Sword Sect is the sword spirit technique. Each disciple of the Hunyuan Sect must choose one of the five elements and twelve original powers. Be your own fundamental strength.

Each disciple of the Hunyuan Sword Sect will rely on his own physical characteristics to cultivate the fundamental power, establish his own Hunyuan Sword Heart, and then refine his own unique Hunyuan power.

Gu Beichen's fundamental Hunyuan power. It’s True Yang!

Then use this as the basis to control the sword spirit. Absorb the power of the elements, transform the five elements of Yin and Yang into the twelve original forces into the sword. When a sword is swung out, the power of the elements in the surrounding area is gathered, or it is ice, or it is flame, or it is purple electricity. The highest state is known as "One Sword Mountain and River" "When it moves, the heaven and earth undergo seven changes." It is famous all over the world for its infinite magical power.

The real most powerful thing about the Hunyuan Sword Sect is that in the end, the power of many Hunyuan merges into one, and that is the real Hunyuan!

All the disciples of the Hunyuan Sword Sect have the same Hunyuan Power. They all have various powers and differences, just like Gu Beichen's seven Hunyuan Powers. It is unique in the world.

These seven "Hunyuan" powers are Shen Ning, An Sha, Lan Shu, True Yang, Life Source, Jin Hui, and Xue Gang!

Among the endless powers in the world, the power of true fire is far higher than that of Luo Li. Although true fire is the origin of the universe, it is still inferior to the power of Gu Beichen's seven "mixed" elements in essence.

The reason for this is that the power of the seven "mixed" elements is originally condensed and cultivated on the power of many universe origins, and the foundation is still the origin power of the universe.

However, these seven "Hunyuan" powers are far lower than Luo Li's Yuanshi, the Supreme Power!

Luo Li's Yuanshi, the supreme power, is the most powerful and ultimate power in the universe. Below this are the seven powerful powers of the universe, and then the third echelon is It is the true fire, the original power of the universe.

These seven powers, along with the crystal, are injected into Luo Li's body. As long as Luo Li practices, he can obtain them.

But Luo Li didn't rush to practice. He had the supreme power of Yuanshi, and he also found out during the battle that he could completely crush the seven kinds of "Hunyuan" power, so there was no need to cultivate these seven kinds of "Hunyuan" power.

The more he understood, the more Luo Li felt that the Hunyuan Sword Technique was broad, profound, and very powerful, but there were some parts in it that were different from the golden ones in the Seven Hunyuan Techniques of the Hunyuan Sect. Pagoda, Liuli, and Ten Thousand Hell Flames are closely related in terms of context, as if they come from the same source.

Deep down, one breath creates all things!

They have the same origin, but one is a sword cultivator and the other is a Dharma cultivator. Based on the original foundation, each takes his own path.

However, the poem title of their sect is the combination of all methods, and the "hun" element is unified. From this, we can see that the "hun" sword sect pays more attention to the application after the creation of all methods, and is more advanced than the "hun" one. Yuan Zong is far away!

It seems that Patriarch Cheng Lan taught Hun Yuanzi some of the concepts and spells of the Hun Yuan Sect.

While Luo Li was studying and thinking, the sea boat was traveling. Above the sea, it was surprisingly light and agile. The world was reshaped, and endless spiritual energy gathered in the world. Taking a breath was extremely comfortable.

Soon, the sea boat returned to Likong Island!

When they arrived here, everyone was stunned. This Likong Island has completely changed.

Likong Island is no longer what it used to be. Now it is a thousand miles in size, just like a continent.

When they boarded the island, the fishermen on the original island were very happy to see Luo Li and his team return. Hundreds of fishermen died in this catastrophe, but most of them survived.

However, without the protection of the Hun Yuan Sect, they could not survive on this island at all. They would soon be occupied by other cultivators and expelled.

Returning to Likong Island, Luo Li released the Hun Yuan Dojo. With a bang, the huge building complex appeared on this island.

Luo Li ordered: "Patrol the island carefully to see if there are any changes!"

Many disciples immediately took action and explored this newest Likong Island everywhere.

Soon the middleman came to report:

"Master, this Likong Island is a thousand miles in size. The spiritual veins in it have increased dramatically, and there are nine medium-sized spiritual veins. The others have not changed much!"

Luo Li nodded and said, "Okay! Move these nine medium-sized spiritual veins to our Hunyuan Daochang!"

In fact, the barefoot immortal could not help Luo Li too blatantly. He could only do it within the scope of the rules. These nine medium-sized spiritual veins, plus the original medium-sized spiritual veins in his Hunyuan Daochang, together, are a large spiritual vein. Even many first-class sects do not have such a spiritual vein.

In addition, Luo Li did not believe it, and there was only this benefit. He said to the middleman: "Keep looking, look more, there must be good things near our Likong Island!"

The middleman immediately obeyed the order and continued to look.

Luo Li began to practice, and thus easily broke through the Hedao realm and entered the late stage of Hedao.

As soon as he entered the late stage, Luo Li immediately found a problem. The Yuanshi Avenue and the Taishang Avenue suddenly became stronger, and the guests were bullying the host.

They actually suppressed the True Fire Avenue. His True Fire Avenue was not enough to support the operation of these two Avenues. If this continued, his cultivation would definitely have problems.

Luo Li sighed and tried to change. Change would lead to success!

It seemed that he had to come up with another way to evolve his True Fire Avenue.

Originally, Luo Li had no way, but this time, after integrating all the knowledge and experience of Gu Beichen, Luo Li gradually grasped a path.

This path was rugged and dangerous. That was to take his True Fire Avenue as the core, integrate Gu Beichen's seven 'mixed' primordial powers, return to the original, and on this basis, give birth to the real 'mixed' primordial Avenue.

'Mixed' primordial, 'mixed' primordial, this power can contain all the dimensional powers of heaven and earth in one life!

All the power of heaven and earth is within the scope of this 'mixed' primordial power. With this as the cornerstone, it can go hand in hand with Yuanshi and Taishang!

In fact, this is also the wish of Gu Beichen, the Hun Yuan Sword Sect, and countless cultivators, but they did not take the last step, because they did not have such a powerful force as Yuanshi and Taishang to push this last step.

And Luo Li can complete the ultimate dream of the Hun Yuan Sword Sect on their basis.

Luo Li breathed a sigh of relief. This plan is feasible, but it requires countless meticulous research, analysis and preparation to achieve it. However, this is dawn.

If this power is achieved, it will be equivalent to the Five Laws Holy Land in the human world. From now on, the Hun Yuan Sect in the fairy world will have its own foothold.

But it is too difficult to generate this power, too difficult!

Just when Luo Li was thinking endlessly, the middleman returned with a nervous face and whispered to Luo Li:

"Sect Master, Sect Master, I found a fairy stone vein three hundred miles away from the Sky Island!

That fairy stone vein has a rich output. Our Hun Yuan Sect has made a fortune!" Ha Xiaoshuo...--31611+dsuaahhh+27369728--\u003e


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