Walk alone

Volume 3 Chapter 1,465 It’s all right after Yan’s departure!

Luo Li gritted his teeth. It was a pity that he was just short of the last step. Chen Rumeng and Wanli Changkong didn't kill him, so he lost the opportunity. ※%

As soon as the light flashed, Luo Li fell into the light. Suddenly, he felt endless warmth, which made people feel extremely comfortable. Then he closed his eyes and fell into a deep sleep.

Not just him, all the humans who come here are in deep sleep, and those below the earthly immortals who enter this place are in eternal sleep.

After a long time, Luo Li felt his body go cold. He took a long breath and woke up immediately.

He was immediately stunned and found himself standing in the middle of a mountainous field. This mountainous land was surrounded by bamboo forests. At this time, the setting sun hung on the treetops, and the sunset glow turned red.

When the golden sunlight passed through the bamboo forest, the occasional chirping of birds would only bring a deeper sense of tranquility. Luo Li felt like he was surrounded by a lush green beauty.

The bamboo leaves trembled slightly in the wind, making a "rustling" sound.

How is this going?

Luo Li felt the world carefully, and immediately knew that this was still the ancient world of spiritual land. At this time, the reshaping of the world had been completed, everything had returned to its original state, and a new era had begun.

At this point, everything on the earth has returned to normal, but the houses and roads built by humans have disappeared, leaving a completely undeveloped scene of nature.

All races were sent back. If they were teleported away from there, they were sent back there.

Luo Li hesitated, as if he felt something. When he looked back, he saw fourteen figures not far behind Luo Li.

They are all still in a coma, it is Chen Rumeng, Wanli Sky, and the Twelve True Spirits.

Luo Li saw the dust like a dream and the sky of thousands of miles, and was about to take action. Suddenly, there was another person in front of Luo Li. Surprisingly, it is the Barefoot Immortal!

Luo Li was stunned and looked at the Barefoot Immortal. The Barefoot Immortal's face was pale, probably due to injuries, but there was a vague expression of joy.

The Barefoot Immortal looked at Luo Li and nodded slightly. Said: "You are the first one to wake up, 1,773,645,823 people. No wonder you can kill Daluo Hunyuan Golden Immortal. It is really different!"

Luo Li saluted and said, "I have seen the Barefoot Immortal!"

The Barefoot Immortal shook his head and said: "Thank you very much. Thank you for helping me bring order to the chaos and kill that Gu Beichen! Otherwise it would have been tragic. I don't know how many human beings died because of me. Thank you!"

After saying that, he bowed to Luo Li!

Because Gu Beichen and the Barefoot Immortal were injured, the teleportation could not be carried out, and many human beings lost their lives. Luo Li killed Gu Beichen and everything returned to normal, so it can be said. Luo Li indirectly saved many people.

Luo Li said: "Actually, I didn't do anything, I just didn't want to die. That Gu Beichen bullied others too much!"

The Barefoot Immortal shook his head and said: "That's right. Gu Beichen's past has been submerged in history. After this catastrophe, I checked specifically and found that only in the Yuxiao Palace of my sect. It is still vaguely preserved. His record.

However, the record is also incomplete. This man was a powerful man of the same generation as the Immortal Emperor Yu Zecheng. After ascending to the Immortal Realm, he did countless great things and dominated one side. It seems that there is an apprentice who is the Taoist companion of the Immortal Emperor.

Because of this apprentice's love entanglement, he and the Immortal Emperor fought many times, but they were defeated and never died, and he was reborn many times.

In the end, the Immortal Emperor, the Sword Emperor, and many powerful men left the Immortal World. He thought that he should dominate the Immortal World, do whatever he wanted, kill countless people, and be sealed by the Lord of Creation!

It is also said that this person is the best at seizing bodies, but he seizes too many bodies, causing the immortal soul to be confused, and finally go crazy and seek death! "

Luo Li nodded and said, "It doesn't matter. Everything in the past is meaningless. He is dead anyway!"

The Barefoot Immortal looked at Luo Li, shook his head and said: "Da Luo Hunyuan Golden Immortal is eternal and immortal!

This sentence is not false!

Otherwise, why would the Lord of Creation seal him instead of killing him? Even though you have killed him this time, maybe in the future, maybe in an unknown place, he will be resurrected. "

Hearing the news, Luo Li was shocked and said, "Can he be resurrected?"

The Barefoot Immortal nodded and said: "It will definitely be possible to resurrect, but it shouldn't be possible in the past thousand years.

I see that all the seven powers of Hunyuan that he has cultivated for thousands of years have been plundered by you. This time, his muscles and bones are broken. Without thousands of years, I am afraid it will be difficult to resurrect! "

As soon as he said this, Luo Li gently touched his forehead. There was a mark on his forehead, which was the Qiling Crystal condensed by Gu Beichen.

With this touch, the crystal shattered instantly and turned into endless consciousness, which was injected into Luo Li's mind.

These spiritual consciousnesses are all cultivation methods that Gu Beichen has practiced in his entire life, and are all secrets of the Hunyuan Sword Sect.

These secrets were quickly injected into Luo Li's mind, and every secret was as if Luo Li had mastered it with incomparable proficiency after practicing for countless years.

After all, Gu Beichen was halfway through trying to seize the body. Luo Li's body was already his body. In turn, the many spells he mastered were Luo Li's spells.

Luo Li's head hurt, his eyes were dim, and he almost fell into coma. It took him a long time to react.

Suddenly he found that beside him, there were two beauties, supporting him and looking at Luo Li tenderly and silently, extremely tenderly.

It’s just that the dust is like a dream and the sky is thousands of miles long!

When they saw Luo Li awake, they said, "I've met my lord!"

There was endless admiration and love in those eyes, and he was willing to give everything for Luo Li!

Luo Li frowned and said, "What's going on?"

The Barefoot Immortal said: "This is your fairy pet!

They were Gu Beichen's Taoist companions, but in the seal, they almost disappeared, lost their past memories, seized their bodies, and were resurrected.

But this time Gu Beichen was killed by you. They didn't take the body completely. They just had physical instincts and regarded you as the master. Because Gu Beichen took your body, he is you and you are him! "

Luo Li frowned and said, "This, this won't be a problem, right?"

The Barefoot Immortal shook his head and said: "I checked it for you and made a restriction. Don't worry, they are really serving you wholeheartedly!

If you don't like it, just one word will make them commit suicide. However, they are in the late stage of Mahayana, and they are all pure and pure. They are virgins. It is rare to find them, so think about it! "

Luo Li looked at the dust like a dream and the thousands of miles of sky!

The dust is like a dream-like long hair hanging down to her thighs, her eyebrows are picturesque, her skin is better than snow, and her aura is rich and her eyes are deep, which makes her charming even have a soft and graceful temperament that makes people love her.

She looks like a girl who has traveled thousands of miles across the sky, with a tall and well-proportioned figure, and her slightly brown skin is not absolutely delicate, but it seems to be emitting a hazy light, wild, savage, and full of vitality!

Their eyes met. In their eyes, Luo Li only saw respect, love, and loyalty. He had no other feelings. It was a pity to kill him like this!

The Barefoot Immortal looked in all directions and said: "Okay, it's almost done, all races are starting to wake up!

I have to do it all over again. I made a big mistake and can no longer serve the sect. I have to leave too!

Luo Li, you and I are destined to be here. Because of this catastrophe, I have caused a great disaster. According to the regulations, I can only leave the spiritual world and return to the sect to practice in seclusion. I can no longer help you, so you can take care of yourself! "

The Barefoot Immortal made a big mistake and could no longer control the spiritual world, so he left. But why did Luo Li feel a sense of joy in his heart?

Luo Li remembered what Gu Beichen had said. The Barefoot Immortal sitting here in this spiritual land was actually like being in prison, unable to practice at all. Now he left with guilt, but he could return to the sect to practice, so he seemed to be very happy in his heart. .

Suddenly a thought appeared in Luo Li's mind. In fact, what Gu Beichen did, injuring and trapping the Barefoot Immortal, was something the Barefoot Immortal liked to see. Did he deliberately cooperate in secret to get out of here?

But Luo Li immediately suppressed this thought. He couldn't think about it or talk about it. The other party was an Earth Immortal, so nothing happened.

Luo Li said: "Immortal, you actually want to leave here? Immortal, is there anything you need me to do? Just tell me!"

This Barefoot Immortal takes care of me countless times, openly and secretly. There is no love without reason in the world, there must be a reason.

The Barefoot Immortal looked at Luo Li and said: "Oh, originally, I really have a favor to ask of you. The reason why I guard this place is because the Dragon God Sect oppressed my Yuxiao Sect and forced me to take this position in order to hinder My practice.

In this prehistoric world of spiritual land, Tianlong Palace, the first sect in the lower realm, is actually one of the branches of the Dragon God Sect. Originally, I wanted to train you, but when the time comes, destroy this sect for me and spread your bad breath.

But now, it seems impossible, alas, what a pity! "

Sure enough, this barefoot immortal helped me so much that I asked for help.

Luo Li said: "Please rest assured, Great Immortal, I have remembered Tianlong Palace and will destroy this gate!"

The Barefoot Immortal smiled and said: "Thank you very much. You saved the people from this catastrophe and accumulated countless merits. After you go back, remember to look around and search more. Good people will be rewarded!"

After saying that, the Barefoot Immortal stepped forward and disappeared immediately.

Luo Li took a long breath and looked at his twelve true spirits. They also slowly woke up. They looked at Luo Li with joy in their eyes. They survived!

Xiaobai asked: "Father, that..."

Luo Li said: "I have already killed him!"

Suddenly they cheered!

Luo Li said: "Okay, now that the matter is over, let's return to the Hunyuan Sect! Return to the sect!"

The Twelve True Spirits were extremely happy, and they returned to the sect with Luo Li.

Suddenly, Chen Rumeng looked at Luo Li and said, "Master, Master, I, I also want to return to the sect. I wonder how the sect is doing?"

Although Chen Rumeng had been taken away from him, the memory of the spirit that had taken over the body was lost. She still inherited Chen Rumeng's memory, and the Jiuyuan Sect was still extremely important in her heart.

The same is true for the vast sky next to it.

Luo Li smiled and said, "Okay, you two should return to the sect and take a look!"

Immediately Chen Rumeng and Wanli Changkong's eyes lit up and they said: "Thank you, Lord, after the matter is settled, we will definitely return to Hunyuan Sect!"

After that, the two of them left, parted ways with Luo Li and others, and went their separate ways! (To be continued, please search Piaotian Literature, the novel will be better and updated faster!

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