Walk alone

Volume 3 Chapter 1,467 The Tao is born within the great formation!

Hearing the middleman's words, Luo Li smiled. It seemed that this was the Barefoot Immortal's gift of thanks to him. ◇↓

There is nothing more valuable than this fairy stone vein. When mined, it is fairy stone. This is hard goods and money!

Luo Li said: "Don't make any noise, we will go over quietly."

He and the middleman quietly went there, flew across the sea, and when they got there, they dived into the sea, about a hundred feet away, which is the bottom of the sea.

In a piece of coral stone, a hidden mineral vein appeared. A magic circle had been set up outside to drain out the sea water. Luo Li sneaked in. Inside, the old immortal, Qingzhumei, was mining.

Entering this mineral vein, Lao Immortal took out an ore and said:

"Sect Master, the Immortal Stone Mine can directly mine Immortal Pearls, look!"

After saying that, he slapped the ore and broke it into pieces. Inside was a large piece of fairy ore. As long as he processed it, he could get three fairy beads.

Luo Li picked up the ore, touched it in his hand, and asked, "Is there any ore that directly produces immortal stones?"

Ten thousand fairy beads are the value of one fairy stone. If a complete fairy stone can be mined, it will be a great wealth.

When asked this question, the other three people all looked helpless.

Qingzhumei said: "Sect Master, don't be too greedy. Mineral veins that can produce fairy beads are already quite good!"

The old immortal shook his head and said: "Yes, Sect Master, complete immortal stones are made by immortals condensing their own immortal energy and refining them. This vein can only produce immortal beads.

In fact, according to the records in the "Tai Lingxu Emperor Manual", it is impossible for this spiritual earth to produce fairy stone veins, which is completely contrary to common sense! "

Luo Li smiled, this was all the work of the Barefoot Immortal.

He said: "Don't worry about it. Don't disturb other people here. Just you and the Twelve True Spirits come here to mine. Thank you for your hard work!"

The three evil corpses said together: "No hard work, no hard work!"

Luo Li said: "Then let's mine, I hope that countless fairy beads can be produced here!"

The three evil corpses and the twelve true spirits were mining fairy beads here, while Luo Li returned to his sect and began to study the Hunyuan Dao!

He silently digested the various ideas of the Hunyuan Sword Sect brought by Gu Beichen. Integrate yourself and think carefully about how to create your own Hunyuan Dao.

This Hunyuan Dao is based on the Dao of True Fire. From the Dao of Fire, it rises to another level and becomes the power of Hunyuan, which can accommodate the power of all dimensions in the world.

In this way, the original power. With the power of the Supreme, there will no longer be conflicts, and it will become your own power like an arm and a finger.

It is extremely difficult to achieve this step. Luo Li's Hunyuan Power must be on the same level as the Primordial Power and the Supreme Power. Only then is it possible.

Luo Li was obsessed with deducing and calculating again and again. Study repeatedly and use all the techniques you have mastered.

The Great Way of Yuanshi, the supreme supreme, two holy scriptures, read over and over again, imagined countless times. Gradually Luo Li found a glimmer of hope.

On this day, Luo Li let out a sigh of relief. It can be said that his Hunyuan Way has been completely formed and there is a way to refine it and realize it.

At this time Luo Li discovered. Spring has passed and autumn has come, and winter is covered with snow. I have been practicing hard for a year.

Pushing open the window door, I saw nothing but snowy white outside.

In this year, the fairy stone veins have been mined, and 30 million fairy beads have been harvested, which are worth at least 3,000 fairy stones. The Hunyuan Sect suddenly became rich.

With the support of this fairy bead, Luo Li began to purchase various elixirs in the fairy world. With this support, the three evil corpses and the twelve true spirits entered the late stage of Hedao.

The twenty-eight constellations are also moving forward very quickly. They really have the potential to cultivate immortality, and they have all entered the realm of returning to the virtual world.

The other eight outer sect disciples have also made some achievements. Along with Ying Yuecheng and Zhang Shiying, all seven of them have been promoted to return to the void. Only Luo Shuiqing is still Nascent Soul and has made no progress!

In the past two years, Luo Li did not waste the five immortal realm shaping qualifications each year. The twelve true spirits all gave birth to the prototype of the immortal realm one after another.

The Xuanxian Qingsongzi was even more convinced that Luo Li was extraordinary. How could it be possible that there were so many outstanding disciples with no origins?

When the Hunyuan Sect was shaping, they all helped secretly, secretly shaping more than a dozen fairy realms in one breath.

Luo Li came out of seclusion and began to prepare to evolve the True Fire Avenue into the Hunyuan Avenue.

According to his plan, he began to arrange, using the method of Gu Beichen's memory, to lay out a Hunyuan Nine True Flying Sky Golden Tower Formation.

This large formation consumes a thousand and one fairy stones. They are all complete fairy stones. They can be exchanged for the premium price of fairy beads. This formation is used to isolate the world from the world. With the help of this formation, one can complete the evolution of his Hunyuan power.

The formation was set up and everything was ready, Luo Li waited silently.

This power of refining Hunyuan requires not only one's own efforts, but also the right time and place.

Three days passed, and Luo Li chose an auspicious day to start refining.

Immediately, the Hunyuan Dojo was opened with all its strength. In the dojo, three evil corpses and twelve true spirits were each in the formation, occupying a dangerous position. Luo Li was located in the center of the formation and began to cast spells.

Luo Li slowly released his true fire endlessly. The flames rose and condensed in the formation. The whole world seemed to be a purgatory.

Luo Li outputted real fire endlessly. When he reached the limit, he slapped himself on the forehead!

As soon as he slapped it, the seven-ling crystal on his forehead was shattered into powder, and seven of the Hunyuan powers were immediately injected into Luo Li's true fire.

Shen Ning, An Sha, Lan Qi, True Yang, Life Source, Jin Hui, Xue Gang!

The seven powers were integrated into Luo Li's true fire. In the flame, the seven colors of white, ink, blue, purple, green, gold, and blood kept flickering!

When these colors no longer flicker, and there is only one color, then it is a return to nature, belonging to Luo Li's Hunyuan Avenue and the power of Hunyuan!

Luo Li began to refine. As Luo Li refined, the three evil corpses and the twelve true spirits that occupied the fifteen formation eyes began to inject their own power into them to help Luo Li refine his own Hunyuan. Power.

However, this was not enough. Twenty-Eight Constellations also had eight outer disciples who kept throwing fairy beads into the formation as fuel to help Luo Li's true fire burn.

Soon, those colors gradually disappeared and gradually transformed into one color. This was Luo Li's Hunyuan power.

This step. The monks of the Hunyuan Sword Sect can easily do this and obtain their own Hunyuan power, but Luo Li is a step behind.

Luo Li moved slightly, releasing his original power and supreme power.

Under the collision of these two major forces, the power of Hunyuan turned into one color. It just clicks, shatters, continues to turn into thousands of colors, and is refined again.

Under the collision of the original power and the supreme power, as long as it is shattered, it means that this power cannot be compared with the original power and the supreme power. Then continue refining!

This step is the most difficult, even the Great Luo Hunyuan Golden Immortal Gu Beichen cannot do it.

Because of this kind of collision, one must be careful and use a little force. Only a strong man with the power of Yuanshi Taishang would not cooperate with Gu Beichen to do this.

To do so is to release one's own original power and let Gu Beichen control it. A strong person will be born who can overwhelm him, which is a taboo for immortals. Absolutely impossible!

In this way, every time it turned into a color, and then was smashed into pieces, Luo Li contacted seven times to practice the power of Hunyuan, but failed seven times.

This refining lasted ten days and ten nights!

But the eighteenth time. Still failed!

At this time, the faces of the twenty-eight stars outside all changed drastically. The fairy beads were gone and they could no longer support Luo Li in refining Hunyuan.

The 30 million fairy beads mined are except those for the formation. Use up all the rest.

Luo Li also changed his expression. For the nineteenth time, he didn't feel anything at all. All the fairy beads were used up. This time, the refining could be said to be a failure.

But I am really unwilling to give in. Could it be that this time, it really failed?

"No, I don't want to!"

"I don't want to fail!"

"Is this the end?"

"No, it's impossible!"

"I don't believe it. Show me the power of Hunyuan that belongs to me!"

Luo Li gathered all his strength and began to attack the power of Hunyuan for the nineteenth time. Life and death depended on this blow!

As if stimulated by Luo Li's belief, something moved in Luo Li's storage space!

It was the treasure of heaven and earth that Luo Li exchanged for in the Taichufang Market that Luo Li worked so hard to build in the human world. After entering the fairy world, this treasure was in a stagnant state. Luo Li thought he had been cheated and had even forgotten about it.

Today, it sensed Luo Li's belief and immediately activated, emitting a ray of light and injecting it into Luo Li's Hunyuan power.

This ray of light shot out, and the treasure of heaven and earth fell into stasis again.

Suddenly, all the variegated colors dissipated, and there was no more variegated color. Suddenly, the power of Hunyuan was born!

The power of this supreme treasure of heaven and earth is shown for the first time, that is, purification and preservation!

Luo Li's heart moved, and he had a feeling, it's done!

He drove the Primordial Power and the Supreme Power to bombard the Hunyuan Power. Under his two powers, the Hunyuan Power remained motionless. It was the Primordial Power and the Supreme Power of He Luo Li. Keep pace with each other!

Luo Li laughed, this is the truth!

With the emergence of this power, in the sky, endless tribulation clouds were born, and dark clouds covered the sky and sun. This was the appearance of heavenly tribulation.

It was the same as when Luo Li had mastered Yuanshi Taishang True Fire, and it was even more terrifying than the Tribulation Cloud at that time.

This is super power, the first power born in the immortal world in countless years, so the calamity clouds rise endlessly.

In that distant fairyland, countless powerful people seemed to feel something was happening on a whim, and they made assumptions one after another.

However, all their calculations came to nothing, as there seemed to be an unknown presence blocking their calculations.

The Heavenly Tribulation is condensing, and this time is not going to be so easy. This Heavenly Tribulation can be said to be extremely terrifying, destroying everything!

Because this is the birth of a power that can change the fairy world!

But Luo Li was not the same as before, he started casting spells and chanting spells!

Suddenly, the thousand and one immortal stones on the ground began to glow faintly,

During this sacrifice, these fairy stones have dimmed countless times, and now they give off their final light.

How could the immortal formation that was set up at such a high cost be in vain?

Hunyuan Jiuzhen Feixiao Golden Tower Formation is activated! (To be continued, please search Piaotian Literature, the novel will be better and updated faster!

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