Walk alone

Volume 3 Chapter 1,464 The First Opening of Hunyuan Qi!

Gu Beichen looked at Luo Li with a smile on his face and said: "Little guy, where are we going? You can't escape this time. The more I see you, the more I like you. Don't hurt my future immortal body!"

Luo Li snorted coldly, jumped up, exploded all his strength, and rushed towards Gu Beichen.

Gu Beichen shook his head and said: "It's useless, it's useless, it's pointless to fight even though the beast is trapped!"

Luo Li shouted: "Really? Go to hell!"

The two fought, and at the same time, earthquakes and tsunamis began to occur throughout the entire spiritual world. This was the reshaping of the world in the spiritual world, which had happened countless times before.

But at that time, all mortals in this world will be moved out of this world. But this time, the Barefoot Immortal was attacked by Gu Beichen, and this step was not started.

All mortals have not moved out of the wild world of spiritual earth. In this natural disaster, many mortals died immediately.

Houses collapsed, landslides and ground cracked. Ordinary mortals could not withstand such a catastrophe, and a large number of people died.

Only fairy cities like Xiang Tai'an Mansion can play a role in protecting all living beings and resisting catastrophes at this critical moment.

In addition, among the thirteen demon spirits and other beings that were discovered, when they saw the world being reshaped, the human race was not sent away this time. Some of them were overjoyed and started killing people.

They are hiding here because they all hate the human race. If they have this opportunity, they will kill endlessly.

¢↑, ww☆w. Facing them, even a fairy city like Tai'an Mansion cannot stop them. The sects will be destroyed and die immediately.

At this time, Luo Li couldn't care so much. He was fighting Gu Beichen desperately, using all his strength to fight to the death.

After fighting for a full quarter of an hour, Gu Beichen frowned and looked into the distance and said, "Time is running out. No more!"

After saying that, twelve wings suddenly rose up on him!

These wings are like purple flames, containing endless masculine power.

This power is like an ocean or an abyss. Terrible.

Luo Li immediately used his Primordial Power to resist, but found that the power was too great, too strong. His Primordial Power could destroy part of this Purple Sun Power, but another Purple Sun Power appeared immediately to supplement it. !

Gu Beichen said: "This is my main Hunyuan Power when I was a mortal. True Yang!

Among the nine yangs, it is the highest power, the limit of yang, and the ultimate power!

Entering the Immortal Realm requires countless years of cultivation!

Although it cannot compare with your original power, it is sufficient and powerful, and can defeat your quality with quantity. Crush you to death! "

The power of the True Yang suppressed Luo Li tightly. Gradually, the original power in Luo Li's body was exhausted under the suppression of the power of the True Yang. It was truly exhausted, and there was no trace left!

Gu Beichen said: "I caught you!"

He fell down little by little, with twelve wings. Force Luo Li little by little!

In an instant, the power of the True Yang locked Luo Li, and he suddenly took action, the God-Destroying Soul-Breaking Hunyuan Thorn, which was about to beat Luo Li to pieces!

This step. This was also what Luo Li was most worried about. He used all his soul to use the Chongsheng Heart Art, a life-and-death confrontation, and the opponent's soul-dispelling method.

Luo Li gritted his teeth. He knew that he would definitely be injured and maybe die, but he could only win!

But beyond his expectation, nothing happened with the God-Destroying Soul-Breaking Hunyuan Thorn. Luo Li was stunned, and Gu Beichen was also stunned.

Gu Beichen said in surprise: "How is it possible! Xuanyuan Sword Sect? The great divine telepathy that penetrates the sky and the earth and penetrates the air!"

At this moment, Gu Beichen was surprised, and Luo Li immediately discovered a turning point. Although this turning point was not in his plan, the opportunity came.

Luo Li roared and released Pangu's world-destroying ax!

When the ax was released, a sharp ax made of magma flew out of Luo Li's body. The ax was a short axe, only one foot in size, and looked ordinary.

"Destroy, destroy, destroy, destroy, destroy, destroy, destroy, destroy, destroy, destroy, destroy, destroy, destroy, destroy, destroy, destroy..."

It was too close, this ax hit Gu Beichen exactly.

Gu Beichen showed a surprised expression and wanted to say something, but his body began to shatter!

Luo Li looked happy, he had won!

But at this moment, a green light rose between heaven and earth, immediately surrounding Gu Beichen's broken body, and Gu Beichen's body recovered automatically.

Gu Beichen looked at Luo Li and said, "It's so dangerous. Fortunately, I have a source of life. The power of life will last forever..."

This guy has been trapped for too long and talks too much.

Luo Li rushed up in an instant. The original power had been used up, so he exploded with the supreme power and blasted wildly!

Under the Supreme Reunion, Gu Beichen's newly restored body was immediately shattered again.

Gu Beichen frowned, stretched out his hand to block it, and a golden light appeared in front of him.

But Luo Li punched, Taishang returned to one, breaking all bodies. Although this golden light was a magic, Luo Li couldn't control that much, so he used all his strength!

Boom, boom, boom...

Dozens of punches were fired instantly, and boom, the golden light shattered.

But at this time Gu Beichen had fully recovered, and he shouted:

"My Jin Hu, how is this possible!

I don’t believe it! "

A stream of blood arose on his body, which contained endless strength, and it should be directed towards Luo Li!

He shouted: "This is the Blood Gang, the original blood energy. The true Gang is invincible. Among the thousands of Gang Qi, he is the strongest. With this Gang Qi, I defeated the three great Luo Hunyuan Golden Immortals. I don't believe it..."

The iron fists of Xuegang and Luo Li began to collide, boom, boom, boom!

Luo Li used all his strength, and under countless heavy blows, with one sudden blow, Gu Beichen's Blood Gang shattered.

Gu Beichen revealed his true form, but at this moment, Luo Li's supreme power was exhausted.

At this moment, Luo Li roared, and with one breath, the real fire spurted out, turning into a flame and burning Gu Beichen.

But Gu Beichen's body flashed with blood, and the real fire was extinguished. He looked at Luo Li, shook his head and said:

"Although this power of true fire is the origin of the universe, it is no better than my seven powers of Hunyuan. Now you must be completely honest!"

Luo Li suddenly fell down, and there was no strength left in his whole body. Although this battle was short, Luo Li exerted all his strength. I tried my best.

As long as Luo Li is given some time, he can regain his strength from his own path, but Gu Beichen will not give Luo Li a chance. In his hand, the green life source flashes. Turned into a chain and locked Luo Li.

The life source chain appeared, and all of Luo Li's newly recovered strength was drained away from the Great Avenue of Heaven and Earth.

Gu Beichen said: "Okay, okay, since I can't disperse your soul, there is only one way to take it away by force!

fortunately. I have experience!

They all said that I had taken too many bodies, so I was crazy. In fact, they were jealous. In the fairy world, I should be considered the number one in this world! "

After saying that, Gu Beichen's whole body was shaken, and the flesh and blood all over his body immediately condensed together, taking away Wei Bufan's body. Immediately collapse, all the flesh and blood power. Gathered in the air and turned into a seven-sided crystal.

This seven-sided crystal, seven prisms, each has a color, which are white, ink, blue, purple, green, gold, and blood!

Representing the seven powers of Hunyuan cultivated by Gu Beichen, they are Shen Ning, An Sha, Lan Xi, True Yang, Life Source, Jin Hui, and Xue Gang!

The crystal slowly moved towards Luo Li's head. Luo Li seemed to be resigned to his fate and remained motionless. The crystal was immediately injected into the center of Luo Li's eyebrows and integrated into Luo Li's mind.

Just half integrated, Luo Li suddenly smiled and said, "I caught you!"

Suddenly his body trembled. The badge that was swallowed into the stomach was immediately brought from the stomach to the mouth.

This is not any magic. It is one of the Seven Killing Sect Tunhaizang Jujutsu that Luo Li practiced in Yinzhou Continent, and one of the auxiliary secrets of Tianjue Killing Hall. Mortals can practice it. Luo Li relied on this method back then. In Yinzhou Continent, the best blood crystal stone was brought out.

Unexpectedly, time flies, and many years later, Luo Li, who has become a true spirit of Hedao, will still rely on this most primitive secret method to change his life.

When the badge came into Luo Li's mouth, Luo Li bit it fiercely and with a click, bit the badge into pieces.

The badge shattered, and the original power within it suddenly exploded, spreading all over Luo Li's body like a torrent.

Luo Li just didn't leave any strength behind and used it all deliberately. If not, how could Gu Beichen seize the body with such peace of mind?

Under the power of this Primordial, the life source chain that trapped Luo Li was shattered into pieces, and Gu Beichen's body seizing power had just been activated, but it had not yet taken effect, so it was shattered!

Gu Beichen suddenly screamed: "No!"

The spell was destroyed, but at this moment he had no body, just a crystal possessed soul, which was when he was at his weakest.

The crystal was about to break away from Luo Li's head and escape to the fourteen light balls in the distance. Luo Li held down the crystal and said:

"Now that you're here, don't leave!"

Under the power of Yuanshi in Luo Li's hand, the crystal suddenly became unable to move and fell on Luo Li's eyebrows, like a mark.

Suddenly, a spiritual light flew out of the crystal and flew to fourteen light balls in the distance. As long as it got there, it could start all over again.

But Luo Li shook his head and said, "Dream!"

He stretched out his hand and grabbed the aura. Under the power of Yuanshi, the aura immediately became unstable!

Gu Beichen yelled at that spiritual light: "Bastard, bastard, but boy, don't think that I have failed. I am Daluo Hunyuan Golden Immortal. I am immortal. I have escaped from the prison and will never die. I will never die." …”

Luo Li squeezed hard, and there was a click. Under the power of Yuanshi, Gu Beichen's aura was instantly shattered.

Luo Li gasped and said, "Maybe, but now, you are dead!"

At this point, the Great Luo Hunyuan Golden Immortal was shattered, and his life was filled with successes and failures.

Luo Li didn't believe that this guy was immortal. Gu Beichen had just come out of the prison, so even if he had the means of immortality, he had no chance to use it.

However, Luo Li looked at the fourteen light balls. The dust in them was like a dream and the sky was thousands of miles away, and they must be destroyed.

Who knows, there might be some backup plan left by Gu Beichen there.

Just as Luo Li was about to take action, suddenly a voice came from the identity plate. It was the Barefoot Immortal, extremely weak:

"Emergency, emergency, the world is reshaped, the world is reshaped. Teleport immediately, evacuate..."

Gu Beichen died and the Barefoot Immortal recovered. Following his words, Luo Li felt a flash in front of his eyes. The next moment, he had left the spiritual world and saw countless humans around him, flying towards a ball of light!


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