Walk alone

Volume 3 Chapter 1,460 Who is the master of Hunyuan Immortal Palace!

Luo Li is the True Fire Avenue. When he arrived here, he immediately attracted the resonance of heaven and earth, as if the world was celebrating Luo Li's arrival!

But this way of celebrating is wrong.

Countless fire spirits appeared, and they went straight to Luo Li, wanting to kill him and snatch his fire source.

These fire spirits swarmed and went straight to Luo Li, but others thought they were stopping them.

Suddenly, Wei Bufan of the Yulong Sect and Huang Yuliang of the Dragon and Tiger Sect were a little overwhelmed. They shouted: "Everyone, take action. There are too many fire spirits this time. We can't stop them!"

Hearing the call for help, everyone immediately took action. The seven late-stage Mahayana took action, and those fire spirits were immediately killed one by one.

But more fire spirits rose in the magma. The seal time was too long. Without the endless operation of the five elements, the sealed world was about to collapse. Now the only chance is to seize Luo Li's fire source and prolong the life of their own world.

Those fire spirits rose up, and the seven Mahayana realms suddenly began to have difficulty. Mr. Xinyi let out a long breath and said, "With one heart and one mind, shine my light!"

In front of him, a palace lantern rose!

This is Mr. Xinyi's natal magic lamp. Every cultivator of the Xinyi Sect has such a heart lamp.

Under the light, Luo Li and others suddenly felt the birth of endless power in their bodies, while the fire spirits on the opposite side began to weaken and extinguish.

Seeing Mr. Xinyi use his natal magic weapon, the other few people began to attack.

Seven dragons and eight tigers rose from Huang Yuliang's body, and fifteen true spiritual energy forces, each of which had strength not weaker than the Mahayana realm. They flew up and swept across many fire spirits.

Wei Bufan of the Yulong Sect gently attacked, and the fire spirit he hit immediately had a spiritual light of a spirit fish in its body, and then it became infinitely larger and turned into a real dragon, exploding and destroying inside the fire spirit.

Wangu Changkong released a huge golden beast, merged with this beast, and turned into a golden giant, sweeping across the fire spirit.

Zhan Feiyu of Tianjia Sect put on golden armor for everyone, and once the golden armor came out, it was invulnerable to swords and spears.

Gou Yu Sanren of Dafan Sect took out a fairy treasure similar to a palace, sucked the fire spirits into the palace one by one, and then the fire spirits immediately extinguished.

The seven people attacked with all their strength, and those fire spirits could not stop them at all. They immediately rushed to the entrance of the fourth-level ruins, and then everyone entered.

After entering, many fire spirits rushed there and wanted to chase and kill them. The entrance of the ruins suddenly changed, as if it turned into a huge mouth, and swallowed all the fire spirits immediately.

With the death of these fire spirits, the entire flame world seemed to begin to dim. In order to seize Luo Li's true source of fire, this fire world immediately unleashed its potential and erupted countless fire spirits. As a result, some were killed and some were eaten, and the source was seriously depleted.

The whole world began to silently turn black, the magma was extinguished, and then the world collapsed!

All this, Luo Li and others didn't know at all, they came to the fourth floor!

This place is kept quite neat, unlike the first three layers which lost control. It is a typical Xian Qin ruins.

When they arrived here, the seven Mahayana monks on the other side all breathed a sigh of relief.

Mr. Xinyi said: "Okay, please ask fellow Daoist Luo Li to open the entrance to the fourth layer!"

Dafanmen Gouyu Sanren said: "Wait a minute, you have studied the ancestor's gift along the way.

Chen Rumeng and I haven't studied it yet!"

Mr. Xinyi and others looked at each other, and he said: "Only a quarter of an hour! Otherwise, when the celebration over there is over, we will all be sent out of here!"

He didn't know that the three layers of ruins above collapsed and would never be sent out again.

Dafanmen Gouyu Sanren said happily: "Good, good, good!"

He and Chen Rumeng began to check the immortal patterns in the Xian Qin ruins.

It was here that Dafanmen and Jiuyuan Sect were born.

A quarter of an hour, anyway, it was okay, Luo Li also looked at it for a while.

After looking at it for a few times, Luo Li was stunned. This immortal pattern seemed very familiar?

The immortal pattern technique of the Shenwei Sect seemed to be able to interpret these immortal patterns.

Luo Li tried to interpret:

"Great, Daluo, Golden Immortal, seal...seal!

Cannot, release..., dangerous...


Wu Chen...'

Luo Li identified it bit by bit, and at this moment, Mr. Xinyi said: "Okay, time is up, Daoist Luo Li, please open the gate of the ruins!"

Gou Yu Sanren and Chen Rumeng looked unwilling, but it was the only way.

Luo Li came to the gate of the Xian Qin ruins, gently touched the door, and immediately sent a divine thought!

"Ding ding ding, ding ding, to open... the gate, please show the title of Xian Qin, must be above the eighth-level free marquis!"

Luo Li stretched out his hand and touched it calmly, but the gate of Xian Qin did not move at all!

Luo Li was stunned and said: "I am the commander-in-chief of the Earth Fire Dragon of the Xian Qin Empire, the seventh-level free marquis, Luo Li, please open the gate! "

But the door still didn't move!

All of the people behind Luo Li looked at each other with gloomy faces. They came here in vain because they couldn't open the door at all.

One of them looked at Luo Li with a dark look. There was a premise for the oath at that time, which was to open the door. If it couldn't be opened, it would be another matter.

Luo Li frowned and tried again, but still couldn't open it. What was going on?

Suddenly, Luo Li had an idea and knew what was going on. This was a relic that had completely lost contact with the outside world. Maybe it was because of his title that the other party couldn't recognize it?

There was only one way. Luo Li let out a long breath and silently cast a spell. The Xian Qin Immortal Seal made that year slowly appeared!

Luo Li took the seal and pressed it on the gate!

As soon as the seal was pressed, a voice came from the gate:

"Ding ding ding, confirming the identity, Xian Qin Empire's seventh-class Xiaoyao Hou Luo Li, may I ask if you will open the gate of..., please confirm?"

When the name of this place was mentioned, for some reason there seemed to be a noise, and it was not heard clearly twice.

Luo Li nodded and said, "Open!"

Suddenly, the gate of the Xian Qin Ruins opened with a boom.

The seven Mahayana outside were all extremely excited.

Their sect was outside, and they obtained the supreme secret method, which promoted the sect to the first-class sect. Now that the ruins were opened, what was in the ruins was unimaginable.

Huang Yuliang rushed in and wanted to be the first to enter, but Gou Yu Sanren squeezed him and pushed him away. He wanted to rush in first.

However, they were slow, and Mr. Xinyi rushed in first.

Then the other six people rushed in. Seeing their attitudes and postures, Luo Li walked in and was the last one to enter.

Entering the Xian Qin Ruins, I saw that it was extremely huge and had endless palaces.

The palace in the distance was majestic and magnificent, and the names on the plaques could be seen faintly!

"Xiandan Pavilion", "Xianbao Palace", "Zangjing Pavilion", "Trial Daotai"...

Seeing those palaces, there should be endless wealth in them, and all the Mahayana were crazy and rushed straight in.

Suddenly, a person appeared at the gate!

This person sat at the entrance of the Xian Qin Ruins, blocking everyone's way!

This person was a young Taoist priest, wearing a free and easy scarf on his head, a plain Taoist robe, and a magic sword hanging from his waist. His eyes were bright, his spirit was clear, and he had the posture of a crane out of the world.

In front of and behind him, there were two kitten-like spirit beasts, half virtual and half illusory, flying around him!

Seeing this person, everyone was stunned. How could there be someone else in this ruins?

That person seemed to be brewing tea and drinking water. Seeing everyone, he didn't care at all. His movements were smooth and he was very optimistic!

In front of him, everyone didn't know why, and they all dared not move!

Although this person looked like a mortal, he had a kind of aura that made people awed.

This person drank the spiritual tea slowly, looked at everyone, and said; "Private, empty,, one, up, house..."

Everyone was stunned, what did he say?

Mr. Xinyi asked tentatively: "This Taoist friend, what did you say?"

The immortal let out a long breath and said: "It's been a long time, no, talking!"

The words were spoken word by word, very stiff!

But the back immediately became fluent!

"It's been a long time since I saw a human cultivator. It's been 35 million years!

It's been a long time!"

Everyone was shocked. This person actually existed for 35 million years!

The immortal said again: "I am the guardian spirit of this place. Congratulations, you have come to Hunyuan Immortal Palace. According to the rules, you have inherited my Hunyuan Immortal Palace qualification and become the master of Hunyuan Immortal Palace!"

Everyone understood at once that it was a spirit, not a person. I thought, how could it exist for so long!

When they heard him talking about Hunyuan Immortal Palace, they were speechless at first, and then looked at Luo Li together.

The immortal was stunned and said, "You don't know Hunyuan Immortal Palace?"

Everyone shook their heads together!

The immortal's face changed and said, "There is no Hunyuan Sword Sect in the fairy world?"

Everyone nodded, and Mr. Xinyi said, "Yes, senior, there is no Hunyuan Sword Sect in the fairy world, whether it is the upper, middle or lower sects in the fairy world, or the lower world sects!"

Hearing this, the immortal closed his eyes, as if he was sad!

Seeing him like this, Huang Yuliang hurriedly said:

"It's not that there is no Hunyuan Sword Sect, isn't this the leader of Hunyuan Sect?"

After speaking, he pointed at Luo Li!

The immortal immediately looked at Luo Li, who clasped his fists and said, "One Qi creates all things, Hunyuan breaks the universe, Hunyuan Sect Luo Li pays homage to the senior?"

The immortal frowned and said, "All things combine, Hunyuan returns to one."

Luo Li had never heard of this sentence, and the man shook his head and said, "Yuanshi Shangqing, Taishang returns to one? It seems that this Hunyuan is not that Hunyuan!"

Then he looked at everyone and said, "Okay, everyone, come on, take the last test. As long as you pass it, this Xianqin ruins, Hunyuan Palace, will be yours!"

After speaking, he stretched out his hand, and an iron chain appeared, saying, "Whoever can cut this iron chain can be the first to enter Hunyuan Palace and become the master of Hunyuan!"

After his words, everyone was overjoyed and took action one after another, wanting to refine the iron chain.

But Luo Li did not take action. For some reason, when he arrived here, he felt something was wrong. The opposite palace was magnificent, but it looked so fake!

The immortal had an immortal style, but Luo Li felt that he seemed to be a prisoner! r1152


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